
三国志 (2008)

ジャンル : アクション, 履歴, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 41分

演出 : Daniel Lee




Andy Lau
Andy Lau
Zhao Zilong
Sammo Hung
Sammo Hung
Luo Ping-An
Maggie Q
Maggie Q
Cao Ying
Damian Lau
Damian Lau
Cao Cao
Ti Lung
Ti Lung
Guan Yu
Elliot Ngok
Elliot Ngok
Liu Bei
Andy On
Andy On
Dan Zhi
Yu Rongguang
Yu Rongguang
Han De
Zhihui Chen
Zhihui Chen
Zhang Fei
Vanness Wu
Vanness Wu
Zhao Bao
Du Yiheng
Du Yiheng
Deputy General of the Vanguard
Chunhua Ji
Chunhua Ji
General of the Vanguard
Timmy Hung
Timmy Hung
Han Yin
Jiang Hongbo
Jiang Hongbo
Ruan Er
Wang Hongtao
Wang Hongtao
Huang Zhong
Ding Haifeng
Ding Haifeng
Zhang Bao
Pu Cunxin
Pu Cunxin
Zhuge Liang
Zhao Erkang
Zhao Erkang
Ruan's Father
Bai Jing
Bai Jing
Mrs. Mi


Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee
Chung Tae-won
Chung Tae-won
Daniel Lee
Daniel Lee
Lau Ho-leung
Lau Ho-leung
Chi Keung Fung
Chi Keung Fung




Seung-ju, robbed clean of his wallet and phone by four high schoolers! Jung-taek, swept into the chase only to have his gun snatched away by the same teens. An erratic pursuit by two men, stripped of their precious possessions and completely run down and four teenagers, running the grown-ups through a proper drill right in the middle of the night. The furious chase has begun.
On a live music radio show, a letter arrives from the 23 years in the past. Through the letter, the first love and friendships of five friends are revealed.
『私の頭の中の消しゴム』のチョン・ウソンが贈る最も切ない愛- 交通事故で10年の記憶を失ってしまった男の前に現れた秘密めいた女。 少しずつ互いに惹かれあっていく2人だったが、過去の記憶が戻り始めたとき、謎が徐々に解き明かされていく…
Die Jugendstreiche des Knaben Karl
At the behest of his father, the young Karl Valentin is to complete a carpentry apprenticeship. When the father gets into a financial mess by a strict creditor, the boy works with growing success as a comedian to support his parents financiall
Dort oben, wo die Alpen glühen
Die Försterchristel
On a flight from Los Angeles to New York, Oliver and Emily make a connection, only to decide that they are poorly suited to be together. Over the next seven years, however, they are reunited time and time again, they go from being acquaintances to close friends to ... lovers?
強力なタラミス女王は、コナンに最愛の死の王国から彼女を返すことを約束しますが、条件を課します。彼女は、彼に貴重な石と美しい若い王女で覆われた伝説の角を持って来なければなりません。 コナンが無視しているのは、女王がホーンを使って眠っている神ダゴスを目覚めさせ、若い王女を犠牲にしたいということです。 致命的で超自然的な敵に直面したコナンは、タラミス、さらには神ダゴスさえも倒すために、善の力を召喚しなければなりません。
Hな彼女の見つけ方 マシューの童貞卒業物語
This sexy, teen-comedy is about a freshman, Matthew, at college who meets his dream girl in a dorm elevator during a blackout. He never sees her face, but instantly falls in love. In the morning, the power is restored, but the "dream girl" has vanished. All Matthew knows is that she lives in an all-girls dorm. He sets out on a semester-long journey to find his mystery girl amongst a hundred female suspects. Could it be Wendy? Dora? Arlene? Patty? Cynthia? Or the 95 other girls, any of whom could have been in that elevator with Matthew.
The Melody
Win, a famous singer and songwriter has come to the worst moment in his life when he realizes that his fame is going to fade. Win cannot face the truth and escapes from the city to quietly stay in Mae Hong Sorn province where he meets Mok, a competent pianist girl who becomes his inspiration to redeem his fame.
Das Schweigen im Walde
When his mother eloped with an Italian opera singer, Louis Mazzini was cut off from her aristocratic family. After the family refuses to let her be buried in the family mausoleum, Louis avenges his mother's death by attempting to murder every family member who stands between himself and the family fortune. But when he finds himself torn between his longtime love and the widow of one of his victims, his plans go awry.
The Gamblers
In a land far away, there is a legend that an Iron Clad Savior shall bestow upon the land and save its people from grief, abuse and evil. An armored suit-wearing woman with amnesia, only known as "Iron Girl", fights against a group of outlaws called "Crazy Dogs" to save a small village in the wasteland. Is she the legendary "Iron Savior" written in the old document of the village?
Sorry Saranghaeyo
Kana is a girl who so obssessed with Korean styles so she convinces Mara, her sister to travel to South Korea together. In South Korea, Kana and Mara pursue their dreams - Kana wants to see Ajoo, her favourite Korean star while Mara wishes to look pretty by Korean surgery. But Kana doesn't realize that Chai, her best friend who accompanies her to South Korea is secretly loves her.
Agnes Cecilia - En sällsam historia
Nora is 15 years old. Her parents died when she was young and now she lives with Anders and Karin and their son Dag. They move into an old apartment in an old house in Enköping. Behind a wall they find some old items from people who lived there a long time ago. They also discover that their apartment is haunted by a ghost. Together with Dag, Nora tries to find out more about the people who lived there.
Youth Talk
A night of happenings between a 20-year-old couple from which the boyfriend decides to sleep with his girlfriend the day before he joins the army and a 30-year-old couple who have no choice but to give up their relationship, marriage and birth due to real life problems.
The Godless City
One of the earliest exploitation films from South Africa, directed and produced by independent film maker Pierre D. Botha. This is a classic example of a ‘restless youth’ film. The action takes place in Johannesburg (The Godless city of the title) and focuses on the youth sub culture of the ‘Ducktails’ (“a white youth gang subculture which emerged within post Second World War South Africa. Rebellious, hedonistic, apolitical and showing little respect for the law, education or work”).


