
The Minister's Wife (1981)

ジャンル : ドラマ, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 41分

演出 : Eloy de la Iglesia
脚本 : Eloy de la Iglesia, Gonzalo Goicoechea, Ángel Sastre, Raúl Alcántara


Rafael, a young man from the provinces, works as a waiter in a resort and helps himself economically having sex for money with rich older women. During a bomb threat, he is discovered in bed with one of the guest, Leonor Marchioness of Montenegro, and he is fired as a consequence. The Marchioness of Montenegro is an aging aristocrat, ruined economically, but still with wealthy and influential friends. She helps Rafael finds a new job in Madrid as the gardener in the mansion of Antonio Fernández Herrador, Minister of economy in the new democratic Spanish government.


Amparo Muñoz
Amparo Muñoz
Simón Andreu
Simón Andreu
Ministro Fernández Herrador
María Martín
María Martín
Marquesa de Montenegro
Irina Kuberskaya
Irina Kuberskaya
Julieta Serrano
Julieta Serrano
Manuel Torres
Manuel Torres
Pedro Armendáriz Jr.
Pedro Armendáriz Jr.
Inspector Romero
José Luis Fernández 'Pirri'
José Luis Fernández 'Pirri'
Enrique San Francisco
Enrique San Francisco
Pastor Serrador
Pastor Serrador
José Manuel Cervino
José Manuel Cervino
Ángel García
Ángel García
José Luis Alexandre
José Luis Alexandre
Manuel Calvo
Manuel Calvo
Francisco Casares
Francisco Casares
Hans Burmann
Hans Burmann
Eloy de la Iglesia
Eloy de la Iglesia
Antonio Gamero
Antonio Gamero
Gonzalo Goicoechea
Gonzalo Goicoechea
Carlos Kaniowsky
Carlos Kaniowsky
Julio Ruano
Julio Ruano
Antonio Betancourt
Antonio Betancourt


Eloy de la Iglesia
Eloy de la Iglesia
Eloy de la Iglesia
Eloy de la Iglesia
Gonzalo Goicoechea
Gonzalo Goicoechea
Ángel Sastre
Ángel Sastre
Raúl Alcántara
Raúl Alcántara
Alfonso G. Santisteban
Alfonso G. Santisteban
José Salcedo
José Salcedo
Carlos Suárez
Carlos Suárez
Director of Photography


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