The Luny Musician (1906)

ジャンル : 音楽, コメディ, ファンタジー

上映時間 : 3分

演出 : Georges Méliès


A crazy, rude musician gets some supernatural comeuppance.



Georges Méliès
Georges Méliès


A mysterious thief has stolen the prosperous Happy Valley's most prized possession: the musical Singing Harp. Can Mickey, Donald, and Goofy find the answer in the irritable Willie the Giant's magnificent castle up in the blue sky?
The Battle of the Century
Fight manager takes out an insurance policy on his puny pugilist and then proceeds to try to arrange for an accident so that he can collect.
大きな製鉄工場で働くチャーリーは、スパナを手にひたすらベルトコンベアーを流れる部品にねじを回し続けるという単純作業を繰り返していた。その様子はテレビモニターで監視され、休む暇もなく働かされていた。ある日、チャーリーは労働者の食事時間を節約するために作られた自動給食マシーンの実験台にされ散々な目に合わされる。その後も仕事を続けていく内にチャーリーは発狂し、トラブルを起こして精神病院送りになってしまう。ようやく退院を迎えた日、トラックから落ちた赤旗を拾い運転手に返そうと追いかけていく内にいつの間にか労働者のデモ隊の先導をきってしまい、そのリーダーと間違われて捕まって拘置所に入れられてしまう。脱獄囚を撃退した功績で模範囚として放免され造船所の仕事を紹介されるものの、上手くいかず辞めてしまい、あてもなく街をうろつく生活に陥ってしまう。 拘置所が恋しくなったチャーリーはわざと無銭飲食をして捕まえられるが、護送車の中でパンを盗んだ浮浪少女(ポーレット・ゴダード)と出会う。護送車が急カーブで横転し、外へ投げ出されたチャーリーと少女は逃亡。少女と意気投合したチャーリーは、2人のために家を建てるという夢を胸に一念発起とばかり働き出す。デパートの夜回り、工場の技師の助手と仕事を獲得するものの結局上手くいかず、2件とも警察沙汰になるという不運な結果に終わってしまう。その後少女が勤め始めたキャバレー[3]のウェイターの職を得る。見世物の「ティティナ」を歌って大成功したが、少女の微罪のため、そこも追われてしまう。やっとの思いで手に入れた幸福すらも失い悲しみに打ちひしがれる少女を、チャーリーは力強く励ます。 そして、二人は未来に希望を見出し、現代社会の冷たさと束縛に囚われない自由な生活を求めて共に旅立っていくのだった。
Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.
Minions: Home Makeover
A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.
Goofy's in the driver's seat, Mickey's in the kitchen, and Donald's in bed in Mickey's high-tech house trailer. When Goofy comes back to eat breakfast, leaving the car on autopilot, it takes them onto a dangerous closed mountain road. When Goofy realizes this, he accidentally unhooks the trailer, sending it on a perilous route. They come very close to disaster several times, while the oblivious Goofy drives on and hooks back up to them.
The Tramp gets drunk in a hotel lobby and causes some misunderstandings between Mabel and her lover.
Professor Barbenfouillis and five of his colleagues from the Academy of Astronomy travel to the Moon aboard a rocket propelled by a giant cannon. Once on the lunar surface, the bold explorers face the many perils hidden in the caves of the mysterious planet.
The mysterious Count Orlok summons Thomas Hutter to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen. After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger
With Love and Hisses
Dimwitted Cuthbert Hope is enlisted in the army, and gets himself and his sergeant in constant trouble.
晴れ ときどき くもり
Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answer lies up in the stratosphere, where cloud people sculpt babies from clouds and bring them to life. Gus, a lonely and insecure grey cloud, is a master at creating "dangerous" babies. Crocodiles, porcupines, rams and more - Gus's beloved creations are works of art, but more than a handful for his loyal delivery stork partner, Peck. As Gus's creations become more and more rambunctious, Peck's job gets harder and harder. How will Peck manage to handle both his hazardous cargo and his friend's fiery temperament?
Dragons ドラゴン・レースの幕開け
Marudase Kintarou
Makoto's grandfather was the principal of the great Onodera Academy, and when he passed away, he left Makoto and his school staff with one very important will - "The one man who is able to seduce Makoto with his superb sexual techniques will be given the right to take over as Onodera Academy's new principal!" Because of this ridiculous last request, Makoto is now every faculty member's target for sexual harassment! Desperate to protect his virginity, Makoto seeks help from his childhood friend (and the man who he has always loved), Kintaro.
トムとジェリー ワイルド・スピード
After being evicted from their old house by Tom's owner for causing major damage, cat and mouse Tom and Jerry enter a race entitled the "Fabulous Super Race" to win a mansion.
トロールズ みんなのハッピーホリデー!


