Shawn Yue

Shawn Yue

Nacimiento : 1981-11-13, Hong Kong, China


Shawn Yue Man-lok is a Hong Kong actor and singer. He started out as a model and made his first movie appearance in an independent film called Leaving Sorrowfully in 2001. Yu first gained popularity in Taiwan with the television series Tomorrow and subsequently played supporting roles in high profile films such as Infernal Affairs II and Initial D. The actor is known for his leading roles in Pang Ho-cheung's "Love in the Puff" series.


Shawn Yue


Monster Run
Meng Ge
Siempre han existido algunas cosas raras, crees que es una coincidencia, o inventas una razón para hacerlo razonable, de hecho, porque no quieres admitir. Al final de la temporada, fue considerada un caso atípico porque podía ver monstruos, hasta que un día volvió a verlos en el supermercado donde trabajaba y por arte de magia conoció a Monster Hunter-Brother Meng. Descubrió que realmente había monstruos en el mundo y los dos jóvenes estaban involucrados en una nueva tormenta.
The Brink
El detective Tung está decidido a atrapar al contrabandista Shing cueste lo que cueste. La persecución lo lleva hasta un crucero con casino, donde las luchas de poder internas entre criminales pondrán a prueba tanto al policía como al criminal. Una situación límite que The Brink explota con espectacularidad.
Wu Kong
Erlang Shen
Es una película china de acción de fantasía de 2017 dirigida por Derek Kwok y producida por Huang Jianxin, protagonizada por Eddie Peng en el papel protagonista junto a Ni Ni, Shawn Yue, Oho Ou y Zheng Shuang. Se basa en una popular novela de Internet titulada Wukong Biography escrita por Jin Hezai.
Love Off the Cuff
Shawn Yue and Miriam Yeung reprise their popular roles as a star-crossed couple who strive to stay together happily ever after, only to find their already precarious relationship further strained, when Jimmy’s childhood friend asks him to donate sperm, and Cherie is troubled by the re-marriage of her father.
Mad World
An absentee father and his bipolar son are forced to live together as they struggle with a recent family tragedy. The tension and anxiety boil as they live and try to cope in a tiny apartment. As time passes, they realize their shared pain is not their only source of grief, as they find the outside world is a cruel and unjust place.
El Guardián de la Oscuridad
Lau Kong
Inteligente exorcista Fatt tiene un método único de tratar con espíritus vengativos: Negocia con ellos y les convence para dejar de lado sus rencores. Después de grabaciones de sus exorcismos en virales, Fatt atrae las atenciones de un espíritu asesino que ha dirigido los medios, así como un reportero molesto que toma gran interés en Fatt y su estrecha relación con un espíritu femenino.
Wild City
Kwok Sui-Chung
Cuando un antiguo policía, reconvertido en dueño de bar, traba amistad con una borracha a la hora de cerrar, poco podría imaginarse que se convertirían en el objetivo del antiguo amante de ella, un poderoso abogado de Hong Kong, y de los matones que contrata.
Agentes surcoreanos han de trabajar junto a la policía de Hong Kong para intentar detener la venta a un grupo organizado de un devastador explosivo sustraido de un accidente aereo.
From Vegas to Macau II, (Dou sing fung wan II)
Una mujer controla una organización delictiva cuyos cuarteles centrales están dentro de un enorme avión en pleno vuelo. Mark, un contable de dicha organización, escapa llevándose consigo la información de una importante suma de dinero oculto. Buscado por la interpol y las triadas, terminará formando equipo con Ken.
Qiao Li
The happy lives of three best friends from school are brutally upended when Hei (Ivy Chen) breaks up with her fiancé (Wallace Chung). High flyer Kimmy (Fiona Sit) and director May (Yang Zishan) close ranks to help a devastated Hei move on, but she clings to her old feelings despite meeting a highly eligible prospect (Shawn Yue). Whilst May considers leaving the film set to travel the world with a free spirited musician (Vanness Wu); rivalry over the same guy threatens to tear Kimmy and May apart. An unexpected, shocking incident provides a climactic test. Can the girls keep their friendship together?
Ching atraviesa una crisis vital, agravada por el hecho de que su marido la engaña con una joven. El hermano de Ching cree vivir con menos problemas, pero lo cierto es que está obsesionado con la belleza y esto es un lastre para su esposa, una modelo que comienza a envejecer. Ambos mantienen una fría relación con su padre. Humor negro y fantasía salpican esta oscura radiografía de la familia.
