The Arcadian follows "The Lighthouse Keeper" on a story of revenge and redemption in a strange future world reminiscent of wild 1970s pop. The visual world of The Arcadian is an homage to the work of underground illustrators while creating something that is both unique and distinctive. Inspired in equal parts by samurai movies, rock operas, and underground comics, filming took place across four states (New York, New Jersey, California, Florida) as well as Nova Scotia, Canada to get the "feel" of the film's disjointed apocalypse right.
A un actor muy inseguro (Paul Giamatti), su papel en la obra teatral "El tío Vania" de Chejov le produce una enorme ansiedad. Cuando, en un estado de bloqueo total, lee un artículo del New Yorker en el que una empresa de alta tecnología ofrece aliviar los sufrimientos por medio de la congelación del alma, Paul decide someterse a la prueba.
La historia se desarrolla en los últimos días de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en el contexto de un feroz combate en el frente oriental. La Guerra de los Hermanos se basa en hechos reales.
The story of Fishberg, a small hard working fishing town and it's inhabitants....
Samuel Hall
The thrilling story of a lonely Russian immigrant trying to find the "American dream" in present day Los Angeles. To provide care for his dying sister he works as an assistant to a mysterious and dangerous man, but his desire to achieve something more takes him down a dark and risky path. When a seductive call girl enters his life his world is thrown upside down and the choices he makes may have deadly consequences.
Comedy - Elena, a young factory worker from Kazakhstan with Nashville dreams, is duped by a wannabe pimp and oddball gangster. Through a comedy of errors she crosses paths with a sweet con man moonlighting as a Robin Hood for stray animals. - Roy Werner, Kim Delgado, Sanjay
Russian Soldier
En 1945, terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Jake Geismar (George Clooney), un corresponsal de guerra norteamericano, vuelve a Berlín para informar sobre la Conferencia de Postdam, que reunirá a Truman, Churchill y Stalin. Al mismo tiempo, se ve envuelto en un turbulento asunto por intentar ayudar a Lena Brandt (Cate Blanchett), una antigua amante, cuyo marido es buscado tanto por los americanos como por los rusos.