Robert Whitelock

Robert Whitelock

Nacimiento : , Trowbridge, Royaume-Uni


Robert Whitelock


The Undertaker
A meek undertaker becomes trapped in a violent world when a gangster enlists him to dispose of a growing number of corpses.
Tommy, an out of work building contractor, faces up to the consequences when a series of phone calls expose a lie that spirals out of control. With his family in danger and everything he knows rapidly unravelling around him, he must make the toughest decision of his life. Set entirely within the claustrophobic confines of a parked car, HOLD brings an atmospheric and tense twist on a familiar genre.
¡Que suene la música!
Cuando un grupo de esposas de militares deciden crear un coro en una base militar, un poderoso vínculo comienza a surgir entre ellas. La música y la risa transformará en cierta forma sus vidas, ayudándoles a intentar superar el miedo que experimentan cada vez que sus seres queridos se aventuran en peligrosas misiones en Afganistán
Bring Back the Cat
Mr. Ellison
Novice Private Investigator Joe Smith is called by a wealthy woman living in north London to investigate the disappearance of her family cat. In the course of his investigation, Smith discovers some unexpected and unsettling things.
Hércules, como todos los héroes griegos, es un semidios. Tras realizar los terribles doce trabajos que le fueron impuestos y tras perder a su familia, decide darle la espalda a los dioses y encontrar consuelo en la búsqueda de aventuras. Gracias a sus andanzas, ha encontrado hombres afines que se han unido a él, pues comparten su amor por el combate y no temen la presencia constante de la muerte en sus vidas. El rey de Tracia pretende que estos hombres formen un ejército invencible. Adaptación de la novela gráfica de 2008 "Hercules: The Thracian War".
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa
Armed Mangina Officer
Película centrada en la vida del reportero Alan Partridge.
Murder on the Victorian Railway
Detective Inspector Richard Tanner
Part documentary, part recreation, this movie is an exploration of Britain's first railway murder. Based on the book by Kate Colquhoun.
Shell Shock
Tom was a soldier, a British veteran of an anonymous war from the 1990's. Whilst serving, soldiers under his command were separated from the rest of his patrol and ambushed. His search for them leads him to a traumatized soldier, shaken and confused by something he has seen inside a farm building. Tom enters the building. What happened in there will haunt him forever. He returns a decorated hero but he can't forget.
El aviador embrujado
Toby Jugg, un joven piloto de aviones bombarderos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, tiene una serie de pesadillas mientras se está recuperando de una parálisis en una remota mansión de Gales bajo el ojo del siniestro doctor Hal Burns (Julian Sands). Jugg comienza a sufrir alucinaciones, durante las cuales cree ver insectos; estas tal vez sean provocadas por la culpabilidad de sus destructivos bombardeos. Además, el extraño comportamiento del Dr. Burns sólo sirve para aumentar su paranoia. La situación empeora con la llegada de su tía, Julia (Rachael Stirling), quien aparentemente también está involucrada con la manipulación del Dr. Burns.
Jack Hardy is the sole survivor of a mysterious submarine disaster in World War II. Now, in 1981, the ill-fated submarine Scorpion has resurfaced, miraculously intact. Naval Intelligence need Hardy's expertise to retrace the course and mission that led to her original disappearance. But what's waiting for them under the grey waters of the Baltic Sea turns out to be much worse than the Russian submarines they're expecting. Wherever Scorpion has been all this time, it's brought some very bad luck back with it...
Pompeya: El último día
La ciudad de Pompeya llegó a un fin devastador cuando el 24 de agosto del año 79 de nuestra era, el poderoso volcán Vesubio entró en erupción, en el mayor desastre natural que experimentó el mundo antiguo. Combinando investigaciones científicas y espectaculares efectos especiales, esta película documental dramatiza las últimas horas de una ciudad ajena al peligro que se cernía sobre ella.
Donalbain / Young Seyward
Anthony Sher and Harriet Walter star in a highly-acclaimed screen version of William Shakespeare's classic story of tyranny and ambition. On the stage this Royal Shakespeare Company presentation was universally lauded. Following sell-out seasons at Statford's Swan Theatre and in London, the production played Japan and in the United States, where The New York Times praised director Gregory Doran's interpretation as a "harrowing and disturbingly funny parable for the dawn of the 21st century". To make this compelling screen version, Gregory Doran worked with all of the original cast and filmed at London's Roundhouse. Brilliantly shot by director of photography Ernie Vincze, the production uses the edgy techniques of fly-on-the-wall documentaries. The effect is raw, intimate and strikingly dynamic.