Golden Chickensss
Nerd Whoremaster with body odor
A través de los ojos de una prostituta fea que tiene que echar mano de su talento para sobrevivir veremos como cambian la sociedad y el cine de Hong Kong.
As the Light Goes Out
Es la víspera de Navidad en Hong Kong y los bomberos combaten un incendio fuera de control que podría sumir en la oscuridad a toda la ciudad.
SDU: Sex Duties Unit
The Special Duties Unit (SDU) is an elite paramilitary tactical unit of the Hong Kong Police Force and is considered one of the world's finest in its role. But being the best carries its own burdens. Like everyone else, they go through troubles with love, with family and with their jobs. And sometimes they get horny. This touching story is about Special Duties Unit Team B and their trip to Macau for a weekend of unadulterated debauchery.
Xue di zi (The Guillotines)
Película de época que se centra en escuadrón secreto de asesinos del emperador chino. Remake de un clásico de la Shawn Brothers.
Chan Cheung
Producida por Johnny To. Sean es un novato en una curiosa unidad secreta de la policia; los Stealth Riders son los mejores conductores en la policia, preparados para neutralizar el mundo de las carreras ilegales, o para atrapar a criminales fugados. Un dia Sean cruza su camino con el de Jensen, una leyenda en el mundo criminal como conductor de huídas, que nunca ha llegado a ser arrestado, con lo que el policia inicia una dura persecución que acaba con Jensen, por primera vez, entre rejas. Poco después el criminal protagoniza una fuga con otro de los reclusos, con lo que la verdad sale a la luz: Jensen se dejó atrapar para poder sacar al otro preso. El humillado Sean encuentra consuelo en el detective Lo, un antiguo miembro del cuerpo de conductores que tuvo que dejar los coches después de un incidente con Jensen, y le anima a ayudarle a buscar al criminal.
Shen Wei
Shen Wei and Tong Xin wake up one morning in a bed, with no idea what happened or even who the person in bed with them is. The two split with few words, but each is missing something. What is actually happening last night?
Love in the Buff
When old flames reunite, will it be second time's the charm or a case of once bitten twice shy? Jimmy and Cherie, two ex-lovers from Hong Kong, cross paths in Beijing and can't seem to forget each other, despite being involved with someone else. Torn between fidelity towards their new partners or following their hearts, they explore the struggles, doubts and fears that exist among modern young couples.
The Second Woman
Fong Yik Nan
One suspects writer-director Carol Lai may have harboured some Black Swan ambitions with a tale that also centers around a stage practitioner who embarks on an unwitting destructive journey when playing a role to die for. The Second Woman, whose Chinese title Romance Riddle may hold better clues as to how this film developed, being more of a guessing game that threw constant clues rather than a overly romantic film about twins falling in love with a man who decided it's perfectly OK to string both women along, until he discovers that this spells double trouble.
El Ojo Del Miedo
Desamparados en Tailandia debido al cierre del aeropuerto, Rainie y sus amigos no tienen posibilidad de volver a casa. Así que decidirán de mala gana pasar la noche en un andrajoso y destartalado hotel. Cuando están allí, se toparán con tres extraños niños y un curioso perro. Cosas extrañas empiezan a suceder mientras van desapareciendo uno a uno.
Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen
General Zeng
Siete años después de la aparente muerte de Chen Zhen, quien recibió un disparo después de descubrir que era responsable de la muerte de su maestro (Huo Yuanjia) en Shanghai ocupada por los japoneses. Un misterioso extraño llega desde el extranjero y se hace amigo de un jefe de la mafia local. Ese hombre es un disfrazado Chen Zhen, que tiene la intención de infiltrarse en la mafia cuando forman una alianza con los japoneses. Disfrazándose como un luchador con capa de noche, Chen tiene la intención de sacar todos los involucrados, así como tener en sus manos una lista de asesinato preparado por los japonese
Reign of Assassins
Lei Bin
Cuando una mujer encuentra los restos de un místico hindú, deja la banda de asesinos a la que pertenece, para poder llevarlos a su legítima tumba. Pero, antes de cumplir con su cometido, se somete a una drástica operación de cirugía facial, cambia de nombre y de vida e incluso se casa.
