Glenn Tryon

Glenn Tryon

Nacimiento : 1898-08-02,

Muerte : 1970-04-18


From Wikipedia Glenn Tryon (August 2, 1898 – April 18, 1970) was an American film actor, screenwriter, director and producer. He appeared in 67 films between 1923 and 1951. He was born in Julietta, Idaho and was married to actress Jane Frazee from 1942 to 1947. They had one son, Timothy Tryon. Glenn Tryon was also married to actress Lillian Hall (1896–1959). Tryon died on April 18, 1970 in Orlando, Florida.


Glenn Tryon


Historia de una ciudad
Ken Kenlock
Después de haber ocupado el cargo de senador durante dos años, Blake Washburn pierde su puesto tras las elecciones, pero parece que tras su fracaso se esconde algún asunto de turbias intenciones a cargo de los grandes hombres de negocios de la ciudad, en concreto de John McFarland, padre del candidato triunfador. Blake hará uso de su trabajo de editor del Herald, el periódico más influyente de la ciudad, para emprender una cruzada contra las grandes empresas, buscando con empeño cualquier irregularidad que le permita denunciarlas y mostrar a la sociedad su bondad como ciudadano y su capacidad para gobernar y hacer justicia.
Miss Mink of 1949
Winning a mink coat brings nothing but trouble to a couple on a budget.
Variety Girl
Bill Farris
Catherine Brown y Amber La Vonne han ido a Hollywood para hacer carrera en el cine. Visitan el Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, el Brown Derby y otros lugares típicos de de Hollywood antes de estrellarse ante las puertas de los estudios Paramount, donde se ven implicadas en numerosas situaciones cómicas con varios actores y técnicos de los estudios.
George White's Scandals
George White
Two couples work through their issues in this backstage Broadway musical.
Meet Miss Bobby Socks
A teenage fan sets out to boost her favorite radio singer's career. Comedy with songs.
Law Men
U.S. Marshals "Nevada" Jack McKenzie and "Sandy" Hopkins go undercover to bust a gang of stagecoach robbers in this vintage Western serial. Nevada infiltrates the gang, while Sandy works as a cobbler in town, keeping an ear open for local gossip as they try to flush out the inside man tipping off the crooks.
Law Men
U.S. Marshals "Nevada" Jack McKenzie and "Sandy" Hopkins go undercover to bust a gang of stagecoach robbers in this vintage Western serial. Nevada infiltrates the gang, while Sandy works as a cobbler in town, keeping an ear open for local gossip as they try to flush out the inside man tipping off the crooks.
Nazty Nuisance
Germany's Adolf Hitler, with his Axis-stooges, Italy's Mussolini and Japan's Suki Yama, although he tried to avoid taking them, is on his way, via submarine, to a tropical country to negotiate a treaty with the High Chief Paj Mab. However, an American P.T-boat crew is already there and have some plans for schickenbit-grubber and his buddies.
Nazty Nuisance
Germany's Adolf Hitler, with his Axis-stooges, Italy's Mussolini and Japan's Suki Yama, although he tried to avoid taking them, is on his way, via submarine, to a tropical country to negotiate a treaty with the High Chief Paj Mab. However, an American P.T-boat crew is already there and have some plans for schickenbit-grubber and his buddies.
A love-smitten cowpoke acciidentally causes a horse stampede.
The Devil with Hitler
Adolf Hitler, Benito and Suki Yaki are placed in a series of Three-Stooges routines, with the premise that the Board of Directors of Hell has put the Devil on notice they intend to replace him with Adolf Hitler unless he can get Hitler to commit a good deed. The devil has his work cut out for him, and doesn't appear likely to escape being replaced by the German leader.
Associate Producer
Dos estrellas del vodevil están rodando una película, pero el director no está satisfecho con ella. Para contentarle, deciden contratar a un guionista joven de desbordante imaginación.
