Gisela Uhlen
Nacimiento : 1919-05-16, Leipzig, Germany
Muerte : 2007-01-16
Emma Miller
Is a home for the blind hiding a murderer's nest? Shortly before his myste-rious death, millionaire Stuart changed his will and disinherited the local home for the blind. Inspector Higgins suspects that something is not right there.
Florence de la Rochefoucauld
Lady Smith
Whenever a criminal is killed in London, a black Jaguar is nearby, with a white cat always sitting in the passenger seat. Inspector Higgins and Inspector Lane find a joker card on all the victims. Their investigation leads them to a diamond smuggling ring.
A TV special about the christmas celebrations of the most popular TV characters in the ZDF at that time.
Old Evelyne
La historia de un hombre,a quien nunca le paso nada.Thomas,un anciano que vive en una residencia,esta persuadido que su vecino Alfred Kant y el,fueron cambiados al nacer.Ruminando su amargura,solo tiene una obsesion: pecuperar la vida que le robaron a cualquier precio.
Frau Löhn
Maria y Hermann Braun se casan durante un bombardeo, poco antes de que él sea enviado al frente ruso. Al final de la guerra, Hermann figura en las listas de desaparecidos. En la ciudad, entre las ruinas, reina el mercado negro y la prostitución. También Maria, para poder sobrevivir, debe prostituirse. Así se hace amante de Bill, un soldado negro americano, del que queda embarazada; pero su marido reaparece.
Mrs. Morehead/ Comtesse de Lage
The main characters in this film are wives of rich men who have nothing to do because they have staff – like the cook, the maid, the hairdresser, the manicurist, the governess, the teacher, the tailor etc. – who work for them. Naturally, the wives themselves do not pursue careers, they depend on their husbands’ money. This is why most of their thoughts revolve around the husband. And because the husband only appears as “the” man, there is no man in this film. All women fight for the same man. Those who have one, want to keep him no matter what. And those who do not have one yet only have one goal: To take away somebody else’s husband.
Luitpolds Mutter
The daughter of a poor mountain farmer becomes pregnant by a young nobleman. Because he does not want to marry her, she commits suicide. Her brother Ferdl then wants to confront the count. A brawl ensues. Ferdl has to flee into the mountains, where he falls into a ravine and is presumed dead.
Frau von Wolzogen
This film adaptation of Erich Kästner's book is about a millionaire who wants to travel to a hotel under a false name and test how "normal people" are treated. The hotel staff receive a warning, but mistake another man for the fake millionaire and treat him like God in France, while he doesn't feel the slightest bit of even luxurious treatment
Denise Darvet-Stuart
Sophie von Hatzfeldt
Jenny Treibel
Faith Barraclough / Hope Barraclough
Comtesse de Bréville
Henriette Gambaroff
Mrs. Love
Lady Hamilton, esposa del embajador británico en Napóles, murió en la miseria, volviendo a ser una pobre campesina por culpa de la nobleza inglesa.
Frau Girard
Mrs. Tyndal
A woman is kidnapped and her identity is stolen by criminals attempting to collect her inheritance.
Laura Foster
Mrs. Laurends
Georgia Witt
Ruth Cornell
Königin Elisabeth
Viktoria Westby
Mrs. Tilling, geb. Lebanon
El anciano Lord Lebanon, que siempre fue muy aficionado a las bromas, acaba de morir en su remoto castillo escocés. Su abogado Tanner reúne a los herederos y les lee la voluntad del fallecido Lord: deberán permanecer durante seis días y sus noches en el castillo, con el fin de que entre ellos se reconcilien. Si lo consiguen se dará lectura al testamento definitivo. Aunque la disposición no agrada, todos los presentes aceptan por la ambición de no perder su parte de la herencia. Una tormenta les deja sin luz ni teléfono, quedando aislados del exterior y, poco tiempo después, empieza una serie de estrangulamientos en los que se utiliza un pañuelo indio. Tanner inicia las investigaciones, pero también podría ser la próxima víctima... o el mismo asesino.
Mariana Seisowa
Lady Frinton
Grace Nicholson
Emily Cody
En la estación londinense de Waterloo un hombre muere sin causa aparente, y un desconocido intenta sin éxito apoderarse de la llave que el fallecido lleva en el cuello. Con él, son ya dos cadáveres en los que se han encontrado una llave similiar, lo que lleva al inspector Martin a sospechar un nexo común. Sus investigaciones le llevan al despacho del abogado Haveloc, albacea de la familia Selford, quien le cuenta que el anciano Selford, repartió 7 llaves entre amigos de confianza, con el encargo en que el día en que su hijo y heredero llegue a la mayoría de edad, deben reunirse y abrir con las 7 llaves una puerta tras la cual se encuentra la herencia.
Schwester Magda
Regina Giddens
Marion Froude
Gräfin Sophie von Beeskow
Die Marquise
Rita Wegener
Sabine Gärtner
Marie Jäger
Gräfin Orsina
Michaela Gast
The two half-orphans Reni and Rolf are 13 and 10 years old and they live with their grandmother in Berlin. Their father has died during the war, their mother works at a Baltic Sea port. Here she meets a captain who wants to marry her. When their mother tells them about the planned wedding, Reni and Rolf are reluctant to meet the captain.
Wilhelmine Mayer
Janet Spence
Helen Morrison
Stella Hirth
Lore Hollreiser
The Falling Star (German: Der Fallende Stern) is a 1950 West German drama film directed by Harald Braun. It was entered into the 1951 Cannes Film Festival.
Sabine von Brackwitz
Shown in Cannes 1949.
Lisa Radscheck
Whodunit centered around a hostel.
Gabriele Wilkens
Ilka Gräfin Baross
Luise Reiniger
Hendrickje Stoffels
Already a famous painter, Rembrandt van Rijn is commissioned to paint the Amsterdam Archers' Guild. But upon completion of the picture, the men of the guild feel duped, because they don't consider themselves flatteringly depicted in the painting. They therefore decline to pay for the work. During this dispute, the painter finds out his wife is close to death. He finds himself terribly lonely after her passing and suffers from depression until he decides once more to marry.
Christine Burger
Petra, seine Frau
Ohm Krüger (English: Uncle Krüger) is a 1941 German biographical film directed by Hans Steinhoff and starring Emil Jannings, Lucie Höflich and Werner Hinz. The film depicts the life of the South African politician Paul Kruger and his eventual defeat by the British during the Boer War. It was the first film to be awarded the 'Film of the Nation' award. It was re-released in 1944
"Bella" Anna Wittstock
Primera de las tres películas antisemitas producidas por el régimen nazi en 1940, narra el ascenso al poder de la familia Rothschild en la Inglaterra de la lucha antinapoleónica como ejemplo del supuesto avance de la conspiración judía en pos del control del planeta.
Erika Bartels, seine Freundin
Eva Burger
Angèle Destouches
Paris, 1830: Jean-Gaspard Debureau performs on the stage and delights his audience with song, wit and charm. He is, however, very unpopular with King Charles X, who is the target of much of Debureau's scornful jests. That would be a somewhat tolerable situation if it weren't for the fact that Debureau has fallen for a countess, who happens to be the King's mistress.
Elsbeth Schellenbach
Annemarie Brinkmann
In Annemarie Brinkmann's small German village all the young men are recruited to the front in WWI. When her boyfriend Klaus Renken gets the call they spend their last romantic night together. Time goes by but one day when the pastor announces the names of the fallen villagers: Klaus is among them. Annemarie collapses while the congregation sings a funeral song.