
ロゼッタ (1999)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 35分

演出 : Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne
脚本 : Luc Dardenne, Jean-Pierre Dardenne




Émilie Dequenne
Émilie Dequenne
Olivier Gourmet
Olivier Gourmet
Fabrizio Rongione
Fabrizio Rongione
Anne Yernaux
Anne Yernaux
Bernard Marbaix
Bernard Marbaix
Campground Manager
Frédéric Bodson
Frédéric Bodson
Head of Personnel
Florian Delain
Florian Delain
The Boss's Son
Christiane Dorval
Christiane Dorval
First Saleswoman
Mireille Bailly
Mireille Bailly
Second Saleswoman
Thomas Gollas
Thomas Gollas
Mother's Boyfriend
Leon Michaux
Leon Michaux
First Policeman
Victor Marit
Victor Marit
Second Policeman
Colette Regibeau
Colette Regibeau
Madame Riga
Claire Tefnin
Claire Tefnin
Girl in Locker Room
Sophia Leboutte
Sophia Leboutte
Fired Woman
Gaetano Ventura
Gaetano Ventura
Store Manager
Christian Neys
Christian Neys
First Paramedic
Valentin Traversi
Valentin Traversi
Second Paramedic
Jean-Francois Noville
Jean-Francois Noville
Hospital Worker


Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Luc Dardenne
Luc Dardenne
Luc Dardenne
Luc Dardenne
Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Michèle Pétin
Michèle Pétin
Laurent Pétin
Laurent Pétin
Luc Dardenne
Luc Dardenne
Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Alain Marcoen
Alain Marcoen
Director of Photography
Jean-Pierre Cocco
Jean-Pierre Cocco
Original Music Composer
Marie-Hélène Dozo
Marie-Hélène Dozo
Benoît Dervaux
Benoît Dervaux
Camera Operator
Igor Gabriel
Igor Gabriel
Production Design
Monic Parelle
Monic Parelle
Costume Design


