The Deonzo Brothers (1901)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 2分


The famous acrobats in the above title appear in a marvellous acrobatic act. There are three barrels arranged on the stage. The boys, blindfolded, stand on opposite sides of the stage, and jump from one barrel into the other until they both land in the same barrel at the same time. They then jump backwards onto the stage over the two barrels. One table is then mounted upon another and the center barrel is placed on top. The brothers still blindfolded jump one each into a barrel and from them to the first to the second table and from the second table into the barrel on top of the second table. They then jump backwards onto the stage. This is pronounced by show people to be the most marvellous acrobatic feat that has ever been introduced. (Edison Catalog)



Robert W. Paul
Robert W. Paul


Flying Monsters 3D with David Attenborough
220 million years ago dinosaurs were beginning their domination of Earth. But another group of reptiles was about to make an extraordinary leap: pterosaurs were taking control of the skies. The story of how and why these mysterious creatures took to the air is more fantastical than any fiction. In Flying Monsters 3D, Sir David Attenborough the world’s leading naturalist, sets out to uncover the truth about the enigmatic pterosaurs, whose wingspans of up to 40 feet were equal to that of a modern day jet plane.
Minions: Home Makeover
A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.
The mysterious Count Orlok summons Thomas Hutter to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen. After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger
大きな製鉄工場で働くチャーリーは、スパナを手にひたすらベルトコンベアーを流れる部品にねじを回し続けるという単純作業を繰り返していた。その様子はテレビモニターで監視され、休む暇もなく働かされていた。ある日、チャーリーは労働者の食事時間を節約するために作られた自動給食マシーンの実験台にされ散々な目に合わされる。その後も仕事を続けていく内にチャーリーは発狂し、トラブルを起こして精神病院送りになってしまう。ようやく退院を迎えた日、トラックから落ちた赤旗を拾い運転手に返そうと追いかけていく内にいつの間にか労働者のデモ隊の先導をきってしまい、そのリーダーと間違われて捕まって拘置所に入れられてしまう。脱獄囚を撃退した功績で模範囚として放免され造船所の仕事を紹介されるものの、上手くいかず辞めてしまい、あてもなく街をうろつく生活に陥ってしまう。 拘置所が恋しくなったチャーリーはわざと無銭飲食をして捕まえられるが、護送車の中でパンを盗んだ浮浪少女(ポーレット・ゴダード)と出会う。護送車が急カーブで横転し、外へ投げ出されたチャーリーと少女は逃亡。少女と意気投合したチャーリーは、2人のために家を建てるという夢を胸に一念発起とばかり働き出す。デパートの夜回り、工場の技師の助手と仕事を獲得するものの結局上手くいかず、2件とも警察沙汰になるという不運な結果に終わってしまう。その後少女が勤め始めたキャバレー[3]のウェイターの職を得る。見世物の「ティティナ」を歌って大成功したが、少女の微罪のため、そこも追われてしまう。やっとの思いで手に入れた幸福すらも失い悲しみに打ちひしがれる少女を、チャーリーは力強く励ます。 そして、二人は未来に希望を見出し、現代社会の冷たさと束縛に囚われない自由な生活を求めて共に旅立っていくのだった。
Mia recounts her most intimate confessions, uncensored, in her first approach to a totally new world of domination and submission.
Island of Lemurs: Madagascar
The incredible true story of nature’s greatest explorers—lemurs. Through footage captured with IMAX 3D, audiences go on a spectacular journey to the remote and wondrous world of Madagascar. Join trailblazing scientist Patricia Wright on her lifelong mission to help these strange and adorable creatures survive in the modern world.
Trust Me
A folk horror movie about a woman who follows her boyfriend into the woods for a romantic surprise only to find something far more sinister. Inspired by thousands of witness accounts documenting the ongoing phenomenon of a certain species of shape-shifting creature in the forests of North America.
Ligação Interrompida
トロールズ みんなのハッピーホリデー!
Deadpool: No Good Deed
Deadpool sees an opportunity to save the day, but it doesn't go entirely as planned.
A kid begs to stay home while his older sister runs to the store. After she leaves, he wishes he would have gone because he doesn’t feel comfortable being at home in the dark as strange things start to happen...
ヒックとドラゴン 受け継ぐ者たち
Dinner for One
A very old woman wants to have dinner with her friends. As they are all dead, the butler has to play the role of every guest.
Ebenezer Scrooge is far too greedy to understand that Christmas is a time for kindness and generosity. But with the guidance of some new found friends, Scrooge learns to embrace the spirit of the season. A retelling of the classic Dickens tale with Disney's classic characters.
Minions: Training Wheels
Margo, Edith, and Agnes spot an ice cream truck. The three of them go after the truck but Agnes falls as she attempts to pedal to the truck. The Minions, seeing her so upset by this, decide to build her a unicorn-themed motorcycle. Agnes goes for a little ride around town.
Minions: Puppy
A Minion, seeing many owners walk their dogs, wants a puppy of his own. He tries to leash a ladybug but fails. Luckily, a UFO that sweeps away the ladybug somehow agrees to become a Puppy.
モンスターVSエイリアン 宇宙カボチャあらわる
Susan Murphy (a.k.a. Ginormica) and the Monsters are now working with the US government as special ops. So when an alien presence is detected in Susan's hometown of Modesto, California -- right before Halloween -- the team is dispatched to investigate. Everything appears normal, right down to the jack-o-lanterns peering out from every doorstep and windowsill. But when Halloween arrives, those innocent-looking carved pumpkins reveal themselves for what they really are mutant aliens. The altered pumpkins then start to implement their fiendish plan to take over Earth. The Monsters are there to combat the mutant gourds and try to smash their wicked scheme!


