Self (archive footage)
A collection of film clips profiling animal actors.
(archive footage)
Una recopilación de los momentos más divertidos de las comedias MGM.
Alonzo K. Pratt (uncredited)
On Mickey's birthday, Miss Pipps, the school teacher, serves cake and ice cream during school hours. Sour old Mr. Pratt, head of the school board, stumbles on the festivities and has Miss Pipps fired. The Our Gang conspire to save her job by inviting all the parents to a special meeting. There the gang stage a melodrama, with Mr. Pratt portrayed as Simon Legree. The parents react by demoting Mr. Pratt to janitor. They appoint kindly Mr. Swanson, the current janitor, to head the school board. And of course they reinstate Miss Pipps as school teacher. Sometime later, in an act of forgiveness, Miss Pipps and the gang hold a birthday party for Pratt who is then humbled by the experience.
Sheriff (uncredited)
Rich playboy Drogo Gaines is in imminent danger of marrying a gold digger, and escapes by feigning insanity. The joke's on him when he wakes up in an asylum full of comical lunatics. There he befriends Colonel Carraway, and together they escape, catching a ride with a beautiful blonde who proves to be Penguin Moore, carnival owner.
W.L. Reynolds
Jo March and her husband Professor Bhaer operate the Plumfield School for poor boys. When Dan, a tough street kid, comes to the school, he wins Jo's heart despite his hard edge, and she defends him when he is falsely accused. Dan's foster father, Major Burdle, is a swindler in cahoots with another crook called Willie the Fox. When the Plumfield School becomes in danger of foreclosure, the two con men cook up a scheme to save the home.
Silas Barton
The Weaver Brothers hit the road and taste the hobo's life in this, the sixth, entry in the eleven-film "Weaver Brothers and Elviry" comedy-drama series. The singing hayseed family's journey begins when a drought destroys their farm. The young travelers soon hook up with a band of tramps and end up in a small town that has been nearly destroyed by the floods that occasionally roar through it. The Weavers' are moved by the townsfolk's plight and so decide to stay a spell and help out.
Judge Henderson
His Arizona hometown of Torpedo invites Gene back to be the honorary sheriff of the Frontier Days Celebration.
Eph, Service Station Owner
Teenagers try to clear a friend accused of murder.
R. Glassford
Cuando se casa, un hombre contraviene la política de su empresa.
Mr. Jamison
A young millionaire gets hiccups whenever he kisses a pretty woman.
Willie Stout
Inventor Robert Fulton receives support from a tavern owner and a shipyard worker to help realize his dream of a high-powered steamboat.
Paymaster (uncredited)
Albany, Nueva York, 1776. Después de casarse, Gil y Lana viajan al norte para instalarse en una pequeña granja en el valle del río Mohawk; pero pronto su creciente prosperidad y felicidad se ven amenazadas por el siniestro sonido de los tambores que anuncian oscuros tiempos de revolución y guerra.
Malenkthy Culp
A young boy helps a marshal in his battle against outlaws.
Mr. Ives
Nicky es un buscavidas de poca monta, con un grupo en la calle que toca jazz, hasta que el propietario del lugar les echa por no pagar el alquiler. Después, Nicky conoce a una cantante prometedora, quien le convence de hablar con el director de una emisora de radio para promocionarla.
Telegraph Operator (uncredited)
Por extrañas circunstancias, un hombre se ve convertido en padre de un niño de diez meses y se involucra en la vida turbulenta de su familia.
Lunchroom Proprietor (uncredited)
Dos hombres inocentes son acusados injustamente de asesinato y condenados a muerte. La novia de uno de ellos convence a un detective de policía de su inocencia, y juntos tratan de encontrar al verdadero asesino antes de la fecha de ejecución de los hombres.
Dr. Berger
De vuelta al ancestral castillo 25 años después de la muerte del monstruo, el hijo del doctor Frankenstein conoce a Ygor, un pastor loco que esconde a la terrible criatura. Buscando limpiar el nombre de la familia, revive al monstruo y lo intenta rehabilitar.
