Egon Brecher

Egon Brecher

Nacimiento : 1880-02-16, Olmütz, Moravia, Austria-Hungary [now Olomouc, Czech Republic]

Muerte : 1946-08-12


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Egon Brecher (18 February 1880 – 12 August 1946) was an Austria-Hungary-born actor and director, who also served as the chief director of Vienna's Stadts Theatre, before entering the motion picture industry. The son of a professor, Brecher began studying philosophy in 1900 at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. He did not finish his studies, deciding to become an actor. He appeared on several provincial stages in Germany and Austria until 1910, and then played in Vienna on various occasions, directed by Josef Jarno until 1921. In 1907, he founded an initiative (which lasted for something like one or two years) to play modern Yiddish theatre in German language with Siegfried Schmitz and members of the student club ‘Theodor Herzl’ like Hugo Zuckermann and Oskar Rosenfeld. In 1919 he was co-founder of the Freie Jüdische Volksbühne in Vienna, a Yiddish theatre, which existed for three years. Then, in 1921, he moved to New York to act on Broadway. He moved to Hollywood in the late 1920s to appear in foreign-language versions of American films. In the mid-1930s he appeared in classic horror films The Black Cat, Werewolf of London, The Black Room, Mark of the Vampire and The Devil-Doll, and worked steadily in the espionage films of the 1930s/40s, his Slavic accent landing him roles both noble and villainous. One of his largest screen roles was in 1946's So Dark the Night. He died later in 1946, aged 66, of a heart attack in Los Angeles, California.


Egon Brecher


Amor sublime
Frenchman (uncredited)
Biografía sobre la enfermera Elisabeth Kenny, que consiguió notoriedad por sus revolucionarios tratamientos para la parálisis infantil tras su experiencia en los campos australianos con pacientes con polio.
So Dark the Night
Dr. Boncourt
Inspector Cassin, a renowned Paris detective, departs to the country for a much-needed break. There he falls in love with the innkeeper’s daughter, Nanette, who is already betrothed to a local farmer. On the evening of their engagement party, Nanette and the farmer both disappear. Cassin takes up the case immediately to discover what happened to them and who is responsible.
Bajo el manto tenebroso
Marcel Aubert
John Martin lidera a un grupo de paracaidistas que deben lanzarse en la Francia ocupada para destruir un túnel de vital importancia para los nazis. La operación no sale como estaba prevista y algunos de los miembros de la operación son capturados por la Gestapo.
Just Before Dawn
Dr. Evans (uncredited)
In the 7th film of the "Crime Doctor" series based on the radio program, Dr. Robert Ordway is summoned to take attend a diabetic, and gives an injection of insulin taken from a bottle in the patient's pocket. The man dies and Ordway discovers that what he thought was insulin was really poison. Oops! Two other people are murdered before Ordway discovers who replaced the insulin with poison and what the motive was
Memorias de una doncella
The Postman (Uncredited)
Celestine consigue trabajo como doncella en la mansión de los Lanlaire, una decadente y excéntrica familia aristocrática. Su objetivo es servirse de su belleza para seducir a un hombre rico, pero el señor Lanlaire no parece el hombre adecuado debido al férreo control que su madre ejerce sobre él con la ayuda de un extraño mayordomo.
White Pongo
Dr. Gerig
Suspecting that a safari guide is a wanted killer, undercover policeman Geoffrey Bishop (Richard Fraser) joins a safari led by the suspect for a scientist that hopes to find and prove that a fabled white gorilla is a missing link.
Voice of the Whistler
Dr. Rose (replaced by Frank Reicher) (uncredited)
A dying millionaire marries his nurse for companionship, only to experience a miracle cure.
La zarina
Wassilikow (uncredited)
El joven y apuesto teniente Alexei Chernov (William Eythe), llega a palacio para advertir a la emperatriz Catalina de Rusia (Tallulah Bankhead) de que está siendo traicionada y su vida corre peligro. Pero al ser revelado por el canciller Nikolai Illytch (Charles Coburn) que ya ese caso está resuelto, la zarina se decepciona un poco con el mensajero… aunque queda encantada y supremamente halagada al saber los sacrificios que hizo pensando tan solo en protegerla. Se iniciará así un intenso romance, en magníficos tonos de comedia, entre dos seres muy dispares que miran claramente hacia objetivos distintos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bajo sospecha
Gestapo Official (Uncredited)
En 1939, Richard Myles (Fred MacMurray), un profesor estadounidense que enseña en Oxford, y su nueva esposa Frances (Joan Crawford) se encuentran de luna de miel por Europa. Antes de salir de viaje, el servicio secreto británico le encarga a Myles que lleve a cabo una misión en Alemania. Al principio, tanto a Myles como a su esposa les divierte su papel de espías; pero poco a poco las cosas se irán complicando.
