Fez: City of Saints

ジャンル :

上映時間 : 55分


This exclusive documentary follows the journey of some of the worlds leading Muslim thinkers in a gathering that took place at the heart of an ancient Islamic city It was Habib Umar's first trip to the Maghreb and the film captures his travels and responses as he journeys through a land brimming with spirituality, knowledge and vast history. From the serene courtyards of the University of Qarawiyyin to busling souk streets, from walled city of Fez to the mountainous sanctuary of Moulay Idris, the film shares the spiritual secrets of the places and their stories. The beauty of the great city of Fez, founded by descendants of the Noble Prophet (May Allah swt shower blessings upon him), is shared by a visitor who is himself a direct descendant of that great household. The result is a moving meeting of two traditions that form the very core of great Islamic narrative.


Habib Umar Bin Hafiz
Habib Umar Bin Hafiz



The Four Feathers
The story, set in 1885, follows a British officer (Heath Ledger) who resigns his post when he learns of his regiment's plan to ship out to the Sudan for the conflict with the Mahdi. His friends and fiancée send him four white feathers which symbolize cowardice. To redeem his honor he disguises himself as an Arab and secretly saves the lives of those who branded him a coward.
The Message
Handsomely-mounted historical epic concerns the birth of the Islamic faith and the story of the prophet Mohammed.
Not Without My Daughter
An American woman, trapped in Islamic Iran by her brutish husband, must find a way to escape with her daughter as well.
East Is East
In 1971 Salford fish-and-chip shop owner George Khan expects his family to follow his strict Pakistani Muslim ways. But his children, with an English mother and having been born and brought up in Britain, increasingly see themselves as British and start to reject their father's rules on dress, food, religion, and living in general.
Monsieur Ibrahim
Paris, 1960s. Momo, a resolute and independent Jewish teenager who lives with his father, a sullen and depressed man, in a working-class neighborhood, develops a close friendship with Monsieur Ibrahim, an elderly Muslim who owns a small grocery store.
フロントミッション 革命の反逆者たち
1930年代後半のスペイン。ヒトラー率いる左派ファシズムとスターリン側の右派共産主義に別れ第二次世界大戦の代理戦争となる内戦が開始されていた。父を共産主義者に殺された青年マノロは神学校を辞め、左派ファシズムのスパイに転進を図る。幼馴染のホセマリアは心から彼を案じ、神の道に進む決意を新たにする。マノロは、共和国側の革命を目指す若者が集まる演説会場に出向き、若き指導者のオリオールと美しいハンガリーの娘、イルディコと親交を深め 人民戦線の民兵として潜入に成功、激しい前線を命を削りながら戦う日々を送る。しかしそれは憎しみから出る信念なき戦いであった。一方、ホセマリアは、神父として民の心の支えになって生きていたが、内戦をきっかけに激しい反宗教的迫害にあっていた。しかし右派から命を狙われても、自らの信念を曲げず地下に潜り信仰を続ける日々を送っていた。まるで正反対の人生を歩む2人だったが、激しくなる戦火の中、複雑に運命は絡み合い遂に命を狙う側と狙われる側として再会してしまう。
ブラザー・サン シスター・ムーン
In his delirium from his return from war, Francesco Bernardone goes back in his memories to the days when he lived for parties and carnal pleasures. He slowly recovers, but after the illness he is no longer the Francesco that everybody knew. Instead of spending hours in taverns, he meditates on the beauty of God's creatures, soon renouncing his riches and his family with plans to rebuild an abandoned church and his life.
Simon of the Desert
Simon, a deeply religious man living in the 4th century, wants to be nearer to God so he climbs a column. The Devil wants him come down to Earth and is trying to seduce him.
Five Minarets in New York
Two Turkish anti-terrorist agents are sent to New York City on a mission to find and bring back the dangerous Islamic leader codenamed "Dajjal", believed to be hiding in there. Working with the FBI and NYPD, the agents orchestrate the arrest of Hadji Gumus, a well-respected Muslim scholar and family man who years before fled to the United States after being released from a Turkish prison, where he served time for murder. This tale love, friendship, peace and prejudices, takes us on a journey seeking to answer the question of whether innocence or guilt even matters to one who lusts for vengeance.
Lipstick Under My Burkha
Four ordinary women, inflicted by silly societal norms, have to steal, lie, cheat and hide in order to lead the lives that they rightfully deserve.
In Between
The film captures the daily duality of three young Palestinian women in Tel Aviv, caught between hometown tradition and big city abandon, and the price they must pay for a lifestyle that seems obvious to many: the freedom to work, party, fuck, and choose.
English General Charles George Gordon is appointed military governor of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan by the Prime Minister. Ordered to evacuate Egyptians from the Sudan, Gordon stays on to protect the people of Khartoum, who are under threat of being conquered by a Muslim army.
The Lady of Heaven
Two stories separated by 1400 years. After losing his mother in the midst of a war-torn country, an Iraqi child learns the importance and power of patience by discovering the historical story of Lady Fatima and her suffering.
A former clergyman finds himself back in his old boarding school where the disturbances experienced by its community might help him regain his faith and tie up loose ends in regards to his son's death by a deadly spirit.
Muhammad: The Messenger of God
The events, trials and tribulations of the city of Makkah in 7th century AD.