Alberto Iglesias

Alberto Iglesias

出生 : 1955-10-21, Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, País Vasco, Spain


Alberto Iglesias


O Night Divine
Original Music Composer
St. Moritz, Switzerland. On a snowy Christmas Eve in a grand mountain hotel, the lives of five people magically intertwine during a wild night full of extravagant adventures and joyous celebrations.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
In the year 2000, Maixabel Lasa’s husband, Juan Maria Jauregi, was killed by ETA. Eleven years later, she receives an incredible request: one of the men who killed Juan wants to meet with her in the Nanclares de la Oca prison in Araba (Spain), where he is serving his sentence after breaking ties with the terrorist group. Despite her reservations and her immense pain, Maixabel Lasa agrees to meet face to face with those who ended the life of the person who had been her companion since she was 16 years old. ‘Everyone deserves a second chance’, she said, when asked why she was willing to confront the man who killed her husband.
Original Music Composer
A woman watches time passing next to the suitcases of her ex-lover (who is supposed to come pick them up but never arrives) and a restless dog who doesn't understand that his master has abandoned him.
Original Music Composer
Yuli is the nickname given to Carlos Acosta by his father, Pedro, who considers him the son of Ogun, an African god and a fighter. As a child Yuli avoids discipline and education, learning from the streets of an impoverished and abandoned Havana. His father, however, has other ideas, and knowing that his son has a natural talent for dance, sends him to the National Ballet School of Cuba. Despite his repeated escapes and initial poor behaviour, the boy is inevitably drawn to the world of dance, and begins to shape his legendary career from a young age, becoming the first black dancer to be cast in some of the most prestigious ballet roles, originally written for white dancers, in companies such as the Houston Ballet or the Royal Ballet in London.
Lila, a famous retired singer, loses her memory after suffering an accident, just as she planned her return to the stage.
The Summit
At a summit for Latin American presidents in Chile where the region's geopolitical strategies and alliances are in discussion, Argentine president Hernán Blanco endures political and family drama that will force him to face his own demons.
Original Music Composer
The film spans 30 years in Julieta’s life from a nostalgic 1985 where everything seems hopeful, to 2015 where her life appears to be beyond repair and she is on the verge of madness.
ma ma
Original Music Composer
After finding a lump in one of her breasts, Magda goes to visit her doctor who gives her bad news: she needs a mastectomy, preceded by severe chemo treatments. While she ponders this ill fortune at a soccer game where her son Dani participates, she attracts the attention of talent scout Arturo, who is looking for talented young players to enroll them in the junior leagues.
Keepers of the Covenant: Making 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'
Original Music Composer
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Exodus: Gods and Kings," featuring interviews with the cast and crew. Featured in the Deluxe Edition Blu-ray set.
Keepers of the Covenant: Making 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Exodus: Gods and Kings," featuring interviews with the cast and crew. Featured in the Deluxe Edition Blu-ray set.
The Two Faces of January
1962. A con artist, his wife, and a dangerous stranger are caught up in the murder of a private detective and are forced to try and escape Athens.
Original Music Composer
Something has gone wrong with the landing gear of a plane en route from Madrid to Mexico City. The group of eccentric travelers on the flight, defenseless in the face of danger, indulge in colourful confessionals, while the outlandish crew attempts to find ways to entertain them.
Original Music Composer
元MI6諜報員の経歴を持つ作家ジョン・ル・カレによる人気スパイ小説を、トーマス・アルフレッドソン監督が映画化したサスペンス。英国諜報組織の中枢に20年も潜入しているソ連の二重スパイを捜すため、引退生活から呼び戻されたスパイが敵味方の区別もつかない中で真相に迫る姿を描く。 東西冷戦下の1980年代、英国諜報部「サーカス」を引退したスパイ、スマイリー(ゲイリー・オールドマン)に新たな指令が下る。それは20年にわたってサーカスの中枢に潜り込んでいる二重スパイを捜し出し、始末するというものだった。膨大な記録や関係者の証言を基に、容疑者を洗い出していくスマイリーがたどり着いた裏切者の正体とは……。
Original Music Composer
The Monk
Original Music Composer
A virtuous monk descends to the depths of sin and depravity after Satan sends an unholy temptress to lead him astray.
