Biopic about tennis great Maureen Connolly who, as a teenager, was the first woman to win the Grand Slam of Tennis, became world-renowned as "Little Mo," and died of cancer in 1969 at the age of 34.
Jack McCandles no ha visto a su esposa desde hace 18 años, pero regresa a su hogar cuando su nieto es secuestrado por una banda de forajidos. Mientras que la ley persigue a los secuestradores en desvencijados automóviles, Jack cabalga con un explorador indio y lleva dinero, aunque pagar el rescate no entra en sus planes.
William Popper is the son of a stockbroker and is thoroughly disenchanted with "the system." So much so that even though he can prove that he ran over a woman in his car entirely by accident, he accepts a sentence for manslaughter.
Given the chance to live in a simulated underwater home for a month, a scientist convinces his family to take advantage of the offer. Once the family agrees to move in, underwater mayhem occurs!
Un vaquero encuentra y captura un hermoso caballo salvaje. Lo doma pacientemente y entre ellos se establece un vinculo casi indestructible. El hermano del vaquero trata de vender el animal para pagar sus deudas, pero el caballo lo mata accidentalmente. Cuando el vaquero se alista en el ejército, el caballo va a parar al circuito de rodeos. Cumplido el servicio militar, el vaquero intentará recuperar su caballo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tras la violación y el asesinato de su esposa por unos mineros blancos, Joaquín Murrieta busca venganza y se convierte en un bandolero.
Una gran empresa de hostelería celebra en Palma de Mallorca su convención anual bajo la presidencia de Mr. Morrison y en ella se ven involucrados Marisol y su padre, dos artistas callejeros. Morrison capta las excelentes condiciones artísticas de la muchacha y no vacila en apadrinar su carrera.
Marisol, una pobre chica de provincias, sueña con triunfar en el mundo del espectáculo. Gracias a su simpatía y alegría consigue, finalmente, actuar como cantante en un show que el bailarín Antonio y el cantante norteamericano Bob Conrad preparan para el festival de Eurovisión. El productor Manuel J. Goyanes contrató al veterano realizador norteamericano George Sherman, un especialista en películas de acción de serie B que ya había venido a España para rodar algún spaguetti western, para que dirigiera a Marisol. Un año después, Sherman volvió a dirigir a Marisol en "Búsqueme a esa chica"
Un hombre de negocios planea resolver sus problemas fiscales financiando una versión cinematográfica de "Romeo y Julieta". Contrata al director Akim Tamiroff y a los actores Maurice Chevalier y Jayne Mansfield. La película se presenta al Festival de Cine de Venecia y gana el León de Oro.
Jake Cutter, un 'ranger' de Texas, arresta a un jugador llamado Paul Regret para llevarlo a la horca. Pronto, sin embargo, se encontrará haciendo equipo con él en otra difícil misión: acabar con una banda de forajidos que se dedican a proporcionar armas y licores a los comanches. La última película del legendario cineasta húngaro Michael Curtiz ("Casablanca") fue este wéstern que dirigió con su habitual energía, sólo un año antes de su fallecimiento y pese a tener ya 75 años. Atención a Lee Marvin en un breve pero intenso papel de villano que le sirvió claramente como inspiración para el de Liberty Valance, que interpretó al año siguiente.
Two British soldiers in 1830s South Africa flee military discipline and join a group of Boers heading north on "the Great Trek." In between fighting off Zulu attacks, one of these soldiers falls in love with the trek-leader's granddaughter who has been promised to another man.
A genie turned mortal after his many failures is sent to Baghdad. As his last chance to prove himself he must help a prince and princess fulfill a prophecy.
OSS agent, working with the French underground, ambushes Nazi convoy with high-ranking general, who escapes. Later they take him from a Nazi prison and smuggle him to England.
An orphan trains a racehorse so he can win the money to build a new church.
An orphan trains a racehorse so he can win the money to build a new church.
A Clay Santell (Audie Murphy) le roban el caballo y se detiene en la ciudad de Sutterville, donde es confundido por la gente del pueblo con un violento pistolero llamado Travers.
Director George Sherman's 1959 circus drama stars Michael Callan as a cocky aerialist causing romantic problems under the Big Top.
