Storm Sign (1914)

ジャンル : 戦争

上映時間 : 19分

演出 : Willy Zeyn Sr.


The 2nd of August 1914 - mobilization day. French troops invade German territory and occupy an inn. The innkeeper's daughter reports the attack. The French soldiers are overpowered.


Erwin Fichtner
Erwin Fichtner
Hanni Weisse
Hanni Weisse


Willy Zeyn Sr.
Willy Zeyn Sr.


The Kill Team
When Andrew Briggman—a young soldier in the US invasion of Afghanistan—witnesses other recruits killing innocent civilians under the direction of a sadistic Sergeant, he considers reporting them to higher-ups. However, the heavily-armed and increasingly-violent platoon becomes suspicious that someone in their ranks has turned on them, and Andrew begins to fear that he'll be the next target.
One of the most celebrated war correspondents of our time, Marie Colvin is an utterly fearless and rebellious spirit, driven to the frontlines of conflicts across the globe to give voice to the voiceless.
始まりも、超過激 世界大戦を止めろ!超過激なファースト・ミッション始動!!表の顔は、高貴なる英国紳士。裏の顔は、世界最強のスパイ組織“キングスマン”。国家に属さないこの秘密結社の最初の任務は、世界大戦を終わらせることだった…!──1914年。世界大戦を密かに操る謎の狂団に、英国貴族のオックスフォード公と息子コンラッドが立ち向かう。人類破滅へのタイムリミットが迫る中、彼らは仲間たちと共に戦争を止めることができるのか?歴史の裏に隠されたキングスマン誕生秘話を描く、超過激スパイ・アクションシリーズ第3弾。最も過激なファースト・ミッションが始まる!
トールキン 旅のはじまり
England, early 20th century. The future writer and philologist John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) and three of his schoolmates create a strong bond between them as they share the same passion for literature and art, a true fellowship that strengthens as they grow up, but the outbreak of World War I threatens to shatter it.
戦狼 ウルフ・オブ・ウォー
アフリカ、マダガスカル海域。一人の男が、海賊に襲われた貨物船を救出した。男の名はレン。元特殊部隊「戦狼」の精鋭だ。とある事件から軍籍を剥奪されたレンは、反政府 勢力に殺害された恋人・ロンの敵を討つべく、この地に渡っていたのだ。しかし、その最中、反乱が勃発。命からがら護衛艦に避難したレンだが、戦闘地域に民間人が取り残されているという話を耳にし、単独、戦地に舞い戻る。
アウトロー・キング スコットランドの英雄
Balkan Line
After the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the Yugoslav army pulls out of Kosovo region, leaving Serbian people at the mercy of the Albanian UCK terrorists. A small band of soldiers must take over the Slatina airport, and hold it until the Russian peacekeepers arrive.
A first-time captain leads a convoy of allied ships carrying thousands of soldiers across the treacherous waters of the “Black Pit” to the front lines of WW2. With no air cover protection for 5 days, the captain and his convoy must battle the surrounding enemy Nazi U-boats in order to give the allies a chance to win the war.
The story of the Polish fliers who found themselves fighting for the freedom of their own country in foreign skies. Seen through the eyes of a Polish fighter ace and adventurer, it tells how the Poles—driven across Europe by the German war machine—finally make their last stand. Flying Hurricanes for the RAF over Britain, they became a key component in the legend of ‘The Few’. Up against the might of the Luftwaffe they hoped that, by saving Great Britain from Nazi invasion, they were keeping the dream of a free Poland alive.
Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan
Vietnam War, 1966. Australia and New Zealand send troops to support the United States and South Vietnamese in their fight against the communist North. Soldiers are very young men, recruits and volunteers who have never been involved in a combat. On August 18th, members of Delta Company will face the true horror of a ruthless battle among the trees of a rubber plantation called Long Tân. They are barely a hundred. The enemy is a human wave ready to destroy them.
The Resistance Banker
In the occupied Netherlands during World War II, banker Walraven van Hall is asked to use his financial contacts to help the Dutch resistance. With his brother Gijs, he comes up with a risky plan to take out huge loans and use the money to finance the Resistance.
T-34 レジェンド・オブ・ウォー
安市城 グレート・バトル