
Στη Μάχη Της Κρήτης (1970)

ジャンル : 戦争, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 22分

演出 : Vasilis Georgiadis
脚本 : Juliana San José de la Fuente, Ignacio F. Iquino


The picture is set during Battle of Greece and Crete Battle in 1941, after the fall of the mainland when the Germans entered Athens.


Hristos Politis
Hristos Politis
Stephanos Stratigos
Stephanos Stratigos
Captain Andreadis
Giorgos Tzortzis
Giorgos Tzortzis
Anthony Fletcher
Giota Soimoiri
Giota Soimoiri
Maria Pia Conte
Maria Pia Conte
Anna Gordon
Paolo Casella
Paolo Casella
Lieutenant Bob Tucker (as Paul Sullivan)
Ángel del Pozo
Ángel del Pozo
Fernando Sancho
Fernando Sancho
Felix and Maria's father


Vasilis Georgiadis
Vasilis Georgiadis
Juliana San José de la Fuente
Juliana San José de la Fuente
James Paris
James Paris
Enrique Escobar
Enrique Escobar
Original Music Composer
Dimitris Papakonstadis
Dimitris Papakonstadis
Julio Pérez de Rozas
Julio Pérez de Rozas
Antonio Graciani hijo
Antonio Graciani hijo
Antonio Graciani
Antonio Graciani
Vincenzo Vanni
Vincenzo Vanni
Juliana San José de la Fuente
Juliana San José de la Fuente
Ignacio F. Iquino
Ignacio F. Iquino
Ignacio F. Iquino
Ignacio F. Iquino


「フォレスト・ガンプ 一期一会」「バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー」の名匠ロバート・ゼメキス監督のもと、ブラッド・ピットとマリオン・コティヤールが豪華共演を果たし、過酷な時代に翻弄されながら究極の愛を試される男女の運命を描いたラブストーリー。 1942年、カサブランカ。秘密諜報員のマックスとフランス軍レジスタンスのマリアンヌは、ある重大なミッションを通して運命の出会いを果たす。それは、夫婦を装って敵の裏をかき、ドイツ大使を狙うというものだった。その後、ロンドンで再会した2人は恋に落ちるが、マリアンヌは誰にも言えない秘密を抱えていた。 「イースタン・プロミス」「オン・ザ・ハイウェイ その夜、86分」のスティーブン・ナイトが脚本を手がけた。
Spanish photographer Francesc Boix, imprisoned in the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, works in the SS Photographic Service. Between 1943 and 1945, he hides, with the help of other prisoners, thousands of negatives, with the purpose of showing the freed world the atrocities committed by the Nazis, exhaustively documented. He will be a key witness during the Nuremberg Trials.
ユダヤ人を救った動物園 〜アントニーナが愛した命〜
The account of keepers of the Warsaw Zoo, Jan and Antonina Zabinski, who helped save hundreds of people and animals during the Nazi invasion.
イレーナ・センドラー 2500人の命のために
Irena Sendler is a Catholic social worker who has sympathized with the Jews since her childhood, when her physician father died of typhus contracted while treating poor Jewish patients. When she initially proposes saving Jewish children from the Warsaw Ghetto, her idea is met with skepticism by fellow workers, her parish priest, and even her own mother Janina.
『ライフ・イズ・ビューティフル』(原題:La vita è bella、英題:Life Is Beautiful)は、1997年のイタリア映画。ロベルト・ベニーニ監督・脚本・主演作品。第二次世界大戦下のユダヤ人迫害(ホロコースト)を、ユダヤ系イタリア人の親子の視点から描いた作品である。 カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員グランプリを受賞。第71回米国アカデミー賞で作品賞ほか7部門にノミネートされ、そのうち、主演男優賞、作曲賞、外国語映画賞を受賞した。また、トロント国際映画祭の観客賞やセザール賞の外国映画賞も受賞している。
The Catcher Was a Spy
Former major league baseball player Moe Berg lives a double life working for the Office of Strategic Services in World War II Europe.
The Birdcatcher
Norway, 1942, during World War II. After being separated from her family, Esther, a young Jewish girl from Trondheim, arrives at an isolated farm where she must assume a new identity in order to survive the Nazi persecution.
Betrayed by an informant, Philippe Gerbier finds himself trapped in a torturous Nazi prison camp. Though Gerbier escapes to rejoin the Resistance in occupied Marseilles, France, and exacts his revenge on the informant, he must continue a quiet, seemingly endless battle against the Nazis in an atmosphere of tension, paranoia and distrust.
The Resistance Banker
In the occupied Netherlands during World War II, banker Walraven van Hall is asked to use his financial contacts to help the Dutch resistance. With his brother Gijs, he comes up with a risky plan to take out huge loans and use the money to finance the Resistance.
冒険小説の巨匠アリステア・マクリーンのベストセラーを映画化。原作者自らが脚本も担当したアクション大作。 第2次大戦中、“鷲の城”と呼ばれる難攻不落のドイツ軍要塞に捕らわれの身となったアメリカの将軍を救出するため、スミス少佐(リチャード・バートン)率いる6人のイギリス諜報部員と、アメリカ軍シェイファー中尉(クリント・イーストウッド)による特殊部隊が、鷲の城に侵入する。しかし状況は二転三転、意外な事実が明らかにされていく…。