Curse of the Deserted
Young writer Guo (Shawn Yue) wrote about a titular curse in his book, “The Deserted Village”. It began 500 years ago in the Ming Dynasty, when one of the villagers died of terminal illness. The widow Yanzi vowed to stay with her husband forever but when the man suddenly returned to life. The horrified neighbours believed that he was a monster. They burned him to death and torched his mansion. The devastated Yanzi upheld her vow and threw herself into the fire. Since then, the village was cursed and the mansion subsequent inhabitant dies mysteriously. Some say only couples who share true love can survive in that village. Those who are unfaithful will come to their demise. To the world, the book was pure fiction. Only Guo and his ex-girlfriend Zhi (Kitty Zhang) had lived through the horror to know its existence. When four college students decided to explore the village themselves, the trip led them to an ancient well in Yanzi’s mansion, where the curse was unleashed once again.
Love in a Puff
When the Hong Kong government enacts a ban on smoking cigarettes indoors, hard-core smokers are driven outside and a budding romance develops between two co-workers.
Hot Summer Days
In "Hot Summer Days" a hot summer heat wave engulfs the Chinese territory, while the movie covers the lives of various characters during that time. There's chaffeur Wah who tries to woo foot masseur Li Yan via text messages, air conditioner repairman Ah Wai interested in biker girl Ding Dong, a master sushi chef who spurns the love of writer Wasabi, country hick Da Fu who tries to impress teddy bear factory worker Xiao Qi Angela Baby by standing out in the hot noon sun for 100 days, & photographer Leslie Guan & assistant attempting to track down a woman who they believed cursed the photographer into blindness ...
Heroic Detective
Heroic Detective is a re-edited TV-Movie from the Series Pandaman starring Eric Tsang and Shawn Yu.
Ng Bo
En un distrito de Hong Kong, cinco bandas de gángsteres tienen una tregua inestable ya que todos trabajan en la misma zona. El caos se desata cuando le disparan a Jimmy, el líder de la tríada. Su esposa, Cheung Wah, coloca a su guardaespaldas Bo como el líder temporal de la banda pasando por encima de Blackie, el número 2 de Jimmy . Bo debe encontrar al asesino, controlar al agresivo Blackie y mantener a las bandas rivales a raya antes de que se desate un infierno...
Escapando del infierno
Meng Zi
Kline (Josh Hartnett) es un antiguo policía de Los Ángeles, reconvertido en investigador privado, que viaja a Asia para intentar encontrar al hijo desaparecido de un millonario.
Orchestrated Mayhem: The Making of Invisible Target
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Benny Chan's Invisible Target (2007) including interviews with the major stars of the film and the production crew.
Rule Number One
El novato sargento Li es asignado al Departamento de Asuntos Extraños (MAD). Allí, es emparejado con el Inspector Huang, un alcohólico y veterano que explica que el papel de MAD es para responder a las llamadas sobrenaturales. Le enseñará que la regla número uno es que los fantasmas no existen. Por cada fenómeno aparentemente inexplicable, hay una correspondiente explicación racional y científica. MAD empieza la investigación de una serie de extraños suicidios de adolescentes. Li y Huang comienzan a seguir unas pistas, y se dan cuenta en seguida de que algo siniestro se ha cruzado en sus caminos.
Playboy Cops
Michael Mak Ho Man
Two off-the-wall detectives go in search for a killer, while vying for the affections of a young woman.
The Moss
A Hong Kong cop is struggling for his survival in the underground world, a place filled with criminals and low life people like moss in rotting hell.
Trivial Matters
7 Short Story Collection from Hong Kong popular director, Elmond Pang. All about social problem in Hong Kong, delivered in a satirical way.
In love with the dead
Tuan Yan Ming
En Hong Kong, el exitoso diseñador Ming vive con su novia Wai Luk y su hermana pequeña, quien adora los comics de historias de fantasmas. Cuando a Wai le diagnostican cáncer de páncreas, la vida de Ming se vuelve del revés, y sacrifica su carrera para pasar más tiempo con Wai. Encuentra un nuevo trabajo en una posición más baja y descubre que su nueva jefa, Chu Fong, fue amiga suyo cuando eran estudiantes en el colegio. Cuando Wai deja de recibir quimioterapa, decide tratarse según la medicina china tradicional, guiada por su tía. Comienza a comportarse de forma extraña en casa y su hermana, asustada, insiste en que es porque se ha convertido en un fantasma. Mientras tanto, Ming se acerca a Fong, quien es una empresaria de éxito, pero también una mujer necesitada de amor. Durante un viaje a Pekín tienen un romance, y Ming cree que Wai es un espíritu que está resolviendo sus asuntos para poder subir al siguiente nivel.
