Patrick Thomas


SpaceDisco One
The Director
"Spacedisco One" is a sequel to both "Logan's Run" and "1984" at the same time with Orwell's Winston Smith running into the daughters of Logan 5 and Francis 7 as they're busy running about a park firing off laser beams at one another. It's not until they meet that Winston realizes they're actually all fictional characters in a movie. When not discussing "Battlestar Galactica" with Stargirl 7 and Francis 8, Winston makes frequent visits to the Ministry of Truth - Universal CityWalk.
Cold Ones
Every stranger has a secret in writer-director Garrett Clancy’s indie drama, also released as Dead Letters. Ten years after his first novel went down in flames, the hard knocks just won’t stop for K.C. Corcoran (C. Thomas Howell) - his girlfriend’s just thrown him out. K.C. hopes to get his life back on track by writing another book and heads to a remote mountain cabin to work on it … but the locals prove more hazardous than he could have guessed.
Hilarity ensues when friends Jeff and Derek try to enter the world of back bar wrestling; where the most beautiful girls could beat the tar out of both of them without a second thought. Even with a little help from the notorious Buckle Girls, can Jeff survive a fight against Switchblade Rick for not only the title, but the heart of the girl he loves?
Killer Story
Three very modern adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe stories. Two old-time pulp writers get together to spin some horrific yarns, only they don't know they are caught up in a horror story of their own making.
Area 52
A comedy about the employees for the U.S. government, who work in a remote facility in the Nevada desert, which houses and hunts alien creatures.
Camp Blood 2
Smarmy opportunist filmmaker Worthy Milligan convinces traumatized sole survivor Tricia to work as a technical advisor on a film he's making about the horrific events that occurred at Camp Blood. The cast and crew return to the remote woodland area to shoot the picture. Of course, the murderous machete-wielding Clown also shows up to commit more brutal killings.
Пророк смерти
Lewis Shanks
Отставной детектив отдела по расследованию убийств Винсент Свон получает почтовую открытку от серийного маньяка-убийцы, которого он считал давно погибшим. Кровавая Игра Пророка начинается снова… Ее участники - ничего не подозревающие пользователи Интернета, которым предлагается ответить на несколько вопросов; ее правила просты - победивший в Игре остается живым... У Винсента личные счеты с Пророком - в свое время от рук маньяка погибла его дочь...
The Witness
Chris Matherson
When a criminal threatens husband and wife, their family and their business, their son is the prime target. With the help of one of their employees, the son goes on the run to find safety.
Charlie Boyle finds that even his high IQ can't solve all of his problems when he takes on a double life in order to make friends his own age.
Воссоединение семейки Аддамс
Uncle Fester Frump
Горестное известие поразило семью «вурдалаков» Адамсов: самые старшие — дедушка и бабушка — стали непонятным образом терять облик монстров. Чтобы предотвратить несчастье, Аддамсы собираются на семейный совет, где начинается целый каскад бесовских шуток и невероятных выходок со стороны всех Аддамсов от мала до велика. Итак, семейство Аддамсов снова вместе…
Brain Surgeon
Ted is an outrageous comedy about the Unabomber and his friends. Told through a "mockumentary" narrative, family members and acquaintances recount the life and times of Ted. Questions, such as how and why a genius with no social skills can seek revenge on society by sending mail bombs are probed as the film spans four decades of changes in America's social landscape. Ted is a black comedy about a human being who failed as a son, a brother, a lover and a teacher.
Проклятие хозяина марионеток
Shipping Agent
Четыре года назад куклы Андре Таулона исчезли без следа. Но они нашли новый Дом и нового Хозяина. Игра со смертью продолжается.
Toby Carlyle (as Pat Thomas)
A heart attack moves a Pulitzer winning journalist to leave NY for the peace of a small New England town, but he soon finds himself pulled into a case of a man accused of killing his gay lover with the blade of a shovel. Wanting to keep the case quiet, the town turns against the journalist and his family when he begins digging into its secrets, until finally the accused man is found hanging in his cell and the truth comes out about more than just the killing.
Perfect Alibi
Melanie is married to Keith Bauers, she has two beautiful children and she is rich. She decides to engage a girl au pair, Janine, who arrives from France. Everything seems to run perfectly. Janine looks shy and timid and well disposed towards the family. But casually Paula, Melanies's sister, finds out that Janine and Keith are lovers and afterwards she dies in an accident.
Under Investigation
The police finds a dead woman in painter Strong's apartment....
Fatal Charm
Valerie's (Amanda Peterson) prosecutor mom is trying to put away Adam (Christopher Atkins), an alleged serial killer on trial for murdering six women. But he's so charming that the teenage Valerie just can't believe he really did it, and soon they begin sending each other letters. Adam is caught up in a jailbreak and ends up on the run.