Misión en Moscú
Heinrich Sahm (uncredited)
El empresario Joseph E. Davies es nombrado por el presidente Roosevelt embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Soviética para que averigüe cuáles son las intenciones de este país respecto a la inminente Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). El embajador se llevará algunas sorpresas en una nación que pocos conocen realmente.
Isle of Missing Men
Richard Heller
A young woman receives an invitation from the Governor of an island prison to spend a week with him. She does so, but conceals the fact that her husband is being held as a convict on the island.
For the Common Defense!
Adolph (uncredited)
This Crime Does Not Pay short shows how cooperation among all the nations of the Americas helps the war effort. In this case, a US government agent travels to Chile and Colombia. He works with local authorities to try to thwart an Axis plan to ship stolen ammunition.
Abismo de pasión
Dr. Candell
Melodrama que narra la historia de la ciudad de King's Row a finales del siglo pasado. La película, que consta de tres partes, cuenta la vida de cinco niños y sus esfuerzos por salir adelante.
Alta tensión
Pop Duval
Hank y Johnny trabajan como técnicos de una compañía de electricidad. Una noche, se encuentran en una reunión a la atractiva Fay, y la tensión aumenta porque ambos se disputan el favor de la chica.
Herr Director
Un joven se siente especialmente atraído por la parafernalia exhibida por el Partido Nazi, siendo un ferviente admirador de las políticas expansionistas de Hitler. Sin embargo, cuando sus amigos comienzan a ser asesinados por la Gestapo, el muchacho cambia de parecer y decide ayudar a la resistencia alemana a acabar con la tiranía del Führer.
El hombre atrapado
Un cazador inglés que está de vacaciones en Baviera, de pronto, ve en lo alto de una colina la figura de Adolf Hitler. Convencido de que su desapariciión evitaría millones de muertos, dispara su rifle, pero se olvida de introducir una bala en la recámara. A partir de entonces será implacablemente perseguido por agentes de la Gestapo.
Out of Darkness
Victor Jourdain (uncredited)
This John Nesbitt's Passing Parade short tells of the Nazis' efforts to shut down an underground resistance newspaper in occupied Belgium.
Four Mothers
Music Foundation Director (uncredited)
Four married sisters face motherhood, financial, marital and family issues together.
A Dispatch from Reuter's
Von Konstat (uncredited)
German Julius Reuter sends 19th-century news by carrier pigeon and then by wire, founding a news agency.
Knute Rockne All American
Elder in Norway (uncredited)
The story of legendary Notre Dame football player and coach Knute Rockne.
Buyer Beware
Child's Father (uncredited)
This entry in MGM's "Crime Does Not Pay" series deals with shady companies selling fake merchandise.
The Man I Married
An American vacations in Europe with her husband and watches him turn into a Nazi.
El cielo y tú
Doctor (uncredited)
París, 1840. Una institutriz mantiene una escandalosa relación con un noble. Cuando la mujer de él aparece muerta, ambos se convierten en los principales sospechosos.
I Was an Adventuress
Jacques Dubois
Posing as the fabulously glamorous Countess Tanya Vronsky, a poor young ballet dancer and her two accomplices are really a team of skilled con artists! They mingle with Europe's high society, always looking for the next wealthy victim to fleece with their fake jewellery scam... Then Tanya meets the dashing young Paul Vernay. At first she wants to rob him. Then she decides she wants to marry him and to leave her criminal past behind her. Her accomplices agree but only if she'll join them in one last, big swindle...
Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Al poco tiempo de perder a su esposa Rebeca, el aristócrata inglés Maxim De Winter conoce en Montecarlo a una joven humilde, dama de compañía de una señora americana. De Winter y la joven se casan y se van a vivir a la mansión inglesa de Manderley, residencia habitual de De Winter. Pronto la señora Winter se da cuenta de que no puede borrar en su marido el recuerdo de su difunta esposa.
La bala mágica
True story of the doctor who considered it was not immoral to search for a drug that would cure syphillis.
