Singam II (2013)
An Indian Police
ジャンル : アクション, コメディ, 犯罪
上映時間 : 2時間 46分
演出 : Hari
Picking up the storyline from where Singam ended, Duraisingam has gone undercover after meeting the Home Minister and is working as an NCC officer in a school in Thoothukudi. The only people who know about this operation are the Chief Minister and Home Minister apart from himself.
アメリカ中北部の田舎町を舞台に、偽装誘拐が引き起こす惨劇とそれに関わる人々の奇妙な姿を描いたユニークな犯罪ドラマ。 ミネソタ州ミネアポリスに住むカー・ディーラーのジェリー・ランディガード(W・H・メイシー)は借金返済のために自分の妻ジーンを誘拐し、会社のオーナーでもある義父から身代金をいただこうと考えた。誘拐を実行するのは、前科者の従業員から紹介された妙な二人組、カール(S・ブシェミ)とグリムスラッド(P・ストーメア)。だがジーンを自宅から誘拐した二人は、隣町ブレイナードまで逃げたところで、停車を命じた警官と目撃者を射殺してしまう。ブレイナードの女性警察署長マージ・ガンダーソン(F・マクドーマンド)は事件を追ってミネアポリスに赴くが、その間にも狂い始めた誘拐計画は次々と犠牲者を産んでいく……。 コーエン兄弟はその特異な作風で知られる、80~90年代アメリカ・インディペンデント映画界の雄だが、この作品はその真価がもっとも発揮された一編と言っていいだろう。実話を基にしているとはいえ、ほとんどは創作だというストーリー自体の面白さももちろんだが、個々のキャラクターのおかしさとさりげなくも効果的な台詞の数々は、ドラマの完成度を極限まで高めている。雪に覆われた白い町で起こる血みどろの物語。まさに“白のフィルム・ノワール”と呼んでもいい。カンヌ映画祭で監督賞に輝いただけでなく、アカデミーでは主演女優賞と脚本賞も獲得した逸品。
Law enforcement officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners stand up to the worst the streets have to offer with confidence and focus. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God... and to their children?
A very typical post-Soviet era storyline. A bunch of vagabonds lured an innocent teenage girl to their apartment, offered her a drink, intimidated, then gang raped her. Local cops are incapable to undertake an adequate actions against the scoundrels - prevented by the superior chief of the local police, who is the dad of one of the scumbags. The case is closed. The girl's granddad tired of an endless circumlocution decides to take revenge in his own hands.
When a mild-mannered businessman learns his identity has been stolen, he hits the road in an attempt to foil the thief -- a trip that puts him in the path of a deceptively harmless-looking woman.
『ロボコップ』の舞台は2028年。ロボット技術において世界をリードする企業オムニコープは、何十億ドルもの利益をもたらす千載一遇のチャンスを見つける。犯罪都市デトロイトで愛する妻と息子と共に暮らし、犯罪と腐敗を食い止める優秀な熱血警官であるアレックス・マーフィ が瀕死の重傷を負ったとき、オムニコープは半分人間、半分ロボットの警官を開発。全米中の都市にロボコップを配備することを目論むオムニコープは、たとえアレックスがどんな犠牲を支払うことになろうとも、この計画を成功させようとする。ただオムニコープにとって計算外だったのは、ロボットの身体の中で生き残った脳が、消された記憶をよみかえらせていったことだった。
A young mother and her twin sons move into a rural house that's marked for death.
During a handover to the head of counter-terrorism of MI5, Harry Pearce, a terrorist escapes custody. When Harry disappears soon after, his protégé is tasked with finding out what happened as an impending attack on London looms, and eventually uncovers a deadly conspiracy.
「ブライズメイズ 史上最悪のウェディングプラン」のポール・フェイグ監督が、同作で大ブレイクしたメリッサ・マッカーシーと再びタッグを組み、共演にサンドラ・ブロックを迎えて贈る全米大ヒット・アクション・コメディ。ボストンの麻薬組織を捜査するためコンビを組むハメになった堅物女FBI捜査官と地元の破天荒女刑事が繰り広げるドタバタ劇をコミカルに描く。
A case of the flu quickly morphs into a pandemic. As the death toll mounts and the living panic, the government plans extreme measures to contain it.
At the New York State University, one of Peter Parker's tutors has accidentally given three students all the materials they need to create an atomic bomb. While Peter Parker tries to find out what's happened, the police suspect him of the crime, and Peter has to deal with an attractive journalist determined to get an interview with Spider-Man. Then dastardly millionaire Mr. White shows up, and will stop at nothing to get his hands on the atomic bomb. Spider-Man must defeat this scheming villain and stop him blowing up the World Trade Centre.
The story, set in the backdrop of Nallore, a small town in Thoothukudi District, revolves around Sub-Inspector Durai Singam, a brave and just policeman who serves in his hometown primarily to fulfill his father’s wish. Durai Singam settles every dispute in his town patiently with his words of wisdom and resorts to force only when the situation demands it. Kavya, a city girl who comes on vacation to Nallore, falls in love with Durai Singam. Erimalai, Durai Singam's bumbling colleague and friend, often accompanies him.
A reputed cop from Tamil Nadu takes charge in Andhra Pradesh to solve the mysterious murder of a top police officer, and takes on local thugs and criminals during the course of his mission.
A thug, with his partners, is chosen to work for a criminal gang and he becomes the left-hand man of the leader. The leader declares a war against another criminal and the thug has to protect him despite losing his friends.
Madhumitha is convinced that she and her colleague Ashwin were lovers in their past lives and have been brought together by fate. Is there any truth to this or is she merely hallucinating?
A genetic engineering student tries to bring back the skills of a legend of the past and use his skills to save India from a deadly virus attack by China.
Deva works for Arumugam, a smuggler, who has taken care of him for many years. However, when his best friend gets killed, Deva decides to help the police to nab a dangerous drug lord.
A gangster in Malaysia goes in search of his family after 25 years of imprisonment.