Patrick Thomas


SpaceDisco One
The Director
"Spacedisco One" is a sequel to both "Logan's Run" and "1984" at the same time with Orwell's Winston Smith running into the daughters of Logan 5 and Francis 7 as they're busy running about a park firing off laser beams at one another. It's not until they meet that Winston realizes they're actually all fictional characters in a movie. When not discussing "Battlestar Galactica" with Stargirl 7 and Francis 8, Winston makes frequent visits to the Ministry of Truth - Universal CityWalk.
Cold Ones
Every stranger has a secret in writer-director Garrett Clancy’s indie drama, also released as Dead Letters. Ten years after his first novel went down in flames, the hard knocks just won’t stop for K.C. Corcoran (C. Thomas Howell) - his girlfriend’s just thrown him out. K.C. hopes to get his life back on track by writing another book and heads to a remote mountain cabin to work on it … but the locals prove more hazardous than he could have guessed.
Hilarity ensues when friends Jeff and Derek try to enter the world of back bar wrestling; where the most beautiful girls could beat the tar out of both of them without a second thought. Even with a little help from the notorious Buckle Girls, can Jeff survive a fight against Switchblade Rick for not only the title, but the heart of the girl he loves?
Killer Story
Three very modern adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe stories. Two old-time pulp writers get together to spin some horrific yarns, only they don't know they are caught up in a horror story of their own making.
Area 52
A comedy about the employees for the U.S. government, who work in a remote facility in the Nevada desert, which houses and hunts alien creatures.
Camp Blood 2
Smarmy opportunist filmmaker Worthy Milligan convinces traumatized sole survivor Tricia to work as a technical advisor on a film he's making about the horrific events that occurred at Camp Blood. The cast and crew return to the remote woodland area to shoot the picture. Of course, the murderous machete-wielding Clown also shows up to commit more brutal killings.
La sombra del asesino
Lewis Shanks
Vincent Swan es un detective retirado que, muchos años después de matar al asesino de su hija, recibe en casa una carta de su presunta víctima. Al mismo tiempo, los asesinatos en serie de artistas famosos comienzan de nuevo y Swan decide retomar el caso.
The Witness
Chris Matherson
When a criminal threatens husband and wife, their family and their business, their son is the prime target. With the help of one of their employees, the son goes on the run to find safety.
Charlie Boyle descubre que incluso su alto cociente intelectual no puede resolver todos sus problemas cuando toma una doble vida para hacer amigos de su edad.
La familia Addams: La reunión
Uncle Fester Frump
Los Addams reciben una invitación para asistir a una reunión familiar organizada por unos parientes lejanos. Como es de esperar, Morticia, Gómez y los niños no caben en sí de júbilo y viajan con toda la ilusión del mundo al lugar de la reunión. Pero, cuando lleguen, descubrirán la triste realidad: han sido invitados a la fiesta por culpa de un error informático y sus supuestos parientes resultan ser una familia aburrida y convencional.
Brain Surgeon
Ted is an outrageous comedy about the Unabomber and his friends. Told through a "mockumentary" narrative, family members and acquaintances recount the life and times of Ted. Questions, such as how and why a genius with no social skills can seek revenge on society by sending mail bombs are probed as the film spans four decades of changes in America's social landscape. Ted is a black comedy about a human being who failed as a son, a brother, a lover and a teacher.
Juguetes asesinos
Shipping Agent
Las marionetas de André Toulon resucitan a su creador. Éste planea utilizar a sus amigos para hacer realidad su mayor anhelo: resucitar a su amada muerta. Pero, para ello, algunos inocentes deberán morir...
Toby Carlyle (as Pat Thomas)
Tras superar un ataque al corazón, Peter Crane, un famoso periodista ganador del premio Pulitzer, decide abandonar la ajetreada vida de Nueva York y mudarse con su mujer y su hijo a un tranquilo pueblo de Nueva Inglaterra. Sin embargo, la calma dura poco: un día se presenta en su casa pidiendo ayuda una mujer que afirma que su hijo ha sido injustamente detenido por asesinato. Peter se interesa por el caso y averigua que la víctima era novio del acusado. Tras visitar al chico en la cárcel, llega a la conclusión de que es inocente y de que, en cambio, los habitantes del pueblo tienen mucho que ocultar; de hecho, a medida que Peter va atando cabos, los vecinos, al principio muy amables, se muestran cada vez más hostiles con él y con su familia.
Perfect Alibi
Melanie is married to Keith Bauers, she has two beautiful children and she is rich. She decides to engage a girl au pair, Janine, who arrives from France. Everything seems to run perfectly. Janine looks shy and timid and well disposed towards the family. But casually Paula, Melanies's sister, finds out that Janine and Keith are lovers and afterwards she dies in an accident.
Under Investigation
The police finds a dead woman in painter Strong's apartment....
Encanto fatal
Es posible que haya sido condenado por violar y asesinar a seis mujeres jóvenes o puede que sea un adolescente herido que ha iniciado una relación por correo, sólo un chico guapo que no podía ser culpable. Lo hizo él ... o no?