Ten years after the death of Robin Hood, the bandit of Sherwood Forest and defender of the Crown, the power-mad Duke Simon Des Roches plots to seize the British kingdom from its rightful heir, the boy prince, and only Robin's men stand in his way.
Ten years after the death of Robin Hood, the bandit of Sherwood Forest and defender of the Crown, the power-mad Duke Simon Des Roches plots to seize the British kingdom from its rightful heir, the boy prince, and only Robin's men stand in his way.
Director George Sherman's 1958 western about gold thieves in Mexico stars Sterling Hayden, Grace Raynor and Rodolfo Hoyos.
Director George Sherman's 1958 western about gold thieves in Mexico stars Sterling Hayden, Grace Raynor and Rodolfo Hoyos.
Un pistolero llamado Ellison emprende una complicada misión, consistente en encontrar a un hombre desaparecido en México. Allí tendrá mil y una dificultades. (FILMAFFINITY)
Steve Burden es un agente de la ley famoso por entregar muertos a muchos fugitivos. Cuando acepta la propuesta del sheriff de El Solito de ser su ayudante, corre el peligro de caer en una trampa del cacique local.
Frank Madden llega a Kendall, en Texas, para tomar posesión de una finca que acaba de comprar. Mientras tanto, en el saloon de la ciudad, que se ha convertido temporalmente en palacio de justicia, los tres hermanos Shipley, están siendo juzgados por asesinato, por el linchamiento de un hombre indio y una mujer.
En el verano de 1875, los comanches asaltan una ciudad mexicana y se llevan cautiva a Margarita Álvarez, que pasa a ser propiedad de Nube Negra. Mientras tanto, el gobierno pide a Jim Read, el jefe de los exploradores indios, que intervenga como mediador.
Tres mercenarios roban un cargamento de oro federal en los Estados Unidos y se dirigen al sur de México para encontrarse con Pancho Villa. Sin embargo, la persecución del ejército por un lado, y las ambiciones de cada uno por el otro, provocarán que el viaje no sea sencillo. (FILMAFFINITY)
A pastor with a shady past moves into a rural town just after the Civil War.
Siendo todavía un niño, "Caballo loco" tuvo una visión que le anunciaba que cuando fuera un hombre guiaría a su pueblo hacia la libertad. Cuando llegó ese momento, se casó y se hizo amigo de un hombre blanco, un cazador honrado y valiente, pero acabó enfrentándose con él debido a que los blancos incumplían sistemáticamente los acuerdos que habían firmado con los pieles rojas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cuando el pistolero Brett Wade descubre que tiene tuberculosis decide cambiar de vida; pero, al mismo tiempo, intenta ayudar a una joven.
Johnny Dark, joven ingeniero que intenta diseñar coches especiales para personas sensibles, convence al dueño de la empresa para la que trabaja, Fielding, para que le permita construir un modelo preparado específicamente para una importante carrera.
El mayor Howell Brady llega a Fort Clark, en Oklahoma, para ayudar al coronel Jackson Meade a poner fin a las incursiones de los indios kiowas acaudillados por Satanta. Brady decide reclutar a los indios seminolas, a cambio de víveres y un lote individual de tierra fértil, si cumplen seis meses de servicio. El argumento parte de hechos reales: las incursiones de los kiowas de Satanta contra los colonos de Oklahoma que culminaron en la llamada "Masacre de la Caravana Warren" (Warren Wagon Train Raid) ocurrida el 18 de mayo de 1871.
Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865). Cuando la derrota del Sur es inminente, el mayor Mattson intenta desesperadamente salvar a su ejército. Roba un cargamento de oro y se dirige a una ciudad en la frontera con Méjico, cerca de Río Grande, para intercambiar con el general Calleja oro por municiones. Pero, antes del trueque, Mattson tiene problemas con el Barón Von Holden, el asesor militar alemán de Calleja, y con Carmelita, la temperamental dueña del saloon.
Antar is sent by Suleiman, head of the Ottoman Empire, to Bagdad to prevent Hammam, Pasha of Bagdad, from purchasing the services of local leader Mustapha to unite the hill tribes and overthrow the emperor. The intrigue mounts as Antar falls in love with dancer Selima, who tries to avenge her father's death against Hammam's right-hand-man Kasseim, whose wife Rosanna has fallen in love with Antar!
