Monic Parelle


The Secret of the Ant Children
Costume Design
Traveling in North Benin, Cécile crosses the path of a young African mother deposited him, distraught, a baby in arms ... Cecile will adopt this child will grow African and Lancelot in France. The year of its seven years, she left with him to the country of its origin and attempts to pierce the secrecy surrounding its abandonment.
Costume Design
「息子のまなざし」「ある子供」のダルデンヌ兄弟が、国籍を取得するため偽装結婚をした移民女性を主人公に描く感動のヒューマン・ラブストーリー。偽りの結婚生活の中で思いがけず情が移り始めたことで生まれる葛藤と断ち切れない闇社会との関係に追いつめられていくさまを大胆な構成でサスペンスフルに描き出していく。主演は新星アルタ・ドブロシ、共演に「ある子供」のジェレミー・レニエ。  アルバニアからベルギーにやって来た女性、ロルナ。同郷の恋人とこの地でバーを開くことを夢見る彼女は、この国の国籍を取得するため闇のブローカー、ファビオの手引きで麻薬中毒の青年クローディと偽装結婚をする。最初は疎ましく思いながらも、自分を慕い懸命に麻薬から足を洗おうと苦しむクローディの姿に、いつしか特別な感情が芽生え始めるロルナだったが…。
Costume Design
Costume Design
「ロゼッタ」「イゴールの約束」のダルデンヌ兄弟が、文明社会における人類の永遠の課題とも言える深遠なモチーフに真摯かつ意欲的に取り組んだ人間ドラマ。複雑な感情を抱える主人公の極限の心の葛藤を、無駄を限界までそぎ落とし、淡々としたタッチで綴っていく。オリヴィエ・グルメは2003年のカンヌ国際映画祭で主演男優賞を受賞。  ある日、フランシスという少年が職業訓練所に入所してくる。彼は木工のクラスを希望したが、クラスを担当するオリヴィエは手一杯だという理由で断ってしまう。ところが、オリヴィエはなぜかフランシスが気になる様子。結局オリヴィエは後日フランシスを自分のクラスに受け入れるのだったが…。
The Passengers
Costume Design
The new Saint Denis-Bobigny streetcar picks up and drops off commuters in an all-too-brief transit of their lives. Among the regular riders is a woman who is both spectator and guide – she introduces, comments on, ponders and catalyzes the sometimes vain, sometimes serious preoccupations of her fellow travelers, who, for the moment, are rushing headlong toward their destiny. The commuters and their observer have double lives. Once they step off this streetcar, the real-life dramas begin. Each has his or her style of living or dying…
Costume Design
Costume Design
The Mirage
Costume Design
An old woman who is unaware that she is near death, falls in love with her son’s young American tutor.
Thinking of You
Costume Design
Belgium, 1980. On the banks of the Meuse river, against the background of a steel-producing city, factories close down one after another and lay off workers. One of those made redundant is Fabrice, who, at thirty-five, is proud of his trade, rendered mythical by fire and steel, but feels he has become useless. His wife, Céline, tries to renew his interest in life. Despite a few moments of rediscovered happiness, Fabrice remains trapped in his confusion and one day disappears. Céline, her intense love leading the way, goes looking for him and eventually finds him. Once again, she tries to save him from himself. Can love resuscitate a languishing man? That is Céline's wager.
The 15 Year Old Girl
Costume Design
Willy, a middle-aged divorcee, decides to take his 15 year-old son, Thomas, on holiday to Ibiza, staying at an isolated villa on the unspoilt part of the coast. Thomas insists on bringing his friend Juliette, a girl of his own age with whom he enjoys a close platonic relationship. When it comes to physical love, Juliette is wise beyond her years. She will only sleep with men older than herself and has no intention of committing herself to a long-term relationship.
Faubourg St Martin
Costume Design
Imagine a slightly dilapidated three star hotel in the tenth arrondissement run by a very distinguished lady with moral fibre and panache, Mrs. Coppercage. Alongside tourists visiting Paris, Mrs. Coppercage rents three rooms to three women at a monthly rate. Each woman is marked by life, yet they go on as best they can, never closing their eyes to the world around them, or to the men who impatiently await them. Faubourg Saint Martin opens as a love story and ends like a song as shots ring out and punctuate the chorus.
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