
The Brothers Solomon (2007)

They want to put a baby in you.

ジャンル : コメディ

上映時間 : 1時間 33分

演出 : Bob Odenkirk


A pair of well-meaning, but socially inept brothers try to find their perfect mates in order to provide their dying father with a grandchild.


Will Arnett
Will Arnett
John Solomon
Will Forte
Will Forte
Dean Solomon
Kristen Wiig
Kristen Wiig
Chi McBride
Chi McBride
Lee Majors
Lee Majors
Ed Solomon
Sam Lloyd
Sam Lloyd
Dr. Spencer
Malin Åkerman
Malin Åkerman
Bill Hader
Bill Hader
Recumbent Biker
Jenna Fischer
Jenna Fischer
Michael Ormsby
Michael Ormsby
Young John Solomon
Ryun Yu
Ryun Yu
Dr. Wang
Chandler Hill
Chandler Hill
Charles Rahi Chun
Charles Rahi Chun
Dr. Wong
Derek Waters
Derek Waters
Video Store Clerk
Susanne Wright
Susanne Wright
Ashley Johnson
Ashley Johnson
Brooke Bloom
Brooke Bloom
Grocery Shopper
Anna Becker
Anna Becker
Grocery Checker
Brian Scolaro
Brian Scolaro
Medical Delivery Guy
Stephanie Courtney
Stephanie Courtney
Bob Odenkirk
Bob Odenkirk
Jim Treacher


Caryn Mandabach
Caryn Mandabach
Executive Producer
Tom Werner
Tom Werner
John Swihart
John Swihart
Original Music Composer
Paddy Cullen
Paddy Cullen
Executive Producer
Lisa Beach
Lisa Beach
Tim Suhrstedt
Tim Suhrstedt
Director of Photography
Tracey Wadmore-Smith
Tracey Wadmore-Smith
Sarah Katzman
Sarah Katzman
Marc Dabe
Marc Dabe
Art Direction
Matt Berenson
Matt Berenson
John Paino
John Paino
Production Design
Michael Shear
Michael Shear
Melina Root
Melina Root
Costume Design
Will Forte
Will Forte
Bob Odenkirk
Bob Odenkirk
Katie Rixon
Katie Rixon
Art Department Coordinator
Karen Higgins
Karen Higgins
Construction Coordinator
Gala Autumn
Gala Autumn
Costume Supervisor
Danielle Baker
Danielle Baker
Set Costumer
Andrea Napier
Andrea Napier
Set Costumer
Terrie Velazquez Owen
Terrie Velazquez Owen
Hair Department Head
Thomas Opitz
Thomas Opitz
Key Hair Stylist
Toni G
Toni G
Makeup Department Head
Sheree Morgan
Sheree Morgan
Makeup Artist
Gail Laskowski
Gail Laskowski