Norris' Attorney (uncredited)
Melsa Manton, una jovencita de clase alta, descubre una noche, en una casa deshabitada, un cadáver. Pero cuando llega la policía, el cuerpo ha desaparecido. Al día siguiente, un diario publica la noticia, tomando por una bromista contumaz a Melsa, quien no duda en poner un pleito al autor del artículo, Peter Ames. Deseando demostrar la verdad, Melsa y su grupo de inseparables amigas empiezan a investigar el caso. Un segundo cadáver, éste nada escurridizo, no tarda en aparecer. Los meandros de la investigación son cada vez más espesos. Y entre dudas, sospechas y amenazas, Peter Ames y Melsa Manton empiezan a constatar que del odio al amor hay sólo un minúsculo paso.
John Blakely
Alice Sycamore, la única persona con un poco de cordura en una familia llena de lunáticos, se enamora de su jefe, Tony Kirby, que pertenece a una familia muy rica y muy cursi. La diferencia entre el estilo de vida y la mentalidad de ambas familias se agudizan cuando los padres de él van a cenar a casa de ella, y la cena termina con la llegada de la policía y la detención de todos los presentes, acusados de anarquistas.
Mr. G
Teddy Shaw, a bored New York office girl, goes to a camp in the Catskill Mountains for rest and finds Chick Kirkland.
The Ritz Brothers pretend to be Kentucky hillbillies in order to get a booking on a radio show.
Los O'Leary son una familia de pioneros cuyos hijos mayores alcanzan poder y notoriedad en la bulliciosa ciudad de Chicago. Jack (Don Ameche) es elegido alcalde con la ayuda de su popular hermano Dion (Tyrone Power), pero ambos hermanos se enfrentan después a causa de sus diferencias de opinión sobre el destino que deben dar a los barrios bajos de Chicago. Usando a su esposa (Alice Faye), una cantante de cabaret, como peón en la disputa, Dion echa leña al fuego de la rivalidad con su hermano hasta que la ciudad entera comienza a tomar partido por el uno o por el otro
Jake Singer (as Clarence Hummel Wilson)
Rebecca (Shirley Temple) es una niña de 10 años que queda al cuidado de su tía en una granja. Un día, un promotor radiofónico descubre que la niña puede ser un talento en ese medio y, de repente, la convierte en gran estrella. Adaptación de la novela homónima de Kate Douglas Wiggin.
Charles Frazee
A detective must solve a case where a girl was murdered in a room--and all the doors and windows were locked from the inside.
Curtis French
Henry Armstrong was past being a spring chicken, still believes in Santa Claus and the maxim that "honesty is the best policy", but lack of money keeps him from marrying Molly and buying a little home, and his is threatened with the loss of the petty job he has had for four years with old Curtis French, Molly's uncle, because he can not sell enough insurance policies. And, then, he finds a thousand dollar bill. His honesty makes him advertise the find, but no one claims the money. When he is convinced that the owner will not turn up and that the money is his to keep, he becomes a changed, more aggressive and self-confident person. He begins to make sales as fast as he can make the pitch and he insists that he and Molly be married at once. While getting dressed for the ceremony, he places the $1000 bill in one of his father's old suits, and Pa Armstrong, trying to raise money to buy his son a wedding present, sells the suit to a passing junk man.
A millionaire is found murdered in his apartment. Suspicion falls on a variety of suspects, including his fiancée and her parents, the butler, and a professional mentalist known as The Great Gambini.
Dr. N.R. Shryer
Warning of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, specifically syphilis.
Justice of the Peace (uncredited)
Esther Blodgett, una ambiciosa chica de pueblo con mucho talento, llega a Hollywood. En una fiesta en la que trabaja como camarera conoce a Norman Maine, un famoso actor en decadencia. Para sorpresa de Esther, Norman le ofrece un papel en una película y, tras realizar una prueba, el productor queda impresionado y decide convertirla en una estrella. Norman y Esther se casan, pero la felicidad se ve empañada por el declive de Norman y el rápido ascenso al estrellato de Esther.
The two leading ladies are cast as Prudence and Agatha, a pair of old-fashioned schoolteachers in an old-fashioned small town. Disdaining the wimpy theories of "progressive" education, Prudence and Agatha stick to the reliable "Three R's," often teaching to the tune of a hickory stick. Though ridiculed for their so-called outmoded methods, the heroines manage to turn out quite a few prize students, earning the undying gratitude of the local citizenry.
Skinny Wilson - Sulker
An Italian immigrant studying the law gets mixed up with crooks.