Zachary Hallock y su hijo Josué, son agricultores en una comunidad fronteriza que está siendo asediada por proscritos. Los granjeros quieren formar un frente unido contra los bandidos, pero Hallock rechaza unirse a ellos, aún después del asesinato del detective Pinkerton. Inesperadamente, Hallock decide unirse a los proscritos ante el estupor de su hijo y de su prometida Sarah Jane Skaggs. (FILMAFFINITY)
Año 1700. Un capitán inglés (Errol Flynn) se ha infiltrado entre los corsarios de una isla del Índico con el fin de destruir sus fortificaciones. No contaba, sin embargo, con enamorarse de una enérgica y bella mujer pirata (Maureen O'Hara).
Further misadventures of comic soldiers Willie and Joe, now in Japan.
Steve Kostain (Lund), nephew of the owner, begins working at a steel mill to learn the business from the bottom up. He rooms with a steel working family, the McNamaras, and falls for the daughter, "Red" (Sheridan), who is already involved with another steelworker, Jim (Duff.) Although he is at first has a hard time with his co-workers, he eventually wins them over, and also wins the girl.
El sangriento ataque a una caravana pone en peligro el acuerdo de paz firmado poco antes entre Cochise, el jefe de los apaches, y el gobierno de los Estados Unidos. El mayor Jim Colton recibe el encargo de esclarecer la situación y descubre que es el propio Consejero del gobierno, un hombre ambicioso, el que quiere romper el tratado de paz.
A San Francisco hood is rubbed out by rival Bruno Felkin, who himself reports the crime to Homicide Lt. Kelsey in an alibi scheme which fails. To escape, he stows away on a fishing boat. At sea, skipper Hamil Linder receives Bruno kindly, teaching him fishing; Bruno enlists Hamil's wayward son Carl to tend his slot machines. Then Carl takes an interest in Bruno's girl Connie. Climax in a storm at sea.
En 1220, un pequeño grupo de cruzados ingleses llega a Samarkanda, donde el gobierno de la princesa Shalimar se ve amenazado por las hordas de Gengis Khan. Shalimar espera derrotar al conquistador valiéndose de la astucia. Sin embargo, Sir Guy, uno de los caballeros cruzados, propone la guerra. A pesar de la mutua atracción entre Shalimar y Sir Guy, sus contradictorios proyectos amenazan cualquier esperanza de éxito. (FILMAFFINITY)
World War II drama about members of an American bomber squadron who are captured and held prisoners by the German army.
Para construir un fuerte en territorio sioux, el ejército pide ayuda al explorador Jim Bridger, pero éste alega que es una violación del tratado firmado con los pieles rojas. A Bridger se le plantea entonces un dilema: permanecer con los de su raza o ser fiel a sus sentimientos y luchar junto a los indios de Nube Roja.
A young doctor taking a break from work is shot in the head, and the police can't find a clue even as to a possible motive. Inspector Al Gordon (John Alexander) decides that he has to put some men on duty at the hospital, and one of them is Fred Rowan (Richard Conte), a detective with experience as an army medic, masquerading as an intern. What Rowan finds is a high-pressure world in which interns are hopelessly squeezed for time, sleep, energy, and -- most of all -- money, and walk a fine line on the edge of personal and professional disaster.
Roger Quain, escorting two zoo-bound black panthers on the train from Milan to Paris, is unaware that a Western agent, Catherine Ullven, has hidden a microfilm in the collar of one of the animals. But when the train is derailed in the Swiss Alps and the panthers escape, she is forced to involve him in her mission, which now includes enemy agents hunting the microfilm, the animals, Catherine and Roger. Corrected from an original submission by Guy Bellinger.
Tras el descubrimiento de plata en territorio comanche, el gobierno envía allí a Jim Bowie con la misión de garantizar el cumplimiento del tratado de paz firmado con los indios. Una vez allí, Bowie descubre que los colonos planean atacar a los indios a pesar del acuerdo del gobierno. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sam Bass es un hombre sin rumbo que se presenta en Denton, una pequeña ciudad de Texas, en busca de trabajo. No tardará en atraer la atención de Katherine Egan, dueña del almacén local y hermana del sheriff y de la salvaje chica de la frontera Calamity Jane. Sus problemas con las mujeres y con el juego torcerán su camino y terminará convirtiéndose en un célebre forajido. Un modesto western que narra la historia de uno de los más famosos delincuentes del Oeste americano.