Calling Philo Vance
Austrian Judge (uncredited)
Philo is in Vienna working for the US Government to see if Archer Coe is selling aircraft designs to foreign powers. He grabs the plans with Archer's signature, but is captured by police before he can escape. Deported he comes back to America and plans to confront Archer, but Archer is found dead in his locked bedroom with a gun in his hand. While it looks like a suicide, Vance knows better and the coroner finds that Archer has been shot, hit with a blunt instrument and stabbed - making suicide unlikely. But Vance is on the case and is looking to see if government secrets have been sold and who has murdered Coe. This is a remake of "The Kennel Murder Case" using aircraft designs and espionage instead of Chinese porcelain and dog shows.
Know Your Money
Samuels the Druggist (uncredited)
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short tells the fictitious story of a bill counterfeiting ring and explores the government's attempt to curb counterfeiting.
Judge Hardy and Son
Anton Volduzzi
El juez Hardy intenta localizar a un pariente de una pareja de edad avanzada, con el fin de impedir que pierdan su hogar. Para ello, recaba la ayuda de su hijo Andy.
We Are Not Alone
Mr. Adolf Schiller
A British doctor and his son's Austrian governess have an affair and are accused of killing his wife.
Espionage Agent
Cuando Barry Corvall descubre que su novia es una posible agente enemiga renuncia a la diplomacia secreta para desbaratar un anillo de espionaje que está planificando la destrucción de la capacidad industrial estadounidense. FY
Nurse Edith Cavell
Dr. Gunther
British nurse Edith Cavell is stationed at a hospital in Brussels during World War I. When the son of a former patient escapes from a German prisoner-of-war camp, she helps him flee to Holland. Outraged at the number of soldiers detained in the camps, Edith, along with a group of sympathizers, devises a plan to help the prisoners escape. As the group works to free the soldiers, Edith must keep her activities secret from the Germans
Angels Wash Their Faces
Mr. Smith
A young man just released from a reformatory moves to a new neighborhood with his sister, intending to start a new life. However, he gets mixed up with the local mob boss and corrupt politicians and soon finds himself being framed for an arson and murder he didn't commit.
Baron von Magnus (uncredited)
La lucha de Juárez contra Maximiliano I de Habsburgo, emperador de México por voluntad del emperador Napoleón III.
Hotel Imperial
Pograncz (uncredited)
It is the fate of a small frontier town, adjoining the no-man's-land where the Russians and Austrians are fighting out one of the final campaigns of World War I, to be occupied one day by the Russians, the next by the Austrians, and the inhabitants soon acquire a complacent view of the changing allegiances. To the town comes Ann Warschaska, intent on avenging the suicide of her sister, who has killed herself after being betrayed by an Austrian officer. She knows no more about his identity than the number of his room at the "Hotel Imperial".
Confesiones de un espía nazi
Fritz Muller - German Agent (uncredited)
Un agente del FBI (Robinson) investiga una amplia red de espionaje nazi que opera en Estados Unidos. Sus contactos llegarán hasta Suramérica y Europa. Se trata de una de las pocas películas del género antinazi rodadas antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, época en la que los Estados Unidos y, por consiguiente, Hollywood seguían una política aislacionista.
While America Sleeps
An episode in the "Crime Does Not Pay" series. Dave Miller, an aircraft plant worker, is actually selling secret bomber plans to foreign agents. United States Intelligence Department agents plan to trap him and the spies he works for.
The Three Musketeers
A parodic remake of the story of the young Gascon D'Artagnan, who arrives in Paris, his heart set on joining the king's Musketeers. He is taken under the wings of three of the most respected and feared Musketeers, Porthos, Aramis, and Athos. Together they fight to save France and the honor of a lady from the machinations of the powerful Cardinal Richelieu.
Devil's Island
A French doctor sentenced for treason performs brain surgery on the prison commandant's daughter.
Spring Madness
Soviet Travel Bureau Agent
Un estudiante de Harvard corteja a una compañera de otra universidad cercana.
Ferdinand de Lesseps fue un joven aristócrata e ingeniero francés que proyectó la construcción del Canal de Suez (inaugurado en 1869), pero tuvo que afrontar numerosos problemas para llevar a cabo su proyecto.
Irish immigrant meets returning war correspondent on a liner bound for New York. When she resists the amours of another passenger, charges result in her being detained at Ellis Island.
I'll Give a Million
After saving a tramp from suicide, a millionaire takes his clothing and disappears. Word is out that he will give a million dollars to anyone who is kind to a tramp.
Racket Busters
Peters (uncredited)
A trucker with a pregnant wife fights a New York mobster's protection racket.