C.D. Pottingham
The first musical comedy from the Grand National assembly line, Hats Off stars John Payne and Mae Clarke as rival press agents Jimmy Maxwell and Jo Allen. Both have been assigned to stir up publicity for separate expositions at the 1936 Texas Centennial (newsreel footage of which predominates throughout the film's short running time). To throw Jimmy off the track, Jo pretends to be a schoolteacher, but by the time the ruse has been revealed, the two leading characters have fallen in love.
Mr. Shuster
El abogado Perry Mason es convocado a la mansión del inválido Peter Laxter en la oscuridad de la noche para redactar un documento que evite que su nieta Wilma, que está por casarse, pierda su fortuna en un posible futuro divorcio. Peter pronto muere en un misterioso incendio y dos de sus nietos, Sam y Frank, heredan sus bienes con la condición de hacerse cargo del viejo cuidador Schuster y del gato Clinker. Luego Schuster es encontrado muerto en un sótano; y los diamantes de la familia Laxter están desaparecidos. También aparece muerta Louise, la enfermera de Peter, asesinada a golpes con la muleta de Schuster.
Charlie Mason y Rusty Fleming, una feliz pareja de periodistas de Chicago, deciden formalizar su relación casándose. Pero pronto llegarán los problemas incluyendo incendios, persecuciones policiales y secuestros.
Jonathan Ramp
A henpecked husband tries to help his daughter marry the man she loves and his wife loathes.
Herman Slade
A runaway orphan is befriended by a kind-hearted pet store owner with a criminal past.
Jess Boynton
Jones family romp with father trying to convince son to follow him as a druggist, rather than becoming a pilot, until the son's piloting skills come in handy.
Mr. Wilson (car owner)
Charlie tells his co-workers about his event-filled vacation to California, including his run in with two vagabond hitchhikers.
Streetcar Owner
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
Lawyer Brewster
Una inmigrante consigue triunfar en el mundo del espectáculo, tras haber llegado huérfana a Estados Unidos.
E. H. Compton
Charley is hired to haunt a house.
The Lawyer (uncredited)
Una aspirante a cantante y un joven compositor se enamoran y se casan: pero, mientras que ella alcanza el éxito, él sigue siendo un desconocido. Así las cosas, ella decide renunciar a su prometedora carrera por amor a su marido.
Dennis P. Hogan
Roscoe the Rainmaker is invited to California (with sidekick "Billy") to relieve a terrible dry spell and to save the community from an unscrupulous businessman who stands to profit from the drought
Amos Whipple
Con men Calvin Churchill and Clip McGurk know how to fix a horse-race or boxing match. Calvin wants to go straight and win back his estranged wife, but first the men must dodge a dogged IRS agent and bilk a bunch of aviation investors out of the backing boodle for a balloon excursion into the stratosphere.
Mr. Wilson
Cautious, frugal Charley is told by his insurance doctor that he has six months to live, and goes on to live life to the fullest.
Truant Officer
When a young man is befriended by a gambling ship operator and made a partner in the business, he becomes involved in a police manhunt after he covers up a murder committed by his new partner.
Bridge Player
A Hawaiian naval nurse weds a widowed officer partly because he has a crippled daughter.
Piano Creditor (Uncredited)
El Doctor Gogol se enamora de Yvonne Orlac, la esposa del pianista Stephen Orlac. Cuando éste sufre un accidente de tren, y sus manos son amputadas, Yvonne pide ayuda a Gorgol, que le transplanta las manos de un asesino. La operacion parece funcionar, y el organismo de Orlac no rechaza las nuevas manos. Sin embargo, Orlac descubrirá unas nuevas tendencias que nunca había tenido: la necesidad de matar. Su mujer Yvonne tambien descubre el cambio de su marido. Mientras tanto, Gogol sigue enamorado de Yvonne, con un amor cada vez más obsesivo... (FILMAFFINITY)
Mr. Felix
Eccentric tycoon Jasper Whyte hosts a dinner at his mansion and announces that he will divide his money and give each guest a million dollars before the stroke of midnight. When his long-lost granddaughter suddenly arrives, Whyte changes his mind and proclaims that she will receive his entire fortune. A second lady appears at the estate, claiming that she is actually Whyte's granddaughter, Doris Waverly, and the first woman is found murdered in her room! With each guest possessing a motive, the mystery of the killer's identity briskly unfolds through a stirring series of surprises.