Sam Bass es un hombre sin rumbo que se presenta en Denton, una pequeña ciudad de Texas, en busca de trabajo. No tardará en atraer la atención de Katherine Egan, dueña del almacén local y hermana del sheriff y de la salvaje chica de la frontera Calamity Jane. Sus problemas con las mujeres y con el juego torcerán su camino y terminará convirtiéndose en un célebre forajido. Un modesto western que narra la historia de uno de los más famosos delincuentes del Oeste americano.
En una universidad, un grupo de ex soldados tienen problemas con sus esposas por jugar a fútbol americano.
First American film about the conflict between Jewish nationalists and the British in the creation of the state of Israel.
El joven Lin Sloane (Howard Duff) se interna en el agreste territorio de Colorado para capturar a Huracán, el guía de una manada de caballos salvajes. Allí conoce a Lucy Bostel (Ann Blyth), la hija del hacendado más poderoso de la región y enemigo acérrimo de la familia de Lin. (FILMAFFINITY)
John Payne is the no-good lowdown rat who tries to capitalize on postwar patriotism and grief. He finagles a war widow (Joan Caulfied) into giving up her savings for a nonexistent memorial. When Payne falls in love with the widow he has pangs of conscience, but he reckons without his con-artist boss (Dan Duryea), who tends to bolster his arguments with muscle and bullets.
Acusado de asesinato, Nick Buckley debe encontrar al único hombre que le puede ayudar, mientras una jauría de perros sigue su rastro.
Los madereros, cuyo trabajo consiste en transportar los troncos por el río, llegan a una ciudad del alto Mississippi, donde les espera un barco con su casino de juego, en el que reina la hermosa Sequin, que está enamorada de uno de los madereros. Pero también la pretende el rico industrial Beauvais, por lo que surge un conflicto entre los dos hombres.
Un vendedor charlatán es "secuestrado" por una ciudad, que pretende utilizarlo en su carrera anual contra otra comunidad.
Dos amigos son salvados por un tercero, justo cuando la Ley les iba a ahorcar en un árbol, a las afueras de cualquier pueblo. Una vez salvados, los tres se separan para comenzar una nueva vida. Antes de partir, uno de ellos se lleva el dinero de los tres. Dos años más tarde todos se vuelven a ver en un pueblo de otro estado. El que se fue se ha convertido en "El Barón Negro", un asaltante de diligencias, que ha robado muchísimo dinero a la Wells Fargo.
A family-oriented adaption of James Fenimore Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans." As the French-Indian War rages across the untamed territory of the Great Northwest, the embattled wilderness gives birth to a legend -- the proud legend of "The Last of the Red Men." August, 1757, General Montcalm and his Iroquois alalies are on the war path -- and General Munro fears for the lives of his children as they travel to join him at Fort William Henry. Although Munro dispatches a letter urging them to take refuge at Fort Edward until the road is safe, an Iroquois scout intercepts the warning. So Major Duncan Hayward, handsomely portrayed by Jon Hall, is unaware of the danger as he escorts Alice Munro (Evelyn Ankers), her sister Cora (Julie Bishop), and her young brother Davy (Buzz Henry) from the sanctuary of the fort. When their guide Magua, a vengeful Iroquois played by Buster Crabbe, betrays them, only one man can save the travelers from his savage trap. Starring Jon Hall and Michael O'Shea.
A deranged artist who may have murdered his wife is investigated by the Whistler.
Hanna Brockway, la hija del ciudadano principal de Prairie Dog, el hombre próspero de seguros Nathan Brockway, es contratada para que se case con el Doctor Sam Martin, pero ella se enamora de Ben Dembrow, el hijo menor del líder proscrito Kirk Dembro. Ben, nada de acuerdo con la vida que llevan su padre y dos hermanos mayores, hombres duros y valientes pero alejados de la Ley, se cambia de nombre y se casa con Hanna. Pero su felicidad no será fácil de conseguir pues le atribuyen un crimen que no ha cometido.
Robert de Nottingham (Cornel Wilde) capitanea a los temibles arqueros del bosque de Sherwood cuya misión es imponer la justicia en Inglaterra. La Corona ha sido de nuevo usurpada, y el legítimo rey debe ser repuesto en el trono. Para lograr sus objetivos, Robert contará con la ayuda de la reina (Jill Esmond) y de la hermosa Catherine (Anita Louise). (FILMAFFINITY)
A criminal psychiatrist investigates the murder of a two-time widower.
