
The Giant of Marathon (1959)

ジャンル : 履歴, アドベンチャー, ドラマ, 戦争

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Jacques Tourneur, Bruno Vailati
脚本 : Augusto Frassinetti, Bruno Vailati, Ennio De Concini


A Greek soldier leads the fight against an invading Persian army.


Steve Reeves
Steve Reeves
Mylène Demongeot
Mylène Demongeot
Sergio Fantoni
Sergio Fantoni
Daniela Rocca
Daniela Rocca
Philippe Hersent
Philippe Hersent
Alberto Lupo
Alberto Lupo
Gianni Loti
Gianni Loti
Daniele Vargas
Daniele Vargas
Dari0, re di Persia
Anita Todesco
Anita Todesco
amica di Andromeda
Ivo Garrani
Ivo Garrani
Sergio Ciani
Sergio Ciani
Franco Fantasia
Franco Fantasia
Ignazio Balsamo
Ignazio Balsamo
capitano della nave
Gérard Herter
Gérard Herter
Rinaldo Zamperla
Rinaldo Zamperla
Miranda Campa
Miranda Campa
ancella di Karis


Jacques Tourneur
Jacques Tourneur
Augusto Frassinetti
Augusto Frassinetti
Bruno Vailati
Bruno Vailati
Roberto Nicolosi
Roberto Nicolosi
Original Music Composer
Mario Bava
Mario Bava
Director of Photography
Ennio De Concini
Ennio De Concini
Alberto Barsanti
Alberto Barsanti
Raffaello Pacini
Raffaello Pacini
Paolo Mercuri
Paolo Mercuri
Production Secretary
Mario Serandrei
Mario Serandrei
Massimo Tavazzi
Massimo Tavazzi
Set Decoration
Otello Fava
Otello Fava
Makeup Artist
Mara Rocchetti
Mara Rocchetti
Ferruccio De Martino
Ferruccio De Martino
Production Manager
Massimo De Rita
Massimo De Rita
Assistant Production Manager
Bruno Vailati
Bruno Vailati
Ottavio Oppo
Ottavio Oppo
First Assistant Director
Odoardo Fiory
Odoardo Fiory
First Assistant Director
Armando Govoni
Armando Govoni
Second Assistant Director
Barbara Fusch
Barbara Fusch
Script Supervisor
Marcello del Prato
Marcello del Prato
Production Design
Mario Chiari
Mario Chiari
Production Design
Gianni D'Aloisio
Gianni D'Aloisio
Assistant Production Design
Masino Manunza
Masino Manunza
Underwater Camera
Enzo Musumeci Greco
Enzo Musumeci Greco
Master at Arms
Renato Angiolini
Renato Angiolini
Unit Manager
Ubaldo Terzano
Ubaldo Terzano
Camera Operator
Giulio Tagliacozzo
Giulio Tagliacozzo
Marisa Crimi
Marisa Crimi
Costume Design
Mario Bava
Mario Bava
Special Effects
Luigi Urbini
Luigi Urbini
Lionello Santi
Lionello Santi