You and Me
Mr. Levine
Mr. Morris, the owner of a large metropolitan department store, gives jobs to paroled ex-convicts in an effort to help them reform and go straight. Among his 'employed-prison-graduates' are Helen Roberts and Joe Dennis, working as sales clerks. Joe is in love with Helen and asks her to marry him, but she is forbidden to marry as she is still on parole, but she says yes and they are married. In spite of their poverty-level life, their marriage is a happy one until Joe discovers she has lied about her past, in order to marry him. Disillusioned, he leaves, goes back to his old gang and plans to rob the department store.
Cocoanut Grove
Band tries to get an audition for a job at a prestigious nightclub.
Invisible Enemy
Jeffrey Clavering is hired in London by The Great Eastern Oil Corporation to go to Paris to prevent unscrupulous industrialist Nikolai Kamarov from gaining control of their oil fields and turning them over to a foreign power.
Arsène Lupin Returns
Vasseur (uncredited)
A woman and a man vying for a woman's affection: the usual love trio? Not quite so since the belle in question is Lorraine de Grissac, a very wealthy and alluring society woman, while one of the two rivals is none other than Arsène Lupin, the notorious jewel thief everybody thought dead, now living under the assumed name of René Farrand. As for the other suitor he is an American, a former F.B.I. sleuth turned private eye by the name of Steve Emerson. Steve not only suspects Farrand of being Lupin but when someone attempts to steal a precious emerald necklace from Lorraine's uncle, Count de Brissac, he is persuaded Lupin is the culprit. Is Emerson right or wrong? Which of the two men will win over Lorraine's heart?
Blondes at Work
J.Z. Beckman (uncredited)
When a rival newspaper publisher complains to his captain about possible collusion between himself and reporter Torchy Blane on scooping her rivals in crime news reporting, Det. Lt. Steve McBride determines to thwart her efforts to get inside information - and she determines to go on getting it, by whatever means necessary.
The Spy Ring
General A. R. Bowen
Two American-army officers are working on a new type of machine-gun for anti-aircraft warfare, when one of them is murdered. The other vows to get the spies that are after the invention and avenge his friend's death.
Beg, Borrow or Steal
Antique Shop Proprietor (uncredited)
We find con-man Ingraham Steward living by his wits by steering wealthy Paris visitors to sellers of fake paintings and other assorted dodges. He and his wife, Agatha, have been separated for 15 years, but he promises to give their daughter, Joyce, a lavish wedding at his "château" in France. The fact that he doesn't have a château in France is just a minor trifle. He induces the caretaker, Bill Cherau, of a large country estate to allow it to be used for the wedding. The wedding party arrives and Bill falls madly in love with Joyce and she with him, but a gal has gotta do what a gal has gotta do, and her intended marriage to stuffed-shirt Horace Miller stays on the books. But Steward has a change of heart and he tells one and all that he and his friends, Von Gersdorff, Lefevre, Iznamof, Clifton Summitt and Sasch, are all frauds and crooks. Horace and his family stalk out, which is just fine with Joyce as her true love, the caretaker, is waiting on the grounds.
Inn Keeper
Cuando su tía se cansa de cuidarla, Heidi, una niña huérfana, debe ir a vivir a las montañas suizas con su arisco abuelo (Jean Hersholt), un ermitaño que pronto se encariña con ella. Pero la tía regresa para llevársela a vivir con una familia que necesita una compañera para su hija inválida (Marcia Mae Jones). A pesar de que una malvada institutriz (Mary Nash) le hace la vida imposible, Heidi consigue ganarse el cariño de todos los de la casa y no ceja en su intento de volver a reunirse con su querido abuelo.
I Met Him in Paris
Emile - Upper Sled Run Tower Control
Kay Denham is off for a fling in Paris, leaving her suitor Berk behind. There, she meets two new suitors, Gene and George. Gene smooth-talks her into a junket to Switzerland, but George (with no illusions about his friend) appoints himself chaperone. Through a series of slapstick winter sports, Kay remains puzzled about George's disapproval of Gene...but there's a reason.
Chief of Police
Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.
The Great O'Malley
Morris - the Pawnbroker (uncredited)
El oficial O'Malley detiene a John Phillips por una infracción de tráfico, perdiendo así la posibilidad de conseguir un buen trabajo. Dado que Phillips tiene una esposa y una hija lisiada, decide cometer un robo desesperado...
Stolen Holiday
Deputy Bergery
A young model is set up with her own fashion business by a crooked financier, who sells worthless bonds.
Black Legion
When a hard-working machinist loses a promotion to a Polish-born worker, he is seduced into joining the secretive Black Legion, which intimidates foreigners through violence.
