
ミッキーの移動住宅 (1938)

ジャンル : アニメーション, コメディ

上映時間 : 7分

演出 : Ben Sharpsteen


Goofy's in the driver's seat, Mickey's in the kitchen, and Donald's in bed in Mickey's high-tech house trailer. When Goofy comes back to eat breakfast, leaving the car on autopilot, it takes them onto a dangerous closed mountain road. When Goofy realizes this, he accidentally unhooks the trailer, sending it on a perilous route. They come very close to disaster several times, while the oblivious Goofy drives on and hooks back up to them.


Pinto Colvig
Pinto Colvig
Goofy (voice)
Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Mickey Mouse (voice)
Clarence Nash
Clarence Nash
Donald Duck (voice)


Ben Sharpsteen
Ben Sharpsteen
Louie Schmitt
Louie Schmitt
Johnny Cannon
Johnny Cannon
Don Patterson
Don Patterson
Clyde Geronimi
Clyde Geronimi
Tom Palmer
Tom Palmer
Cy Young
Cy Young
Frenchy de Trémaudan
Frenchy de Trémaudan
Ed Love
Ed Love
Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Jack Kinney
Jack Kinney
Oliver Wallace
Oliver Wallace
James MacDonald
James MacDonald
Sound Effects


Tribe: The Untold Story of the Making of Vice Cops
Two brave young men set out to create the greatest film drama of all time. What comes next turns out to be much bigger than they ever expected.
The feline and weary body of a young girl is surrounded by Christian symbols. Crosses, Sulpician images, miniature altars lose their religious meaning to become merely decorative items. Mixed with plastic toys and photographs, they compose secular still lives. A church service is observed surreptitiously through a ground-floor window, like some strange custom, only to be interrupted by the sound of a moped backfiring, inviting the girl to take flight. This religious setting, often filmed in countershot to the beautiful faces of three teenagers, then gives way to wide shots of the luxuriant nature they are bathed in. Their nimble, young bodies find a perfect refuge in the comfortable branches of a mango tree. But at this age, the thirst for thrills cannot be restricted to a familiar setting. The trio hits the road. Without bothering with narrative dross, Heliconia offers a sensual road-trip and gorgeous tableaux vivants that do justice to film as a medium.
As a poisonous dust cloud is heading towards their house, a mother and father will have to choose between sacrificing one of their three children or taking the risk of losing them all.
De excellentie
A woman wants to help her husband get a job by contacting a former lover, now prime minister.
Bastaard halve prijs
A woman is looking for a new man and settles for a bastard available for half the price.
Everybody he encounters appears to be having the head of an animal, so the man starts to question his sanity.
To be or Not to be
A wealthy man, who is financially depend on his wife, hits the car to kill himself. Car owners and friends bring the man home. After the man wakes up, he asks them to kill him and even offers money. Describing the gap and difference between rich and poor, the short film surprises everyone with unexpected final.
China, China
China walks towards the Lisbon district of Martim Moniz. In its wake, the children shout: China! China! China will leave at dawn, will fly away. Just wants to be happy. But drinking her own poison without leaving a drop. Sometimes the air is laden with iniquity and purgatory is a kindergarten...
The Psychotic Odyssey of Richard Chase
The true story of the killer, told in a unique fashion. (Jack Sargeant)
Dogs of War!
The gang wages war using old vegetables as munitions. Later, they ruin a movie in progress when they double-expose the film.
Giants vs. Yanks
The gang, after a premature end to their baseball game, find themselves quarantined in an elegant home, which they proceed to destroy.
The Champeen
Mickey and Jackie feud over Mary, so Sammy schedules a championship bout between the two rivals.
The Big Show
The gang creates its own makeshift county fair, highlighted by a "movie," which is really a clever stage performance.
No Noise
Entertaining Our Gang comedy has poor Mickey in the hospital being fed castor oil when his friends stop by to pay him a visit. As you'd expect, the kids start making all sorts of noise so the doctors decide to teach them a lesson by scaring them.
Boys to Board
A kindly old schoolteacher helps the gang escape from a cruel boarding school, but they wind up in a bootlegger's booby-trapped house.
A Pleasant Journey
Ernie and Farina anger the police force with their shoeshine scheme. Later, the gang switches places with some runaways about to board a train.
Lodge Night
This one has to be seen to be believed. Apparently the gang has witnessed a Ku Klux Klan meeting. They decide to form their own lodge. They call themselves the Cluck Cluck Clams. There is nothing racist about their lodge, which includes member Sunshine Sammy Morrison. The film ends with a chase. The gang gets tangled up with bank robbers. Sunshine Sammy gets his uncle and his pals to chase the bank robbers with the gang riding along.
Back Stage
The gang operates a donkey-propelled tour bus. Later, a cut-rate vaudeville producer hires them to help out with his show, which they wreck.
The Cobbler
A cobbler receives his back pension and invites the gang to celebrate with a picnic, but his car stalls along the way.
Derby Day
After the gang goes to the horse races, they decide to have a derby of their own.