Punto de impacto
Inspector Carson Fong Yik Wei
La historia de tres policías que, pese a sus divergencias morales y sus opuestas metodologías de trabajo, deben aunar fuerzas para capturar a un grupo de peligrosos atracadores. Para el agente Chan es una cuestión de simple venganza, después de que su prometida falleciera durante el último robo de la banda a un furgón blindado; a Fong, en cambio, le mueve el orgullo, tras haber quedado en ridículo durante una dura contienda en la que fue el único superviviente, mientras que para Wai se trata de una cuestión de honor familiar, pues su hermano, también policía, desapareció mientras investigaba a la banda y se rumorea que puede haberse convertido en un traidor...
Ryo Narushima
Ryo Narushima is a student who has served prison time for killing his parents. Once he is released, he trains to become a professional kick-boxer.
Love in the City
Yang Le
Young traffic cop Yang Le (Shawn Yue) sees kindergarten teacher Xiao You (Gao Yuanyuan) leading her kids to cross the road everyday. While he starts to have special feelings for her, he suddenly learns from a friend that she is a deaf-mute. Meanwhile, Yang's half-brother has a crush on a super star (Naoko Miyake) while working as her Chinese interpreter. But she will leave China when shooting is over. Can the four find true love in the end?
Feng (Shawn Yue) is a former undercover cop whose post-assignment life has begun to rapidly disintegrate. Feng and former triad brother Fai (Sam Lee of Gen-X Cops) are caught using cocaine, and the ensuing melee leaves a police detective dead, with Fai fingered as the culprit. Fai must go on the run, but he no longer trusts Feng, who he believes may be leveraging their brotherhood for advancement in the police ranks.
Infernal Affairs Trilogy (Chronological Edition)
Young Chan Wing Yan
Wai-ha (Ray)
Winnie Leung becomes more disturbed and depressed after her boyfriend Seth Lau breaks up with her and she turns schizophrenic - imagining events which never occurred, and often living in her own world- until one day she meets a guy named Ray, bearing a close resemblance to Seth. Seeing this, her best friend Yvonne encourages her to go out with Hou so she can forget her misery and start over. As time passes, Winnie realises that the relationship with Ray is so alike her previous relationship with Seth, and when things seem to be running smoothly, the relationship begins to sours, just like with Seth. She begins to doubt his feelings and the lines between reality and fantasy start blurring again for her, leading her to question: did this all exist in the first place?
Wo Hu
The Hong Kong Police placed 1000 undercover officers in the various Triad groups in their efforts to bring down the criminal organization in Hong Kong. After one undercover officer's identity is discovered and he is killed, the pressure is put on one gang, suspicious of each other and everyone around them. Betrayal, deceit and murder bring this group of 'brothers' into a collision with the law, and each other.
Dragon Tiger Gate
Turbo Shek
En la Dragon Tiger Gate se reúnen muchos jóvenes para aprender artes marciales y proteger a los demás. Dragón y Tigre son dos hermanos separados desde niños. Tigre es un defensor de los débiles, mientras que Dragón trabaja de guardaespaldas de un jefe de la mafia. Pronto se les une Turbo y los tres se verán involucrados en una lucha sin cuartel con la más peligrosa de las organizaciones criminales, tras hacerse inadvertidamente con una preciada placa dorada.
Man at Bar
A Macao police officer's bachelor life is interrupted by the daughter he never knew he fathered.
McDull, the Alumni
Policeman relaying order to Law Diner
In McDull, the Alumni, our protagonist has grown up. He is no longer the little boy who banters with his mates at school. How he wishes he could just go on bantering all day long with his mates at the renowned Flower on the Spring Field Kindergarten. But that is not to be. Like all grown-ups, he has to grapple with harsh reality. McDull and his mates are scattered all over the place. Each one of them has to find his or her own path. In each of their hearts, they know they have failed. Meanwhile, life goes on in the kindergarten. Someone strums a guitar and the pupils chime in to the song: Puff the magic dragon, lives by the sea… A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys. With hindsight, McDull believes this could well be the maxim of the Flower on the Spring Field Kindergarten alumni.
