The Big Mess (1971)
ジャンル : サイエンスフィクション, コメディ
上映時間 : 1時間 30分
演出 : Alexander Kluge
Outer space in 2034 is run by greedy corporations in a rundown bureaucracy. Two astronauts, who are not very smart, make their way with shady dealings, smuggling and spaceship wrecking.
Three friends are asked to be bridesmaids at a wedding of a woman they used to ridicule back in high school.
Celeste and Jesse met in high school and got married young. They laugh at the same jokes and finish each other’s sentences. They are forever linked in their friends’ minds as the perfect couple – she, a high-powered businesswoman and budding novelist; he, a free spirit who keeps things from getting boring. Their only problem is that they have decided to get divorced. Can their perfect relationship withstand this minor setback?
Dave, a high school senior, spends most of his time pining away over a girl he can’t have. Aubrey, a junior with artistic aspirations, has a hot boyfriend who doesn’t quite understand her or seem to care. Although they go to different schools, Dave and Aubrey find themselves at the same party. When both head outside to get some air, they meet. A casual conversation sparks an instant connection, and, over the course of a weekend, things turn magical, romantic, complicated, and funny as Aubrey and Dave discover what it's like to fall in love for the first time.
Open war against humanity rages. For five survivors – lost and on the run – the pursuit is relentless, the bullets are dwindling and the battle is everywhere. This is a 24-hour look into their lives.
Brilliant student Jeff Chang has the most important interview of his life tomorrow. But today is still his birthday, what starts off as a casual celebration with friends evolves into a night of debauchery that risks to derail his life plan.
The young warrior Son Ogong (Son Goku) goes on a outrageous quest to acquire seven magical orbs, along the way beating up evil persons who want to steal the orbs for their own ends.
When Papi, Chloe, the pups, Uncle Pedro, and their owners move to a hotel, the smallest pup Rosa feels like she doesn't fit in, and Papi wants to make her feel better by showing her how special she is.
中年でアルコール中毒のゲイリーは、社会的に成功した4人の幼馴染たちと20年ぶりに再会し、パブ「The World’s End」を目指す伝説の梯子酒を達成するために故郷へと戻って来る。彼らは次第に、エイリアンが地球人に混じって侵略を図っていることに気付く。
Rags follows the story of Charlie Prince, an orphan living with his acerbic and unloving stepfather and spoiled, simple-minded stepbrothers. Charlie's dream is to be a singer, and while he is vocally talented and can write music, he can't seem to catch a break. Kadee Worth, on the other hand, is the daughter of music mogul Reginald Worth and is an international pop phenomenon. While the world knows her as a glamorous superstar, she is secretly frustrated with singing other people's songs and wearing clothes other people choose for her. Kadee wants the world to hear and see her true talent. Despite every obstacle that gets thrown in their way, once Charlie and Kadee find one another, they each finally get what they have been looking for – a voice, a stage, an audience and each other.
A teacher with paranormal abilities helps a group of ghosts graduate high school.
For years, mild-mannered Wall Street banker George Needleman has meandered through life oblivious to his family's dysfunction and his company's malfeasance, but he's forced to wake up when he learns that he's been framed in a mob-backed Ponzi scheme. Placed under federal protection, George and his family are shipped down South to Madea's house, where the no-nonsense matriarch whips them all into shape using her special brand of tough love.
A comedy that follows two high school students -- one overachiever struggling to write his valedictorian speech, the other a senior now going on his 15th year of school.
Edwige Fenech plays the sexy private teacher of Franco (Alfredo Pea) who immediately falls madly in love with her. Franco tries and tries to seduce her by faking his own suicide.
スネ夫が、人気のミステリー列車の切符を3枚手に入れたと自慢する。ジャイアンと静香は、ぜひ連れて行ってほしいとスネ夫に頼み込む。そこへのび太が駆け込むと、お約束通り、スネ夫が「のび太の分はない」と嫌味を告げようとするも、彼はどうでもいいと一蹴。実は、ドラえもんが3日間も帰らないので、その行方を捜していたのだ。結局、その日も当てはなく、すっかり落胆して帰る。 ところが、家に帰ると何事もなかったかのようにドラえもんがいた。どうやら彼の話によると、別の用事で22世紀へ戻った際、長い行列を見て並んでみたら、それは22世紀で大人気の銀河ミステリー列車の切符の販売前で、3日間かかってやっと手に入れたらしい。それを知って大喜びするのび太、二人はさっそくその話題のミステリー列車に乗り込む。それは列車というより宇宙船で、さながら銀河鉄道の夜の世界であった。地球では到底見ることのできない宇宙や惑星の絶景にすっかり感銘を受けたのび太は、お返しとばかりにスネ夫たちを集めて、盛んに自慢した。 そんな話を聞かされては到底黙ってられない3人。ジャイアンも静香も、自分たちも連れて行って欲しいと頼み込む。さらにはスネ夫までもがちゃっかり旅の準備をしていた。こうして、いつものメンバーが揃った所で、銀河超特急の扉が開いた。 そのミステリー列車で到着したのは宇宙の外れにある巨大遊園地「ドリーマーズランド」。ドラえもんたち5人は気の赴くままに楽しむが、一方で謎の生命体「ヤドリ」がハテノハテ星群のある星を根城に、人間支配を企んでいた。
Hiccup and Toothless go on an exciting adventure and discover an island of new dragons.