Pauline Gaillard


A Family
Award-winning French writer Christine Angot goes on a business trip to Strasbourg where her father lived before dying several years ago. It is the city where she met him for the first time at the age of 13, and where he sexually abused her over the following years. His wife and children still live there. Angot takes a camera and knocks on the doors of her family to push them to clarify their attitudes to her father’s crime that stretched over so many years. A cinematographic journey that challenges social norms and family perspectives in dealing with incest.
La naturaleza del amor
La cómoda vida de Sophia da un vuelco el día que conoce a Sylvain. Ella lo deja todo para vivir esta ardiente pasión, diciéndose que tal vez sea la última de su vida. Pero son muy diferentes. Sophia proviene de una rica formación intelectual en Montreal, mientras que la familia de Sylvain es de clase trabajadora. Sophia se cuestiona sus propios valores y aspiraciones después de haberse abandonado a sus impulsos románticos.
Continental Drift (South)
Nathalie Adler is on a mission for the EU in Sicily. She organizes the next visit of Macron and Merkel to a migrant camp. Their presence has a high symbolic value to show that everything is under control. But who still wants to believe in this European family on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Probably not Albert, Nathalie's son, an NGO activist who arrives without warning. He, moreover, no longer believes in his mother.
After a sexist joke goes viral, Cédric loses his job and embarks on a therapeutic journey to free himself from sexism and misogyny. He and his girlfriend hire a mysterious and liberated babysitter to help shake things up.
En su punto
Charly es el editor en jefe de una revista de moda. Cuando muere su padre, ella hereda el negocio familiar: una carnicería, que no es exactamente su pasión en la vida. Está a punto de venderlo cuando Marcial, que trabajaba para su padre, quiere hacerse cargo, pero ella se lo está pensando mejor. Estos dos personajes opuestos tendrán que acostumbrarse el uno al otro.
Una niña
Cuando crezca, será una niña. Esto es algo con lo que Sasha lleva soñando desde su niñez. Además de varias entrevistas con los padres, quienes hablan claramente de Sasha como su niña, la película muestra también la lucha incansable de la familia contra un entorno hostil. Vemos a Sasha jugando, yendo a clases de ballet y durante una visita a un terapeuta especializado en identidades de género. En la escuela, a Sasha no se le permite vestir 'como una niña', debe usar ropa 'de niños'. En varias ocasiones Sasha no entiende por qué los adultos lo hacen todo tan complicado, y no la dejan simplemente ser quien es y vestir lo que le apetezca.
Notre Dame
Maud es arquitecta y madre. Debido a un malentendido, gana el concurso para restaurar el parvis de Notre-Dame. Dividida entre estas responsabilidades y los problemas amorosos, atravesará una tormenta emocional.
Losing It
Roman loves Camille as much as he loves his two daughters. But he is hiding from all of them a serious problem of addiction, which could endanger his dearest. Does love have a chance to survive when trust is broken?
With the Wind
El sueño de Pauline y de Alex de vivir una vida alejada de la civilización se hace realidad cuando encuentran una granja situada en las montañas de Jura, en la cordillera de los Alpes. Allí ambos pueden vivir en armonía con la naturaleza. Pero para poder ser del todo autosuficientes necesitan una fuente de energía propia, tarea que encomiendan a un ingenierio llamado Samuel, que revisa la construcción de una turbina de viento.
Prénom: Mathieu
Seventeen-year-old Mathieu Reymond lies brutally battered and raped in a field of reeds. It is only after his release from hospital that the memories come back, unannounced and fragmentary, but still so precise that regular meetings with two police officers not only allow the perpetrator’s identikit image to take shape, but also the chronology of the crime itself.
In the middle of the Siberian taiga, 450 miles from the nearest village, live two families : the Braguines and the Kilines. Not a single road leads there. A long trip on the Ienissei River, first by boat, then by helicopter, is the only way to reach Braguino. Self-sufficient, both families live there according to their own rules and principles. In the middle of the village: a barrier. The two families refuse to speak. In the river sits an island, where another community is being built : that of the children. Free, unpredictable, wild. Stemming from the fear of the other, that of wild beasts, and the joy procured by the immensity of the forest, unravels a cruel tale in which tensions and fear give shape to the geography of an ancestral conflict.