Mad Scientist
Thelma and Patsy find themselves in a spooky house inhabited by a nut who is a mechanical genius and has made a robot who does everything. The inventor manipulates the robot's control board from a hidden room. The girls are soon in a panic. Patsy gets into an argument with the robot and loses the match of wits. Blackie Burke, an escaped convict, is using the house as a hideout, and this adds to the problems the girls already have.
Antoine - Official with Court Order (uncredited)
Adaptation of Ouida's sentimental classic about a poor Flemish boy (Frankie Thomas) whose ambition is to become a painter.
Jake Henshaw
In this comedy of an Englishman stranded in a sea of barbaric Americans, Marmaduke Ruggles, a gentleman's gentleman and butler to an Earl is lost in a poker game to an uncouth American cattle baron. Ruggles's life is turned upside down as he's taken to the USA, is gradually assimilated into American life, accidently becomes a local celebrity, and falls in love along the way.
Crime novelist Roger Blackwood competes with hotel house detective Andy McCabe in solving a murder by poisoning at a medical convention.
Garvey, Gambert's Lawyer
A landslide has diverted water from the Baldwin ranch to Cambert's. With their cattle dying, Cambert refuses to let them have any water. Easterner Larry Knight takes a job with the Baldwins and he has a plan to divert the water back to the Baldwin ranch. But Phil, jealous of Kitty's attraction to Larry, lets Cambert know of the scheme.
Dolan - Pool Hall Proprietor
A barber tries to find the winning lottery ticket he hid from his moralistic wife.
Hotel Manager (Uncredited)
Dyll abandona en el altar a su novia Mary, pues ha descubierto que sigue enamorado de Connie, una chica que conoció hace años.
Mr. Crutch
A magic lamp lets a young couple become kids again and exposes a mean old man who runs his orphanage like a prison.
Mr. Bristol, Landlord (uncredited)
La viuda Beatrice Pullman (Claudette Colbert) empieza a obtener beneficios gracias a las recetas de repostería de su sirvienta negra Delilah Johnson (Louise Beavers). Mientras tanto, la hija de Beatrice (Rochelle Hudson) se enamora de su padrastro. Por su parte, la hija de la sirvienta (Fredi Washington) se empeña en hacerse pasar por blanca
John Stevens
A power-broker ward-heeler, Bill Grimes, wields more power than the elected politicians and has no problem in getting matters-of-the-city handled in which ever way is best for his needs. But when he tries to fix his adored kid brother's place on the school football team, he meets his match in school-teacher Anne Barry.
H.T. Flintly
Ellery Cushing is full of catchy sayings and old-fashioned wisdom. But all that his family cares about is how much money he makes, and all that his boss at the newspaper sees is that Cushing is getting too old to keep up with his work. So his loyal co-worker Phil decides to see what he can do to help everyone see what his friend has to offer.
A college football team recruits a tough convict.
The story of a small-time vaudeville trio and their rise to the big time.
Tras pasar 13 años en prisión injustamente encarcelado, Edmundo Dantés logra fugarse y maquina una diabólica venganza contra sus enemigos.
Clement Graftsman
After being fired from his job at the Marriage License Bureau, a clerk turns to matchmaking.
Josiah Claybourne (uncredited)
Guerra de Secesión, 1862. Tras el desastre de la Segunda Batalla de Bull Run, el comandante Allen, jefe del Servicio Secreto de la Unión, pide a la actriz Gail Loveless que se convierta en uno de sus espías y se infiltre en territorio enemigo.
Joe Davis
Golden es un jugador que ha prometido a su esposa retirarse cuando gane doscientos mil dólares. Manipula un combate de boxeo y el gangster Mossiter se enfurece con él y ha de entregarle su fortuna. Empeña las joyas de su mujer y se hace un seguro de vida.
Un estafador se hace pasar por un predicador.
Max Keibel
An unprincipled hustler who makes his living getting--or making up--evidence in divorce cases finds that he's framing his own daughter.
The Professor (as Clarence Hummel Wilson)
A telephone operator gives up her job to try to be a nightclub singer.
Hilda's Father (uncredited)
Tras el desastroso final de su anterior aventura, Carl Denham monta otra expedición y parte de nuevo desde Nueva York para regresar a la isla de Kong. Allí descubre a su hijo, un gorila blanco que simpatizará con los exploradores.
Mr. Whistler
A prizefighter is convicted of a murder that was actually committed by his sister.