Alibi for Murder
Sir Conrad Stava
A radio commentator named Perry Travis fancies himself a brilliant amateur detective. The cops wish he’d stick to his microphone and let them do the detecting. This proves impossible when a famed scientist is murdered in Perry’s studio, right in the middle of the interview. All evidence points to Perry, and he sets out to clear his name before the Shadow-like villain roaming the hallways of the radio station gets away with murder.
The White Angel
Pastor Fliedner
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
Sins of Man
Austrian church bell ringer Freyman loves music and wants his two sons (both played by Ameche) to love it too. The first goes to America and the second is born deaf-mute but gains hearing during WWI bombing.
Till We Meet Again
In London, August 1914, Austrian star Elsa Duranyi (Gertrude Michael) and English matinee idol Alan Barclay (Herbert Marshall) are in love and plan an immediate marriage. But the War comes and Elsa mysteriously disappears. Alan's ease in speaking German results in his appointment to the British Intelligence and, to aid his use as a spy, they announce he was killed in action. He takes the name and personality of "shell-shocked" Hans Teller, a German prisoner, and is sent into Germany on an exchange of prisoners.
Boulder Dam
Pa Vangarick
Fate brings a job at Boulder Dam and romance with a saloon singer into the life of a young man on the run.
La irlandesita
Russian Musician
Una inmigrante consigue triunfar en el mundo del espectáculo, tras haber llegado huérfana a Estados Unidos.
El secreto de Charlie Chan
En esta ocasión el detective oriental Charlie Chan resuelve el caso de una heredera a quien se presume muerta, aparece sana y salva y posteriormente es asesinada de verdad. (FILMAFFINIT)
Here's to Romance
Kathleen Gerard, a high society wife fed up with her husband's artistic "protegées", decides to take one of her own in Nino, a promising tenor, patronizing him to study in Paris. He and her girlfriend are perfectly happy until the Gerards pay a visit and Mrs. Gerard starts to show too much interest in him.
El lobo humano
Priest (uncredited)
Wilfred Glendon, doctor en botánica, emprende un viaje al Tíbet con el fin de localizar una extraña flor que crece únicamente en esa región bajo el influjo de la Luna. En el momento en que recoge un ejemplar, sufre el ataque de un hombre lobo que lo deja herido y con el estigma del licántropo. De regreso en Londres, recibe la visita del doctor Yogami, la persona que lo atacó. Éste le informa de que la flor que recogió es el único remedio para aletargar durante una noche el mal de luna
Air Hawks
Schulter's Henchman
A small, independent air delivery service is menaced by a mad scientist with a death ray machine that blows up planes in mid-flight.
La marca del vampiro
Coroner (uncredited)
Un inspector de policía investiga una serie de extrañas muertes en una población checa. Las víctimas presentan en el cuello pequeñas marcas que hacen sospechar que lo que está pasando es obra de vampiros.
The Florentine Dagger
A playwright descended from the Borgias family becomes a murder suspect.
Many Happy Returns
Dr. Otto von Strudel
El propietario de unos grandes almacenes paga a un pretendiente de su entrometida hija para que se la lleve.
The Majordomo
Una pareja en viaje de luna de miel, viajan en tren por las tierras de Budapest con destino a Wiesegrad, para después dirigirse a Gombos. Debido a un error de la ferroviaria, deben de aceptar hospedar en su vagón privado a un huésped, el doctor Vitus Werdegast, psiquiatra. Aunque a regañadientes, y para evitar que el intruso se quede en el pasillo toda la noche, aceptan. Una vez juntos, el doctor Vitus les dice que va a Wiesegrad a ver a un viejo amigo, pero por la expresión de su rostro no parece tener muy buenas intenciones. Durante el transcurso del viaje, la joven pareja se queda dormida, momento que aprovecha el doctor para acariciar la cabeza de la desposada. Pero el marido lo ha observado todo.
No Greater Glory
A frail boy fights to win acceptance from the leader of a street gang.
As the Earth Turns
Mr. Janowski
Love happens between the son of Polish immigrants settled in Maine and the daughter of a neighboring farm family.
¡Que semana!
Durante una convención de una empresa de neumáticos, se suceden toda clase de desmanes sexuales y alcohólicos.
Hasta el ultimo hombre
Mark Hayden
La historia de los enfrentamientos y venganzas entre dos clanes familiares de Kentucky, los Hayden y los Colby, durante varias generaciones. Justo antes de la Guerra Civil, Jed Colby fue enviado a prisión por asesinato. Los Hayden se marcharon a Nevada, pero cuando Colby salió de prisión partió tras ellos en busca de venganza.