Associate Producer
A nightclub star helps trap an enemy agent on the trail of an American newsman.
A nightclub star helps trap an enemy agent on the trail of an American newsman.
Associate Producer
Un financiero sin escrúpulos muere en un accidente. Siguiendo sus órdenes, un científico y su ayudante mantienen con vida su cerebro artificialmente. Gradualmente, el cerebro empieza a dominar a sus guardianes.
Un financiero sin escrúpulos muere en un accidente. Siguiendo sus órdenes, un científico y su ayudante mantienen con vida su cerebro artificialmente. Gradualmente, el cerebro empieza a dominar a sus guardianes.
Associate Producer
A radio-show mystery writer and her rival solve real murders.
A radio-show mystery writer and her rival solve real murders.
Associate Producer
A detective tries to prove that a woman is killing her spouses with a spiked umbrella.
A detective tries to prove that a woman is killing her spouses with a spiked umbrella.
Associate Producer
Millionaire Sam Winston is an unhappy man. His wife Constance lives a gay life, devoting all her time to parties; his daughter Gloria is in one scandal after another, changing husbands as often as her moods, and son Jerry spends his time getting drunk and chasing women. Sam hires gangster Johnny April to bump him off but Johnny, liking the old man, defers the killing and sets about making the family appreciate Sam.
Millionaire Sam Winston is an unhappy man. His wife Constance lives a gay life, devoting all her time to parties; his daughter Gloria is in one scandal after another, changing husbands as often as her moods, and son Jerry spends his time getting drunk and chasing women. Sam hires gangster Johnny April to bump him off but Johnny, liking the old man, defers the killing and sets about making the family appreciate Sam.
A district attorney sets out to vindicate his son who's been accused of murdering a nightclub singer.
Henry Stephenson stars as a retired Scotland Yard detective. He is regarded as an icon because he has written volumes of books on the art of detection. While Stephenson is being honoured for his past successes, he senses modern detectives, particularly the current District Attorney, look at him and his methods as outdated. This spurs the old man out of retirement to prove himself to the know-it-all modern detectives.
German expatriate Fritz Kortner plays the largest role, as an anti-Nazi schoolmaster who helps a downed American flyer (John Archer) reached Allied lines with vital war information. As usual, the Nazis are incredibly stupid and lead-footed, enabling the flyer to accomplish his mission.
A young girl, Mary Tillet, is forced to find a new place to live due to her London home being bombed during World War II. Her tobacconist landlord, Jack Rawling, tries to help her turn her new apartment into a home. Meanwhile the newspapers are reporting news of the "London Blackout Murders," a murder spree being committed against a ring of suspected Nazi spies, and Mary must determine if her kind landlord is an assassin.
A young girl, Mary Tillet, is forced to find a new place to live due to her London home being bombed during World War II. Her tobacconist landlord, Jack Rawling, tries to help her turn her new apartment into a home. Meanwhile the newspapers are reporting news of the "London Blackout Murders," a murder spree being committed against a ring of suspected Nazi spies, and Mary must determine if her kind landlord is an assassin.
A private detective, soon to enlist in the army, is drawn into one final case when his police officer father is killed in the line of duty. Soon his prime suspect is murdered as well, and he finds himself framed for the crime. As more witnesses get murdered, he finds himself on the run from both the police and former Prohibition violators who seem to have found a new racket.
A well-acted, well-paced entry in the Don "Red" Barry Western series from Republic Pictures, The Sombrero Kid featured the diminutive Barry as Jerry Holden, the apparent son and heir of veteran lawman Tom Holden (Robert Homans). But when Holden Sr. is killed by one of Banker Martin's (Joel Friedkin) gang of claim jumpers, Jerry learns that his real father was Bart Clanton, a notorious bandit killed by Marshal Holden, who then raised the orphaned boy as his own.
A young doctor rejects his older outlaw brother Johnny who put him through medical school by dubious means. The brothers find themselves on opposite sides of a range war between homesteaders and a crooked cattleman.