Bail Bondsman
In this brutal prison drama a hen-pecked husband is sentenced to prison after getting caught with his hand in the company till. He is sent to a high-rise facility in LA. It seems the fellow was only following the instructions of his domineering, constantly nagging wife who, as soon as he is put away, takes up with a more successful businessman. This causes her new lover's ex-lover to get insanely jealous and kill the conniving wife.
Phineas Pratt
Tillie and Augustus Winterbottom are thought to be missionaries when they arrive to find Phineas Pratt trying cheat the Sheridans out of her father's inheritance, including a ferry franchise and a boat. The only way to keep the franchise is to win a race against Pratt's boat.
Rival newspaper reporters Pat Morgan and Ted Rand find themselves unraveling the mystery behind the death of a millionaire philanthropist who fell from his penthouse balcony. When it is discovered that the plunge was not an accident, the building's residents come under suspicion. Soon, the body count begins to mount as three more murders occur by strangulation.
Capt. Durosch (uncredited)
Sarajevo June 28, 1914. Dushan, the Serbian mayor of a Hungarian town, has come to see the parade of Archduke Ferdinand. While there he runs into Geza, an old friend in the Hungarian Army and invites him to come to his house and visit him and his new wife.
Walter C. Horton
A hospital surgeon (James Dunn) protects a mystery woman (Gloria Stuart) who knows too much about a card-game murder.
Ship's Doctor
An ocean liner is found at sea with everyone on board dead. An investigation is begun to find out what happened.
J. Weems - Acme Detective Agency Head (uncredited)
Una mujer es chantajeada por su primer marido, ella planea un viaje al extranjero para librarse de él.
Sam Foster
The scheme of a pair of married con artists goes awry when their victim dies, and they are both caught and imprisoned. When she gets out of prison, she tries to put her life back together.
Gentry, the Barber
The ranchers have given money through Benton to the crooked lawyer Harkness to save the titles to their land. When Harkness gets a better offer, he steals Benton's receipt for the money and Benton is jailed. To fight back, Benton escapes jail at night to become the Phantom.
Finn's Lawyer Morris (uncredited)
Tom Connors, un preso a quien se concede un permiso para visitar a su novia herida, se ve involucrado en una pelea con un mafioso, a quien su novia mata de un disparo. Connors huye del lugar del crimen por una ventana y, cuando regresa a prisión, es culpado del asesinato y condenado a la silla electrica.
Minor Role (uncredited)
El joven hijo del Zar Nicolás II es querido por los suyos y por el pueblo. Ahora bien, está aquejado de hemofilia. El sacerdote Rasputin, quien le salva de una grave herida ante la sorpresa de los impotentes médicos, se ganará la confianza de la Zarina.
J.P. Mulford
A ranch manager falls in love with a banker's daughter, but after a quarrel with the girl's parents, flee across the border into Mexico.
Bertrand B. Hemingway
New York schoolmarm Hildegarde Withers assists a detective when a body of unscrupulous stockbroker Gerald Parker suddenly appears in the penguin tank at the aquarium.
Two Dartmouth football players fall in love with the same girl following college graduation.
Apartment House Manager (uncredited)
Five men have to prove their innocence when a blackmailer is murdered.
Football Game Spectator (uncredited)
The story of the rise and fall of an All-American football player.
J. Caldwall Evans
Harry is hired by a rich family to stop their daughter from entering a beauty contest.
Ed Eggers
Husband and father Will Rogers tells his spoiled wife and children that they have to economize.
Shirtmaker (uncredited)
Encantador y romántico musical que marcó el paso de muchos de los posteriores. Un sastre de París y una princesa se enamoran en esta obra maestra con el gran Maurice Chevalier.
Justice of the Peace Elmer (uncredited)
Nightclub singer Joan Gordon runs away from her gangster boyfriend to become a mail-order bride to a struggling North Dakota farmer. Their relationship has a rocky start, but just as Joan realizes she's developing feelings for her husband, her old boyfriend arrives to win her back.
Ben Isaacs
Overworked boxer Jim goes to a health ranch in New Mexico to recover where he falls in love with Peggy and her sickly son. Once recovered, Jim leaves to return to the ring. Can their romance survive the distance?
Prefect of Police
A gentleman thief charms a Viennese baron's wife and also conducts a daring daylight robbery of a jeweller's shop.