Even the Rain
Original Music Composer
As a director and his crew shoot a controversial film about Christopher Columbus in Cochabamba, Bolivia, local people rise up against plans to privatize the water supply.
Harry Caine, a blind writer, reaches this moment in time when he has to heal his wounds from 14 years back. He was then still known by his real name, Mateo Blanco, and directing his last movie.
Original Music Composer
Harry Caine, a blind writer, reaches this moment in time when he has to heal his wounds from 14 years back. He was then still known by his real name, Mateo Blanco, and directing his last movie.
チェ 39歳 別れの手紙
Original Music Composer
Music at the Sea
In the year 2001 the acclaimed violin vituoso Julian Rachlin founded a festival of chamber music in Dubrovnik. He introduced a new and successful concept of gathering some of the most famous world musicians and letting them play the music that they personally enjoy. In 2008 the austrian filmmaker Georg Riha joined the festival to cinematically accompany the star violinist: Masterly, as usual, and in the highest aesthetics as well as in technical quality, he succeeded with this film composition to tape the magical atmosphere of the city at the sea and the relaxed artistic work of Julian Rachlin and his friends. See the Rector’s Palace, rehearsals, the sea, conversations, sun and wind, concerts and a lot of fun.
チェ 28歳の革命
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Take My Eyes
Original Music Composer
One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...
Original Music Composer
Documentary on the director's meeting with Castro.
The Dancer Upstairs
Original Music Composer
A police detective in a South American country is dedicated to hunting down a revolutionary guerilla leader.
Original Music Composer
病室の清潔な白いベッドの上で、アリシアは事故で昏睡状態となり深い眠りの中にいた。だが、彼女はひとりではない。看護士のベニグノが、4年間、眠り続ける彼女の髪や爪の手入れをし、体を拭き、クリームを塗り、服を替える。彼女に日々の出来事や感動的な舞台や映画について語りかけるベニグノは、他人からは解らなくとも、2人の間に確かなコミュニケーションの存在を感じている。  一方、女闘牛士であるリディアもまた、競技中の事故によって昏睡状態で入院していた。彼女の恋人であるアルゼンチン人のマルコは、突然の事故に困惑し、彼女の傍らで泣き、ふさぎこんでいた。  互いの境遇を語り合ったベニグノとマルコの間には、いつしか厚い友情が生まれていった。 ベニグノの盲目的とも言える揺ぎない愛は、誰も予想だにしなかった悲劇と奇跡を招き、それぞれの運命を大きく変えてゆく・・・。
Original Music Composer
Various lives converge on an isolated island, all connected by an author whose novel has become inextricably entwined with his own life.
Original Music Composer
マドリードに住む移植コーディネーターのマヌエラは、作家志望の息子・エステバンを女手一つで育ててきた。エステバンの誕生日、二人は『欲望という名の電車』の舞台を観に行く。そして、マヌエラが息子に今まで話さなかった父のことを話そうと決心したとき、エステバンは舞台の主演だった大女優ウマ・ロッホにサインをもらおうとして車にはねられ、そのまま亡くなってしまう。 息子の死を行方不明となっている父に伝えるため、バルセロナへ旅立ったマヌエラは、ひょんなことから息子の死の原因となったウマの付き人になる。バルセロナでマヌエラは、ウマのレズビアンの恋人で麻薬中毒の若手女優・ニナ、性転換した明るいゲイの娼婦・アグラード、エイズを抱えて妊娠した純朴なシスター・ロサ、その母親でボケの進んだ夫に手を焼く厳格な贋作画家、そして、今では「ロラ」という名の女性となりロサにエイズをうつした、息子と同名の元夫といった様々な女性たちと出会い、やがて人生への希望を取り戻していく。
Lovers of the Arctic Circle
Original Music Composer
Otto and Ana are kids when they meet each other. Their names are palindromes. They meet by chance, people are related by chance. A story of circular lives, with circular names, and a circular place (Círculo polar) where the day never ends in the midnight sun. There are things that never end, and Love is one of them.
