Vicente Franco


Town Destroyer
Is art’s role to provoke or placate? What happens when it no longer reflects current societal views? These questions and many more were the subject of hot debate when Victor Arnautoff’s thirteen-panel mural “The Life of Washington” became an object of local controversy, then a media firestorm. On display since San Francisco’s George Washington High School opened in 1936, it offers a view of the Founding Father both celebratory and critical, referencing his involvements in slavery and Native American genocide. (The Iroquois dubbed him “Town Destroyer.”) But some present-day students, parents, and observers found those depictions racially offensive, calling for the work to be removed or destroyed. Would doing so be a “redaction of history,” “identity politics gone off the rails”—or a justified blow to a lingering American “colonized mentality” as well as ongoing “traumatization” of young minds?
Touching the Asteroid
Camera Operator
Spacecraft OSIRIS-REx attempts to grab a piece of an asteroid to bring back to Earth so scientists can study it to learn about the planet's origins.
Cuba's Cancer Hope
Director of Photography
En Cuba, como en Estados Unidos, el cáncer de pulmón es una de las principales causas de muerte. Pero décadas de aislamiento económico y político han privado al país de recursos médicos, lo que ha llevado a los investigadores biomédicos de Cuba a inventar.
The Ornament of the World
Director of Photography
Filmed in Cordoba, Granada, Seville, and Toledo, this documentary retraces the 800-year period in medieval Spain when Muslims, Christians, and Jews forged a common cultural identity that frequently transcended their religious differences, revealing what made this rare and fruitful collaboration possible, and what ultimately tore it apart.
Coup 53
Additional Photography
Teherán, Irán, 19 de agosto de 1953. Un grupo de conspiradores iraníes que, con el beneplácito del depuesto tirano Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, han conspirado con agentes del MI6 británico y de la CIA estadounidense, consiguen poner fin al gobierno democrático liderado por Mohammad Mosaddegh, un dramático hecho que dará inicio a la trágica era de los golpes de estado que, orquestados por la CIA, tendrán lugar, a lo largo de las décadas siguientes, en decenas de países de todo el mundo.
Summer of Love
American Experience presents Summer of Love, a striking picture of San Francisco's Haight Ashbury district during the summer of 1967 -- from the utopian beginnings, when peace and love prevailed, to the chaos, unsanitary conditions, and widespread drug use that ultimately signaled the end. Academy Award-nominated filmmakers Gail Dolgin and Vicente Franco (Daughter from Danang) examine the social and cultural forces that sparked the largest migration of young people in America's history.
Death Dive to Saturn
Camera Operator
After decades of amazing discoveries, spacecraft Cassini embarks on its final - and most daring - mission: a dive below Saturn's rings.
And Then They Came for Us
Director of Photography
Seventy-five years ago, Executive Order 9066 paved the way to the profound violation of constitutional rights that resulted in the forced incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans. Featuring George Takei and many others who were incarcerated, as well as newly rediscovered photographs of Dorothea Lange, And Then They Came for Us brings history into the present, retelling this difficult story and following Japanese American activists as they speak out against the Muslim registry and travel ban. Knowing our history is the first step to ensuring we do not repeat it.
Agents of Change
Director of Photography
From the well-publicized events at San Francisco State in 1968 to the image of black students with guns emerging from the takeover of the student union at Cornell University in April, 1969, the struggle for a more relevant and meaningful education, including demands for black and ethnic studies programs, became a clarion call across the country in the late 1960's. Through the stories of these young men and women who were at the forefront of these efforts, Agents of Change examines the untold story of the racial conditions on college campuses and in the country that led to these protests. Agents of Change links the past to the present and the present to the past--making it not just a movie but a movement.
Company Town
Director of Photography
The once free-spirited city of San Francisco is now a 'Company Town,' a playground for tech moguls of the 'sharing economy' and social media. Billionaire venture capitalists virtually control the city's government. Skyrocketing rents and evictions have driven out ethic and middle class communities. But a grassroots backlash threatens the power of tech. The feature-length documentary, 'Company Town,' is the story of an intense election campaign that will determine the fate of the city at the epicenter of the digital revolution. The whole world is watching as similar revolts against Uber, Airbnb, and other multi-billion dollar companies erupt around the world.
Sands of Silence
Director of Photography
Inspired by the transformation of the sex-trafficking survivors whose lives she follows, the filmmaker finds the courage to break the silence about sexual abuse in her own life.
En defensa de la comida
Director of Photography
Apostar por la comida sana puede tener muchos beneficios y, la opción más saludable, pueden ser las dietas derivadas de nuestros antepasados, basadas en plantas. La dieta que la mayoría seguimos hoy en día es la 'dieta occidental', con mucha carne, harina blanca, aceites vegetales y azúcar; y muy poca fruta, verduras y granos integrales. Es barata, práctica y, en su mayoría, ha sido procesada para tener muy buen sabor potenciando el contenido en sal, azúcar y grasa. Nuestro consumo de azúcar actual es un mil por ciento superior al de hace 200 años. La tasa de obesidad infantil en los Estados Unidos se ha duplicado en 25 años. Cada vez hay más casos de diabetes tipo 2 en jóvenes. El azúcar está presente ahora en alimentos que nunca antes se habían endulzado, desde el pan hasta el ketchup y condimentos de toda clase.