Pájaros de cuenta
Associate Producer
Un piloto de acrobacias decide unirse a las fuerzas aéreas, pero no consigue acostumbrarse a la fuerte disciplina militar. Sus dos asistentes de acrobacias que han decidido acompañarlo tampoco logran aclimatarse...
¡Agárrame ese fantasma!
Associate Producer
Unos gángters quieren hacer que un grupo de gente abandone una casa donde ellos se han escondido. Para ello intentarán asustarles hasta conseguir que se marchen.
Beauty for the Asking
Denny breaks up with his fiancée Jean to marries wealthy Flora. When Jean is fired from her job she decides to market the face cream she invented. After sending it to twelve rich woman, only Flora decides to invest in the business. As Denny has no job, the girls give him an office at the factory. The business takes off, but Jean finds that she is still in love with Denny and Denny seems to forget he is married to Flora.
The Law West of Tombstone
A blustering gunfighter talks himself into the position of mayor in a small western town.
Small Town Boy
Henry Armstrong was past being a spring chicken, still believes in Santa Claus and the maxim that "honesty is the best policy", but lack of money keeps him from marrying Molly and buying a little home, and his is threatened with the loss of the petty job he has had for four years with old Curtis French, Molly's uncle, because he can not sell enough insurance policies. And, then, he finds a thousand dollar bill. His honesty makes him advertise the find, but no one claims the money. When he is convinced that the owner will not turn up and that the money is his to keep, he becomes a changed, more aggressive and self-confident person. He begins to make sales as fast as he can make the pitch and he insists that he and Molly be married at once. While getting dressed for the ceremony, he places the $1000 bill in one of his father's old suits, and Pa Armstrong, trying to raise money to buy his son a wedding present, sells the suit to a passing junk man.
Easy to Take
To boost the ratings of a kiddie show, the host agrees to take guardianship of of a bratty boy who has a lovely older sister.
Two in Revolt
A dog and a horse become unlikely allies when they attempt to thwart a crooked gambler from rigging a race.
The Daring Young Man
Dos reporteros planean casarse, pero la novia se queda esperando en el altar porque su novio se ha infiltrado para exponer la actividad de las pandillas.
Additional Dialogue
Un jugador de fútbol americano viaja a París donde sin proponérselo se verá regentando una tienda de moda.
Gridiron Flash
A college football team recruits a tough convict.
Gridiron Flash
A college football team recruits a tough convict.
Bachelor Bait
After being fired from his job at the Marriage License Bureau, a clerk turns to matchmaking.
Compañeros de juerga
Stan y Ollie se comprometen a asistir a una convención de los “Hijos del Desierto” que coincide con un viaje a las montañas planeado por el matrimonio Hardy. Ollie simula una enfermedad que exige un viaje por mar. Mientras él y Stan disfrutan de la convención, el barco tropieza con una catástrofe.
Honeymoon Beach
Glenn Tryon
Glenn Tryon is at his Bachelor's Dinner, attended only by a dozen of his girl friends, prior to marrying Connie Watts but Ma Watts has plans for Connie to marry playboy Billy Bevan, who is unaware of Ma's intentions, as is Blondie who has plans of her own regarding Billy. The laughs here are only slightly less scarce than the chicken in the boarding house chicken-and-dumplings in "True Grit."
Tangled Destinies
Tommy Preston, the Co-pilot
An airliner makes a forced landing at night in the desert. The passengers and crew take refuge in a nearby deserted house. Soon some of the passengers are found murdered, and one of the passengers reveals himself to be a detective who was guarding one of the murdered passengers, who was carrying a bag of diamonds--which is now missing. The detective must find out which of the passengers is the killer.
The Pride of the Legion
Tommy Tully
After suffering a traumatic injury, a policeman resigns from the force and, after he's saved from a suicide attempt, goes to work at a café frequented by gangsters.
Ship A Hooey!
Daisy is visiting her sailor boyfriend Glenn aboard a submarine when it leaves port. Fearful of what may happen if an officer discovers a woman on board, she is hidden in a big chest.
