
The Anarchists (2000)

ジャンル : アクション, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 44分

演出 : Yu Young-sik


Set in 1920s Shanghai, the film recounts the activities of a group of young Koreans trying to destabilize Japanese control of their penninsula. Through an anti-occupation terrorist campaign, the five men hope to inspire a resurrection throughout their penninsular homeland.


Jang Dong-gun
Jang Dong-gun
Jung Joon-ho
Jung Joon-ho
Lee Geun
Kim Sang-joong
Kim Sang-joong
Han Myung-gon
Lee Beom-soo
Lee Beom-soo
Kim In-kwon
Kim In-kwon
Ye Ji-won
Ye Ji-won


Park Chan-wook
Park Chan-wook
Yu Young-sik
Yu Young-sik
O Seung-hyeon
O Seung-hyeon
Assistant Director
Lee Joon-ik
Lee Joon-ik
Kim Dong-joo
Kim Dong-joo
Executive Producer
Kyeong Min-ho
Kyeong Min-ho


In Japanese-occupied Korea, three freedom fighters are assigned a mission to assassinate a genocidal military leader and his top collaborator. But the plan goes completely awry amidst double-crossings, counter-assassinations, and a shocking revelation about one of the assassins' past.
During the Japanese colonial era, roughly 400 Korean people, who were forced onto Battleship Island 'Hashima Island' to mine for coal, attempt to escape.
ガン・シティ ~動乱のバルセロナ~
Barcelona, ​​Spain, 1921. A tough cop from Madrid arrives in the city to locate, under the suspicious scrutiny of corrupt local police officers, a significant amount of military weaponry stolen from a train, allegedly by revolutionary anarchists.
Set in the late 1920s, The Age of Shadows follows the cat-and-mouse game that unfolds between a group of resistance fighters trying to bring in explosives from Shanghai to destroy key Japanese facilities in Seoul, and Japanese agents trying to stop them.
In 1925 Korea, Japanese rulers demand the last remaining tiger be killed. The tiger easily defeats his pursuers until a legendary hunter takes him on.
マイウェイ 12,000キロの真実
During the invasion of Normandy the photograph of a slim Korean man in German uniform was found. It transpired that the man had served as a soldier in the Japanese, Russian and German armies. His incredible story inspired director Kang Je-Gyu to create this epic war drama.
Fighter in the Wind
An account of karate competitor Choi Yeung-Eui who went to Japan after World War II to become a fighter pilot but found a very different path instead. He changed his name to Masutatsu Oyama and went across the country, defeating martial artists one after another. This film concentrates on the period when he is still young, and developing his famous karate style, Kyokushin.
Boston, 1920. Italian immigrants Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are charged and unfairly tried for murder on the basis of their anarchic political convictions.
京城学校 消えた少女たち
A sickly girl Ju-ran transfers to a new sanitorium boarding school to regain health. But she discovers that students are disappearing and notices abnormal changes happening to her body. She suspects the school for what's happening and tries to discover what secret is hidden.
ラスト・プリンセス 大韓帝国最後の皇女
Under the oppressive Japanese colonial rule, Deok-hye, the last Princess of the declining Joseon Dynasty, is forced to move to Japan. She spends her days missing home, while struggling to maintain dignity as a princess. After a series of failed tries, Deok-hye makes her final attempt to return home with help of her childhood sweetheart, Jang-han.
The Anarchist Cookbook
A movie about a young honors student-turned-anarchist, Puck, and his group of anarchist friends living peacefully in a Dallas commune until a nihilist, Johnny Black, appears with The Anarchist Cookbook and completely destroys their way of life.
「ビューティー・インサイド」のハン・ヒョジュが主演し、1943年の日本統治下の朝鮮を舞台に、時代に翻弄されながらも歌と愛に生涯をささげた妓生(キーセン)たちの生き様を描いたドラマ。美貌と優れた歌唱力から最高の歌姫と称されるソユルと、心に響く天性の歌声を持つヨニ。幼なじみの親友同士である2人は京城唯一の妓生養成学校の同期からも羨望を受ける存在だった。2人の才能と美貌に一目を置く作曲家のユヌが、ヨニの歌声に魅了されていく現実を前に、歌手になることを夢見るソユルのヨニへの嫉妬心が次第に芽生え、3人の運命が少しずつ狂い始めていく。ハン・ヒョジュがソユル役を演じるほか、作曲家ユヌ役を「応答せよ1994」のユ・ヨンソク、ヨニ役を「ハン・ゴンジュ 17歳の涙」のチョン・ウヒがそれぞれ演じる。
あなたが「ネトウヨ」でもない限り、彼らをひどく憤らせた日系アメリカ人YouTuberのミキ・デザキを、おそらくご存知ないだろう。ネトウヨからの度重なる脅迫にも臆せず、彼らの主張にむしろ好奇心を掻き立てられたデザキは、日本人の多くが「もう蒸し返して欲しくない」と感じている慰安婦問題の渦中に自ら飛び込んでいった。 慰安婦たちは「性奴隷」だったのか?「強制連行」は本当にあったのか? なぜ元慰安婦たちの証言はブレるのか? そして、日本政府の謝罪と法的責任とは……? 次々と浮上する疑問を胸にデザキは、櫻井よしこ(ジャーナリスト)、ケント・ギルバート(弁護士/タレント)、渡辺美奈(「女たちの戦争と平和資料館」事務局長)、吉見義明(歴史学者)など、日・米・韓のこの論争の中心人物たちを訪ね回った。さらに、おびただしい量のニュース映像と記事の検証と分析を織り込み、イデオロギー的にも対立する主張の数々を小気味よく反証させ合いながら、精緻かつスタイリッシュに一本のドキュメンタリーに凝縮していく。そうして完成したのが、映画監督ミキ・デザキのこの驚くべきデビュー作、『主戦場』だ。 映画はこれまで信じられてきたいくつかの「物語」にメスを入れ、いまだ燻り続ける論争の裏に隠された“あるカラクリ”を明らかにしていくのだが——それは、本作が必見である理由のごくごく一部に過ぎない。 さて、主戦場へようこそ。
If Not Us, Who?
In the early 60s, Bernward Vesper and fellow university student Gudrun Ensslin begin a passionate love in the stifling atmosphere of provincial West Germany. Dedicated to the power of the written word, Bernward and Gudrun found a publishing house whose first publication is, paradoxically to many, a controversial past work of Bernward's ostracized father, an infamous Nazi author. Bernward defends his father's writing ability, even if he is haunted by his father's suspicious past.
Dachimawa Lee
Under Japanese imperialism, Korean national treasure Golden Buddha is stolen. More important to national security, the statue contains vital information concerning Korean freedom fighters and their whereabouts as well as their true identities. The interim Korean government appoints legendary Korean spy Agent Dachimawa Lee to recover the fabled statue and reveal the dark plot behind the theft.
A true story of a six-year-long legal conflict of 10 comfort women and 13 attorneys against 200 Fukuoka supporters association.
YMCA Baseball Team
Hochang accidentally sees missionaries and Jeongrim play baseball at the YMCA hall. He falls in love with Jeongrim, and takes interest in baseball. As a result, he gathers people to form the first YMCA baseball team of Joseon.
Bitter about being double-crossed by the women he loved, (and with the police after him to boot), Bill vows to seduce the next woman he sees, then throw her away. His brother Dennis, meanwhile, is equally determined to track down their long lost father, a revolutionary who has been in hiding for 20 years. For different reasons, both leave New York and head for Long Island, out of money, and short on ideas.