The Journey
A Communist officer falls hard for a married woman trying to escape from Hungary.
Gods and Monsters: Homer's Odyssey
Virginia Woolf said that Homer's epic poem the Odyssey was 'alive to every tremor and gleam of existence'. Following the magical and strange adventures of warrior king Odysseus, inventor of the idea of the Trojan horse, the poem can claim to be the greatest story ever told. Now British poet Simon Armitage goes on his own Greek adventure, following in the footsteps of one of his own personal heroes. Yet Simon ponders the question of whether he even likes the guy.
In Thebes in ancient Greece, King Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother Jocasta, having two sons - Eteocles and Polyneices - and two daughters - Ismene and Antigone. King Oedipus dies a beggar in the exile after gouging out his own eye, and Eteocle agrees to reign in Thebes in alternating years with Polynices. However, he refuses to resign after the first year and Polynieces raises an army and attacks Thebes, and they kill each other. The ruler of Thebes Creon decrees that Eleocles should have an honorable burial while the body of the traitor Polyneices should be left on the battlefield to be eaten by the jackals and vultures. However, Antigone, who was betrothed to Creon's surviving son Haemon, defies Creon's orders and buries her brother. When Creon is reported of the attitude of Antigone, he sentences her to be placed in a tomb alive. Antigone hangs herself in the tomb and Haemon tries to kill his father first and then he kills himself with his sword...
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A false accusation leads the philosopher Socrates to trial and condemnation in 4th century BC Athens.
アメリカ コロラド州の平和な田舎町。昼下がりに異様な数の兵士がパラシュートで次々と降下してくる。ソビエトの兵装の兵士達は次々と降下し銃撃を開始した。武器を持たぬ市民は虐殺されていくが高校生ジェドはその仲間達は間一髪山中へ逃げ込み少ない武器を手に取り反撃を開始する。
それは多くの人々にとって多くのことでした:若者の野心、勇気、慢に満ちたハンサムな戦士王は、小さな軍隊を巨大なペルシャ軍に導きました...息子は必死に厳しい父親の承認を求めて、 戦い、そしてそれに対する彼の忠誠心と彼の母親への愛の間で苦労しました...戦いに決して負けず、彼の兵士を既知の世界の果てまで押し付けた冷酷な征服者...夢、偉業、運命が残された幻想家 歴史上の彼らのマークは、今日の世界を形作るのに役立ちます。 彼はそれ以上でした。 彼はアレキサンダー大王でした。
Preludio 11
Daniela – a single mother, whose boyfriend left for the US – believes wholeheartedly in Cuba's revolutionary new order. Meanwhile, in Florida, a plot is afoot. Under the command of an American officer, four Cubans ex-patriots and a Guatemalan land on the Cuban coast to prepare a US invasion of the island. Daniela's superior, the corrupt Cuban officer Palomino, is secretly helping the invaders and the young woman becomes entangled in the intrigue.
300 〈スリーハンドレッド〉
紀元前480年、スパルタ王レオニダスの元にペルシア帝国からの使者が訪れ、スパルタに服従を要求した。レオニダスはこれを拒否し、使者を殺害した。 レオニダスはスパルタ全軍での迎撃を考えていたが、デルポイの神託によって非戦と決定されてしまった。王と言えども神託には従う義務があり、スパルタ評議会も非戦の方針を支持した。 このままではスパルタは戦わずしてペルシア帝国の支配下に入ってしまう。レオニダスは「散歩」と称して300名の親衛隊を率い、ペルシア王クセルクセス率いる100万のペルシア軍の迎撃に向かった。兵力差は圧倒的であったが、スパルタ軍は峻険な山と海に挟まれた狭い街道に布陣して、ペルシア軍が大軍の利を生かし切れないようにした。 ここに、壮絶な死闘となるテルモピュライの戦いが始まる。
Unsung Hero
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At early 16th century a priest joins the spanish conquerros in order to bring christianity to the indios. The expedition is murdered by the indios, only the priest is sparred. Santiago, the priest, first tries to continue christianization, but finally becomes one of them - until the Spaniards return.
54 Days
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Beck 29 - Invasion
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Check Point
Port City North Carolina: During a routine camp out, a local vagrant discovers plans for an invasion in America. When he tries to notify the local Sheriff about his discovery, the Sheriff dismisses his claims and has him locked up for loitering. When the Sheriff notices odd interactions with other towns folk he begins to look into the vagrants' claim of a sleeper cell living amongst the locals within this small town. After evidence of a beheading is exposed, others begin to fear that the insurgents attack on hometown USA. Questions and tempers begin to rise. Why this little beach community with it's Norman Rockwell way of life? A town where everyone knows one another... or so they thought. When the truth is blind and justice seems lost, It will take an army of five unlikely heroes banding together to infiltrate the insurgents and foil their invasion plans.
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Albany, New York, 1776. After marrying, Gil and Lana travel north to settle on a small farm in the Mohawk River Valley, but soon their growing prosperity and happiness are threatened by the sinister sound of drums that announce dark times of revolution and war.
L.A. ギャング ストーリー
Who Was That Lady?
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The Four Days of Naples
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