County Attorney
A foreword warns against the peril of yellow journalism, and the story illustrates it by following events in the upstate New York town of Cornwall after prominant financier George Ferguson is killed. Two types of New York City journalists descend on Cornwall, one interested in facts, the other in getting sensational "news". Mrs. Ferguson is known to have been friendly with a local banker. The Fergusons quarrel the evening he is killed (by "burglers", his wife tells the police later), and she is arrested, spurred on by the "bad" journalists, who also manage to badger the banker's wife into the hospital. Meanwhile, young Bruce Foster runs the Cornwall Courier, and shows the big city reporters how to dig out real news while they attempt to subvert justice for their own ends.
William J. 'Bill' Hansen
Jim Gladden, a construction site foreman, is partially responsible for the accidental death of one of his workers, Fred Smith, and makes good on Fred's deathbed request to go to Scotch Valley and take care of his surviving wife and children. When Jim arrives in the small town, he is told that there are two Fred Smith families in Scotch Valley, the rich Smiths and the poor Smiths. Jim assumes that the Smiths he is looking for are the poor ones, and is directed to a house where four children live in poverty.
Charles Evan Hughes Campaigner (uncredited)
Los males del alcohol antes y durante la prohibición se hacen evidentes cuando vemos sus efectos en la familia Chilcote.
Coroner (uncredited)
El jefe de policía, Jim Fitzpatrick, está luchando contra el gángster Sam Belmonte. Le pide a su deshonesto hermano Ed que le eche un ojo a Daisy, que estaba relacionada con Belmonte.
A.J. Dietrich, Attorney (uncredited)
Un rico productor teatral atrae a una joven chica desesperada a su apartamento. La inocente chica no se da cuenta que el lujurioso productor está planeando hacer algo más que tomar una copa con ella.
Henry Sykes
A crooked lawyer trying to cheat a young girl out of her inheritance tries to convince a sea captain to help him. Re-released in 1939 as "Phantom Submarine U-67."
Uncle Cornelius
The wealthy von Wellingens are shocked when the father of their son Fred's fiancée Lia juggles desserts at a formal dinner. They encourage Fred to break the engagement. Lia goes to Berlin to marry a Baron von Schwarzdorf, and Fred arrives too late to stop the marriage.
Lunch Counter Manager (uncredited)
An inventor and his lanky girlfriend set an altitude record in his winged contraption.
Adrian Garrett
A story of love, humor and drama against the background of America's "Biggest Little City." An (interrupted) indiscretion by John Wyatt with a floozy prompts his wife, June, to make a trip to Reno, Nevada in order to get a quickie six-week-waiting-period divorce. John, penitent over his past actions (since he got caught), follows his wife to Reno and manages a reconciliation after a murder gives him a chance to prove his true devotion.
La perdición –y maldad de su título– de Margot Rande no es otra que su díscolo hijo. Cuando el muchacho atraca un banco, la madre le protege disparando accidentalmente a un policía. Condenada a veinte años de prisión, la mujer es sometida a todo tipo de vejaciones por culpa de guardianas sin escrúpulos. Un abogado intentará reducir su condena, pero las cosas se complican cuando ella tiene un niño mientras está entre rejas.
A popular jockey is disbarred from racing after he's accused of throwing a race.
A society gigolo goes after a rich mother and her daughter, but tries to find true happiness with his girlfriend, who is neither rich nor in "society."
Sheriff Hartman
Hildy es un periodista que está a punto de dejar su empleo para irse a Nueva York. Para impedir que se vaya su mejor reportero, el director del periódico le encarga el reportaje de su vida: el caso de un condenado a muerte que ha huido de prisión. Primera adaptación cinematográfica de la obra de teatro de Ben Hecht y Charles MacArthur "The Front Page". La segunda adaptación ("Luna Nueva", 1940) la dirigió Howard Hawks. La tercera ("Primera Plana", 1974) fue obra de Billy Wilder. A Ted Kotcheff corresponde la cuarta versión ("Interferencias", 1988).
Max Hardy (uncredited)
Mary Turner es condenada a tres años por un delito que no cometió. En prisión hace amistad con dos reclusas. Enfurecida por su injusta situación, planea vengarse del fiscal del distrito que la puso entre rejas.
When a shipping clerk is recruited by his employer to help his golf game, his boss insists he conceal his humble identity at the country club.
