Yevgeni Lebedev

Yevgeni Lebedev

Nacimiento : 1917-01-15, Balakovo, Saratovskaya guberniya, Russian Empire

Muerte : 1997-06-09


Yevgeni Lebedev


To Whom Will God Send
Starting 1970s. Marina Rodionova gives birth to a child from a donor. Grown up son Andrei she tells the legend of the deceased father. It takes many years. Son of a student accidentally discovers that his father is a professor Hlyuzdin who teaches at his institute. Andrew's friend can not get from Ladder strict professor and then Andrew decides to introduce his father and mother.
Танго на Дворцовой площади
Сам я – вятский уроженец
Энергичные люди
Аристарх Петрович
История лошади
Петроградские Гавроши
Дядя Ваня
Farewell of a Slav Woman
Semyon Protasovich, second husband of Anna Ivanovna
A retired air force colonel comes on summer vacation to the Crimea. He comes as a non-official holiday-maker, so the main problem is to find night quarters. There is a brim-full of holiday-makers here at holyday season, and for locals the main business is to rent a bunk. And if one also manages to make money on sending pears, apples, grapes, the whole winter will be supported. Thus many locals survive, others become callous, cynical cold fish, concerned only about gains. Anna Ivanovna, the flat owner, renting a bunk to the colonel, starts reminding of the latter. Looking over a photo in a hall, the colonel suddenly recognizes himself in youth with a friend, who died of consumption and who turned out to be the Annas son.
Прелюдія долі
На Гранатовых островах
Борис Савинков
Squadron of Flying Hussars
M. I. Kutuzov
A story about a colonel Denis Davydov - hero of the 1812 war.
Consigna: amor y libertad
Se centra en la naturaleza de la persecución política a través de su héroe Antonio (Giancarlo Giannini), un taxista en la capital de una dictadura. Es una historia de amor entre Antonio y María, una camarera de un café local. Antonio fue expulsado del ejército por negarse a disparar contra un barco que transportaba a mujeres y niños durante la guerra civil en Angola. Su principal objetivo ahora es mantenerse al margen y sin complicaciones, hasta que conoce a María...
Необыкновенное лето
Срочный вызов
Комиссия по расследованию
The investigator Seyfi Ganiyev runs the case of an illegal mercery shop's head Murad Abiyev, who confessed in embezzlement of one million rubles from public funds. Abiyev is also accused of the murder of an underage girls that occurred in Riga shortly after Abiyev saw her. He denies his guilt, but does not name the perpetrators though he knows them, despite the fact that he is facing the death penalty. The investigator understands that some high-ranking officials stand behind Abiyev, but he has no proof. Ganiyev seeks to obtain from the prisoner the whole truth to bring the criminals to justice.
The Centaurs
General Pin
The story takes place in an unnamed Latin Country.
Есть идея!
Blokada: Operatsiya Iskra
Ivan Korolyov
"Iskra" is the codename for the plan of the operation of the Soviet troops to break the blockade of Leningrad. In January 1943, the blockade of Leningrad was broken. A corridor 8-11 km wide was formed between Lake Ladoga and the front line.
Blokada: Leningradskiy metronom
Ivan Korolyov
A story about the tragic events in the life of besieged Leningrad from September 1941 to January 1943.
Личное счастье
Отпуск, который не состоялся
Первые радости
Vesnukhin's Fantasies
A first-grader dreams to perform with his cat in the circus.
Пастух Янка
King Durimont and King Obaldin
Blokada: Pulkovskiy meredian
Ivan Maksimovich Korolev
Autumn 1941. German tank troops are making another attempt to break through to the Uritsk and Pulkovo Heights. During heavy fighting, Soviet troops managed to stop the offensive of fascist tanks one and a half kilometers south of the Pulkovo Observatory. The 900 days of the blockade and the incredible courage of the Soviet people were approaching ...
Северный вариант
Blokada: Luzhskiy rubezh
Ivan Korolyov
In June 1941, the Extraordinary Defense Headquarters of Leningrad, under the leadership of Zhdanov and Voroshilov, decided to build the Luga defensive line. Heavy fighting west of Pskov forced units of the front to withdraw, and on July 9, Pskov was also abandoned. The battles in the Luga direction held back the enemy. The first attacks of the Germans, intending to cross the Luga line on the move, were repulsed with heavy losses for them.
Исполнение желаний
Talents and Admirers
Martyn Prokofievich Narokov
Negina, a popular but poor actress, receives lessons from her fiancé Meluzov. Prince Dulebov, intending to take advantage of the girl's dire circumstances, suggests sponsorship, gets refused and becomes spiteful. Despite the latter's intrigues, Negina's benefice performance is triumphant and she receives a large sum of money, part of which Dulebov himself has to provide to keep his face. Still, the entrepreneur refuses to prolong her contract. One after another ecstatic admires come to her expressing their affection, among them Narokov, Naluzov and Velikatov. She leaves honest but dull Meluzov and goes away with rich Velikatov, motivated not by greed but by the desire to work on stage, the only thing she is really in love with.
Rabbit reserve
Negligent, but the enterprising workers of a forest area "Rabbit reserve" unexpectedly wiped out all the rabbits. Now it remains only to wait for a scolding. But suddenly, in the possession of the hapless crooks right from the ground begins to beat the fountain of mineral water. This "gift of nature" is an urgent need to learn to their advantage. And it's so handy, there is a person spouting ideas on the edge of common sense! However, the genius nugget does not suspect that he was in the reserve of scams, where even a hare will teach fox tricks.
Ivanov Kater
В тесном кубрике катера, капитаном которого давно ходит Иван Бурлаков и где матросом работает Еленка, вовсе не в шутку называемая им женой, появляется новый работник - помощник капитана Сергей. Внешне энергичный и открытый, он быстро добивается любви Еленки. И также быстро - увольнения Ивана...
В лазоревой степи
And There Was Evening, And There Was Morning
