The Darkness of Day (2009)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 26分

演出 : Jay Rosenblatt


The Darkness of Day is a haunting meditation on suicide. It is comprised entirely of found 16mm footage that had been discarded. The sadness, the isolation, and the desire to escape are recorded on film in various contexts. Voice-over readings from the journal kept by a brother of the filmmaker’s friend who committed suicide in 1990 intermix with a range of compelling stories, from the poignant double suicide of an elderly American couple to a Japanese teenager who jumped into a volcano, spawning over a thousand imitations. While this is a serious exploration of a cultural taboo, its lyrical qualities invite the viewer to approach the subject with understanding and compassion.


Beverly Berning
Beverly Berning
Richard J. Silberg
Richard J. Silberg


Jay Rosenblatt
Jay Rosenblatt
Jay Rosenblatt
Jay Rosenblatt
Jay Rosenblatt
Jay Rosenblatt
Jeff Greenwald
Jeff Greenwald
Thomas Logoreci
Thomas Logoreci
Erik Ian Walker
Erik Ian Walker


Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger
Princess Farah refuses to marry Sinbad until Prince Kassim, her brother, is able to give his consent. However, the Prince's wicked stepmother, Queen Zenobia, has changed Kassim into a baboon in order to have her own son crowned as caliph. Sinbad, his crew, the Princess and the transformed Prince travel to a distant land, fighting every obstacle Zenobia places in their path, to seek the advice of a legendary wise man who can possibly tell how to end the spell.
ルドルフ 赤鼻のトナカイ
Sam the snowman tells us the story of a young red-nosed reindeer who, after being ousted from the reindeer games because of his glowing nose, teams up with Hermey, an elf who wants to be a dentist, and Yukon Cornelius, the prospector. They run into the Abominable Snowman and find a whole island of misfit toys. Rudoph vows to see if he can get Santa to help the toys, and he goes back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve. But Santa's sleigh is fogged in. But when Santa looks over Rudolph, he gets a very bright idea...
ミッシング・リンク 英国紳士と秘密の相棒
ひつじのショーン UFOフィーバー!
ウォレスとグルミット ベーカリー街の悪夢
Wallace and Gromit open a bakery, accidentally getting tied up with a murder mystery in the process. But when Wallace falls in love, Gromit is left to solve the case by himself.
ウォレスとグルミット ペンギンに気をつけろ!
Wallace rents out Gromit's former bedroom to a penguin, who takes up an interest in the techno pants created by Wallace. However, Gromit later learns that the penguin is a wanted criminal.
Alien Xmas
A young elf mistakes a tiny alien for a Christmas gift, not knowing her new plaything has plans to destroy Earth's gravity — and steal all the presents.
映画 ひつじのショーン 〜バック・トゥ・ザ・ホーム〜
パラノーマン ブライス・ホローの謎
KUBO/クボ 二本の弦の秘密
ファンタスティック Mr.FOX
ウォレスとグルミット 野菜畑で大ピンチ!
年に一度のお祭り“巨大野菜コンテスト”まであとわずか。発明家ウォレスと愛犬グルミットのコンビはプロの害虫駆除隊として、大繁殖し て畑を荒らすウサギから野菜を守っていた。しかしある夜、町中の畑が大被害に遭う事件が発生!しかもそれは巨大ウサギの仕業であるという噂が流れ…果たして巨大ウサギの正体とは? そしてふたりはこの難事件を解決できるのか?!
リトルプリンス 星の王子さまと私


