
The Forest Horse (2022)

The Forest Horse Is Here!

ジャンル : アクション, コメディ, ホラー

上映時間 : 5分

演出 : JT Wight


A group of friends are on a fun relaxing camping trip... Or at least that's what they wanted it to be. Little did they know that they would get hunted down one by one by a mysterious person wearing a horse mask.



JT Wight
JT Wight
JT Wight
JT Wight


エル・ドラド 黄金の都
After a failed swindle, two con-men end up with a map to El Dorado, the fabled "city of gold," and an unintended trip to the New World. Much to their surprise, the map does lead the pair to the mythical city, where the startled inhabitants promptly begin to worship them as gods. The only question is, do they take the worshipful natives for all they're worth, or is there a bit more to El Dorado than riches?
When a group of tourists on a New Orleans haunted swamp tour find themselves stranded in the wilderness, their evening of fun and spooks turns into a horrific nightmare.
チャイルド・プレイ チャッキーの花嫁
Chucky hooks up with another murderous doll, the bridal gown-clad Tiffany, for a Route 66 murder spree with their unwitting hosts.
When secretive new neighbors move in next door, suburbanite Ray Peterson and his friends let their paranoia get the best of them as they start to suspect the newcomers of evildoings and commence an investigation. But it's hardly how Ray, who much prefers drinking beer, reading his newspaper and watching a ball game on the tube expected to spend his vacation.
After returning from a wedding reception, a couple staying in an isolated vacation house receive a knock on the door in the mid-hours of the night. What ensues is a violent invasion by three strangers, their faces hidden behind masks. The couple find themselves in a violent struggle, in which they go beyond what either of them thought capable in order to survive.
テキサスチェーンソー ビギニング
1939年8月、一人の赤ん坊が食肉処理工場の血まみれの床で生まれた。その子は生まれながらの奇形児で、生肉の包装紙に包まれ、すぐにゴミ箱に捨てられた。たまたまゴミを漁っていた女に拾われた赤ん坊はトーマスと名付けられ、女の家族ヒューイット家で育てられる。 トーマスは6歳のとき、自傷性の変性顔面異常症と診断されるが、その頃から動物を殺して解体するなど異常性が際立っていた。 やがて9歳から食肉処理工場で働き始めた彼は、30歳のとき食肉処理工場が閉鎖されたショックから工場長をハンマーで殴り殺してしまう。住む土地に異常な執着を持つヒューイット家は、逮捕に来た地元の保安官を殺害し、その人肉を食卓に並べた。かくしてヒューイット一家の殺戮が始まった。 ある男女4人が交通事故に合い、内3名が保安官の格好をしたホイト・ヒューイットのパトカーに拘束されヒューイット家の自宅に連れて行かれてしまう。そこには冷酷な殺人鬼と変貌しつつあるレザーフェイス(トーマス)が待ち構えていた。
Eight years have passed since the events of the second film. Chucky has been resurrected once again and seeks revenge on Andy, his former owner, who is now a teenager enrolled in military school.
チャイルド・プレイ チャッキーの種
This time around, Chucky and his homicidal honey, Tiffany, are brought back to life by their orphan offspring, Glen. Then the horror goes Hollywood as Chucky unleashes his own brand of murderous mayhem!
Dog Soldiers
A squad of British soldiers on training in the lonesome Scottish wilderness find a wounded Special Forces captain and the remains of his team. As they encounter zoologist Megan, it turns out that werewolves are active in the region. They have to prepare for some action as there will be a full moon tonight...
With King Richard off to the Crusades, Prince John and his slithering minion, Sir Hiss, set about taxing Nottingham's citizens with support from the corrupt sheriff - and staunch opposition by the wily Robin Hood and his band of merry men.
Animal Farm
A successful farmyard revolution by the resident animals vs. the farmer goes horribly wrong when corrupt pigs hijack it for their personal gain. Based on the socialist George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm”, a critique of Stalinist authoritarianism.
エルム街の悪夢2 フレディの復讐
Jesse Walsh moves with his family into the home of the lone survivor from a series of attacks by dream-stalking monster Freddy Krueger. There, Jesse is bedeviled by nightmares and inexplicably violent impulses. It turns out Freddy is out to possess him in order to continue his reign of terror in the real world.
アメリカのとある街、深夜突如奇怪な放電と共に屈強な肉体をもった男が現れる。同じくして放電の中からもう一人の男カイル・リースが現れる。屈強な肉体を持った男はモラルや常識もない。あるのはただ1つの目的アメリカ人女性サラ・コナーという名の人物の殺害だった。電話帳名簿から「サラ・コナー」の名を持つ女性をかたっぱしから銃殺していく男。その頃カイルは目的のサラ・コナーと接触し間一髪で彼女を救う。カイルはサラに、サラを狙っているのは近未来から送られた人類殺戮ロボット「ターミネーター」であり、未来ではロボットの反乱による機械対人類の最終戦争が起こっている事、そしてサラは人類軍の希望のリーダー ジョン・コナーの母親である事を告げる。 サラを連れカイルはターミネーターからの逃亡を開始する。