Though Don "Red" Barry is the star of Jesse James, Jr., he plays a character named Johnny Barrett. The scene is a small western town, lacking telegraph service. Every time the locals try to set up communications with the Outside World, they are thwarted by an outlaw gang.
Associate Producer
Ellen has the contract for the South West Stage Line through the panhandle. Her father had the run for years and Haney, who runs the office, worked for him. But Ellen does not know that Haney is in league with Elkins and they want the stage line so they can rob the gold shipments. All they need do is stop the stage and end her contract, but that is not easy with Dave driving for Ellen.
Ellen has the contract for the South West Stage Line through the panhandle. Her father had the run for years and Haney, who runs the office, worked for him. But Ellen does not know that Haney is in league with Elkins and they want the stage line so they can rob the gold shipments. All they need do is stop the stage and end her contract, but that is not easy with Dave driving for Ellen.
Associate Producer
A crooked gambler poses as a descendant of a noble Spanish family has successfully secured court validation of a counterfeit land grant, and proceeds to drive out ranchers already settled on the land with high taxes, road tolls and violent tactics. A pair of horse sellers pitch in to help a customer, his daughter, and the other "tenant" ranchers after being roughed up by toll collectors when they refuse to pay the assessed toll.
A crooked gambler poses as a descendant of a noble Spanish family has successfully secured court validation of a counterfeit land grant, and proceeds to drive out ranchers already settled on the land with high taxes, road tolls and violent tactics. A pair of horse sellers pitch in to help a customer, his daughter, and the other "tenant" ranchers after being roughed up by toll collectors when they refuse to pay the assessed toll.
Don "Red" Barry is unjustly accused of being a Missouri Outlaw. The real bad guys are a gang of crooks who've been conning the local merchants and farmers out of their hard-earned dollars. Barry decides to use his bad reputation to his advantage by infiltrating the criminal gang.
Ambushed by the Vigilantes, a dying friend gets Johnny who was only passing through to take up the fight. To get in with the gang, Johnny poses as an outlaw and then beats them to a gold shipment by robbing the train ahead of them. This gets him invited into the gang. They are all masked and unknown to Johnny, one of them is his brother.
A gang of mobsters try to take over the various moonshine operations in the hills of West Virginia.
The irrepressible Donald Barry is twice falsely accused of murder in this typical low-budget but well-mounted Republic Western. Barry plays Jim Randall, a lawman assigned to investigate a series of gold shipment robberies. Arriving in the middle of a hold-up, Randall finds himself accused of killing the driver (Yakima Canutt). Wells Fargo agent Cal Chambers (Milton Kibbee) vouches for his innocence, however, claiming him to be a noted geologist. Along with several of the prospectors, Jim devises a plan to prove that Jud Parker (Harry Worth) is using his dummy mine as a cover for stealing ore.
Bantam-weight western star Don "Red" Barry certainly deserved his designation as "The Cowboy Cagney" in Republic's Desert Bandit. Barry is cast as two-fisted Texas Ranger Bob Crandall, who after being dishonorably discharged heads to the Mexican border to start life anew. He falls in with a gang of gun runners, headed by corrupt lawman Largo (William Haade). It turns out, of course, that Crandall's "disgrace" was merely a ruse to allow him to work undercover in bringing Largo and his minions to justice.
Don "Red" Barry, Republic's answer to Jimmy Cagney, stars in The Apache Kid. Barry plays Pete Dawson, a pugnacious cowboy who dons a mask and becomes a stagecoach robber. It's all in a good cause, however: Dawson is stealing from the town boss (Leroy Mason) who has ripped off a group of miners. Heroine Lynn Merrick is the daughter of the local judge, so naturally she misunderstands Barry's motives, at least until fadeout time.
A notorious outlaw is recruited by a cattle buyer, secret boss of a gang of cattle rustlers, to impersonate the town sheriff, who is the outlaw's twin brother; and complications ensue, as the sheriff, now a hostage, is on the eve of his marriage while the outlaw's cantina-dancer girlfriend has followed him to town and is at risk of exposing him.
Stan Borden with the help of the stooge Sheriff is out to get the Toreno ranch. Kicking the peons off the ranch, they kill Miguel's father. Miguel then becomes the masked El Lobo and when Jim Lawrence arrives, the two team up to fight Borden and the Sheriff.