George - Ted's Valet
An adaptation of W. Somerset Maugham's The Circle. A young woman married into an aristocratic English family finds life with her husband dull and decides to elope with a Canadian. However her mother-in-law, who did something similar thirty years before, tries to prevent her.
Patello's Attorney
Bill O'Brien is promoted to lieutenant in the police department for his arrest of Mike Patello, gang leader and racketeer, for murder. Ruth Dale, who loves Bill, is concerned when her brother, Johnny, who witnessed the murder, proposes to testify against the racketeer. Meanwhile, Captain Antrim informs Bill that his father has just been released from prison and does not know his son is a policeman. On the way from prison, O'Brien (J. P.) meets Limo, a former cockney pal who recognizes Bill and keeps J. P. from seeing his son; later, J. P. arrives intoxicated and is enraged, forcing Bill to knock him unconscious. J. P. is arrested for robbery but returns the loot to save his son from disgrace; Johnny is killed before testifying against Patello, who is released but confronted by J. P., who proves his guilt and, when he struggles with the police, kills him. Bill plans to resign, but confident of Ruth's love, he decides to remain on the force.
Heyst, a hermit on his own tropical island, plays unwilling host to red-headed stowaway Alma. Danger looms...
Detective Captain (as Wilson Hummell)
In Woman Trap, Hal Skelly is hard-bitten police sergeant Dan Malone, whose mission in life is to rid his community of gangsters. The revelation that Dan's own brother Ray (Chester Morris) is the secret head of all local criminal activities does not weaken Dan's resolve in the least. The barely relevant title is a reference to "heroine" Kitty Evans (Evelyn Brent), the wife of a minor gang functionary. Screenwriter Joseph L. Mankiewicz, presumably on a dare, makes a brief appearance as a crime reporter.
A reporter's marriage is jeopardized by his drinking and he finds himself accused of a murder he didn't commit.
Bartender in Marseille (uncredited)
Dos marineros que se hacen amigos viajan por todo el mundo en busca de aventuras y mujeres.
Office Manager
Joe and Eve are engaged, but Joe cannot help contrasting the drabness of her attire with the dressy clothes of their friends. Eve overhears him talking of this and breaks with him. Then, with the help of her friend, Mazie, she metamorphoses into a ravishing beauty. Joe is remorseful, but the situation is made more complex when he suspects Eve of questionable relations with her boss.
Money Lender (uncredited)
Un granjero convive felizmente en el campo con su esposa. Pero la aparición de una seductora mujer de la ciudad hace que comience a enamorarse de ésta, y a pensar que su mujer es un estorbo que se interpone en la felicidad entre él y su nueva y sofisticada amante.
Flower vendor (uncredited)
Young orphan Victoria Sax becomes a grand duchess and is summoned to a remote kingdom.
'Singapore' Scroggs
Cuando muere su padre, policía, Mickey debe viajar para encontrarse con su tía, que ha prometido cuidar de él. Pero el barco que le conduce a Australia está dirigido por alguien que no ve con buenos ojos la adopción del muchacho. Todo cambia cuando el barco naufraga y Mickey es el único superviviente
Jewars (Jeffreys' secretary)
Barbara Winslow helps her rebel brother, Rupert, escape from the king's forces by disguising herself as him. Captain Prothero captures her, but he has fallen for Barbara's charms so he lets her go. As a result they are both arrested and imprisoned.
The Reformer
John Steele, a rich uncle, threatens to disinherit his nephew, Tom Steele, unless the latter learns to curb his violent temper. Tom is put on a 30-day trial and must resist all temptation to get mad or fight back no matter how provoked. And he is easily provoked, especially when called a lavender sissy-boy.
Steve Cline returns to the U.S. after earning his fortune in South America. He reads in the paper that his brother Tom was arrested for safecracking. Tom escapes and runs to the home of Sadie McCall, whose father Reever heads a forgery ring. Steve rushes to meet his brother, but Tom is killed in a police raid. Reever gets away and Steve falls for Sadie, but Steve takes the blame for the murder and faces death by hanging. Reported by some to be Gary Cooper's first film as an extra. However this is not confirmed in any way.
Joe Franklin
Mary Franklin has a drunken father, an invalid mother, and a kid brother and sister to support. To make ends meet she is works as a hostess in a sleazy cafe, where she steals jewelry from her dancing partners.
A Crook (uncredited)
Un hombre decide vengarse del médico que cuando era niño le amputó innecesariamente las dos piernas.