Various lives converge on an isolated island, all connected by an author whose novel has become inextricably entwined with his own life.
The Discovery of Heaven
Disappointed with humanity, God wants to revoke his contract with humanity and wants to take back the stone tablets containing the ten commandments. To this end an angel is sent out to affect the personal lives of three humans so an appropriate child may be conceived.
Sweet Sixteen
Determined to have a normal family life once his mother gets out of prison, a Scottish teenager from a tough background sets out to raise the money for a home.
Me and You and Everyone We Know
A lonely shoe salesman and an eccentric performance artist struggle to connect in this unique take on contemporary life.
Lovers of the Arctic Circle
Otto and Ana are kids when they meet each other. Their names are palindromes. They meet by chance, people are related by chance. A story of circular lives, with circular names, and a circular place (Círculo polar) where the day never ends in the midnight sun. There are things that never end, and Love is one of them.
The Coast Guard
A member of Coast Guard Platoon 23, Private Kang monitors a high-infiltration stretch of beach lined with barbed-wire fencing. Driven by the belief that killing a spy is the highest honor, he waits for a chance to prove his worth.
Take My Eyes
One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...
On the way to meet with an independent artist in the South, newlywed art dealer Madeleine is convinced by her husband, George, that they should stop to meet his family in North Carolina. Madeleine's affluent lifestyle clashes with the family, but she befriends George's wide-eyed and pregnant sister-in-law, Ashley, who is nearing her due date. Through the family, Madeleine gains greater insight into George's character.
Begotten is the creation myth brought to life, the story of no less than the violent death of God and the (re)birth of nature on a barren earth.
Far from the Madding Crowd
Bathsheba Everdine, a willful, flirtatious, young woman, unexpectedly inherits a large farm and becomes romantically involved with three widely divergent men.
Das letzte Stück Himmel
Angel, an exterminator recently released from a mental hospital, comes to rid a small Spanish town of tiny grubs in the soil. The local wine-making industry has found these pests responsible for giving their product an "earthy" taste that has divided local opinion. While in town, Angel becomes involved with two beautiful and very different women, and impacts their lives on a grand scale. Can either of these women accept the fact that Angel travels with a "ghost" of himself, or that he routinely speaks with the deseased townspeople?
Belle Époque
In 1931, a young soldier deserts from the army and falls into a country farm, where he is welcomed by the owner due to his political ideas. Manolo has four daughters, Fernando likes all of them and they like him, so he has to decide which one to love.
Our Mother's House
Seven British children bury their mother and hide her death, until their long-lost father returns.
けい子は引っ越しの際、子供は12歳の長男の明だけだと嘘をつく。実際子供は4人いて、彼らは全員学校に通ったこともなく、アパートの部屋で母親の帰りを待って暮らしていたが……。   <解説>  主演の柳楽優弥が史上最年少の14歳という若さで、2004年度カンヌ国際映画祭主演男優賞に輝いた話題作。『ディスタンス』の是枝裕和監督が実際に起きた、母親が父親の違う子供4人を置き去りにするという衝撃的な事件を元に構想から15年、満を持して映像となった。女優初挑戦の、YOU扮する奔放な母親と子役達の自然な演技も秀逸。母の失踪後一人で弟妹達の面倒をみる長男の姿は、家族や社会のあり方を問いかける。
処女作1作を残して文壇を去った幻の作家と、秘めた文学の才能を持つ少年との出会い……。感動を呼んだショーン・コネリー主演作。監督は『グッド・ウィル・ハンティング 旅立ち』のガス・ヴァン・サント。


スタンリー・キューブリック監督が、G・ハスフォードの原作を基にベトナム戦争の狂気を描く。徴兵された若者が、次第に戦闘マシーンとして人間性を失っていく様を二部構成で描く。 ベトナム戦争の時代、ジェイムズ(愛称ジョーカー)は、サウスカロライナの海兵新兵訓練キャンプ(ブートキャンプ)で、ハートマン軍曹による厳しい訓練を受ける。新兵たちの中で落ちこぼれの「ほほえみデブ」ことレナードは、徹底的なしごきの中で徐々に正気を失っていく…。 新兵訓練を卒業し海兵隊員となったジョーカーは、テト攻勢が始まる中、軍の報道部員としてフエ市街の前線取材を命じられる。だが、交戦の中で小隊長が戦死、分隊長をブービートラップで失う。下士官が指揮を引き継ぎ転進を図るも進路を誤り、今度は狙撃兵の襲撃を受ける。残されたジョーカーは狙撃兵への復讐を図るのだが…。
Roberto Carlos em Ritmo de Aventura
While making a movie in Rio de Janeiro, the singer Roberto Carlos is kidnapped by an international gang that wants to make money with his songs in a computer, together with Pierre (José Lewgoy) , the villain of the movie, and sent to New York.
A petty thief posing as an actor is brought to Los Angeles for an unlikely audition and finds himself in the middle of a murder investigation along with his high school dream girl and a detective who's been training him for his upcoming role...
When best buds Rick and Fred begin to show signs of restlessness at home, their wives take a bold approach to revitalize their marriages, they grant the guys a 'hall pass'—one week of freedom to do whatever they want. At first, it seems like a dream come true, but they quickly discover that their expectations of the single life—and themselves—are completely and hilariously out of sync with reality.