Luis Alvarez y Alvarez


The Civil War: Chavez vs. de la Hoya
For Mexican and Mexican American communities, boxing is more than a sport. From ring walk-ins to trunks, opponents take full advantage of the theatrical spectacle, narrating their histories and the stories of their individual fanbases. In 1996, Oscar De La Hoya, the charismatic golden boy from East L.A, challenged Mexican-born boxing legend Julio César Chávez in what was billed as the “ultimate glory” fight. Mexicans on both sides of the border were forced to choose their favorite champ: the record-holding immigrant from humble beginnings, or the younger and more marketable Olympian born in the U.S. These rivals felt the pressure to prove their athletic superiority, while the fans’ choice of champion revealed the type of Mexican they aspired to be.
Tokyo work culture's most compelling and complex protagonist; the Salaryman. A nameless, voiceless, over-worked and under-valued cog in the labour pool, expected to compromise home and social lives. Late nights and intense drinking sessions leave many of them passed out in the city streets. This slick, incisive documentary raises questions around the ethics of our global working practices in a capitalist society.
Tokyo work culture's most compelling and complex protagonist; the Salaryman. A nameless, voiceless, over-worked and under-valued cog in the labour pool, expected to compromise home and social lives. Late nights and intense drinking sessions leave many of them passed out in the city streets. This slick, incisive documentary raises questions around the ethics of our global working practices in a capitalist society.
Siempre, Luis
A story that embodies the tenacity and passion of the American Dream, this documentary is a portrait of the pioneering activist Luis A. Miranda Jr. Luis is a decades-long fighter for Latino communities, a key player in the New York and national political arena, and a loving father of three – including the award-winning composer, lyricist and actor, Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Siempre, Luis
A story that embodies the tenacity and passion of the American Dream, this documentary is a portrait of the pioneering activist Luis A. Miranda Jr. Luis is a decades-long fighter for Latino communities, a key player in the New York and national political arena, and a loving father of three – including the award-winning composer, lyricist and actor, Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Torn Apart: Separados En La Frontera
Two mothers who were each separated from their children in the United States for months after fleeing from danger in their homelands to seek asylum work with pro-bono lawyers and volunteers to reunite with their kids who have been placed thousands of miles away from them with little access to communication.
First to Fall
First to Fall follows two young civilian expatriate 'rebels' on their 8-month journey to liberate Libya, their home country. Carrying cameras along with guns into battle, they took lenses where no documentary has gone before, capturing the madness of the Libyan front lines firsthand. Director Rachel Beth Anderson's distinct female perspective reveals their dramatic transformation as these young men give up comfortable, stable lives in Canada to take up arms against a corrupt regime and risk their lives in a brutal, chaotic war. Anderson's incredible access provides audiences a personal connection to this honest, witty, at times shocking, modern coming of age tale.
La tumba prohibida de Genghis Khan
En este programa acompañamos a Albert en una misión que parece totalmente imposible: localizar un cadáver sin usar palas, enterrado en algún punto de un territorio de miles de kilómetros cuadrados. Su investigación lo lleva a buscar una montaña perdida, el Burkhan Khaldun, que se encuentra en el centro de la llamada «zona prohibida». Pero para llegar hasta allí tendrá que superar una serie de obstáculos naturales entre los que se cuentan un terreno inhóspito, crecidas fluviales y violentas tormentas. Es precisamente en Burkhan Khaldun donde Lin hace su descubrimiento más importante, uno que podría resolver un misterio que dura ya ochocientos años y provocar sacudidas en la comunidad arqueológica internacional durante las próximas décadas.
Silly Little Game
Fantasy Sports is estimated to be a $4 billion industry that boasts over 30 million participants and a league for almost every sport imaginable. But for all this success, the story of the game’s inception is little known. The modern fantasy leagues can be traced back to a group of writers and academics who met at La Rotisserie Francaise in New York City to form a baseball league of their own: The Rotisserie League. The game quickly grew in popularity, and with the growing use and attractiveness of the Internet, the “founding fathers” never foresaw how their creation would take off and ultimately leave them behind. Innovative filmmakers Adam Kurland and Lucas Jansen will chronicle the early development and ultimate explosion of Rotisserie Baseball, and shine a light on its mostly unnoticed innovators.
La hora 11
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Drawing Restraint 9
A bordo de un ballenero, un inmenso molde relleno de vaselina se haya en perenne estado de transformación. Dos visitantes del barco, occidentales y ataviados con el tradicional ves-tido de boda sintoísta, serán partícipes de la metamorfosis. El talento del prolífico artista multimedia Matthew Barney se une por primera vez al de la popular cantante Björk en el capítulo nueve de un ambicioso proyecto iniciado en 1987, numéricamente desordenado, y en el que Barney propone la idea de la resistencia física como vehículo para la creatividad a través de su experimentación con los diversos campos artísticos.
En una América ficticia, asolada por una guerra civil, se organiza un concierto benéfico con la esperanza de contribuir a la paz. Jack Fate (Bob Dylan), una especie de trovador, sale de la cárcel gracias a su viejo mánager (John Goodman) para que participe en el concierto. Larry Charles, uno de los creadores de la serie de televisión "Seinfeld", dirige esta comedia de humor negro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Monstruos, S.A.
Additional Editorial Assistant
Monsters Inc. es la mayor empresa de miedo del mundo, y James P. Sullivan es uno de sus mejores empleados. Asustar a los niños no es un trabajo fácil, ya que todos creen que los niños son tóxicos y no pueden tener contacto con ellos. Pero un día una niña se cuela sin querer en la empresa, provocando el caos.
Toy Story 2
Additional Editorial Assistant
Cuando Andy se va de campamento dejando solos a los juguetes, Al McWhiggin, un compulsivo coleccionista de juguetes valiosos, secuestra a Woody. Buzz Lightyear y el resto de los juguetes de Andy deberán actuar con rapidez para rescatarlo, poniéndose al frente de una operación de rescate durante la cual se enfrentarán a múltiples peligros y divertidas situaciones.