アメリカのとある街、深夜突如奇怪な放電と共に屈強な肉体をもった男が現れる。同じくして放電の中からもう一人の男カイル・リースが現れる。屈強な肉体を持った男はモラルや常識もない。あるのはただ1つの目的アメリカ人女性サラ・コナーという名の人物の殺害だった。電話帳名簿から「サラ・コナー」の名を持つ女性をかたっぱしから銃殺していく男。その頃カイルは目的のサラ・コナーと接触し間一髪で彼女を救う。カイルはサラに、サラを狙っているのは近未来から送られた人類殺戮ロボット「ターミネーター」であり、未来ではロボットの反乱による機械対人類の最終戦争が起こっている事、そしてサラは人類軍の希望のリーダー ジョン・コナーの母親である事を告げる。 サラを連れカイルはターミネーターからの逃亡を開始する。
The Warlords
A heroic tale of three blood brothers and their struggle in the midst of war and political upheaval. It is based on "The Assassination of Ma," a Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) story about the killing of general Ma Xinyi.
300 〈スリーハンドレッド〉
紀元前480年、スパルタ王レオニダスの元にペルシア帝国からの使者が訪れ、スパルタに服従を要求した。レオニダスはこれを拒否し、使者を殺害した。 レオニダスはスパルタ全軍での迎撃を考えていたが、デルポイの神託によって非戦と決定されてしまった。王と言えども神託には従う義務があり、スパルタ評議会も非戦の方針を支持した。 このままではスパルタは戦わずしてペルシア帝国の支配下に入ってしまう。レオニダスは「散歩」と称して300名の親衛隊を率い、ペルシア王クセルクセス率いる100万のペルシア軍の迎撃に向かった。兵力差は圧倒的であったが、スパルタ軍は峻険な山と海に挟まれた狭い街道に布陣して、ペルシア軍が大軍の利を生かし切れないようにした。 ここに、壮絶な死闘となるテルモピュライの戦いが始まる。
インビジブル・ゲスト 悪魔の証明
Barcelona, Spain. Adrián Doria, a young and successful businessman accused of murder, meets one night with Virginia Goodman, an expert interrogation lawyer, in order to devise a defense strategy.
それは多くの人々にとって多くのことでした:若者の野心、勇気、慢に満ちたハンサムな戦士王は、小さな軍隊を巨大なペルシャ軍に導きました...息子は必死に厳しい父親の承認を求めて、 戦い、そしてそれに対する彼の忠誠心と彼の母親への愛の間で苦労しました...戦いに決して負けず、彼の兵士を既知の世界の果てまで押し付けた冷酷な征服者...夢、偉業、運命が残された幻想家 歴史上の彼らのマークは、今日の世界を形作るのに役立ちます。 彼はそれ以上でした。 彼はアレキサンダー大王でした。
オール・イズ・ロスト ~最後の手紙~
スマトラ海峡から3150キロ沖。“すべて失った……すまない”という男のつぶやきが響く……。 ことの起こりは8日前。インド洋をヨットで単独航海中の男は水音で眠りから覚める。気が付けば、船室に浸水が。海上を漂流していたコンテナが激突し、ヨットに横穴が開いてしまったようだ。航法装置は故障し、無線もラップトップも水浸しで使い物にならない。しかし、この災難は始まりに過ぎなかった。
This is a story of a great love facing the greatest drama of the history of Russia. Admiral Kolchak is a true war hero and beloved husband and father. One day he meets Anna, the love of his life and the wife of his best friend. The revolution in his heart faces the revolution in his own country His destiny is to become the Supreme Rules of Russia.
キックボクサー リジェネレーション
インファナル・アフェアIII 終極無間
名探偵コナン ゼロの執行人
東京サミットの会場を予定していたリゾート施設"エッジ・オブ・オーシャン"で大規模な爆発があった。現場を警備していた警察官が死傷したというニュースの中に、コナンは安室透の姿を見つける。一方、警視庁の捜査会議では現場の遺留品に小五郎の指紋があったことから、小五郎が容疑者として逮捕されてしまう。公安の捏造を疑うコナンは安室に問い詰めるが、安室の態度は冷たいもので……。安室透は敵なのか? そして事件の真実とは?
Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj
Taj Mahal Badalandabad leaves Coolidge College behind for the halls of Camford University in England, where he looks to continue his education, and teach an uptight student how to make the most out of her academic career.