Sofiya Smirnova


Mister Dissolute
Kristen Fugate
When a criminal imprisoned by detectives Ron Fugate and Morris Brinson is released and puts a hit out on them, both their partnership and their very existence quickly begins to decay... Who will survive, and at what cost?
Demon Divas and the Lanes of Damnation
A sorority mixer at a local bowling alley goes terribly wrong when the five women who own the building turn out to not be what they seem.
El caballero oscuro
Evacuee (uncredited)
Batman/Bruce Wayne regresa para continuar su guerra contra el crimen. Con la ayuda del teniente Jim Gordon y del Fiscal del Distrito Harvey Dent, Batman se propone destruir el crimen organizado en la ciudad de Gotham. El triunvirato demuestra su eficacia, pero, de repente, aparece Joker, un nuevo criminal que desencadena el caos y tiene aterrados a los ciudadanos.
Splatter Movie
Sofiya Chopin
A Feast of Flesh
When a young woman is seduced into joining a brothel of lusty vampires, she unwittingly shatters a truce between the vampy hookers and a band of vampire slayers who agreed to let the women live as long as they left the locals unmolested. Now that the fangs have come out, it means war.