
The Human Pyramid (1961)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Jean Rouch


Jean Rouch gives a group of black and white teenagers a "what if" question: what if they socialised with each other? The teenagers then improvise their own characters and situations.


Nadine Ballot
Nadine Ballot
Alain Tusques
Alain Tusques


Jean Rouch
Jean Rouch
Louis Miaille
Louis Miaille
Roger Morillière
Roger Morillière
Serge Ricci
Serge Ricci
Mario Da Costa
Mario Da Costa
Jean Rouch
Jean Rouch
Michel Fano
Michel Fano
Sound Recordist
Guy Rophé
Guy Rophé
Sound Recordist
Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte
Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte
Francine Grubert
Francine Grubert
Geneviève Bastid
Geneviève Bastid
Liliane Korb
Liliane Korb
Roger Fleytoux
Roger Fleytoux
Production Manager
Jean Rouch
Jean Rouch


Lord of the Flies 蝿の王
未来の大戦中、疎開地へ向かう飛行機が墜落し、乗員である少年たちは南太平洋の無人島に置き去りにされる。当初はラーフとピギーの二人を中心に規則を作り、烽火をあげ続けることで救援を待とうとする。 最初こそ協力し合っていた彼らであったが、元々ラーフと仲の悪かった少年・ジャックは、ラーフが中心である事を気に入らず、また食べ物等にも不自由しない島で自由に生きる事を望んでいた為に、独自に狩猟隊を結成するのだった。ジャックは狩猟隊のメンバーと共に毎日を好き勝手に漫遊し、豚を狩る事で上等なご馳走を得ており、やがてはラーフの一派の少年達もその魅力に引かれ始める。 そんな中、せっかく船が島の沖を通りかかったにも拘らず、その日の当番が烽火を怠ったのが原因で、自分達の存在に気付かないまま船は過ぎ去ってしまい、ラーフの一派では対立が巻き起こってしまう。その隙を突く様に、ジャックはラーフの仲間達を引き込んでいくまでのカリスマ性まで発揮していくも、次第に狩猟隊の少年達は、内面の獣性が目覚めていき、泥絵の具を顔に塗りたくった蛮族の様な姿となって、ついには仲間の一人であったサイモンを集団で手にかけるまでに至ってしまう。 仲間の殆どをジャックに奪われてしまったラーフは、唯一自分の味方でいてくれたピギーも、ジャックの取り巻きであるロジャーに岩を頭上に落とされ殺されてしまい、完全に孤立。その翌日、ジャックは自らが王でいられる楽園を脅かしうる一番目障りな存在であったラーフを排除すべく、狩猟隊に木の枝を槍の様に尖らせて、ラーフの殺害を指示する。ラーフは孤立してしまった恐怖や悲しみに苦しみながらも、森に火を放ったジャック達狩猟隊から、島中を逃げ回る事になる…。
In a minor town the morose manager is primarily responsible for the bad atmosphere of a restaurant. But central for the plot are three persons: a male waiter who is never named (here called W), the female waiter Anna, and "the count", a self-invented nickname by a man cleaning plates. The count is skilled in making others do what he wants. Half a dozen of the personnel assist in a poorly planned and failed attempt to liberate a man whom the police move from one arrest to another. The event involves stealing a motorcycle and threatening policemen with a gun. Anna strongly tries to make contact with W. Finally it turns out that she need his help to break her sexual relation to the count, a relation that from her part is not motivated by positive feelings. W rejects her attempts. And then Anna has suddenly gone. She has got a pleasant job in another town. And then W's feelings awaken.
Small Change
Various experiences of childhood are seen in several sequences that take place in the small town of Thiers, France. Vignettes include a boy's awakening interest in girls, couples double-dating at the movies, brothers giving their friend a haircut, a boy dealing with an abusive home life, a baby and a cat sitting by an open window, a child telling a dirty joke, and a boy who develops a crush on his friend's mother.
The puppy love of two teenagers is set against a backdrop of adults struggling with their own lives. As a couple in love, they don't care about anything but themselves and seem totally unaware about everything that surrounds them.
A young man returns to his countryside hometown to investigate the unclear circumstances behind the death of his father, ostensibly killed by Fascists in 1936, before his birth. As he unravels a web of lies that seems to encompass the whole town, he finds himself entangled in the same web.
The Parson's Widow
A young man is elected by a small village to be its parson. As part of his duties, he is required to marry the widow of the parson before him. This poses two problems--first, the widow is old enough to be his grandmother, and second, he is already engaged to another woman.
Times and Winds
In a small, poor village leaning over high rocky mountains, the villagers are simple and diligent people who struggle to cope with a harsh nature. They earn their living off the earth and a few animals they feed. Fathers always prefer one of their sons. Mothers command their daughters ruthlessly. Ömer, the son of the imam, wishes hopelessly for the death of his father. When he understands that wishful thinking does not have any concrete results, he begins to search for childish ways to kill his father. Yakup is in love with his teacher, and one day after seeing his father spying on the teacher he dreams too, like Ömer, of killing his father. Yıldız studies and tries to manage the household chores imposed by her mother. She learns with irritation about the secrets of the relationship between men and women.
Cría cuervos…
In Carlos Saura’s exquisite Cría cuervos…, Ana Torrent portrays the disturbed eight-year-old Ana, living in Madrid with her two sisters and mourning the death of her mother, whom she conjures as a ghost (an ethereal Geraldine Chaplin).
A Slave of Love
Olga Voznesenskaya is a silent screen star whose pictures are so popular that underground revolutionaries risk capture to see them. She's in southern Russia filming a tear-jerker as the Bolsheviks get closer to Moscow. Although married, she spends time every day with Victor Pototsky, the film's cameraman. Gradually, it comes to light that Victor uses his job as a cover for filming White atrocities and Red heroism: he's a Bolshevik. He asks her for help, and she discovers meaning in her otherwise flighty and self-centred life. Love blooms. Will the Red forces arrive in time to save them from a suspicious White military leader? Will she find courage?
The Beekeeper
Feeling himself an outsider in contemporary Greece, a schoolteacher Spyros leaves his job and family to return to his hometown, where he intends to take up the occupation of his ancestors as a beekeeper. Over the course of his road trip he visits the sites and friends of his childhood, hoping to gather the pollen of his past, but instead meets and becomes obsessed with a young hitchhiker who represents the empty hedonism of the present.
Karrer plods his way through life in quiet desperation. His environment is drab and rainy and muddy. Eaten up with solitude, his hopelessness would be incurable but for the existence of the Titanik Bar and its beautiful, haunting singer. But the lady is married and Karrer is determined to keep her husband away...
Clumsy Monsieur Hulot finds himself perplexed by the intimidating complexity of a gadget-filled Paris. He attempts to meet with a business contact but soon becomes lost. His roundabout journey parallels that of an American tourist, and as they weave through the inventive urban environment, they intermittently meet, developing an interest in one another. They eventually get together at a chaotic restaurant, along with several other quirky characters.