
ルシアとSEX (2001)

ジャンル : ドラマ, ロマンス

上映時間 : 2時間 8分

演出 : Julio Medem
脚本 : Julio Medem


Various lives converge on an isolated island, all connected by an author whose novel has become inextricably entwined with his own life.


Paz Vega
Paz Vega
Tristán Ulloa
Tristán Ulloa
Elena Anaya
Elena Anaya
Najwa Nimri
Najwa Nimri
Daniel Freire
Daniel Freire
Silvia Llanos
Silvia Llanos
Diana Suárez
Diana Suárez
Madre de Belén
Javier Cámara
Javier Cámara
Juan Fernández
Juan Fernández
María Álvarez
María Álvarez


Julio Medem
Julio Medem
Kiko de la Rica
Kiko de la Rica
Director of Photography
Iván Aledo
Iván Aledo
Sara Bilbatúa
Sara Bilbatúa
Víctor Molero
Víctor Molero
Set Decoration
Estíbaliz Markiegi
Estíbaliz Markiegi
Costume Design
Julio Medem
Julio Medem
Fernando Bovaira
Fernando Bovaira
Enrique López Lavigne
Enrique López Lavigne
Anna Cassina
Anna Cassina
Executive Producer
Luis María Reyes
Luis María Reyes
Executive Producer
Alberto Iglesias
Alberto Iglesias
Original Music Composer
Montse Ribé
Montse Ribé
Makeup Effects Designer
James David Goldmark
James David Goldmark
Art Direction
Montse Sanz
Montse Sanz
Art Direction