The Beginning
A talented girl from the provincial Russian town Pasha Stroganova dreams of becoming an actress. She plays the role of Baba Yaga in the amateur theatre — and does it so organically that the visiting filmmaker offers her the most difficult role in the historical drama about Joan of Arc. She was given not only great acting talent, but the talent of deep, selfless love. A dream comes true: she is invited to the main role, and she begins a completely different life, full of real creative torment, insights and true happiness.
Crimen y castigo
Adaptación de la famosa novela de Dostoievski. Rodion Raskolnikov, un estudiante de San Petersburgo sin recursos económicos pero con síntomas de megalomanía, asesina a una usurera a la que considera una lacra social. Tras cometer el crimen, su vida se debate entre el amor que ha despertado en él Sonia, una joven prostituta, y el peso de los remordimientos que lo igualan al resto de los mortales...
The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase
Do you know that there are doctors who can prescribe you the medicine to be brave?..
Adam and Eve
Bekir, in anger divorces his wife Kheva, which he regrets. Because of Sharia, she can return if she marries another and is expelled by him. Bekir arranges with Adam, to briefly marry and expel her. Neither Kheva, nor Adam want to separate.
Subject for a Short Story
Pavel Yegorovich Chekhov
The film tells about Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. October 17, 1896. On the facade of the Alexandrinsky Theater — a poster about the premiere of "The Seagull". A few hours are left before the performance. Chekhov and his sister Masha are expecting Lika Mizinova from Moscow station to arrive from Moscow. Chekhov is alarmed by the upcoming premiere, excited by the meeting with love, which never took place. Memories of acquaintance with Lika, of the experiences caused by the rude scolding of newspaper men who predicted the young writer the inglorious "death under the fence", about the unexpected decision for everyone to go to Sakhalin...
Strange People
A comedy based on three short novels by Vasiliy Shukshin.
Записки сумасшедшего
Half A Hour For Miracles
Uncle Varfolomey
The boy Fedya met mysterious The Wall Painter, who gave him his magic brush, with which anybody could do good deeds. But only for a half of hour. The agents of the evil king - The Gray and Abricadabr - hunt for boy. They want to destroy the magic brush and cancel all good deeds in the world
No Path Through Fire
A talented girl is trying to find happiness amidst the Russian revolution of 1917 and the civil war that split the nation.
Direct Line
A few days from the life of a young scientist responsible for the failed trail.
Wedding in Malinovka
The movie takes place during Russia's civil war between the Reds (Bolsheviks) and the Whites (Mensheviks). Andrejka and Yarinka are a young betrothed couple in the village of Malinovka, caught between the battle lines. Gritsian is the leader of a Menshevik band who are planning to attack the village. Yarinka appeals to the local Bolshevik commander for his faction's help. The Bolsheviks quickly come up with a plan to save the village... but the plan requires Yarinka to enter into a pretend marriage with Gritsian.
Каменный гость
Лепорелло (поет Александр Ведерников)
The Incident Which Nobody Noticed
Yakov Alexeyevich
The modest shop assistant in a grocery shop Nastya dreamed about happiness. She dreamed about miracle, which would have made her beautiful. She dreamed all day and all night. And one day the miracle happened ...
На одной планете
Last Month of Autumn
An older couple have four children who left them long ago. Tired of waiting for letters which never arrive, the father takes a trip to see how the children are doing.
Going Inside a Storm
Yakov Agatov
Sergei Krylov and Oleg Tulin, are promising young physicists in the field of thunderstorms. They dream of weather control. But later their ways in science parted - Oleg is ready to tradeoff his standpoints for personal success, but Sergei knows that the truth is more critical.
Poyezd miloserdiya
Virgin Soil Upturned
The movie is based on the the same name novel of the Nobel Prize In Literature Winner Mikhail Sholokhov. The action is taken place in 20-30-s years of the XX century in the Russian countryside going through an uneasy process of collectivization.
Dostigayev and Others
July-December 1917, the country is undergoing a revolution. "The pillars of society" are alarmed by the looming on them menacing events. Some of them are ready to fight with the revolution, others — among them industrialist Vasily Dostigaev trying to "adapt»
The film is about the dramatic events of the early years of the Bolshevik Revolution. Based on the play of the same name by Vladimir Bill-Belotserkovets.
She Loves You
A shy Zoo worker falls in love with a girl from a magazine cover and decides to send her a letter.
Two Captains
Based on the novel of the same name by Veniamin Kaverin. From childhood, Sanya Grigoryev was able to achieve success in any business. He grew up a courageous and brave man. The dream of finding the remnants of Captain Tatarinov’s expedition led him to the ranks of polar explorers. The life of Captain Grigoryev is full of heroic events: he flew over the Arctic, fought against the Nazis. He was in danger, had to endure temporary defeats, but the hero’s persistent and purposeful character helps him to keep his vow made to himself in childhood: “Fight and seek, find and not give up.”
Unfinished Story
Fyodor Ivanovich
The local doctor Yelizaveta Maksimovna is a beautiful woman and a wonderful sympathetic person. She is lonely, although she is cared for by a confident and promising colleague. Yelizaveta Maksimovna has one patient, a manly, full-energy ship builder Yershov, chained to the bed with a paralysis of both legs. All doctors recommend him rest, and Elizaveta Maksimovna advises to work and not feel sorry for herself. Yershov with all his heart falls in love with his doctor, and she loves him, but she does not dare to say her feelings. Ershov thinks that he has no hopes, but...