Abdel Qissi

Nacimiento : 1960-01-20, Oujda, Morocco.


A sixty-year-old who has always obediently followed the rules, suffers an existential burnout. He has always done his part and, in his own modest way, has worked for a better society. But that society has hit rock bottom and our former good Samaritan is no longer in the mood for concessions. Moloss is his name and he’s got a mission: to cure the world of a very human disease. But his method could not differ more from those of Gandhi or Mother Theresa. He’s certainly not turning the other cheek. His approach is a lot more direct, not to say radical. His very personal spin on the tactic of the scorched earth to make way for a better future implicates not only his daughter Doianna and his ex-wife Veronica, but many others who didn’t plan any revolution. Is he out of his mind? Desperate? Dangerous? Perhaps all three, but in his defense, it’s our society that has started it!
A sixty-year-old who has always obediently followed the rules, suffers an existential burnout. He has always done his part and, in his own modest way, has worked for a better society. But that society has hit rock bottom and our former good Samaritan is no longer in the mood for concessions. Moloss is his name and he’s got a mission: to cure the world of a very human disease. But his method could not differ more from those of Gandhi or Mother Theresa. He’s certainly not turning the other cheek. His approach is a lot more direct, not to say radical. His very personal spin on the tactic of the scorched earth to make way for a better future implicates not only his daughter Doianna and his ex-wife Veronica, but many others who didn’t plan any revolution. Is he out of his mind? Desperate? Dangerous? Perhaps all three, but in his defense, it’s our society that has started it!
Denard: Anatomy of an Antihero
Un justiciero, Franck Denard, sale de prisión después de cumplir 10 años por un crimen que no cometió. Al descubrir que está de préstamo debido a una enfermedad terminal, emprende una última lucha sedienta de sangre en busca de redención y venganza.
The Order
Big Arab
Narra la historia de Rudy Cafmeyer -Jean-Claude Van Damme-, un tipo acostumbrado a vivir en la línea de peligro, ya sea blanqueando dinero en Bruselas o robando artefactos privados a las mafias rusas. Su padre, un eminente arqueólogo le explica que ha descubierto un manuscrito antiguo, el único capítulo perdido de un libro sagrado que perteneció a una de las sectas más misteriosas de Israel, la orden de la unidad divina.
The Quest: En busca de la ciudad perdida
Khan (Mongolian Fighter)
Van Damme es Chris Dubois, un delincuente callejero que, huyendo de la policía, acaba en una remota ciudad perdida del Tíbet, secuestrado y vendido como esclavo a unos piratas.
Lionheart, el luchador
León Gualtier es un desertor en la Legión Extranjera que llega a los EE.UUy encuentra a su hermano entre la vida y la muerte y a su cuñada sin dinero para curar a su marido y mantener su hija. Para ganar el dinero necesario, Gualtier acepta para participar en peleas clandestinas.