Amy Muller (1896)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1分

演出 : William Heise


Vaudeville dancer Amy Muller performs a portion of her stage routine, which features dancing on her toes. She dances on one toe for part of the performance. Later, she also twirls and does cartwheels.


Amy Muller
Amy Muller


William Heise
William Heise


A group of 12 teenagers from various backgrounds enroll at the American Ballet Academy in New York to make it as ballet dancers and each one deals with the problems and stress of training and getting ahead in the world of dance.
Sergei Polunin is a breathtaking ballet talent who questions his existence and his commitment to dance just as he is about to become a legend.
Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses
King Randolph sends for his cousin Duchess Rowena to help turn his daughters, Princess Genevieve and her 11 sisters, into better ladies. But the Duchess takes away all the sisters fun, including the sisters favorite pastime: dancing.Thinking all hope is lost they find a secret passageway to a magical land were they can dance the night away.
フットルース 夢に向かって
Ren MacCormack is transplanted from Boston to the small southern town of Bomont where loud music and dancing are prohibited. Not one to bow to the status quo, Ren challenges the ban, revitalizing the town and falling in love with the minister’s troubled daughter Ariel in the process.
Minions: Home Makeover
A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.
A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits
A contemporary musical version of the classic Cinderella story in which the servant step daughter hope to compete in a musical competition for a famous pop star.
シンデレラ・ストーリー2 ドリームダンサー
A guy who danced with what could be the girl of his dreams at a costume ball only has one hint at her identity: the Zune she left behind as she rushed home in order to make her curfew. And with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of him, he sets out to find his masked beauty.
After the death of her mother, Sara moves to the South Side of Chicago to live with her father and gets transferred to a majority-black school. Her life takes a turn for the better when befriends Chenille and her brother Derek, who helps her with her dancing skills.
大きな製鉄工場で働くチャーリーは、スパナを手にひたすらベルトコンベアーを流れる部品にねじを回し続けるという単純作業を繰り返していた。その様子はテレビモニターで監視され、休む暇もなく働かされていた。ある日、チャーリーは労働者の食事時間を節約するために作られた自動給食マシーンの実験台にされ散々な目に合わされる。その後も仕事を続けていく内にチャーリーは発狂し、トラブルを起こして精神病院送りになってしまう。ようやく退院を迎えた日、トラックから落ちた赤旗を拾い運転手に返そうと追いかけていく内にいつの間にか労働者のデモ隊の先導をきってしまい、そのリーダーと間違われて捕まって拘置所に入れられてしまう。脱獄囚を撃退した功績で模範囚として放免され造船所の仕事を紹介されるものの、上手くいかず辞めてしまい、あてもなく街をうろつく生活に陥ってしまう。 拘置所が恋しくなったチャーリーはわざと無銭飲食をして捕まえられるが、護送車の中でパンを盗んだ浮浪少女(ポーレット・ゴダード)と出会う。護送車が急カーブで横転し、外へ投げ出されたチャーリーと少女は逃亡。少女と意気投合したチャーリーは、2人のために家を建てるという夢を胸に一念発起とばかり働き出す。デパートの夜回り、工場の技師の助手と仕事を獲得するものの結局上手くいかず、2件とも警察沙汰になるという不運な結果に終わってしまう。その後少女が勤め始めたキャバレー[3]のウェイターの職を得る。見世物の「ティティナ」を歌って大成功したが、少女の微罪のため、そこも追われてしまう。やっとの思いで手に入れた幸福すらも失い悲しみに打ちひしがれる少女を、チャーリーは力強く励ます。 そして、二人は未来に希望を見出し、現代社会の冷たさと束縛に囚われない自由な生活を求めて共に旅立っていくのだった。
童話『赤い靴』になぞられたバレリーナの悲しい宿命を、華麗なダンスシーンや、幻想的な映像美で描く、イギリスの巨匠・パウエル&プレスバーガーの傑作バレエ映画。アカデミー美術・装置賞、劇・喜劇映画音楽賞受賞。 ヴィクトリア(モイラ・シアラー)はロンドンで、レルモントフ・バレエ団を率いるボリス(アントン・ウォルブルック)の目に留まる。同じころ、新進作曲家ジュリアン(マリウス・ゴーリング)も同バレエ団に採用される。プリマ(リュドミラ・チェリナ)の結婚によりヴィクトリアが主役に抜てきされ、新作「赤い靴」への企画がスタートするが……。
ホワイト・クロウ 伝説のダンサー
When a hip hop violinist busking in the New York subway encounters a classical dancer on scholarship at the Manhattan Conservatory of the Arts, sparks fly. With the help of a hip hop dance crew they must find a common ground while preparing for a competition that could change their lives forever.
雪深い山に金鉱を捜し求めてきた一人の金鉱探し・チャーリー。猛吹雪に難渋した上、転がり込んだ小屋にはお尋ね者のブラック・ラーセンがいた。やがて、同じく猛吹雪で転がり込んできた金鉱探しのビッグ・ジム・マッケイと避難生活を送ることとなる。寒さと飢えがピークに達し、ビッグ・ジムはチャーリーがニワトリに見える始末。やがて靴を食べる生活まで始めた。 ビッグ・ジムと別れ、麓に出来た新興の街にやってきたチャーリーは酒場で出会ったジョージアに一目ぼれ。最初はチャーリーの単なる片思いであったが、ジョージアも粗暴なジャックに愛想を尽かし、チャーリーに少しずつ思いを寄せるようになる。 酒場で偶然再会したビッグ・ジムと艱難辛苦の上、ついに金鉱を探し当て百万長者になったチャーリー。帰りの船上でジョージアと再会。めでたく結ばれる。
Ensemble drama centered around a group of ballet dancers, with a focus on one young dancer who's poised to become a principal performer.
Professor Barbenfouillis and five of his colleagues from the Academy of Astronomy travel to the Moon aboard a rocket propelled by a giant cannon. Once on the lunar surface, the bold explorers face the many perils hidden in the caves of the mysterious planet.