Τα Δίδυμα
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Η Οδύσσεια Ενός Ξεριζωμένου
Vasilis Karatzoglou is a successful singer who lives with his mother and sister having lost his father in the destruction of Smyrni. From an old man learns that his father did not die but was arrested by the Turks. He decides to follow the scientific mission of Professor John Anderson in Turkey, to find traces of his father.
Φοβάται Ο Γιάννης Το Θεριό...
Pericles, a barber, leaves his homeland and goes to Africa to hunt wild animals. Someday he decides to return and his adventure is about to begin...
Καθένας Με Την Τρέλλα Του...
Three stories everyday madness. A retired headmaster angers me when I see the marks of his granddaughter and soon discovers that most education is dominated by bribing. A civil servant who lives a boring life with his wife and his mother in law, and a woman who has been trying for years to get its land in the city plan!
Το Πέρασμα
Two soldiers are coming back home, an accident on their way will change their lives forever.
Χάρρυ Κλυνν Και Πάσης Ελλάδος
A super revue of Harry Klynn with a lot of humor.
Ο Τρελλάρας
An avid fan of football and fan of Panathinaikos falls for the daughter a fan of Olympiakos. The effort to reconcile with the father of the girl, and perennial football rival, will be full of misunderstandings and humorous.
Na zi kaneis i na mi zi?
After his business' bankrupcy, Giorgos Alexiou decides to commit suicide. Rosa, his cousin's wife who stand to benefit form his death, hires a private detective to keep an eye on him in case he changes his mind. Minas, Giorgos' employee, becomes Giorgos' guardian angel preventing the suicide at the last minute.
A woman murders her disabled husband and informs his brother (with whom she is having an affair), but she realizes she has misdialed and accidentally confessed her crime to a stranger. The caller attempts to blackmail her, but when he tries to rape her she kills him in the struggle. Worse still, her doctor and lover inform her to say nothing because her husband has been dead for eight months and everything that has happened she has imagined.
Ο τελευταίος... άντρας
Kosmas has his views on women challenged when an old friend and his wife visit him.
The Lake of Sighs
Ioannina, in the beginning of the 19th century. The whole Greece is under Turks. Ioannina is governed by the fierce and vulgar Ali Pasas. Ali’s eldest son, Muchtar, falls in love with a young Greek widow, Frosyni. The problem is, he’s married to the vindictive and cruel Chanife. And the muslim penalty for having an affair with a married man is death…
A prostitute (Evdokia) meets a sergeant (Yorgos). They fall in love and get married after a short love affair. Her profession, however, is a barrier for their relationship. They try to stay together and overcome their inner conflicts, but the social environment crushes them.
Roza of Smyrna
An avid collector of Greek objects in Asia Minor, Dimitris, prepares an exhibition on multicultural life in Smyrna before World War I. In a trip to Izmir his girlfriend Rita, he finds in a small antique shop a Greek wedding dress that is stained with blood and an old photograph that send him on a journey to bridge the past with the present.
I Loved a Pontian
The feelings of a young lady for a Pontian Greek, whom his fellow countrymen call "the disgrace of Pontus", is obvious to everyone. Kostikas, however, doesn't notice her feelings because his mind is elsewhere. He is trying to become the president of the football team of New Pontus, in order to take the place of Giorikas, who happens to be in love with the lady in question.
Θα Το Πάρεις Το Κορίτσι;
Fondas is a Greek butcher and he puts his family honor before everything else.
Διαρήκτης... Με Το Ζόρι
Mihalis is an honest locksmith but four businessmen have other plans for him.
Αχτύπητα... Καμάκια!!
The adventures of a bunch of young lovers in Greece.
Γέλιο Με Δόσεις
A young Casanova falls in love with a tallyman-woman who keeps persisting knocking at his door everyday.
Γύφτικη Κομπανία
When Tamtakos' house is brought down by the bulldozer a record company makes him a proposition for a new band.
Ο Γυφτοαριστοκράτης
The peddler Tamtakos dreams of becoming an aristocrat and get into the big time. His dream takes shape when inheriting a large fortune. Receptions, top hats, hard collars, opulence, enabling the source and inexhaustible Tamtako overcome all the limits ...