24 Realities per Second
A portrait of a dedicated filmmaker who is a charming yet elusive figure in thrall to cinema and the constant perfection of his craft.
Baby Einstein: Baby Van Gogh - World of Colors
This unique video, starring "Vincent Van Goat," introduces babies and toddlers to basic colors through charming puppetry, timeless art, live-action footage, classical music and child-friendly poetry. Includes images of Van Gogh's most famous ... Full Descriptionpaintings. Featuring child-friendly arrangements of music by Brahms, Ravel, Strauss, Tchaikovsky and others.
Fantasy Sentences
Borrowing its title from an experimental text by Walter Benjamin. Many years ago, the cities by the river were gripped by a contagion. Things started to change and everything slowly became something else. It was not clear if transformation was a symptom of the disease or a way to escape it. The contagion touched everything and everyone: animals and plants, stones and soil, men, women and children, their thoughts, their dreams, their memories. An old woman once told me how all memories turn into trees, I could hardly make out what she was saying. She said she could hear the trees singing: To be a body, to be any body. After the years of contagion ended, the cities appeared untouched. One had to look hard to see the traces of the previous time. If one could listen to the trees, what would they say? A way out, a way out?
A film documenting the landscapes of northern Iceland, as well as a recent work about the Hudson River.
From the Depths
The film tells a story with no dialogue. The group of boy skaters are suddenly at a point when one of the boys sees a young girl, and becomes interested in her. This causes a rift with the other boys, who challenges him to a skating duel that goes down a hilly street. The young boy loses. However, he gets the girl, and shortly, a few other girls are seen and become interested in the boys, too. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Live Action Short Film.
Enjoy Poverty
An investigation of the emotional and economic value of Africa's most lucrative export: filmed poverty. Deep in the interiors of the Congo, Dutch artist Renzo Martens single-handedly undertakes an epic journey and launches an emancipatory program that helps the poor become aware of what is their primary capital resource: Poverty. After three years of traveling through the Democratic Republic of the Congo he asks the question: "Who owns poverty?
The End of the World
Foreman West lives in a small mining town with his daughters Edith and Dina. When entrepreneur and mine owner Frank Stoll comes to town to inspect the work, he falls in love with Dina. Against her father's will, she elopes with the unscrupulous Stoll. News of a meteor approaching the earth causes panic and Stoll exploits the situation to make a killing on the stock market; Collaborating with the press to quell the news of the meteor eases public tensions and guarantees him a fortune. He plans to survive in a secret underground tunnel, with Dina and his wealthy pals in tow. But things don't go as planned.
Study of a River
The first part (winter) of a seasonal study of the Hudson river in New York.
A short film by Walerian Borowczyk in two parts. The first 'panel' follows the morning routine of Leon Boyer who, despite being almost 100 years old, still farms the land, drives a vintage car, and plays with his two dogs. The second panel shows shots of beautiful flowers and a cat, to a recording of Tino Rossi singing 'La romance de Nadir / Je crois encore entendre' from Bizet's opera 'Les pêcheurs de perles'.
Sex in Chains
A young man is convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to a term in prison. There he forms a close relationship with his cellmate. Upon his release his wife is concerned as to how prison has changed the man she married.
Ancient of Days
Ancient of Days is a remarkable series of "canons and fugues for video" that comprises Viola's most sophisticated structural and metaphorical explorations of time. Mathematical notations of precise time-code editing were applied to construct illustrations of temporal symmetry, duality and transposition — time-based equivalents of musical compositional principles such as counterpoint and serialism. Astonishing temporal interventions — a 180-degree pan gazing downward on a New York City street that progresses from day to night, an image of Mount Rainier in which the foreground and background unfold in different time planes — unfold as symbolic transformations of natural and urban landscapes.
We Have Decided Not to Die
Three wordless rituals: birth, between, and rebirth. A woman lies at the bottom of a swimming pool, alone. The camera pans her body. She starts to rise, then sinks; convulsions follow and then she rises and hovers above the pool. A shirtless man in white pants stands in an asphalt lot, a car visible on either side. Convulsions begin. The cars back up, still facing him and each other. They pause; they race toward him. He leaps. A youth, shirtless and in white shorts, stands in front of a tall building. Doors open, he enters and walks to an elevator. Convulsions strike him as he rides to a top floor, exits the elevator, pauses, and runs toward a window. He crashes through.
Cologne : sortie de la cathédrale
A short black and white film by the Lumiere brothers which captures the crowd at the Cologne Cathedral after the main religious services.
New York Portrait, Chapter II
Chapter Two represents a continuation of daily observations from the environment of Manhattan compiled over a period from 1980-1981. This is the second part of an extended life's portrait of New York.
The Light of Asia
Living an indolent life in a luxurious palace, Prince Gautama (Rai) is insulated by his family from the harshness of the world outside. But he is destined to learn greater truths: shocked to discover the pain and suffering of so many in his kingdom, he abandons his privileged existence, and his wife Gopa (Seeta Devi), to become a wandering teacher, eventually finding enlightenment and founding Buddhism. Featuring superimposed images and deep-focus shots that were highly impressive for the time, Light of Asia astutely combines a deeply felt spirituality with the surefire attraction of Indian exotica, which helped make it a considerable success in Europe.
Terra Incognita
Terra Incognita is a lensless film whose cloudy pinhole images create a memory of history. Ancient and modern explorer texts of Easter Island are garbled together by a computer narrator, resulting in a forever repeating narrative of discovery, colonialism, loss and departure.
The Enemy Lines
Six men. The forest. The menace is there somewhere. Armed, ready, looking for action, they wander, day and night, striving for a confrontation.
El Hadj is studying in Paris. He is one of the young Senegalese men who have come to Paris since the French colony became independent to get a good education so that he can serve his fatherland on his return. Unexpectedly he is suddenly confronted by a problem with his residence papers, just because he has arranged an extension too late. His pleasant life filled with good prospects has gone in one fell swoop. He faces a dilemma. He can stay illegally in France, the country where he feels at home, where he has his friends, has fallen in love and can drink water from the tap. Or he can return (without graduating) to the 3rd-world country of Senegal to use the knowledge he has acquired. It is not only a practical choice. It comes down to the question of who he is, who he thought he could be.