A former outlaw becomes a Wells Fargo guard, but when the stagecoach is robbed, he becomes a wanted man once again.
Yet another fast-paced western featuring the "Three Mesqueteers," pulp writer William Colt McDonald's trio of sagebrush heroes, Lone Star Raiders finds Stony Brooke (Robert Livingston), Tucson Smith (Bob Steele) and Lullaby Joslin (Rufe Davis) defending elderly rancher "Granny" Phelps (Sarah Padden) from greedy neighbor Henry Martin (George Douglas).
A lawyer by training, Bob Millburne (Don "Red" Barry) believes in relying on the legal system to exact justice. But he can no longer sate his thirst for vengeance, fueled by the death of his parents at the hands of a bloodthirsty mine jumper. Frustrated and fed up, Bob decides it's time to dust off his guns and holsters.
The Mesquiteers try to help their friend build a telegraph system, despite a local newspaper editor's attempts to sabotage the lines.
The story opens as Stony returns to his home town, only to discover that his sheriff father has been murdered by person or persons unknown. The new sheriff (Henry Brandon) resents the arrival of the Mesquiteers, going so far as to frame Tucson on a murder charge.
A protegee of notorious outlaw Montana (Beery), young Tom Benton decides to stay on the good side of the Law upon reaching maturity. Montana, however, has no such inclination to reform, the result being a climactic gun duel between the ageing gunman and his former pupil.
In this old-time Western from director George Sherman, peaceable cowpoke Jack Summers takes the job of sheriff to help his adopted town in its bid to beat out a nearby settlement for a lucrative railroad contract. Trailcross is trying to get the new railroad and Stevens wants it to go to Mason City. Jack and sidekick Nevady arrive and when Jack faces down Stevens' men, he is made Marshal. The townspeople raise money for the railroad and entrust it to Jack. But Stevens plants two of his henchmen as Jack's escorts and they rob him. With the Railroad Officials due to arrive, Jack must retrieve the money.
Frustrated by their inability to take action against a murderous gang who killed a young boy, Texas Rangers Stony Brooke (Robert Livingston), Rusty Joslin (Raymond Hatton) and Rico Rinaldo (Duncan Renaldo) hatch a plan: Stony poses as an outlaw dubbed The Laredo Kid to lure the bad guys into Texas. But the plan might fall apart when the real Laredo Kid arrives on the scene in this action-packed Western.
Stony Brooke, Rusty Joslin and Rico, the Three Mesquiteers, are returning from Mexico and are stopped at the border by Army officials, who are attempting to apprehend smugglers who are buying cheap silver in Mexico and smuggling it into the States, where they can take advantage of a silver stabilizing measure and sell it at a high price.
Donald Barry, not yet Donald "Red" Barry, heads the cast of the Republic western Ghost Valley Raiders. A federal marshal, Barry is assigned to put an end to the activities of a stagecoach-robbery gang. That's why he spends most of the film pretending to be an outlaw himself. Stunt specialist Yakima Canutt plays a secondary villain, and also doubles for Barry in the dicier action scenes.
A federal agent and his partner hang out in Mexico to check a revolution.
Cowboys from Texas is a 1939 American Western "Three Mesquiteers" B-movie directed by George Sherman.Texas has opened up land for homesteaders. Clay Allison wants their land and has his men led by Plummer try to start a range war between them and the ranchers. With each side suspecting the other of their problems, the Mesquiteers realize someone else is responsible. Stony suspects Plummer and fakes leaving the Mesquiteers to join Plummer's gang hoping to find out who it is.
Rancher Autry takes a job singing on the radio to aid farmers and ranchers whose lands were destroyed by raging floods. Blaming crooked politicians, he goes to Washington and tries to put through a food control bill and finds he has a lot to learn. In this classic release, Gene introduces his immortal theme song, "Back in the Saddle Again," which has gone on to become a piece of American History.
In Kansas Terrors, Stoney and his saddle pal Rusty take a job delivering horses to a flyspeck Caribbean island. Here they join forces with Rico to topple the regime of a despotic commandante.
The (pre-WWII) Army takes over a large area of land, over the objection of citizens and corporations who live and work there.
El gobierno del estado planea construir una presa que acabará con las propiedades de granjeros y rancheros. Su intención es compensar con equidad a los propietarios pero un taimado promotor de bienes raíces complicará las cosas. Los rancheros se unirán para combatir tanto a la ley como a los malhechores.