For the Love of Fanny
Glenn (Glenn Tryon), is trying to get into a secret fraternity in order to impress his girlfriend, Fanny (Helen Mann). But his rival is the president of the fraternity and has some very special plans for Glenn. The latter soon finds himself crooning a love song to two tough policeman. and being instructed to convince his blond sweet patootie, Fanny, that he prefers a brunette sweet patootie.
Dragnet Patrol
Larry White
A sailor falls for a gangster's moll, leaves his wife and finds himself caught up in a life of crime.
Neck and Neck
Bill Grant
Bill Grant is a small-time gambler who spends more time embellishing his accomplishments than actually doing anything. He has a small run of good luck when he wins a racehorse during a poker game. This enables him to enjoy the lifestyle he has been bragging about for so long. While in high society, he falls for Norma, whose father is big in racing circles.
The Sky Spider
Glenn Morgan
The three Morgan brothers, Glenn, Jim and Buddy are all air mail pilots. The plane flown by Jim is shot down by Hugh Jeffries for the money it carries. Another flight is made by Buddy followed by Jeffries intending to shoot him down also...
A College Racket
Some college students attend a nightclub, "The Pirate's Den", that the Dean of the college has declared off-limits to students. They start to wreck it in their playful mood when another student arrives disguised as the Dean, and they all vacate the premises. The student tells the proprietor that if he will returns the I.O.U.s signed by a student, he will see to it that the students visit his place every night. He, of course, is the student who signed the tab. But the real Dean then shows up.
An Austrian soldier must choose between a wealthy fiancee and a new girl who takes his fancy.
Midnight Special
Gerald Boone
A thrilling drama of young love and the great sacrifice made by railroad workers that we may travel in safety. (Print ad- Evening News, Tonawanda, N.Y. 4 February 1931)
Screen Snapshots Series 10, No. 5
Glenn Tryon
Andy Clyde plays football with the Sennett girls; Mary Pickford's miniature golf course is shown.
El rey del Jazz
Executive ('In Conference') / Unmarried Husband
Una revista que gira en torno al director de orquesta Paul Whiteman, además de demostrar en su número de clausura que la música popular europea se halla en las raíces de la música popular norteamericana, es decir, el jazz.
Dames Ahoy
Jimmy Chase
Three sailors go searching for a girl who swindled one of them out of half his pay.
Skinner Steps Out
William Henry Skinner's young wife has great confidence in her husband's abilities and is ambitious for his success. He informs her of his importance at the office; but in reality he is an insignificant employee on a small salary, and when refused a raise, he hasn't the courage to tell his wife. Distressed at her husband's shabby appearance, "Honey" persuades him to buy a dress suit, and at a charity bazaar she pushes him to the front so that he dominates the affair and comes to the attention of the dignitaries. Skinner forces himself upon the attention of his employer and the employer's chief rival, whose admiration he wins when he bluffs him out of a poker pot. In spite of Skinner's efforts to prevent it, the rival companies are consolidated; and impressed by his spirit and enthusiasm, his superiors promote him to sales manager.
Barnum Was Right
Freddie Farrell
Freddie owns a failing old hotel. To attract new business he spreads the rumor that there's pirate treasure hidden somewhere in the building.
Roy Lane
A naive young dancer in a Broadway show innocently gets involved in backstage bootlegging and murder.
Soledad (Lonesome)
Mary y Jim, dos solitarios personajes de la gran ciudad, se encuentran de casualidad en un parque de diversiones. Pasan el día juntos, recorriendo la playa y vistando los juegos mecánicos. De improviso, la multitud y una tormenta conspiran para separarlos. ¿Se volverán a ver? (FILMAFFINITY)
A Hero for a Night
Hiram Hastings
Cab driver falls for rich model.
Two Girls Wanted
Dexter Wright
Marianna Miller, who together with her sister Sarah pounds the pavements, looking for a job. After a period of starvation and deprivation Marianna is hired as secretary to duplicitous businessman Philip Hancock.