Undressing Extraordinary
Here we present a picture that simply convulses an audience with laughter. The scene opens in the bedroom of a hotel. A traveler appears, evidently a "little worse for wear." After stretching and yawning, he proceeds to disrobe. He throws off his coat and vest, but to his surprise and anguish, he suddenly finds himself clothed in a continental uniform. He throws this off in anger, but immediately a policeman's costume flies on him. This is in turn thrown aside in great rage and he finds himself clothed in a soldier's uniform. At last, thinking himself successful, he makes for the bed and finds a skeleton complacently resting on his pillow. The bed suddenly disappears, leaving him seated on the floor, and great quantities of bed clothes rain down from the ceiling. The picture ends leaving the audience simply convulsed in laughter. (Edison Catalog)
Artistic Creation
An artist draws the head of a pretty girl, takes the drawing off the paper and places it on a small table, turning the image into the head of a real woman. He then continuous drawing the lady, one body part after the other.
University Procession on Degree Day, Birmingham
University Procession on Degree Day, Birmingham
A Morning Bath
“Mammy is washing her little pickaninny. She thrusts him, kicking and struggling, into a tub full of foaming suds.” (Edison film catalog)
Os 3 Porquinhos - Rexmore
A Ballroom Tragedy
A woman sneaks up behind a seated couple, stabs the woman in the back, and makes an escape.
Who Do You Think You're Fooling?
A short film that took director Quentin Tarantino to task for failing to credit director Ringo Lam's City on Fire (1987 film) as an influence upon the making of Reservoir Dogs. It screened at the New York Underground Film Festival.
Patati Patatá - As histórias mais engraçadas da tv
The Martyred Presidents
This film is difficult to classify. It opens on a scene showing a mourner with bowed head sitting in front of what appears to be a tombstone. Shortly afterwards, the face of Abraham Lincoln and then of two other presidents, Garfield and McKinley, can be seen on the monument and then they disappear. There is a figure huddled at the foot of a statue of Justice, as if asking forgiveness.
The Coronation of Edward VII
King Edward VII's coronation ceremony.
The Haunted Castle
George Albert Smith's remake of Georges Méliès - Le Manoir du diable (The Haunted Castle) from 1896. This film is lost or never existed. Copies of it online are actually a Méliès film.
Adriana Partimpim - O Show
Let's Spend the Night Together
The Rolling Stones' record-breaking 1981 North American arena tour documented by director Hal Ashby. Featuring the biggest Rolling Stones songs from the first 20 years - in the words of Mick Jagger, "a feel of what it's like to be there", as 20 cameras take you onstage with the band in this groundbreaking, dynamic tour.
Course en sacs
Several competitors take part in a friendly sack race, with widely varying degrees of success.
The Haunted Curiosity Shop
An old proprietor is startled and haunted by the strange happenings inside his curiosity shop.
Hold Me While I'm Naked
Presented as loosely autobiographical, Hold Me While I’m Naked centres on the tribulations of an independent filmmaker, frustrated at every turn as he tries to make a film that pretends to artistic merit.
Eye Myth
After the title, a white screen gives way to a series of frames suggestive of abstract art, usually with one or two colors dominating and rapid change in the images. Two figures emerge from this jungle of color: the first, a shirtless man, appears twice, coming into focus, then disappearing behind the bursts and patterns of color, then reappearing; the second figure appears later, in the right foreground. This figure suggests someone older, someone of substance. The myth?
The first woman to appear in front of an Edison motion picture camera and possibly the first woman to appear in a motion picture within the United States. In the film, Carmencita is recorded going through a routine she had been performing at Koster & Bial's in New York since February 1890.
Athlete with Wand
An athlete demonstrating various poses.
The Last Day of Summer
Luke Malloy is freaking out. He doesn't want tomorrow to come because tomorrow means starting Middle School...saying goodbye to summer break and hello to homework. And even worse, hello to getting picked on by Meat, the terrible torturer of new kids. Luke's dread of tomorrow is casting a shadow on his enjoyment of his last day of summer, so he makes a wish that the Last Day of Summer would last forever... that his one last perfect day of fun and freedom would never end. But when his wish comes true, he discovers that he's stuck repeating the day over and over again, which, as Luke quickly learns, isn't any better. What do you do when the "ultimate do-over" isn't all it's cracked up to be?