Finding the Gold Within
Director of Photography
Six young black men from Akron, Ohio, enter college, determined to redefine society's images and low expectations. Despite their confidence, the stark reality of being away from home brings a series of crises. Well trained in critical and metaphorical thinking, and unusually articulate about their inner lives, each of the protagonists guides us to his core. Since sixth grade, they have been part of an innovative mentoring program called 'Alchemy, Inc.' that uses mythological stories, drumming and writing. In the twice-yearly reunion workshops everyone speaks of his trials and his triumphs with authenticity, intelligence, honesty and heart. In turns quiet, thoughtful and exuberant, the six protagonists grow before our eyes, whether navigating racial provocations, or seeking support with new friends, estranged fathers and wise grandmothers.
Don’t Stop Believin’: Everyman’s Journey
Director of Photography
La historia se centra en la vida rockero Filipino Arnel Pinela, que saltó a la fama gracias a un video en Youtube para posteriormente convertirse en el vocalista de Journey, una de las bandas de rock estadounidenses más conocidas.
The Storm That Swept Mexico
The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement
Director of Photography
The film features 85-year-old Mr. Armstrong, an African American barber in Birmingham, Alabama, as he experiences the manifestation of an unimaginable dream: the election of the first African American president. This colorful and courageous activist of the Civil Rights era casts his vote, celebrates Obama's victory and proudly unfurls the American flag as he is inducted into the Foot Soldiers Hall of Fame. Mr. Armstrong links the magnitude of the present paradigm shift with challenges he faced in the past: from his sons' integration into an all white school to the Bloody Sunday march for voting rights. The documentary raises questions about democracy and patriotism in the face of adversity, and the vigilance and action required to ensure continued forward movement to end racial injustice.
El hombre más peligroso de América: Daniel Ellsberg y los documentos del Pentágono
Director of Photography
Documental en torno a Ellsberg, un hombre que trabajó como asesor de defensa en el Gobierno, y que luego se tornó activista, transformándose en una figura legendaria cuando filtró información clasificada sobre Vietnam al New York Times, en la década del '70. (FILMAFFINITY)
Nuestros Desaparecidos
Director of Photography
After learning that Patricia, a long-lost girlfriend, is among the desaparecidos, a filmmaker returns to his native Argentina to find out what happened to her and others he knew who mysteriously vanished during the 1976-1983 military dictatorship.
The Judge and the General
Camera Operator
Cuando en 1998 al juez chileno Juan Guzmán se le asignaron los primeros casos penales contra el ex dictador del país, el general Augusto Pinochet, nadie esperaba mucho. Guzmán había apoyado el golpe de 1973 de Pinochet contra el presidente elegido democráticamente, Salvador Allende, y había trabajado como juez durante la dictadura de Pinochet. Los cineastas rastrean el descenso de Guzmán a lo que él llama "el abismo", donde descubre el pasado, incluido su propio papel en la tragedia.
A timely examination of human values and the health issues that affect us all, ¡Salud! looks at the curious case of Cuba, a cash-strapped country with what the BBC calls 'one of the world's best health systems.' From the shores of Africa to the Americas, ¡Salud! hits the road with some of the 28,000 Cuban health professionals serving in 68 countries, and explores the hearts and minds of international medical students in Cuba -- now numbering 30,000, including nearly 100 from the USA. Their stories plus testimony from experts around the world bring home the competing agendas that mark the battle for global health-and the complex realities confronting the movement to make health care everyone's birth right.
The Good War and Those Who Refused to Fight It
Camera Department Manager
A documentary focusing on American conscientious objectors during WWII.
Daughter from Danang
In 1975, as the Vietnam War was ending, thousands of orphans and Amerasian children were brought to the United States as part of "Operation Babylift." Daughter from Danang tells the dramatic story of one of these children, Heidi Bub (a.k.a. Mai Thi Hiep), and her Vietnamese mother, Mai Thi Kim, separated at the war's end and reunited 22 years later. Heidi, now living in Tennessee - a married woman with kids - had always dreamt of a joyful reunion. When she ventures to Vietnam to meet her mother, she unknowingly embarks on an emotional pilgrimage that spans decades and distance. Unlike most reunion stories that climax with a cliché happy ending, Daughter from Danang is a real-life drama. Journeying from the Vietnam War to Pulaski, Tennessee and back to Vietnam, Daughter from Danang tensely unfolds as cultural differences and the years of separation take their toll in a riveting film about longing and the personal legacy of war.
Free for ALL: Inside the Public Library
Director of Photography
From award-winning filmmakers comes the story of how a simple idea shaped a nation, and the quiet revolutionaries who made it happen.