On With the Show! (1929)
It had to come! This newest triumph of Science and Art- Motion Pictures in Natural Colors!
ジャンル : ロマンス, 音楽
上映時間 : 1時間 44分
演出 : Alan Crosland
With unpaid actors and staff, the stage show Phantom Sweetheart seems doomed. To complicate matters, the box office takings have been robbed and the leading lady refuses to appear. Can the show be saved?
Set in a world where the concept of lying doesn't exist, a loser changes his lot when he invents lying and uses it to get ahead.
When 13 year old Maria Merryweather's father dies, leaving her orphaned and homeless, she is forced to leave her luxurious London life to go and live with Sir Benjamin, an eccentric uncle she didn't know she had, at the mysterious Moonacre Manor.
Los Angeles teenager Ritchie Valens becomes an overnight rock 'n' roll success in 1958, thanks to a love ballad called "Donna" that he wrote for his girlfriend. But as his star rises, Valens has conflicts with his jealous brother, Bob, and becomes haunted by a recurring nightmare of a plane crash just as he begins his first national tour alongside Buddy Holly.
Art professor Nino Rolfe attempts to break down his wife Teresa's conventional modesty. Noticing her affection for their daughter's fiancé, Nino instigates her sexual interest in him - setting off a chain of unexpected events and emotional complications...
Identical 9-year-olds from very different backgrounds: orphaned Amanda and wealthy Alyssa meet at summer camp and decide to switch places -- and play matchmaker between Alyssa's dad, Roger, and the kind social worker who cares for Amanda.
セレブばかりが集まる英徳学園に入学してしまった貧乏娘の牧野つくし(井上真央)は、紆余曲折の果てに大財閥の御曹司である道明寺司(松本潤)と婚約を果たした。その証しとして道明寺家に代々受け継がれる推定100億円のティアラ『ビーナスの微笑』を司の母の楓(加賀まりこ)から贈られたつくしだが、家族ともども宿泊していたホテルで強奪されてしまう。その大胆な犯行は、まったく闇の中に伏せられた。これは、単なる盗みなのか? それとも二人の結婚を阻止しようとする陰謀なのか? 怪しいホテルのオーナーを追って、つくしと道明寺はラスベガスへ向かう。しかし、オーナーは何も知らないと語った。途方に暮れる二人の前に現れたのは、花沢類(小栗旬)、西門総二郎(松田翔太)、美作あきら(阿部力)というF4のメンバーたちだった。道明寺とつくしの婚約を心から祝う彼らは、二人の力になろうと集まったのだ。裏社会のボスである父の仕事を手伝う美作から、闇オークションで『ビーナスの微笑』が出品されると知らされて、一行は香港へ向かう。なんとか『ビーナスの微笑』の落札に成功して取り戻すが、その帰りの飛行機の中で睡眠薬を飲まされて、道明寺とつくしは無人島へと放り出された。何もない野性の地で、初めてお互いに向かいあう道明寺とつくしは、他愛のない口論を繰り返しながらも、愛情を再確認する。道明寺にとってかけがえない夢とは、つくしと一緒になることに尽きた。そんな二人が発見されて、無人島から救出される。すべての真相は、道明寺とつくしの絆を確認するための大芝居だった。楓とつくしの両親が共謀して、謎の男(北大路欣也)が仕掛けた壮大な計画だったのだ。あらためて、道明寺とつくしの結婚式が盛大に行われる。二人の幸福を心から喜ぶ同窓生たち。そして、つくしは道明寺の子供を授かる。
Pinnacle records has the perfect plan to get their sinking company back on track: a comeback concert in LA featuring Aldous Snow, a fading rockstar who has dropped off the radar in recent years. Record company intern Aaron Green is faced with the monumental task of bringing his idol, out of control rock star Aldous Snow, back to LA for his comeback show.
十数人のアンジェレノが、早朝から深夜までバレンタインデーをナビゲートします。3組のカップルが一緒に目覚めますが、それぞれの関係はうまくいかないでしょう。小学生の男の子は初恋の人に花束を渡したいと思っています。2人の高校3年生は、正午に初めてのセックスを計画します。テレビのスポーツレポーターは、LAでロマンスを見つけるという任務を受ける。クォーターバックのスター選手は、自分の将来について考えている。見知らぬ二人が飛行機の中で出会う。長年連れ添ってきた祖父母が危機に直面する。I Hate Valentine's Day "ディナーは、孤独な人や嘘をついている人を誘う。
A New Yorker moves to Los Angeles in order to figure out his life while he housesits for his brother, and he soon sparks with his brother's assistant.
Still reeling from a heartbreaking family event and his parents' subsequent divorce, Tyler Hawkins discovers a fresh lease on life when he meets Ally Craig, a gregarious beauty who witnessed her mother's death. But as the couple draws closer, the fallout from their separate tragedies jeopardizes their love.
When strongman Samson rejects the love of the beautiful Philistine woman Delilah, she seeks vengeance that brings horrible consequences they both regret. The classic story of Samson and Delilah as told by Cecil B. DeMille.
Under the rule of King David, Israel is united and prosperous although surrounded by enemies including Egypt and its allies. The aging King David favors his younger son, Solomon, as his successor, but David's elder son Prince Adonijah, a warrior, declares himself King. When David learns of this, he publicly announces Solomon to be his successor. Adonijah and Joab, his general, withdraw in rage. Israel prospers under King Solomon's wise and benevolent rule and is seen as a threat to more tyrannical monarchs in the region. The Pharaoh of Egypt agrees to cede a Red Sea port to the Queen of Sheba in a plot to undermine Solomon's rule. Sheba is to seduce Solomon and introduce Sheban pagan worship into Jerusalem. Meanwhile, Prince Adonijah, now banished, also conspires with Pharaoh and is given an army to defeat Solomon. The film is a highly fictionalized dramatization of events depicted in The Bible -- First Kings chapter 10 and Second Chronicles chapter 9.
Chance Harris looks to find a balance between his school, work, relationships and opportunity to perform at the nationally televised step competition during homecoming weekend at Truth University.