
刺青の男 (1968)

ジャンル : コメディ

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Denys de La Patellière
脚本 : Alphonse Boudard


An art dealer wants to buy a Modigliani, which is tattooed on the back of an old soldier.


Jean Gabin
Jean Gabin
Comte Enguerand de Montignac, dit « Legrain »
Paul Mercey
Paul Mercey
Louis de Funès
Louis de Funès
Félicien Mézeray
Yves Barsacq
Yves Barsacq
Le postier
Dominique Davray
Dominique Davray
Suzanne Mézeray
Henri Virlogeux
Henri Virlogeux
Dubois, le percepteur
Hubert Deschamps
Hubert Deschamps
Le professeur Mortemont
Jean-Pierre Darras
Jean-Pierre Darras
Lucien, le facteur
Patrick Préjean
Patrick Préjean
Le détective nº 1
Joe Warfield
Joe Warfield
Donald von Kurtz
Donald von Kurtz
Ibrahim Seck
Ibrahim Seck
Le valet de Mézeray / Butler
Pierre Maguelon
Pierre Maguelon
Le détective nº 2
Pierre Tornade
Pierre Tornade
Le brigadier
Lyne Chardonnet
Lyne Chardonnet
Valérie Mézeray
Pierre Guéant
Pierre Guéant
Richard Mézeray
Michel Tureau
Michel Tureau
Le réalisateur TV
Michel Barbey
Michel Barbey
Le pilote de l'hélico
Jacques Richard
Jacques Richard
Le pilleur de châteaux
Jackie Blanchot
Jackie Blanchot
Le pilleur nº 2
Jack Bérard
Jack Bérard
Le pilleur nº 3
Pierre Mirat
Pierre Mirat
Le ministre
Renate Birgo
Renate Birgo
Assistant réalisateur TV
Danielle Durou
Danielle Durou
Justine Pellot
Micheline Luccioni
Micheline Luccioni
Bernard Mongourdin
Bernard Mongourdin
Max-Jean Fournel
Max-Jean Fournel
Le chauffeur


Denys de La Patellière
Denys de La Patellière
Alphonse Boudard
Alphonse Boudard
Pascal Jardin
Pascal Jardin
Ralph Baum
Ralph Baum
Maurice Jacquin
Maurice Jacquin
Georges Garvarentz
Georges Garvarentz
Original Music Composer
Sacha Vierny
Sacha Vierny
Director of Photography
Claude Durand
Claude Durand
Alphonse Boudard
Alphonse Boudard
Jacky Bouban
Jacky Bouban
Makeup Artist
Yvonne Gasperina
Yvonne Gasperina
Makeup Artist
Anatole Paris
Anatole Paris
Makeup Artist
Ralph Baum
Ralph Baum
Production Manager
Pierre Darcey
Pierre Darcey
Unit Manager
Louis Manella
Louis Manella
Assistant Unit Manager
Marco Pico
Marco Pico
First Assistant Director
Bernard Stora
Bernard Stora
Second Assistant Director
Pierre Charron
Pierre Charron
Set Dresser
Michel de Broin
Michel de Broin
Assistant Decorator
Marc Desages
Marc Desages
Assistant Decorator
Maurice Terrasse
Maurice Terrasse
Property Master
Jean-Pierre Vergne
Jean-Pierre Vergne
Henri Vergnes
Henri Vergnes
Assistant Set Dresser
Marcel Corvaisier
Marcel Corvaisier
Sound Assistant
Fernand Janisse
Fernand Janisse
Sound Assistant
Jean Rieul
Jean Rieul
Gérard Cogan
Gérard Cogan
Special Effects
Yves Agostini
Yves Agostini
Assistant Camera
Marcel Dolé
Marcel Dolé
Still Photographer
Pierre Li
Pierre Li
Assistant Camera
Jean-Paul Schwartz
Jean-Paul Schwartz
Camera Operator
Jacques Cottin
Jacques Cottin
Wardrobe Assistant
Annie Marolt
Annie Marolt
Myriam Baum
Myriam Baum
Assistant Editor
M.J. Coignard-Helison
M.J. Coignard-Helison
Mario Sua
Mario Sua
Colette Crochot
Colette Crochot
Script Supervisor
Robert Demollière
Robert Demollière
Eugène Moineau
Eugène Moineau
Robert Clavel
Robert Clavel
Production Design