Mess Call
Members of the New York state militia enjoy some relaxing time during a meal break.
Going to the Fire
A crowd watches the Newark Fire Department respond to a call.
Billy Edwards and the Unknown
Former lightweight boxer Billy Edwards, now a trainer and writer of the sport, takes on a challenger named Warwick in an exhibition match. The match is scheduled for five rounds of 20 seconds each. A large crowd has gathered behind the ring to watch the fight.
Edison Drawn by 'World' Artist
Artist draws Thomas Edison.
Mounted Police Charge
"A battalion of New York's famous mounted police at inspection. They approach at break-neck gallop." - from the Edison Catalog
Troop Ships for the Philippines
The S.S. Australia departs from San Francisco Bay, carrying American soldiers to the Philippines.
Fifth Avenue, New York
"The famous parade ground of Metropolitan fashion. Exquisitely gowned women, club men, actresses, millionaires pass by on their afternoon stroll." - from the Edison Catalog
Pillow Fight
“A comic subject, clear, bright and characteristic. Shows four girls in their night dresses, engaged in an animated pillow fight. During the action the pillows become torn, and the feathers fly over their heads and about the room in great numbers, producing with the white dresses and the black background a novel effect. Sharp, full of action, and popular in character.” (Edison Catalog)
The First Sleigh-Ride
“This subject taken just after the recent first fall of snow, shows two enthusiastic horsemen indulging in a "brush" with their respective horses and cutters.” (Maguire & Baucus)
Italienischer Bauerntanz
Two children, Ploetz and Larella, perform an Italian peasant dance.
Lone Fisherman
A fellow in a wide-brimmed hat, with a willowy stick for a rod and a baited hook, sits down on a plank hanging over a bridge above a stream. He sticks the rod under his seat and picks up his bottle to take a swig. Behind him creeps a joker who removes the large flagstone that's holding the fisherman's plank in place (IMDb)
Watermelon Contest
Two men have a contest to see which one can be the first to eat a large slice of watermelon.
Shooting the Chutes
The camera shows a water ride at Bergen Beach at Coney Island. A raised track filled with water forms a chute, and a small boat full of park visitors slides down the chute. Alongside, empty boats are hauled back up to the top of the ride.
Glenroy Bros., No. 2
The Glenroy Brothers perform a portion of their vaudeville act, "The Comic View of Boxing: The Tramp & the Athlete".
The Twins' Tea Party
Le goûter champêtre
A group of young women and children enjoy a rowdy picnic in the countryside.
Princess Ali
Princess Ali, of Barnum and Bailey's circus, performs an Egyptian dance in the Edison Company's studio. As she dances, some musicians perform in the background to provide accompaniment.
The Burning Stable
A burning wagon is dragged from the barn by the firemen, and four horses are rescued from the flames by the stablemen. Thick volumes of smoke pour from the doors and windows. (Edison catalog)
The two inventors of the Bioskop, a sort of magic lantern that projected images so fast as to give the illusion of movement, bow to the camera at both sides of an empty screen. The scene was shown in continuity, at the end of the session, as if the producers and directors of the session were beading the public a farewell.
A Morning Alarm
“This shows the Fire Department leaving headquarters for an early morning fire. The scene is remarkable for its natural effect. The opening of the engine house doors, the prancing of the horses, and even the startled expression upon the faces of the spectators are all clearly depicted.” (Edison Films, 1897)