Two drifters, one a gentle but slow giant, try to make money working the fields during the Depression so they can fulfill their dreams.
Failed hockey player-turned-golf whiz Happy Gilmore -- whose unconventional approach and antics on the grass courts the ire of rival Shooter McGavin -- is determined to win a PGA tournament so he can save his granny's house with the prize money. Meanwhile, an attractive tour publicist tries to soften Happy's image.
スピーシーズ3 禁断の種
After she delivers her child in an ambulance, alien Eve is killed by a half-breed. Fortunately, Dr. Abbot scoops up the baby alien and escapes. In time, the baby grows into a gorgeous blonde named Sara and begins her quest to find a worthy mate. But Sara is also savage and leaves a trail of deaths in her wake. This carnage makes chemistry student Dean question whether to help her race or not.
ジャック・フロスト パパは雪だるま
A father, who can't keep his promises, dies in a car accident. One year later, he returns as a snowman, who has the final chance to put things right with his son before he is gone forever.
Berliner Mieke(Jessica Boehrs)が電子メールでAmerican Scott(Scott Mechlowicz)に自分自身を宣言すると、彼は彼女を男として拒否します。 彼女は自分の間違いを発見すると、彼に連絡しようとしますが、それは不可能です。 彼女を征服する唯一の方法は、ベルリン(ドイツ)に旅行することであると思われ、彼は友人のクーパー(ジェイコブピッツ)と双子のジェニー(ミシェルトラヒテンベルク)とジェイミー(トラヴィスウェスター)の旅に同行します 。
A veteran-turned-mercenary is hired to take a young woman with a secret from post-apocalyptic Eastern Europe to New York City.
In an attempt to pull her family together, Adèlle travels with her young daughter Sarah to Wales to visit her father. The morning after they arrive, Sarah mysteriously vanishes in the ocean. Not long after, a little girl bearing a striking resemblance to their missing daughter reveals that she has retuned from the dead — and that Sarah has been taken to the Welsh underworld.
病室の清潔な白いベッドの上で、アリシアは事故で昏睡状態となり深い眠りの中にいた。だが、彼女はひとりではない。看護士のベニグノが、4年間、眠り続ける彼女の髪や爪の手入れをし、体を拭き、クリームを塗り、服を替える。彼女に日々の出来事や感動的な舞台や映画について語りかけるベニグノは、他人からは解らなくとも、2人の間に確かなコミュニケーションの存在を感じている。  一方、女闘牛士であるリディアもまた、競技中の事故によって昏睡状態で入院していた。彼女の恋人であるアルゼンチン人のマルコは、突然の事故に困惑し、彼女の傍らで泣き、ふさぎこんでいた。  互いの境遇を語り合ったベニグノとマルコの間には、いつしか厚い友情が生まれていった。 ベニグノの盲目的とも言える揺ぎない愛は、誰も予想だにしなかった悲劇と奇跡を招き、それぞれの運命を大きく変えてゆく・・・。
20世紀のどこかの国。情報省はテロの容疑者「タトル」を「バトル」と打ち間違えてしまい、無関係なバトル氏を無理やり連行していく。それを一部始終見ていた上の階に住むトラック運転手のジルが抗議をするも、全く相手にされない。 一方、情報局に勤めるサムは、このミスをなんとかするために試行錯誤していた。近頃サムは、夢の中でナイトの格好をして、美女を助け出すというおかしな夢を見ていたが、情報省に抗議に来ていたジルがその美女にそっくりだということに気づく。 ある日、サムが家に帰るとダクトが故障しており、非合法のダクト修理屋と名乗るタトルが勝手に直してしまう。サムはまた夢の中でサムライの怪物と戦い、美女を救う夢を見る。サムはジルの正体を知るために断っていた昇格を望み、友人であったジャックの元を訪ねる。そして、様々な事柄が複雑に絡まりあっていく。
1944年、アメリカ。12歳のジョニーは兄のジャックと共に両親の畑仕事を手伝っていた。しかし、一家の貧しい生活は一向に楽にならず、父は酒に溺れる日々だった。そんなジョニーの心のなぐさめとなったのは、兄ジャックの優しさと、ラジオから流れてくるゴスペルやカントリー音楽だった。ある時、最愛の兄が突然の事故でこの世を去ってしまう。出来のいい息子を失ったショックでますます荒れる父親とジョニーとの確執は広がっていく。そして、空軍に入隊したジョニーは実家を離れ、ドイツに駐屯する。除隊後に初恋の女性ヴィヴィアンと結婚、子供も授かった。訪問セールスの仕事の合間に友人とゴスペル・バンドを組んで音楽を楽しむジョニーだったが、家計は苦しく、徐々に夫婦の仲も冷え切っていく。 そんなある日、ジョニーは街角で偶然見かけたレコード会社で、オーディションの機会を得る。そこで空軍時代に書いた囚人の心の叫びとも言える歌を熱唱し、その実力を認められる。そして瞬く間にプロのミュージシャンとしての第一歩を踏み出すことになった。早速、同じレコード会社のジェリー・リー・ルイスやエルヴィス・プレスリーらと全米中をツアーでまわっていた時、ジョニーは少年時代からの憧れだったジューン・カーターと出会い、すぐに意気投合する。この出会いが、これからの彼らの長い運命の始まりとなるのだった……。
ロサンジェルスで保険の調査員をしていたレナード。ある日、何者かが家に侵入し、妻がレイプされたうえ殺害されてしまう。その光景を目撃してしまったレナードはショックで前向性健忘となってしまう。彼は記憶を消さないためポラロイドにメモを書き、体にタトゥーを刻みながら犯人の手掛かりを追っていく……。 前向性健忘(発症以前の記憶はあるものの、それ以降は数分前の出来事さえ忘れてしまう症状)という記憶障害に見舞われた男が、最愛の妻を殺した犯人を追う異色サスペンス。