West of Zanzibar
A magician seeks vengeance upon the man who paralyzed him and the illegitimate daughter he sired with the magician's wife.
The Winter Guest
It's winter in a small Scottish village near the sea, and multiple lives intersect in a day. Frances has just lost her husband to an early death, so her mother, Elspeth, travels to Frances' house to reconnect with her daughter and grandson, Alex. Meanwhile, old women Chloe and Lily go to a funeral, youngsters Sam and Tom cut class, and Alex gets a crush on tomboy Nita.
Arthur 2: On the Rocks
Arthur, that irrepressible drunk, tries to sober up and get a job. Meanwhile, Ralph Marolla is conniving to trick the hapless boozer into marrying his daughter so he can gain entrée to Arthur's $750 million fortune.
Last House on Dead End Street
After being released from prison, a young gangster with a chip on his shoulder decides to punish society by making snuff films.
A horrifying tale of revenge that begins with a back-alley abortion, and ends with a bloodbath so vicious that it brings a new meaning to 'an eye for eye.
ベルギーに住む有名な医者パン・デル・マル博士の娘であるガブリエルは尼僧になる決意をし、家を出た。恋人への思いも断ち切り、修道院入りする。 修道院で志願者となったガブリエルは修道女の戒律を学び、五日後には修道志願女となり数ヶ月に及ぶ厳しい戒律生活に身を投じる。戒律と懺悔の日々。あまりの厳しさに脱落していく志願女がいる中、ガブリエルは見習い尼になる。その前夜、髪を短く刈られ、またそれまで自分と俗世との唯一のつながりであった、恋人から贈られた金飾りのついたペンを投げ捨てた。俗世との完全な別離の瞬間であった。ガブリエルはシスター・ルークという名を与えられ、正式の尼僧になるべく修行を続ける。
Three childhood friends, Martha, Walter and Sam, share a terrible secret. Over time, the ambitious Martha and the pusillanimous Walter have married. She is a cold businesswoman; he is the district attorney: a perfect combination to dominate the corrupt city of Iverstown at will. But the unexpected return of Sam, after years of absence, deeply disturbs the life of the odd couple.
Desert Fury
The daughter of a Nevada casino owner gets involved with a racketeer, despite everyone's efforts to separate them.
Cold Showers
Mickael's family is struggling (they don't have enough money to pay for hot water) however his life is full with Judo and his girlfriend Venessa. Then Mickael makes a decision to open up his relationship to include Clement his rich-kid Judo partner, starting a chain of events.
Eban and Charley
29-year-old Eban has retreated home to his parent's house in Seaside Oregon after the dissolution of his teaching job in Seattle. There he courts 15-year-old Charlie and eventually the two start a sexual relationship. As the age of consent in Oregon is 18 years and given the age difference, the adults in this drama take a dim view of this development.
My Life in Pink
Seven year old Ludovic (Ludo) is transgender and believes god has made a mistake. Assigned male, the film follows her difficult journey to get her family to see what seems obvious to her - that she is a girl.
A nurse in the Caribbean turns to voodoo in hopes of curing her patient, a mindless woman whose husband she's fallen in love with.
The Ghost Galleon
After a pair of models go missing from a boat, a rescue party discover an empty galleon carrying the coffins of the long dead Knights Templar. The rescue party board the galleon and then discover their own boat has vanished. The survivors struggle to fight off the spectral knights with what little knowledge they have of them.
Combat Shock
A dangerously disturbed Vietnam veteran struggles with life 15 years after his return home, and slowly falls into insanity from his gritty urban lifestyle.
The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things
Young Jeremiah lives in a stable environment with loving foster parents until the day his troubled mother, Sarah, returns to claim him. Jeremiah becomes swept up in his mother's dangerous world of drugs, seedy hotels, strip joints and revolving lovers. Salvation comes in the form of the boy's ultrareligious grandparents, but soon Jeremiah's mother returns. Maternal love binds the pair together on the road until Sarah's desperate and depraved lifestyle finally consumes her.
Teenage gang member Cal, hides his sexuality from his fellow gang members despite their often violent dislike of anyone that isn't the same as them, be they unsuspecting shoppers, foreign students, gays, etc. When his world collides with Olivier, a student he rescues from a pointless beating, he encounters a lifestyle that presents as many new experiences as it does obstacles.
While standing in the doorway of the video shop where he works, Bazil is inadvertently shot in the head. Now homeless and jobless, he is taken in by a troupe of misfits who live in a giant mound of trash. There Bazil begins his quest for revenge against the people who produced the gun that shot him.
Na bijna dertig jaar keert Germaine, Firmins grote liefde, plots terug naar haar geboortestad. Firmin is dolgelukkig en vastbesloten Germaine's hart te heroveren, maar Germaine wijst zijn avances af. En dan zoekt Mohammed Boutrous, een jonge en getalenteerde bokser, Firmin op. Hij wil dat Firmin hem traint. Firmin accepteert, in de hoop zo zijn eer én de liefde van zijn leven terug te winnen...
Far from Home
Charlie Cox should have stopped for gas in California. While he's on a cross-country trip with his teenage daughter, Joleen, his car hits empty in a creepy town in Nevada. With nary a drop of fuel to be found, Charlie and Joleen stop for the night at a dilapidated trailer park. There, Joleen catches the eye of two teenage boys, Jimmy and Pinky -- either of whom could be the serial killer currently terrorizing the town.
The coquettish granddaughter of a respected small-town judge is stranded at a bootleggers’ hide-out, subjected to an act of nightmarish sexual violence, and plunged into a criminal underworld that threatens to swallow her up completely.