Dragon Squad
Officer Hung Kei-Lok
A team of Interpol agents arrive in the city to testify against a local crime lord. However on the way to court the vehicle carrying the Triad boss is attacked and the crime lord snatched, not by his own people but by another foe.
Initial D. Derrapando al límite
Takeshi Nakazato
Durante años Takumi ha entregado en su Toyota AE86 el tofu que elabora su padre. Esto no solo lo ha convertido en un buen conductor, sino que le ha servido para perfeccionar su arte del driffting. Una noche lo desafían a correr contra un GTR y la inesperada victoria final despierta al dios de las carreras que corre por sus venas. Ahora, su nieva fama lo lleva a peligrosas carreras con pilotos profesionales que aspiran a vencerlo.
Colour of the Loyalty
As befits a full-blooded Jiang Hu (underworld) antic, COTL takes place over the course of a short, frenetic period, feeling to all intents and purposes like one night. It encompasses plenty of gore and cadavers (unless you get the sanitized, inferior mainland version), relying to a large extent on so-called triad codes of honor and organizational culture. At its core resides old boss Dragon Brother, done by Eric Tsang in a repast from his barrage of comical roles and commercial endorsements. The head wants to retire, leading to chaos in gangland as everybody else desires his position and accumulated fortune. Following his fateful announcement, two rival Mafioso's become potential enemies as Dragon Brother and concubine (Suki Kwan) aim to leave Hong Kong in order to start a new life in Europe.
Super Model
Interviewee praising Mandom
Super model Mandom (Ronald Cheng) is very famous in the field. One day, he is threatened by someone, asking him not to attend a model competition. Mandom calls for police and Madam Cheung (Karena Lam) is sent to bodyguard him 24 hours a day. However they have hostile feeling to each other. At the same time, Mandom also faces a challenger Fantasy (Sammy). How can Mandom fight against Fantasy in the model competition?
Hermandad de sangre
Dos jóvenes aspirantes a matones reciben el encargo de matar a un jefe del clan. Mientras merodean de noche por las calles de Hong Kong buscando un arma, el jefe se entera de que se planea su asesinato y decide descubrir por quién ha sido instigado.
Love is a Many Stupid Thing
Crazy Tom
Spoof of the Hong Kong Blockbuster Infernal Affairs, the film is based on a bizarre and nonsense war between the police and the triads. Lek Sir sends Keung, Yan, and Fatty undercover inside Sam's garage to get evidence of any crime Sam has committed, so Lek can win back the heart of Sam's wife Mary.
In-Laws, Out-Laws
An ensemble comedy centering on a family's hijinks around Lunar New Year, based on a hit television show.
1:99 Shorts
Shorts made by 11 directors in order to fight against the SARS epidemy that occurred in China and Hong Kong in 2003. The shorts were produced by the Information Service Departement of the Government of HK SAR. The aim was to bring back confidence to the HK popuation. The running-time is 1 to 2 minutes for each short.12 Short films: 1-"Rhapsody", director: Johnny To and Wai Ka-fai; 2-"My Sow Is Not Feeling Well", director: Fruit Chan; 3-"Smile", director: Teddy Chen; 4-"Of a Cause" (Animation) director: Tsui Hark; 5-"Hong Kong - A Winner", director: Stephen Chow; 6-"Who's Miss Hong Kong?", director: Joe Ma; 7-"Family of Heroes", director: Alex Law and Mabel Cheung; 8-"Until Then", director: Gordon Chan and Dante Lam; 9- "McDull 1:99" director: Brian Tse; 10-"Spring, 2003", director: Peter Chan; 11-"A Glorious Future", director: Andrew Lau and Alan Mak; 12-"Making of 1:99", director: Wong Shou-Ping.