Ebenezer Scrooge is far too greedy to understand that Christmas is a time for kindness and generosity. But with the guidance of some new found friends, Scrooge learns to embrace the spirit of the season. A retelling of the classic Dickens tale with Disney's classic characters.
A mysterious thief has stolen the prosperous Happy Valley's most prized possession: the musical Singing Harp. Can Mickey, Donald, and Goofy find the answer in the irritable Willie the Giant's magnificent castle up in the blue sky?
Mickey Mouse, piloting a steamboat, delights his passenger, Minnie, by making musical instruments out of the menagerie on deck.
Minnie's old friend, Mortimer Mouse, drops in on Mickey and Minnie's picnic. His practical jokes and coming on to Minnie soon have Mickey stewing, and their car isn't happy either. When Mortimer gets a nearby bull enraged and takes off, the car comes to the rescue after Mickey gets tangled up in a red blanket.
It's time to laugh like crazy as Mickey, Goofy and Donald fight against raging gears, twisted springs, deafening bells and a sleeping stork. Watch them reach new heights of humor as their valiant efforts to clean a bell tower turn into a real circus!
On a dark and stormy night, four bored ghosts decide to have some fun by calling the "Ajax Ghost Exterminators." Shriek with laughter as ghost hunters Mickey, Donald and Goofy are scared silly by the hilarious haunts and taunts of these spirited pranksters!
With King Richard off to the Crusades, Prince John and his slithering minion, Sir Hiss, set about taxing Nottingham's citizens with support from the corrupt sheriff - and staunch opposition by the wily Robin Hood and his band of merry men.
一人暮らしのゼペットじぃさんは、木でつくった人形に【ピノキオ】と名づけ、星に「自分の子どもになりますように…」と願いをかける。するとブルーフェアリーが現れ、魔法でピノキオに命を授け「勇気を持って生き、正直で優しければいつか本当の人間になれる」と言い残して去って行く。 学校へ通うようになったピノキオだが、いろいろな誘惑に惑わされてしまい…。
美しく心優しい白雪姫。その美しさを妬む継母の女王から命を脅かされ、森の奥深くに逃れた白雪姫は、7人のこびとたち―おとぼけ、ねぼすけ、くしゃみ、てれすけ、ごきげん、先生、おこりんぼ―と出会い、一緒に暮らし始める。 ある日、老婆に姿を変えた女王が訪ねて来て、毒リンゴを口にしてしまった白雪姫。横たわる白雪姫の傍らで悲しむこびとたちの元に王子様が現れて…。
ロンドンに住む作曲家ロジャーと飼い犬のダルメシアン、ポンゴ。二人はとても仲良し。ある日、二人は公園でアニータという女性と彼女の愛犬、雌ダルメシアンのパディータと出会います。 彼らは互いに仲良くなり、ロジャーとアニータは結婚することになりました。もちろん、ポンゴとパディータも。 ロジャーとアニータよりも先に、ポンゴとパディータの間に15匹の子犬が生まれました。愛情を込めて子犬たちを育てていた彼らのもとに、クルエラという悪女がやって来ました。 彼女は犬の毛皮が大好きで、子犬たちを誘拐してしまいました。このままでは、子犬たちが毛皮にされてしまいます。 かわいい子どもたちを失う訳にはいかないポンゴとパディータは仲間の犬達に協力を求め、クルエラのアジトを特定することに成功します。 いざ子犬救出のためにアジトに乗り込むと、なんとそこには99匹の子犬が!全員引き連れての脱出劇が幕を開ける。