
Vacant (2024)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 4分

演出 : Martin Law


A wandering homeless man seizes an opportunity.


Martin Clarke
Martin Clarke
Homeless Man


Martin Law
Martin Law
Richard Parkinson
Richard Parkinson
Martin Law
Martin Law
Anthony Petrykowski
Anthony Petrykowski
Heather Gaywood
Heather Gaywood
David Mullaney
David Mullaney
Sound Editor
Liban Isse
Liban Isse
Luke Townsend
Luke Townsend
First Assistant "A" Camera
Martin Law
Martin Law


Angie is a working class woman. After being fired, she decides to set up a recruitment agency of her own, running it from her kitchen with her friend, Rose. Taking advantage of the desperation of immigrants, Angie builds a successful business extremely quickly.
Karma Cartel
In an urban Indian city, A struggling actor battles for his career, but his friend who loses money in a scam deal commits an action that puts both of their lives in danger. The three last days before the incident follows the struggling actor, an ambitious filmmaker, a wannabe hustler, an opportunist, a lover and two cinephile thugs, through an inter-twining vignette of their lives.
The Young and the Damned
A group of juvenile delinquents live a violent, criminal life in the festering slums of Mexico City, among them the young Pedro, whose morality is gradually corrupted and destroyed by the others.
The Girl Who Invented Kissing
A nameless, pill-popping drifter girl steps off a bus and into a New Jersey neighborhood bar owned by two middle-age brothers, Jimmy & Victor. She quickly befriends older brother, Victor––a good-natured lummox whose mind was affected by a childhood accident. The mysterious "Girl" soon upsets the delicate balance of the brothers' lives while bringing both trouble and new life into their resigned world and town.
Silent Sufferers
“Silent sufferers” This film tells a harrowing story of a young woman’s struggle with death and abuse. It is the story of a young Australian girl who loses both parents and is forced to live with her abusive uncle. She is a prisoner in her own life.With none to turn to and a seemingly endless cycle of abuse ahead of her,How will she gain the strength to survive? This is her story
1981年のサンフランシスコ。妻リンダと息子のクリストファーと暮らすクリス・ガードナーは、骨密度を測定する新型医療器械のセールスをしていた。大金をはたいて仕入れた時にはこの機械を「革命的な機械」と信じ、妻とともに希望にあふれていたが、いざセールスをしてみるとその機械は病院関係者にとって「レントゲンより少し鮮明に見える程度で高価な贅沢品」という無用の長物であった。そのため機械のセールスはうまくいかず税金も滞納し、妻のパートでなんとか乗り切る苦しい生活を送っていた。 そんなある日、彼は路上で「真っ赤なフェラーリ」を見かけて思わず持ち主に二つの質問をする。 「あなたに二つ質問がある。仕事と、その仕事にどうやって就いたんだ?」 「株の仲買人をしていて、学歴がなくてもなれる」と返された彼は、株に興味を持ち始め、たまたま見つけた証券会社の養成コースに願書を提出する。半年間の研修期間で定員は20名、その中で選ばれるのはたった1名。しかもそのためにはまず研修生に選ばれることが必要だった。そこで彼は人材課長のトゥイッスルに近づき、彼が持っていたルービックキューブ(当時テレビにも取り上げられるほど大流行していた)を数分で完成させ、驚かせる。そうしてトゥイッスルに認められたクリスは研修プログラムに合格、参加することになる。だが研修期間中は無給であった。もし1名に選ばれなかったら半年間が無駄になる。 そんなとき、とうとうリンダが苦しい生活に耐えかね、息子を連れて出て行ってしまった。クリスは保育所から息子のクリストファーを連れ帰ったものの、大家には立ち退きを命じられ、駐車違反で一晩拘留されてしまう。持ち前の誠実さと機転で研修生にはなれたが、息子と2人で安モーテルに住むことになった。幸い機械のセールスはうまくいき、4ヶ月で売り切るが、一息つく間もなく税の未納分として、そのほとんどを差し押さえられてしまうのである。 行くあてもなく文字通り路頭に迷う2人は、駅のトイレや教会などを転々とするホームレス生活を送る。貯蓄も家もなく、明日も見えない辛い日々の中、クリスを突き動かすものは、この生活から脱け出し幸せになりたいという思いと、父親も知らず育った自分のような境遇を息子に味わわせたくない、という息子への愛情であった。
Distant Thunder
A troubled Vietnam war vet deserts his wife and child shortly after he returns from the war. He returns after 10 years, where he's been living like an animal in the forest. He finds himself unprepared for the changes that he will have to cope with, and when the vet tries to contact his son, he realizes that he has caused more damage than he had imagined.
Ricky and his family have been fighting an uphill struggle against debt since the 2008 financial crash. An opportunity to wrestle back some independence appears with a shiny new van and the chance to run a franchise as a self-employed delivery driver. It's hard work, and his wife's job as a carer is no easier. The family unit is strong but when both are pulled in different directions everything comes to breaking point.
A young girl named Wendy becomes homeless. She faces trials and tribulations through this new lifestyle but manages to keep her humility.
As a homage to Andrea Arnold, accompanied with music by Rockettothesky, we follow an unnamed Girl as she encounters the physical manifestation of the anger, fears and insecurities in her life, through the form of a Masked Man. The Grasshopper symbolises personal strength, independence and the freedom to change.
Sanctuary Is Sacred
A homeless man searches for a safe place on a cold winter night.