Infernal Affairs 3
Young Chan Wing-Yan
Diez meses después de lo ocurrido en "Juego sucio", Ming (Andy Lau) es transferido a la sección de Asuntos Internos. Mientras tanto, un nuevo agente emerge en el cuerpo de policía, se trata de Yeung (Leon Lai), del cual Ming sospecha que puede tratarse de otro topo enviado por las triadas. Tres años antes, Yan(Tony Leung) entra a formar parte de la banda de Sam (Eric Tsang), sin embargo este no se lo va a poner facil y le obliga a ponerse en situación de riesgo mientras negocian con Shen (Chen Dao Ming), un misterioso mafioso de China. Por miedo a que Yan esté fuera de control, el superindentendente Wong (Anthony Wong) envía a su agente a la doctora Lee (Kelly Chen). Poco a poco, Yan irá desarrollando una amistad muy especial con la psicóloga.
Hidden Track
Yu Wenle
Pu Pu is dumped by her boyfriend whom she loves. Before she moves out, she asks to listen to "their song" just one more time, that is the hidden track by Jay Chou. Then she leaves him and goes to her sister's place in Hong Kong. All the while she is there, she searches for the same song, the "hidden track", and from this it leads her onto a journey of discovering love and a new beginning. Despite the whole movie revolving around Jay Chou's song, Jay Chou plays only a cameo part.
Infernal Affairs 2
Chan Wing-Yan
El oficial de policía Chen Acaba de ser infiltrado en la triada más peligrosa de Hong Kong. A su vez uno de los miembros de la tríada, Lau acaba de infiltrarse en la policía. Pero un nuevo jefe mafioso se interpondrá entre ellos, un enemigo común que no esperaban... Juego sucio 2 vuelve atrás en el tiempo para descubrirnos como empezó todo y cuáles fueron los acontecimientos que hicieron que Chen y Lau acabarán en diferentes bandos de la ley en el aclamo film Juego sucio.
Feel 100% 2003
Comedy - Jerry and Lok are best buddies with a common goal - to find their respective, perfect goddess. But competition ensues when they both discover Cherie and the two friends wager to see who can win Cherie's heart before the other. - Shawn Yue, Cyrus Wong, Stephy Tang
Diva: Ah Hey
An aspiring songbird (Charlene Choi) gets a chance to prove her worth when she is asked to ghost-sing on a pop star's (Niki Chow) album.
My Lucky Star
Policeman at boat yard
Yip is attractive but for some strange reason, no man has ever been interested in her. Yip meets Lai, a famous feng shui expert and she thinks that Lai can change her luck. But Duen, also a famous feng shui expert continually cast all kinds of spells on Yip. A fierce battle of feng shui and horoscope techniques ensues. Will Lai and Yip live happily afterwards?
Love Under the Sun
On a splendid night, as elegant individuals lose themselves in dance in a ballroom, a rumor is born that one of the guests is HIV positive. Unprecedented fear and suspicion follow, with fallacies about HIV infection close up on its heels.
Juego sucio (Infernal Affairs)
Young Chan Wing-Yan
Ming es un topo infiltrado en el departamento de policía. Se hizo policía a los 18 años siguiendo las órdenes del jefe de una sociedad secreta de carácter criminal. Por su parte, Yan es un topo de la policía infiltrado en la banda desde hace ya diez años. Ambos se sienten cada vez más atrapados en esos mundos a los que no pertenecen.
Just One Look
Set in 70s Hong Kong, Just One Look actually tells of Fan (Shawn Yu), whose policeman father commits suicide in a cinema toilet, but Fan believes he was murdered by a gangster nicknamed 'Crazy' (Anthony Wong). Ten years later Fan contemplates avenging his father's death. Meanwhile, he and best friend Ming (Wong Yu Nam), who are movie fans and sell their family wares outside the local cinema, decide to enlist for kung fu lessons after spotting the master's beautiful daughter (Charlene Choi). But Fan falls for a mysterious girl who lives in the countryside (Gillian Chung).
The New Option
Faced with early retirement and difficulty recruiting, Stone is forced to lower his standard of acceptance. When a vicious, military-trained group of criminals commit a chain of big-time robberies, the Flying Tigers are called into action once again.
Leaving in Sorrow
Leaving In Sorrow is a gritty, realistic portrayal of Hong Kong in the aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis. It is the first Hong Kong production filmed in the "Dogme 95" style, using hand-held cameras, natural lighting, and real locations. The film follows a disparate group of characters--including a pastor, a magazine editor, and a slacker from San Francisco--who find their lives suddenly turned upside down by events beyond their control.