「ロゼッタ」「イゴールの約束」のダルデンヌ兄弟が、文明社会における人類の永遠の課題とも言える深遠なモチーフに真摯かつ意欲的に取り組んだ人間ドラマ。複雑な感情を抱える主人公の極限の心の葛藤を、無駄を限界までそぎ落とし、淡々としたタッチで綴っていく。オリヴィエ・グルメは2003年のカンヌ国際映画祭で主演男優賞を受賞。  ある日、フランシスという少年が職業訓練所に入所してくる。彼は木工のクラスを希望したが、クラスを担当するオリヴィエは手一杯だという理由で断ってしまう。ところが、オリヴィエはなぜかフランシスが気になる様子。結局オリヴィエは後日フランシスを自分のクラスに受け入れるのだったが…。
Blow Up My Town
A young girl shuts herself away in her apartment and goes about her business in a strange way, as she wastes the night in the kitchen – humming all along.
「息子のまなざし」「少年と自転車」のジャン=ピエール&リュック・ダルデンヌ監督が、「エディット・ピアフ~愛の讃歌~」「君と歩く世界」のマリオン・コティヤールを主演に迎え、労働者の連帯をテーマに贈る社会派ヒューマン・ドラマ。会社から突然解雇を宣告され、それを免れるために同僚たちの協力を仰ぐべく、一人ひとり説得して回るヒロインの運命を描く。  夫と共働きで2人の小さな子どもを育てる工場労働者のサンドラ。体調不良による休職から復帰しようとした矢先、会社から解雇を言い渡されてしまう。アジア勢に押され、経営の苦しい会社としては、社員にボーナスを支給するためにはやむを得ない措置だという。それを撤回してほしければ、同僚16人のうち過半数がボーナスを諦めることに賛成する必要があるという。投票が行われるのは月曜日。サンドラに残された時間はこの週末だけ。“自分のためにボーナスを諦めてほしい”と頼むことがどんなに厚かましいお願いかは百も承知ながら、もはや他に選択の余地がないサンドラは、悲壮な思いで同僚への説得行脚を開始するが…。
 「息子のまなざし」「サンドラの週末」のジャン=ピエール&リュック・ダルデンヌ監督が、一人の身元不明少女の死の真相を探る若い女医を主人公に描くヒューマン・サスペンス。少女の死に責任を感じ、その足取りを辿る中で自らも思いも寄らぬ危険に巻き込まれていくヒロインの運命を、現代の様々な社会問題を背景にスリリングに描き出す。主演は「水の中のつぼみ」「メゾン ある娼館の記憶」のアデル・エネル。  有能な若き女医ジェニー。今は小さな診療所勤めだが、間もなく大きな病院へ好待遇で迎えられる予定。ある晩、診療所の呼び鈴が鳴るが、診察時間は過ぎているからと、研修医ジュリアンがドアを開けようとするのを引き止める。翌日、警察が来て、近くで身元不明の少女の遺体が見つかったと知るジェニー。昨晩の監視カメラには、呼び鈴を鳴らす少女の姿が映っていた。あの時、ちゃんと出ていれば少女は死ななかった、と自分を責めるジェニー。罪悪感から携帯にコピーした少女の写真を手に、名前も分からない彼女の身元を突き止めるべく自ら聞き込みを始めるが…。
Fiore, an Italian conman, arrives in post Communist Albania with Gino, his young apprentice, to set up a shoe factory that will never open. The con requires a native Albanian, so they designate Spiro, an impoverished and confused former political prisoner as chairman of the board. When Fiore returns to Italy to get government funds for the project, Spiro unexpectedly disappears and Gino sets out on a journey to find him. The search leads him to discover Spiro's tragic personal history and witness Albanian poverty firsthand.
A Woman Under the Influence
Mabel Longhetti, desperate and lonely, is married to a Los Angeles municipal construction worker, Nick. Increasingly unstable, especially in the company of others, she craves happiness, but her extremely volatile behavior convinces Nick that she poses a danger to their family and decides to commit her to an institution for six months. Alone with a trio of kids to raise on his own, he awaits her return, which holds more than a few surprises.
Strange but True
A woman surprises the family of her deceased boyfriend by telling them she's pregnant with his child.
Barley Scott Blair, a Lisbon-based editor of Russian literature who unexpectedly begins working for British intelligence, is commissioned to investigate the purposes of Dante, a dissident scientist trapped in the decaying Soviet Union that is crumbling under the new open-minded policies.
Venus in Fur
An enigmatic actress may have a hidden agenda when she auditions for a part in a misogynistic writer's play.
A young man returns to his countryside hometown to investigate the unclear circumstances behind the death of his father, ostensibly killed by Fascists in 1936, before his birth. As he unravels a web of lies that seems to encompass the whole town, he finds himself entangled in the same web.
Erika Kohut, a sexually repressed piano teacher living with her domineering mother, meets a young man who starts romantically pursuing her.
The familiar story of Lieutenant Bligh, whose cruelty leads to a mutiny on his ship. This version follows both the efforts of Fletcher Christian to get his men beyond the reach of British retribution, and the epic voyage of Lieutenant Bligh to get his loyalists safely to East Timor in a tiny lifeboat.
An honest marshal in a corrupt mining colony on Io, Jupiter's sunless third moon, is determined to confront a violent drug ring even though it may cost him his life. After his wife angrily deserts him, he waits alone for the arrival of killers hired by the company to eliminate him.
Foreign Legion officer Galoup recalls his once glorious life, training troops in the Gulf of Djibouti. His existence there was happy, strict and regimented, until the arrival of a promising young recruit, Sentain, plants the seeds of jealousy in Galoup's mind.
It tells the story of a middle aged woman with small children whose life is shaken up when two free-spirited twenty-somethings move in across the street.