Sofiya Smirnova


Mister Dissolute
Kristen Fugate
When a criminal imprisoned by detectives Ron Fugate and Morris Brinson is released and puts a hit out on them, both their partnership and their very existence quickly begins to decay... Who will survive, and at what cost?
Demon Divas and the Lanes of Damnation
A sorority mixer at a local bowling alley goes terribly wrong when the five women who own the building turn out to not be what they seem.
O Cavaleiro das Trevas
Evacuee (uncredited)
Com o Tenente Jim Gordon e o Procurador-geral Harvey Dent, Batman decide destruir o crime organizado. Mas surge um criminoso em ascensão, Joker, que leva Gotham à anarquia e força o Dark Knight a ficar perto de passar de herói a vigilante.
Splatter Movie
Sofiya Chopin
A Feast of Flesh
When a young woman is seduced into joining a brothel of lusty vampires, she unwittingly shatters a truce between the vampy hookers and a band of vampire slayers who agreed to let the women live as long as they left the locals unmolested. Now that the fangs have come out, it means war.