Marguerite & Julien
Julien y Marguerite de Ravalet, hijos del señor de Tourlaville, se aman tiernamente desde la infancia. Pero, al crecer, esa ternura se convierte en pasión insaciable. Su aventura escandaliza a la sociedad, que los persigue. Incapaces de resistirse a sus sentimientos, deciden huir.
En Equilibrio
After a serious accident on a film shoot, Marc, an equestrian, loses all hope to mount back on. His insurance company instructs Florence to handle his case. This film is the story of their meeting.
Just Love!
Silvia’s father grants her permission to meet Dorante, the man she’s promised to in marriage, by pretending to be her servant Lisette, who in turn will play the role of her mistress.
La gran noticia
It is April 1974 and Julie Dujonc-Renens, young feminist journalist and the cunning Joseph-Marie Cauvin, leading reporter for the Swiss radio, have been sent to Portugal to investigate Switzerland’s aid to poor countries. Sparks fly during the bus trip with Bob, sound engineer approaching retirement. The projects financed by Switzerland prove to be calamitous and the workers’ revolution that suddenly breaks out doesn’t help, obliging our heroes to disregard first the radio’s management, and then their own codes of conduct.
Émile de 1 à 5
Two young men are playing in a bathtub. Then a third and fourth slip in to join them. They are called Émile and they are looking for their “perfect mother” when a fifth man arrives, the Émile who reconciles them all.
Declaración de guerra
Una pareja, Roméo y Juliette. Un niño, Adam. Un combate, la enfermedad. Y, sobre todo, una gran historia de amor, la suya
Bon vent Claude Goretta
Claude Goretta directed “L'invitation” in 1973. For filmmaker Lionel Baier, born in 1975, it is like a “travelling companion”, to adapt Serge Daney’s expression. He feels it is definitive proof that a Swiss can be deeply Chekhovian. The young filmmaker goes to Geneva to ask his elder how he achieved the whoosh of water effect in the film, why attention to detail matters so much, and how to film great actors such as François Simon. This encounter with Claude Goretta – but also with Isabelle Huppert, Nathalie Baye, Michel Robin and Frédérique Meininger – leads one of the greatest of Swiss filmmakers to open up about his work.
Memory Lane
August in Paris' suburbs, seven friends are gathered to spend a week in the city where they grew up. The city is empty and the days pass by under a deep blue sky. Each of them has a reason to be there: some still live there, some come back to see their family, some are searching their childhood, some want to escape boredom or eventually searching for love. They are all bearing the fact that these moments they are sharing are maybe the last ones.
Ivory Tower
The film revolves around a sibling rivalry between two brothers, Hershell and Thadeus Graves (played by Gonzales and Tiga, respectively), as they compete during a game of chess. Peaches plays Marsha Thirteen, a former performance artist and the shared love interest of both brothers.
Another Man
Psychological drama about a young, inexperienced film reviewer who falls for the charms of a well-established female colleague. A challenging look at the essence of film critique as well as an erotic encounter between two unequals.
The Queen of Hearts
In this musical take on everyday life, Adele is devastated after a painful breakup. Her distant cousin, Rachel, finds her a job and suggests that Adele sleep with other men to get over her heartbreak. The search begins, but Adele can’t escape the visage of her former lover….
Il fait beau dans la plus belle ville du monde
Adèle, a thirty years old woman decides to contact Vidal, a musician she admires. He answers and she’s surprised. Messages are exchanged, a date is arranged. Adèle goes to the met, radiant with joy, but also worried : there’s a detail she forgot to mention, she’s pregnant.
Jour et nuit
A naked man is peacefully sleeping on his bed. The sun touches his skin. When he's awake, a melancholic boy appears to us.
El traductor
Ira es rusa. Ivan Tashkov, también. Ella tiene 23 años, vive en Ginebra con su madre y sabe muy poco sobre su patria. Tashkov es un supuesto capo de la mafia rusa que está en la cárcel a la espera de ser juzgado. Como intérprete del abogado defensor de Tashkov, Ira, que está buscando sus raíces y su propio camino en la vida, en seguida cae bajo el hechizo de este hombre, poderoso, culto y manipulador.
The Days When I Don’t Exist
A story that mixes fantasy, philosophy and everyday reality. The problem with Antoine Martin is that he only exists one day out of two. And it is from this circumstance so personal that he meets Clémentine, a girl who lives full time. All this will only deepen his anguish.
Los viajes de L'Atalante
Documental sobre la realización y la restauración de la película "L'Atalante" (1934) de Jean Vigo.