Painting the Town
Hector Whitmore
Glenn Tryon and Patsy Ruth Miller, headed the cast of Universal's Painting the Town. In his first starring role, Tryon is cast as bucolic inventor Hector Whitmore, who falls for flirtatious city gal Patsy Deveau (Miller). Misinterpreting her fluttering eyelashes as a sign of true and lasting love, Hector follows Patsy to New York, much to the dismay of the girl's wealthy fiance.
The Poor Nut
Magpie Welch
The Denver Dude
Percy (the Dude)
A cowboy begins to do such un-cowboylike things as dressing up and taking baths in order to impress a pretty young girl. He sees that a citified "dandy" is also after the girl, and the dude seems to be scoring some points with his "civilized" demeanor.
Two-Time Mama
Mr. Brown
The story involves various misunderstandings and entanglements that occur between two married couples, the Browns (Glenn Tryon & Vivien Oakland) and the Dazzles (Tyler Brooke & Anita Garvin). The two couples have apartments across the hall from one another, and all four plan to attend a costume ball together. But after each husband expresses unhappiness with his wife's costume the women angrily refuse to go to the party. The two husbands decide to go "stag" and pick up dates, but when Mrs. Brown changes her mind about attending, and Mr. Dazzle and Mr. Brown switch costumes, mix-ups result.
45 Minutes from Hollywood
A young man visiting Hollywood on family business gets into trouble when he sees a bank robbery in progress, and thinks it is a movie scene.
Along Came Auntie
Remington Chow - the 2nd Husband
A divorced couple try to pretend they are still happily married in order to get $100,000 from the woman's divorce-disapproving aunt.
Say It with Babies
Casper Crum
Casper is the baby-expert at a large department store and his life is less than peaceful as he provides much amusement for the babies at his own expense. On Sunday, he and his wife go on a picnic with the neighbors and hoe comes home on his day of rest with three traffic tickets and numerous stings from the hornets he failed to amuse.
Long Pants
Glenn's first attempt at wearing long trousers and being a man about town goes swimmingly as he quickly falls for a vivacious young widow who accidentally runs him down. But his father feels she is beyond his abilities and competes for her attention.
Flaming Flappers
Mother - The hand that rocks the family - and rocks it often! A family comedy.
Madame Sans Jane
A young couple want to marry, but the girl's father doesn't like her beau. To separate them, the father arranges to send the girl on a sea voyage along with a female companion. But the beau, dressed as a woman, manages to fool the father into hiring him as the companion, and they all board the ship together.
Thundering Landlords
The Husband
Thundering Landlords is a 1925 short
Tell It to a Policeman
Two young lovers (Glenn Tryon and Blanche Mehaffey) are at home when a policeman (James Finlayson) comes to the door and begins telling them his life story.
Whose Baby Are You?
The Author
When baby-care-book author Glenn Tryon has an abandoned baby dumped on him during a train trip, he discovers he should have read a book on the subject as well as having written one.
The Haunted Honeymoon
The Haunted Honeymoon is a 1925 American silent comedy film directed by Fred Guiol and Ted Wilde, starring Glenn Tryon and Blanche Mehaffey with Janet Gaynor in one of her first films. One of the first comedies to parody horror films, it was produced by Hal Roach and released by Pathé Exchange.
The Wages of Tin
aka Billy, the Ford Buster
Papa Be Good!
The Battling Orioles
A young barber's girlfriend falls into the clutches of a shady nightclub owner and his cohorts, who plan to get her involved in their nefarious schemes. When his efforts to rescue her prove futile, he enlists the help of his father, who was at one time a professional baseball player, and his former teammates to save her.
The Big Idea
Allawishus - the Mayor's son
Inventor Ignatius Pollard develops a new "Pavement Polisher" to clean the streets, but a demonstration of the device does not go as planned.
It's a Joy!
The Leading Man
'Snub' Pollard as a eccentric movie director.
The Soilers
During the Alaska gold rush, a miner hits the mother lode, but a corrupt sheriff jumps his claim, leading to a tremendous fight.
Her Dangerous Path
Her Dangerous Path