Francesco Cabras

Francesco Cabras


Francesco Cabras


Shuna: The Legend
An Indian woman is looking for vengeance.
The Akram Tree
Sound Editor
The Akram Tree is a journey through the personal and professional world of the british-bangladeshi coreographer and dancer Akram Khan. My intelligence is in my body says Akram himself, a body built by acute observations of the reality, legends, and unceasing work here well represented by Gnosis, a pièce realized in collaboration with seven artists expressely discovered in different parts of the world. These traditions and experimentations from India, Japan, Pakistan, England, Egypt, Iraq and Bangladesh collaborate together to create a work between classic indian kathak and contemporary dance. The film portrays the story of this peculiar human and artistic adventure often transcending the narration for the sake of a more visionary look influenced by the location where the documentary has been shot: the futuristic and conflictive city of Abu Dhabi with its desertic and metaphysical surroundings.
The Akram Tree
The Akram Tree is a journey through the personal and professional world of the british-bangladeshi coreographer and dancer Akram Khan. My intelligence is in my body says Akram himself, a body built by acute observations of the reality, legends, and unceasing work here well represented by Gnosis, a pièce realized in collaboration with seven artists expressely discovered in different parts of the world. These traditions and experimentations from India, Japan, Pakistan, England, Egypt, Iraq and Bangladesh collaborate together to create a work between classic indian kathak and contemporary dance. The film portrays the story of this peculiar human and artistic adventure often transcending the narration for the sake of a more visionary look influenced by the location where the documentary has been shot: the futuristic and conflictive city of Abu Dhabi with its desertic and metaphysical surroundings.
The Akram Tree
Director of Photography
The Akram Tree is a journey through the personal and professional world of the british-bangladeshi coreographer and dancer Akram Khan. My intelligence is in my body says Akram himself, a body built by acute observations of the reality, legends, and unceasing work here well represented by Gnosis, a pièce realized in collaboration with seven artists expressely discovered in different parts of the world. These traditions and experimentations from India, Japan, Pakistan, England, Egypt, Iraq and Bangladesh collaborate together to create a work between classic indian kathak and contemporary dance. The film portrays the story of this peculiar human and artistic adventure often transcending the narration for the sake of a more visionary look influenced by the location where the documentary has been shot: the futuristic and conflictive city of Abu Dhabi with its desertic and metaphysical surroundings.
The Akram Tree
The Akram Tree is a journey through the personal and professional world of the british-bangladeshi coreographer and dancer Akram Khan. My intelligence is in my body says Akram himself, a body built by acute observations of the reality, legends, and unceasing work here well represented by Gnosis, a pièce realized in collaboration with seven artists expressely discovered in different parts of the world. These traditions and experimentations from India, Japan, Pakistan, England, Egypt, Iraq and Bangladesh collaborate together to create a work between classic indian kathak and contemporary dance. The film portrays the story of this peculiar human and artistic adventure often transcending the narration for the sake of a more visionary look influenced by the location where the documentary has been shot: the futuristic and conflictive city of Abu Dhabi with its desertic and metaphysical surroundings.
The Akram Tree
The Akram Tree is a journey through the personal and professional world of the british-bangladeshi coreographer and dancer Akram Khan. My intelligence is in my body says Akram himself, a body built by acute observations of the reality, legends, and unceasing work here well represented by Gnosis, a pièce realized in collaboration with seven artists expressely discovered in different parts of the world. These traditions and experimentations from India, Japan, Pakistan, England, Egypt, Iraq and Bangladesh collaborate together to create a work between classic indian kathak and contemporary dance. The film portrays the story of this peculiar human and artistic adventure often transcending the narration for the sake of a more visionary look influenced by the location where the documentary has been shot: the futuristic and conflictive city of Abu Dhabi with its desertic and metaphysical surroundings.
as Grigorij Efimovic Rasputin
Grigorij Efimovic Rasputin (1869-1916) the mystic and self-proclaimed holy man. The saint-demon and the simple peasant. About the plot against Rasputin, hated and feared at the highest levels of government because of his surreal influence on the Tsar.
La pasión de Cristo
Año 33 de nuestra era. En la provincia romana de Judea, un misterioso carpintero llamado Jesús de Nazareth comienza a anunciar la llegada del "reino de Dios" y se rodea de un grupo de humildes pescadores: los Apóstoles. Durante siglos, el pueblo judío había esperado la llegada del Mesías - personaje providencial que liberaría su sagrada patria e instauraría un nuevo orden basado en la justicia-. Las enseñanzas de Jesús atraen a una gran multitud de seguidores que lo reconocen como el Mesías. Alarmado por la situación, el Sanedrín, con la ayuda de Judas Iscariote, uno de los doce Apóstoles, arresta a Jesús. Acusado de traición a Roma, Cristo es entregado a Poncio Pilato, quien, para evitar un motín, lo condena a a morir en la cruz como un vulgar criminal.
La gran pregunta
Durante el rodaje de "La pasión de Cristo" dirigida por Mel Gibson, Francesco Cabras y Alberto Molinari se acercan a los involucrados en el rodaje para hacerles "La gran pregunta": ¿Qué es Dios para ti? y para que cuenten sus opiniones y creencias. Las respuestas son a menudo inesperadas y a veces provocativas. Alma alegórica y conductora de todo el testimonio es el viaje casi onírico y hierático de un perro blanco que atraviesa valles, montañas y paisajes de Lucania.
Rebel Leader
En el mundo del futuro, un régimen estricto ha eliminado las guerras al haber superado las emociones. Los libros, el arte y la música están totalmente prohibidos, y los sentimientos se consideran un crimen castigado con la pena de muerte. El clérigo John Preston (Christian Bale) es un agente de élite del gobierno, responsable de combatir aquellos que osen desafiar las reglas. Cuando pierde una dosis de "Prozium", una droga que altera la mente para ocultar sus emociones, toda su escala de valores cambiará de manera súbita.
La mandolina del capitán Corelli
Soldier with Cigarette
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Cefalonia (Grecia), 1940. El doctor Iannis (John Hurt) vive en las afueras del pueblo con su hija y alumna Pelagia (Penélope Cruz), la prometida de Mandras (Bale), un pescador que participa en la contienda contra los italianos. Pasan los meses y Pelagia no recibe respuesta a las numerosas cartas que le ha enviado a su novio. Cuando el ejército italiano ocupa Cefalonia, los soldados, que se toman su estancia en la isla como unas vacaciones de verano, se ganan muy pronto la confianza de los nativos, gracias a su alegría, su música y sus ganas de vivir. A cambio de suministros médicos, el doctor Iannis acepta alojar en su casa al capitán Corelli (Nicolas Cage), un hombre lleno de amor por la vida, por la música y por Pelagia..