
Go West (1923)

ジャンル : 西洋, ドラマ, コメディ

上映時間 : 12分

演出 : Len Powers


Western Movies with monkeys in the roles. The son of mom and dad Monkey gets home too late after a wet night. The father, tired of this behavior has enough and throws his son out of the house.



Len Powers
Len Powers


ダーティファイター 燃えよ鉄拳
Philo takes part in a bare knuckle fight - as he does - to make some more money than he can earn from his car repair business. He decides to retire from fighting, but when the Mafia come along and arrange another fight, he is pushed into it. A motorcycle gang and an orangutan called Clyde all add to the 'fun'.
Going Ape!
When his father - who owned a circus - dies, Oscar inherits 5 million dollars - and 3 orang outangs. However there's a condition connected to the money: if he gives away the apes or just one gets sick or dies during the next 3 years, the zoologic society will get all the money. So he not only has to deal with 3 apes and an annoyed girlfriend, but also with a greedy zoologic society's president.
ファウンテン 永遠につづく愛
劇場版 ドーラといっしょに大冒険
Your favorite Madagascar pals are back in an all-new adventure! Alex's favorite holiday, Valentine's Day, brings hilarious surprises and excitement for the entire gang. Melman plans a big surprise for Gloria, Marty tries to impress a new friend and everyone wants to get their hands on King Julien's love potion. You'll fall in LOVE with Madly Madagascar!
ピエール・ブール原作のSF映画の金字塔「猿の惑星」を基に、その起源となる人類文明崩壊への道のりを明らかにしていくSFアクション大作。  アメリカ、サンフランシスコ。製薬会社の研究所でアルツハイマー治療の研究をする神経科学者、ウィル・ロッドマンは、開発中の新薬を投与したチンパンジーの知能が驚異的に発達したことを確認し、その成果を発表する。しかし、そのチンパンジーは突然暴れ出し警備員によって射殺されてしまう。事態を重く見た所長によってプロジェクトは中止を余儀なくされるが、射殺されたチンパンジーは妊娠中だったことから、ウィルは生まれたばかりの赤ん坊を秘かに引き取るとシーザーと名付け、自ら育てることに。そして、次第にウィルとシーザーのあいだに人間の親子のような絆が芽生えていく。その一方で、シーザーは並外れた知性を発揮し始めていく。ところが、すっかり成長したシーザーはある日、ウィルの父を助けようとして隣人とトラブルを起こしてしまう。それが原因でウィルと引き離され、類人猿保護施設の檻の中で屈辱と絶望の日々を送ることになるシーザーだったが…。
Kindhearted Griffin Keyes is one of the best-loved caretakers at the Franklin Park Zoo, but since he is more comfortable with the animals than with females of his own species, his love life is lacking. When Griffin decides that the only way to get a girlfriend is to find a more-glamorous career, the animals panic. To keep him from leaving, they reveal their secret ability to talk and offer to teach him the rules of courtship, animal-style.
おさるのジョージ/Curious George 劇場版
Dunston Checks In
Hotel manager Robert Grant is forced by his boss to postpone his family vacation when a hotel critic checks in. Trouble is, the critic is really a villainous jewel thief with an orangutan assistant named Dunston. When Dunston gets loose and tries to escape a life of crime -- aided by Robert's sons -- havoc, hijinks and lots of laughs abound!
グレイストーク -類人猿の王者- ターザンの伝説


Pan 700
A series of ghost-like vehicles drive by in this short film by Hollis Frampton.
God Respects Us When We Work, But Loves Us When We Dance
Les Blank's poetic documentation of 1967's Los Angeles Easter Sunday Love-In.
Pan 697
A butchered cow is decapitated in this short film by Hollis Frampton.
Pan 698
The camera pans across a field of flowers at extreme speeds in this short film by Hollis Frampton.
The Silent Majority
The 8 minute short is open to interpretation as it examines the inner thoughts of several people around a table, with the Rita Hayworth version of Put the Blame on Mame playing on the soundtrack.
Tup Tup
The quick tempo of life in polluted cities makes patients out of people. Neurosis is an everyday occurrence.
A Girl's Own Story
This early short from director Jane Campion concerns a group of teenage girls in the 1960s.
Everything Is a Number
Man's rebellion against the world of the digits.
Granton Trawler
Documentary following an Edinburgh fishing trawler, the "Isabella Grieg".
The Mended Lute
In an Indian tribe, a girl escapes from her father and suitor to be with the man she loves.
Rock the Boat
An illustration of a traditional French Canadian song in the form of progressing cutouts and still pictures.
The March of the Machines
La marche des machines is a thundering, thumping symphony of turbines, belts, flanges, wheels and sparks.
Study II: Hallucinations
"Studie II (Hallucinationer)" (Study II (Hallucinations)) (1952), comprises twelve staged scenes that were modelled after a set of drawings. Accompanied by metallic sounds, various body parts, limbs and objects form surrealistic collages against the background of a black space. Peter Weiss intended to create associative images that can not be deciphered completely. Beyond any logical interpretation, he wanted to show pure inner feelings.
Everything Turns, Everything Revolves
A day at the carnival — sensational tent shows where miracles can be seen for the price of admission, boisterous noise of crowds and barkers, shrill and gaudy circus music, the violence of the street ten-fold. This is the substance of Everything Turns, Richter’s first sound film. At its premier at Baden-Baden Richter got into a fight with two Nazi officials who disliked the film's ‘modernism.’ Yet in 1936 it was awarded first prize for artistic merit by the Nazis, with Richter’s name suppressed from the credits. He had long since left Germany.
Jammin' the Blues
In this short film, prominent jazz musicians of the 1940s gather for a rare filming of a jam session. This highly stylized chronicle features tenor sax legend Lester Young.
The 'Teddy' Bears
A combination of the story of Goldlocks and the Three Bears with the true story of how Teddy Roosevelt spared a bear cub after killing its mother while hunting, an event which led to the popularization of the teddy bear. Goldilocks goes to sleep in the bears' home after watching six teddy bears dance and do acrobatics, viewing them through a knothole in the wall. When she is awoken by the returning bear family, they give chase through the woods, but she runs to the aid of the Old Rough Rider, who saves her.
La poulette grise
An experimental short film of images and music made by Norman McLaren.
La Pelouse - Voitures et foules
Carriages and crowds cross a grassy area.
Golden Parable
Filming amid the flaxen wheat fields of Sicily, Vittorio De Seta documents the everyday rituals of farmers during harvest time.