Cyril Nri
Nacimiento : 1961-04-25, Nigeria
imagine... follows celebrated British TV writer Russell T Davies as he prepares to return as the showrunner of Doctor Who – with two Doctors and bigger ambitions.
Edna May
The latest in Peccadillo’s critically acclaimed series – now established as a leading showcase for new and emerging queefilm-makingng talent from around the world – features a fresh and exciting selection of the very best contemporary gay short films. Each self-contained drama in this diverse and thoughtfully curated collection offers fascinating and insightful new perspectives on the gay experience – sensual, affecting, sometimes provocative and always entertaining. The 8 short films are: Have We Met Before? (2019); The Act (2020); First Position. (2019); Winter [Invierno] (2021); The Suit Weareth the Man (2020); Infinite While It Lasts [Infinito Enquanto Dure] (2019); Melon Grab (2017); Thrive (2019).
Sheldon Forrester
A radical satire of racism in theatre In 1950s America, protests for racial equality erupt in the face of voter suppression. On Broadway, Wiletta Mayer, a talented black actress, begins rehearsals for a new play about racism – written and directed by two white men. When Wiletta finds that her arguments to tell the truth of the story are dismissed, she decides to take action. First staged over 60 years ago, Trouble in Mind is widely considered the masterpiece of actress and playwright Alice Childress. Nancy Medina directs Tanya Moodie (Motherland) in this wry and radical satire of racism in theatre.
Edna May
In 1965 - the eve of decriminalization for acts of male homosexuality in the U.K. - Matthews, a young gay man at odds with the world, discovers love, sex, and a new family in the backstreets and underground bars of Soho.
Chief Doorman
Un pequeño huérfano a finales de 1967, se va a vivir con su querida abuela a Demopolis, un pueblo de Alabama. El niño y su abuela tienen extraños encuentros con algunas brujas por lo que deciden mudarse a un hotel de lujo en la costa. Por desgracia, llegan exactamente al mismo tiempo que la Gran Bruja que ha reunido a sus compinches de todo el planeta -que van de incógnito- para llevar a cabo sus horribles planes.
First Order Officer
La Resistencia sobreviviente se enfrenta a la Primera Orden una vez más mientras continúa el viaje de Rey, Finn y Poe Dameron. Con el poder y el conocimiento de las generaciones detrás de ellos, comienza la batalla final.
La secuela del éxito de 1991; sigue a un investigador de Chicago F.D., que tiene que rastrear a los traficantes de armas que usan los incendios mortales como una distracción.
Adam Hale
Sarah Taylor es una joven de quince años que cuida de sus hermanos pequeños y de su madre que sufre transtornos mentales que la obligan a permanecer gran parte del tiempo en cama. Sarah se ve obligada a trabajar a tiempo parcial además de sacar adelante su curso escolar y cuidar de su familia. La joven encontrará una inesperada vía de escape para su frustración y su exceso de responsabilidades.
For generations, African men have gathered in barber shops to discuss the world. These are places where the banter can be barbed and the truth is always telling. Follow along as we leap from a barber shop in Peckham to Johannesburg, Harare, Kampala, Lagos and Accra over the course of a single day.
Hamlet has the world at his feet. Young, wealthy and living a hedonistic life studying abroad. Then word reaches him that his father is dead. Returning home he finds his world is utterly changed, his certainties smashed and his home a foreign land. Struggling to understand his place in a new world order he faces a stark choice. Submit, or rage against the injustice of his new reality. Simon Godwin (The Two Gentlemen of Verona 2014) directs Paapa Essiedu as Hamlet in Shakespeare's searing tragedy. As relevant today as when it was written, Hamlet confronts each of us with the mirror of our own mortality in an imperfect world. Hamlet played in the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon until throughout summer 2016.
Joe wants out but the Don won't take no for an answer. Carl lays a plan to use Alison as the bait. Will it work, or will Joe walk away?
Film version of the Royal Shakespeare Company's 2012 production of Shakespeare's fast-moving thriller. A vivid story about a struggle for democracy, Julius Caesar is also a love story between two men united by an explosive act of political violence. The setting is a modern African state in which the tyrant Caesar is about to seize power. Cassius persuades Brutus to join the conspirators plotting an assassination. Featuring a distinguished cast of black actors, the film is shot on location and in the RSC's theatre at Stratford-upon-Avon
CCTV Controller
Miserable critic, Brian Tanner, is famous for his vicious film reviews on his TV show Critical Eye. Over the years, he's grown to hate pretty much everything he sees, including his wife.
Restaurant Manager
Rebecca Ryan has been working as an undercover agent for the Organised Crime Division (OCD) posing as a taxi driver, while investigating London's south-side mob. When she finds her young daughter Lynn brutally murdered she fears her cover has been blown wide open, so she turns renegade and begins a brutal campaign of vengeance against the mob she believes killed her daughter. As she trawls the seedy depths of London's underworld hunting down her daughter's killers, the lines between good and evil, right and wrong begin to blur as do her notions of justice and revenge. It falls to the world-weary OCD agent Darius Cuise and his newly-assigned, hot-tempered partner Abby Barrett to track down Rebecca and bring her in before all hell breaks loose.
Dr. Wilson
Londres, 2001. Un grupo de estudiantes en una fiesta se desafían mutuamente a jugar con una oüija. Lo que empieza como una broma se convierte enseguida en una experiencia inquietante: el vaso deletrea el mensaje "todos mueren". Liam es el que peor se lo toma; sale huyendo de la habitación y se refugia en el tejado. Su novia Annie consigue calmarle un poco y luego le deja para ir a buscar su inhalador. Un momento después Liam ve el cuerpo achicharrado de Annie que rompe el techo de cristal y va a estrellarse contra el suelo del salón donde estaban celebrando la fiesta. Destrozados por lo sucedido, Liam y sus amigos se retiran para descansar. A media noche los despierta Webster. Ha descubierto algo en el video que grabaron en la fiesta: una visión aterradora de Annie huyendo de algo, perseguida por una sombra de la que apenas se distingue nada...
Council Computer Operator
A young American computer hackeress is hired by a liberal British lawyer to right the wrong done to a third world country by a London investment company. Even the expertise of her building inspector sidekick can not prevent a surprising development though.