A Roadside Inn
The staff of an inn play a cruel trick on a guest.
The Imperceptible Transmutations
This shows a prince entering upon the stage of the King's private theatre. He is about to do a few mystifying tricks for the amusement of the court.
Jack the Chimney Sweep
Jack is taken on a sea-snail to the lair of a fairy, who magically turns him into a prince. He thoroughly enjoys the dancing and fawning of the court. Then he wakes up, and it turns out that he's an ordinary chimney sweep.
A Moonlight Serenade
Pierrot goes to the house of his love to serenade her, but her father kicks him out. Soon the moon and its goddess Diana come towards the man and offers him something better.
Alcofribas, The Master Magician
Two men in a cave perform magic.
A Mesmerian Experiment
A magician creates a troupe of dancers out of thin air.
A Miracle Under the Inquisition
An inquisitor and two of his henchmen burn a woman at the stake. An angel intervenes.
The Bewitched Trunk
Bewitched trunk
Living Soap Bubbles
Melies the magician does tricks.
The Prophetess of Thebes
Partially lost film. One of the kings of ancient Thebes enters the abode of an astrologer and demands that he be told his future. The former utterly refuses to forecast the coming events of his sovereign, even under the pain of death; but he brings forth a priestess who possesses the powers of divination. This priestess is introduced in a wonderful way: a throne is brought forward, and then a box from which the pieces of a statue are removed and piled up in regular order; the statue suddenly becomes animated. The king implores the latter to foretell his life. She commands him to look through a telescope toward the side of the room. A vision appears. (Moving Picture World)
An Improvised Fireworks Display
On a city street, a number of men take advantage of an old drunken bum.
Rip's Dream
The Melies version of the old Rip Van Winkle tale.
French Cops Learning English
The seven-minute film takes place inside a classroom where some cops are learning English.
The Skipping Cheese
The interior of a trolley car. A menagerie of passengers notices a foul odour, and pinpoint the source of the stench at a cheese saleswoman. The gendarmerie removes her from the trolley and drags her to the precinct.
The New Lord of the Village
There's a scene in a village, then there's a scene out in the wilderness with what appear to be gods, and a giant crab, and a giant frog... then there's another scene in the village... and that's it.
The King and the Jester
French short about King Francis I and his jester Triboulet, who form the basis for Hugo's play Le roi s'amuse (and Verdi's opera Rigoletto).
Rogues' Tricks
Fun film from French master Georges Melies has a couple burglar's breaking into a man's home and having to hide when that man returns. Instead of a trick film or something that he's known for, the director really changes gears here and instead delivers what's basically an action movie.
Robert Macaire and Bertrand
Robert Macaire (Chevalier Macaire) was a noted criminal and assassin who appears in French plays. His name is renowned in French culture as that of the archetypal villain.
The Christmas Angel
A poor family in a rundown house where snow falls through the broken roof, there's no coal to heat the pathetic little stove, mother is sick, father sends daughter out to beg. Rejected by other beggars, the girl collapses in the snow…
In the Bogie Man's Cave
The Bogie Man's cave is one of the many triumphs of set design for Georges Méliès. More unusual for the pioneering French director is the grisly turn when the monster chops up his servant for a steaming pot of stew. But the Bogie Man’s guilty conscience weighs on him, plaguing his sleep with even more fantastic visions of just deserts. (Max Goldberg, Fandor)