The Haunted Castle
The sinister Count Oetsch scandalizes the aristocratic social gathering at Castle Vogelod as he announces his intention to "crash" the festivities. Baroness Safferstätt is expected shortly, and the guests are well-aware of the rumors that Count Oetsch murdered the baroness' late husband. Oetsch refuses to leave, vowing that he will reveal the identity of the real killer. Before the weekend is through, the Count and Baroness will reveal secrets too shocking to be believed!
Dude, Where's My Car?
Two stoners wake up after a night of partying and cannot remember where they parked their car.
占領下のフランス、ドイツ軍司令部を壊滅させるため、12人の囚人による特殊部隊が組織された。目指すは鉄壁の防御を誇る古城。彼らは命を顧みず、敵地深く潜入するが……。 いずれ劣らぬクセ者俳優たちが、それぞれのプロフェッショナルぶりを発揮する傑作アクション。
The mysterious Count Orlok summons Thomas Hutter to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen. After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger
Ash, a handsome, shotgun-toting, chainsaw-armed department store clerk, is time warped backwards into England's Dark Ages, where he romances a beauty and faces legions of the undead.
Traveler Allan Gray arrives in the village of Courtempierre and takes lodgings in a small inn. Gray has a great interest in the supernatural, particularly vampires. He's barely settled in when he feels a sinister force descending upon him. In the night an old man enters his room to tell him 'she must not die'. One of the old man's daughters, Leone, has been bitten by a vampire. In order to break the curse, Gray and Leone's sister Gisele must find the original vampire and drive a stake through her heart.
アンダーワールド ビギンズ
冒険小説の巨匠アリステア・マクリーンのベストセラーを映画化。原作者自らが脚本も担当したアクション大作。 第2次大戦中、“鷲の城”と呼ばれる難攻不落のドイツ軍要塞に捕らわれの身となったアメリカの将軍を救出するため、スミス少佐(リチャード・バートン)率いる6人のイギリス諜報部員と、アメリカ軍シェイファー中尉(クリント・イーストウッド)による特殊部隊が、鷲の城に侵入する。しかし状況は二転三転、意外な事実が明らかにされていく…。
130年前に建てられて以来、カサデラコリーナは影のあるゴシック様式の建物であり、多くの伝説と悲劇的な死の噂に囲まれ、一人で立っていました。 邸宅の過去に興味をそそられたデビッドマーロー博士は、他の3人とチームを組んでいます。 恐怖の性質に関する研究。 そして、家はそのテナントの恐怖を目覚めさせます...
1000年前、宇宙を支配するクリスタルが砕け、悪の化身スケクシス、平和を愛するミスティクスの2つの種族が誕生した。 以来世界はスケクシスが支配し、腐敗と貪欲がはびこっていた。 予言では3つの太陽が重なる大会合の前に、クリスタルをもとに戻さないと世界は永久に悪に支配されてしまうと言う。 ミスティクスはゲルフリンの少年ジェンに望みを託す。
1960年代初頭のテキサス。14歳のウォルターは、だらしない母親メイの勝手な都合で大伯父さんたちの家に預けられる。 祖母の兄弟であるハブとガースは40年間も消息を絶っていたが、最近になって出所不明の莫大な金を持って帰ってきたらしい。 メイは、2人の金の隠し場所をウォルターに突き止めさせ、あわよくば、子供も相続人もいない2人がウォルターを気に入って遺産を遺してくれることを期待していたのだ。 ウォルターはそんな強欲な母親に辟易しながらも仕方なく大伯父さんの家にとどまる。
Friends become increasingly addicted to a video game that has an evil agenda.
ルパン三世 カリオストロの城
ロサンジェルスで保険の調査員をしていたレナード。ある日、何者かが家に侵入し、妻がレイプされたうえ殺害されてしまう。その光景を目撃してしまったレナードはショックで前向性健忘となってしまう。彼は記憶を消さないためポラロイドにメモを書き、体にタトゥーを刻みながら犯人の手掛かりを追っていく……。 前向性健忘(発症以前の記憶はあるものの、それ以降は数分前の出来事さえ忘れてしまう症状)という記憶障害に見舞われた男が、最愛の妻を殺した犯人を追う異色サスペンス。