Original Music Composer
A scorned ex-convict forces himself into the lives of the couple who put him behind bars.
Angel, an exterminator recently released from a mental hospital, comes to rid a small Spanish town of tiny grubs in the soil. The local wine-making industry has found these pests responsible for giving their product an "earthy" taste that has divided local opinion. While in town, Angel becomes involved with two beautiful and very different women, and impacts their lives on a grand scale. Can either of these women accept the fact that Angel travels with a "ghost" of himself, or that he routinely speaks with the deseased townspeople?
Original Music Composer
Marisa Paredes is Leocadia ("Leo") Macias, a woman writing “pink” romance novels under the alias of Amanda Gris that are very popular all across Spain. Unlike her romantic novels, her own love life is troubled. Leo has a less than happy relationship with her husband Paco, a military officer stationed in Brussels then later in Bosnia, who is distant both physically and emotionally.
The Red Squirrel
Jota is about to commit suicide. As he fighting against himself, trying to jump off a bridge, a girl riding a motorcycle falls off the bridge. He runs to help her, and goes with her to the hospital. She has forgotten even what her name is, and he invents her life. He makes up a name for her and tells her and the doctors that they live together as a couple for four years. The lie goes on for a while..
A film set in the Basque region, beginning in the Carlist war of 1875 and ending during the Spanish Civil war of 1936. The film portrays how one single act of cowardice shapes the life of the next three generations of two families and fuels the intense rivalry which will span the next sixty-one years.
El sueño de Tánger
Original Music Composer
The young Martín reluctantly spends the hot summer in Madrid with his parents, porters for a farm in the center of the city where they live. One day Julia arrives, an actress who comes to spend a few days in the vacated apartment of a friend
Balada da Praia dos Cães
In Portugal, in the 60s, the corpse of a man appears on Dog's Beach. The corpse is identified as the major Dantas, a man wanted by authorities after his escape from a military prison where he was awaiting trial for insurrection.
Six on the Dot
To celebrate her 30th anniversary, Paula invites small Ignacio, a neighbor who lives two floors below.
Bilbao Blues
Beatriz is an attractive young lawyer who enjoys an enviable position thanks to the influence of his father, a prominent businessman. Lucas, a young guy with a rather shady past, struggling to emerge from the unfavorable situation in which life has placed him. When Lucas is arrested with a stash of cocaine adulterated becomes a client of Beatrice. The pure cocaine has hidden with intent to distribute it only with your partner Uriarte, for it has had to deceive another of his buddies into thinking that the business has failed.
Mikel's Death
Opening at the funeral mass for Mikel, we flashback to those that played a part in Mikel's life and death; his estranged wife, his traditional Basque mother, a female impersonator and friend to Mikel in his coming out, and even the local priest.
La conquista de Albania
King Carlos II of Spain (r. 1665-1700) once sent his brother Luis to lead a military expedition into Albania and conquer that land for the Spaniards. Since Albania was a part of the dowry of Luis' wife, it seemed like a reasonable idea at the time. While that expedition and its final battle is the subject of this historical film, the scale involved can hardly do justice to the concept. The protagonists talk incessantly, and by the time they get down to the final grand battle, it turns out to be a skirmish between several dozen men.
During the awards ceremony of school paintings, a girl remembers how she ended up painting the picture she presented to the contest. Several people from her environment influenced, with their opinions and advice, the final result.
The Dark Side
A women is confused for a sex worker while waiting for her boyfriend.