When his well-meaning sidekick (Smiley Burnette) buys a cow farm instead of a cattle ranch, singing cowpoke Gene Autry prepares to embrace the dairy business. But with a corrupt association bent on driving up milk prices, it's up to newly elected Sheriff Gene to clean up the mess. Country music icon Patsy Montana sings "I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart," while radio crooners the Texas Rangers perform alongside Autry.
Con él mismo y su padre sin trabajo por culpa de Balsinger, quien controla los empleos, Will Parker roba ganado para mantener a su familia. Los Tres Mezquiteros intentan ayudarle, pero es apresado y encarcelado...
La bonita propietaria de un circo posee un rancho, pero nunca ha ido a verlo, aunque tampoco se lo quiere vender a Mike Abbott. Sus socios, conchabados en secreto con Abbott, sabotean el espectáculo para obligarla a vender, pero en cambio ella se instala a vivir en el rancho.
Talbot uses a phony land grant to rule thirteen million acres, taxing everyone heavily and evicting those who won't pay. The Three Mesquiteers becomes mysterious "night riders" to fight this evil.
Gene Autry and his sidekick Frog look into a phony oil scam being perpetrated on a mission orphanage.
Ladrones de ganado muy organizados trabajan con mataderos portátiles y furgones refrigerados. El gobernador pide a los Tres Mesquiteros que investiguen.
Los Tres Mesquiteros capturan a un ladrón de caballos, que es puesto en libertad por un juez corrupto. Reúnen firmas para obligar al gobernador a investigar, pero uno de los portadores resulta muerto y Stoney es acusado del crimen.
Gene is the foreman at the ranch owned by wealthy rodeo owner Maureen. She will lose her rodeo contract unless sales improve.
Stony, Tucson y Lullaby, "Los Tres Mosqueteros", deciden dejar sus negocios de la ganadería e invertir en el negocio de las aerolíneas. Compran un avión para enviar oro, pero el dueño de la aerolínea contrata a unos delincuentes para secuestrar el avión y quedarse con toda la riqueza. Los tres amigos tendrán que buscar el avión para recuperar todo su oro.
The first of eight "Three Mesquiteers" Westerns to star John Wayne.
In this entry in the long-running series of westerns, the Three Mesquiteers transform their ranch into a prison farm to provide a model for prison reform. They are opposed by a local contractor who wants to build a standard prison.
Riders of the Black Hills is a 1938 American Western directed by George Sherman. The intrepid cowboys known as the Three Mesquiteers; Stony (Robert Livingston), Tucson (Ray Corrigan) and Lullaby (Max Terhune) are on the case when rancher Peg Garth's (Maude Eburne) prize racehorse is abducted by bookie Rod Stevens (Tom London) and a secret cohort to prevent it from winning an important race.
Outlaws of Sonora is a 1938 American Western "Three Mesquiteers" B-movie directed by George Sherman.
David Ross organizes the ranchers into a vigilante group to rid the town of outlaws. The plan succeeds but the trouble starts when some of the men form a new vigilante group and posing as the original one plunder for loot.
A champion rodeo rider returns home to track down a legendary wild horse called "Cyclone."
Just after Kramer goes to Wyoming to start his protection racket, cowboy actor Jeff Carson finishes a picture and goes camping. Attracted to Joyce Butler, he hires on at her ranch and quickly gets caught up in Butler's conflict with Kramer. When the Butlers refuse to buy his service, he has their cattle stampeded.
Assistant Director
Millioniare Curran, thinking his son too intellectual, sends him west to learn logging at one of his lumber camps. Unknown to his father, Grant Curan is a professional wrestler and easily able to handle the thugs that attack him at the lumber camp. This enables him to stay on the job and he soon undercovers how his father is being cheated by the local boss.
Assistant Director
When a border patrolman catches their spoiled daughter smoking in a no-smoking area, parents hire him to watch over her. She then runs over to Mexico and gets involved with jewel thieves and he has to go save her.
Assistant Director
Grant hides stolen money in the luggage of Bonnie Shea who is moving west. Later when he and his men arrive to retrieve the money, they also kidnap Bonnie. This sends Reasonin' Bates and his cowhands on their horses after the gangsters in their cars.