The Exchange Student
Monsieur Bosquier, the owner of a private school, is far from pleased when his eldest son, Philippe, fails his end of year exams. He decides to send his wayward offspring to England to improve his English. In exchange, Philippe’s host, a wealthy whisky distiller, Mac Farrel, will send his daughter, Shirley, to live with the Bosquiers in France. However, Philippe has already decided to spend the summer holidays on a yacht with his friends, so he sends a fellow student, Michonnet, to England in his place. The deception is soon discovered but things go from bad to worse when Philippe and Shirley fall in love and fly to Scotland to get married...
A great French restaurant's owner, Monsieur Septime, is thrust into intrigue and crime, when one of his famous guests disappears.
The frozen body of Paul Fournier is discovered in Greenland where he had disappeared during a scientific expedition in 1905. Perfectly conserved he is brought back to life in the 1960s. His descendants take care of him: to spare him the cultural shock they behave so to make believe it's 1905 and they are his cousins, uncle...
In this Frenco-Italian gangster parody, a shop keeper on his way to an Italian holiday suffers a crash which totals his car. The culprit can only compensate his ruined trip by driving an American friends car from Napels to Bordeaux, but as it happens to be filled with such contraband as stolen money, jewelry and drugs, the involuntary and unwitting companions in crime soon attract all but recreational attention from the "milieu".
The One Man Band
Evan Evans, the director of a ballet troupe, is rehearsing his next show in Monaco, in preparation for a worldwide tour. When one member of his troupe leaves to get married, Evans imposes a regime of strict discipline on his remaining dancers. The latter get their revenge by presenting Evans’ nephew Philippe, the only male member of the group, with a baby and a note claiming he is the father…
This film originated as a play in Paris. The story focuses on the one-day adventures of Bertrand Barnier played with a genius of French cinema, Louis de Funes. In the same morning he learns that his daughter is pregnant, an employee stole a large amount of money from his company, his maid is about to resign in order to marry a wealthy neighbor and his body builder is interested in marrying his daughter. The seemingly complicated story-line is full of comedy or errors and some of the most hilarious mime scenes of the French cinema.
The Discord
Guillaume has made it: A machine that can clean dirty air by simply sucking all dirt into air balloons and then shipping them far far away so his explanation. Some Japanese business guys, after dinner with a lot of alcohol, order 5,000 pieces. His only problem: His production capacity is way to small so he gets to produce the machines in his private house. His wife Bernadette is far from being happy about it. Her private life goes down the line so she decides to leave Guillaume and to finally have revenge she candidates for major against her husband...
Fantomas Unleashed
In the second episode of the trilogy Fantômas kidnaps distinguished scientist professor Marchand with the aim to develop a super weapon that will enable him to menace the world. Fantômas is also planning to abduct a second scientist, professor Lefebvre.
Fantômas is a man of many disguises. He uses maquillage as a weapon. He can impersonate anyone using an array of masks and can create endless confusion by constantly changing his appearance.
Selling author, Antoine Brisebard is a victim of a blackmailer, Jo, which threatens to jeopardize his reputation by revealing the past of his wife Sylvia. While the latter must pass the same night to take possession of the money required, Brisebard accidentally kills ...
Louis-Philippe Fourchaume, another typical lead-role for French comedy superstar Louis de Funès, is the dictatorial CEO of a French company which designs and produces sail yachts, and fires in yet another tantrum his designer André Castagnier, not realizing that man is his only chance to land a vital contract with the Italian magnate Marcello Cacciaperotti. So he has to find him at his extremely rural birthplace in 'la France profonde', which proves a torturous odyssey for the spoiled rich man; when he does get there his torment is far from over: the country bumpkin refuses to resume his slavish position now the shoe is on the other foot, so Fourchaume is dragged along in the boorish family life, and at times unable to control his temper, which may cost him more credit then he painstakingly builds up...
The Trip Across Paris
Two unlikely companions must smuggle four suitcases filled with contraband pork across Nazi-occupied Paris.
During World War II, two French civilians and a downed British Bomber Crew set out from Paris to cross the demarcation line between Nazi-occupied Northern France and the South. From there they will be able to escape to England. First, they must avoid German troops - and the consequences of their own blunders.
Don Sallust is the minister of the King of Spain. Being disingenuous, hypocritical, greedy and collecting the taxes for himself, he is hated by the people he oppresses. Accused by The Queen, a beautiful princess Bavarian, of having an illegitimate child to one of her maids of honor, he was stripped of his duties and ordered to retire to a monastery.
The Cabbage Soup
Two buddy farmers are visited by aliens who like their domestic cabbage soup.
Perched on a Tree
Henry Roubier, a French promoter, and Enrico Mazzini, an Italian, have signed an agreement guaranteeing them a stranglehold on European highways. While driving on the roads of the south, Roubier takes two young hitchhikers, but an unfortunate swerve the car rushes by Henri and its occupants on the top of a pine tree onto the side of a cliff.
Charles Duchemin, a well-known gourmet and publisher of a famous restaurant guide, is waging a war against fast food entrepreneur Tri- catel to save the French art of cooking. After having agreed to appear on a talk show to show his skills in naming food and wine by taste, he is confronted with two disasters: his son wants to become a clown rather than a restaurant tester and he, the famous Charles Duchemin, has lost his taste!
Cruchot's police office moves into a new building. They do not only get high tech equipment, but also four young female police officers to educate. All of them scramble to work with them -- and cause pure chaos while being distracted by the fine ladies. Then they get into real trouble when one after the other of their female colleagues is kidnapped.
The Miser
Based on Molière's play. The children of Harpagon, Cléante and his sister Elise, are each in love but they still haven't spoken to their father yet. Harpagon is a miser who wants to choose the right man and the right woman for his children. When Cléante, at last, tries to speak to Harpagon, the old man informs the family that he wants to marry Marianne, the young girl loved by Cléante. Unaware of his son's sorrow, Harpagon doesn't understand why Cléante has become so angry with him.
Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard
In the third and final episode of the trilogy, Fantômas imposes a head tax on the rich, threatening to kill those who do not comply.