After the closure of their shipyard in Northern Spain, a few former workers: Santa, José, Lino, Amador, Sergei and Reina keep in touch. They meet mainly at a bar owned by their former colleague Rico. Santa is the most superficially confident and unofficial leader of the group. A court case hangs over him relating to a shipyard lamp he smashed during a protest against the closure. José is bitter that his wife, Ana, is employed when he is not.
A very handsome man finds the love of his life, but he suffers an accident and needs to have his face rebuilt by surgery after it is severely disfigured.
Two teenage girls in small-town Sweden. Elin is beautiful, popular, and bored with life. Agnes is friendless, sad, and secretly in love with Elin.
The Method
In Madrid seven candidates report for a job interview that uses "the Grönholm method" of selection, as protestors rise up in public protest in the street over the IMF-World Bank Summit attempting globalisation of workers' unions.
Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Fifth Floor Neighbour
Pedro, a handsome gynecologist who lives in Toledo (Spain), does not have just a clientele due to the jealousy that his sex appeal causes in the husbands and boyfriends of his patients. To make matters worse, his mother still treats him like a child and the traditionalist members of his girlfriend's family don't look kindly upon Pedro. But on a trip to Madrid to attend a conference on medicine he meets Antón, his effeminate neighbor of the fifth floor, whose fashion boutique for women thrives thanks to the complicity he knows to establish with his customers.
The stones of the title are the dreams and burdens carried by these five women with interlinked lives. This story of decision and transformation was nominated for the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival.
Three young and desperate inhabitants of Madrid attempt to rise above their circumstances by any means available to them in that sun-drenched city. This tight-knit trio must scramble when their hasty plans become derailed by a demanding matriarch, an abusive older brother, and the entire corrupt underclass with which they deal.
Julia, a real estate agent, finds an enormous amount of money hidden in a dead man's apartment, a stroke of luck that will force her to face the wrath of the very peculiar inhabitants of the condominium, headed by an unscrupulous administrator.
Stories from the Kronen
Carlos is a young student, just 21. Nice or annoying as he likes, enjoys provoking and transgreding. In the night he goes out to meet his friends in the Kronen, a bar. Every situation can be taken a little farther. There are no limits, no accepted barriers. And more each time, each adventure is chained to the next, as if it were a continuous night. A long description of people: grandfather, parents, sister, girlfriend, friends. And, among that, the obscure will of living every minute as if it were the last one. But something which happens puts Carlos and his friend against a reality they have been trying to ignore.
The Red Squirrel
Jota is about to commit suicide. As he fighting against himself, trying to jump off a bridge, a girl riding a motorcycle falls off the bridge. He runs to help her, and goes with her to the hospital. She has forgotten even what her name is, and he invents her life. He makes up a name for her and tells her and the doctors that they live together as a couple for four years. The lie goes on for a while..
Lovers of the Arctic Circle
Otto and Ana are kids when they meet each other. Their names are palindromes. They meet by chance, people are related by chance. A story of circular lives, with circular names, and a circular place (Círculo polar) where the day never ends in the midnight sun. There are things that never end, and Love is one of them.
The Ferpect Crime
A playboy has the tables turned on him when he finds himself being used as a plaything by an undesirable woman.
Mutant Action
Waging war against all things glamorous and beautiful, crippled terrorists Acción Mutante plot a series of attacks on society's elite, and attempt the kidnapping of a wealthy socialite at her elaborate wedding reception.
Salto al vacío
Alex is a young woman with a shaved head and the word 'Void' written in her head that faces an extremely hard social environment thanks to her strong personality. She keeps all her family thanks to arms and drug trafficking, but she is also in love with Javi, a boy from her gang who ignores her.
Rabid Grannies
A large family gathers in the country side for their two Grannies birthday. It's too bad one of the gifts happens to be from their devil-worshipping nephew, and upon opening it, the two loveable grannies turn into rabid, flesh-eating monsters.
Route Irish
A private security contractor in Iraq rejects the official explanation of his friend's death and decides to investigate.
Gabriela, a Columbian immigrant, is obsessed with understanding violent crime. The current string of murders by "The Blue Blood Killer" of affluent Miami socialites provides her with fodder for her scrapbook of death. She lands a job with a post-murder cleaning service and during a Blue-Blood clean-up job, discovers evidence that police have overlooked.