Wonder Woman (1974)
ジャンル : アクション, アドベンチャー, ファンタジー, テレビ映画
上映時間 : 1時間 15分
演出 : Vincent McEveety
A super-hero uses her powers to thwart an international spy ring.
A school that teaches young boys and girls how to become famous anchorpeople in the media. But there is something strange going in this school. The facility takes a sick pride in handing our S & M style punishments to students for the most trivial things. But there is one among them, a hero that hides her face but bares everything else in the name of justice. Her name is Kekko Kamen, all know the legend of how Kekko Kamen defeated the evil Mangriffin in a local high school, but now she's back and out to stop the evil twisted fiends once again.
ウルトラマンベリアルとの戦いからしばらく経ったある日、突如光の国にベリアル軍のデルストが襲来し、そこから降り立った3体のダークロプスがゼロを襲うが、ウルトラマンゼロとウルトラセブンが力を合わせてこれを撃退。残骸を回収・分析したところ、光の国のある宇宙には存在しない物質で構成され、それから発せられる波動でマイナスエネルギーを別の宇宙へ送っていることが判明。ゼロはこれを作り出した者の正体を探る任務に単身志願する。 セブンから万能武器ウルトラゼロブレスレットを授けられたゼロは、仲間たちに見送られて未知の宇宙へ旅立つ。到着した先は、ゼロに倒されたはずのベリアルが銀河皇帝カイザーベリアルとして君臨するベリアル銀河帝国が暴虐の限りを尽くす、アナザースペース(異世界宇宙)だった。
When college professor, Peter Proud begins experiencing flashbacks of an earlier life, he's mysteriously drawn to a place he's never been to, but which seems familiar and where he soon finds his previous incarnation's wife.
An American soldier and a British intelligence agent try to track down an ancient relic called the Golden Cobra, rumored to have supernatural powers. An early Raiders rip-off directed Antonio Margheriti.
The Man of Steel finds himself outshone by a new team of ruthless superheroes who hold his idealism in contempt.
Mona's mother died, seemingly from spontaneous human combustion. She became acquainted with a nurse named Ploy, whose mother also died from the same cause. The two women embark on a quest to find out the truths about their mothers' death with the aid of an ambitious news reporter.
Stones of power are given to some chosen fighters, who are being trained by a master to defeat the master's darker tendencies of destroying humanity. The fighters do not necessarily get along even as the world heads toward peril.
After The Daily Planet receives a letter from a mad scientist threatening to wreak destruction with his Electrothanasia Ray, Lois Lane heads out in the hopes of getting more information for a news story.
Talented engineer does not promote the service and its project of trying to buy for next to nothing. To implement the project itself - we need a lot of money. There is an opportunity to get them: a friend in whom he doted, and who meets him in return gives a list of debtors of her brother ...
The ghost of a serial killer, executed for murdering students at a Catholic girls' school, returns to the school to take revenge on the current student body.
The wife and mistress of the abusive headmaster of a boy's school plot and carry out his murder. They dump his body in the murky swimming pool at the school and await for it to surface. After several days, some unusual circumstances point to clues that he is not dead after all.
Kinkaid is a rugged, hard-driving bounty hunter, determined to find outlaw Billy Riddle. He tracks Billy, takes him captive, and starts the long trek to justice. However, this journey may lead him to dire consequences... a gang of cut-throats headed by Angus Keough is pursuing them, after the bounty for themselves.
When police interfere with a reckless scientist's experiment, it creates a deadly meteor shower only Superman can stop.
Valentina, Darna's snake-haired arch enemy, is trying to take over the Phillipines through subliminal messages on religious TV shows. Darna has her own problems, however, as she has lost her magic pearl and with it the ability to transform into her scantily clad super self. Trapped as her alter-ego, the plucky reporter Narda, she must try to regain the pearl and foil Valentina's plans.
Born out of a Christmas ornaments-filled heaven, Turkish Superman fights the mob in order to save the day!
Argoman is practically invincible with powers beyond the scope of mortal man. Who is Sir Reginald Hoover, he seems to know what mission Argoman is involved with? Will Jenabell become the Queen of the World and achieve her wishes to outsmart Argoman?