
Derailed (1942)

ジャンル : 犯罪, ドラマ, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 42分

演出 : Bodil Ipsen, Lau Lauritzen Jr.


A young woman of good family is driven into one of thieves and prostitutes and ends in suicide.


Poul Reumert
Poul Reumert
Professor Bøgh
Illona Wieselmann
Illona Wieselmann
Esther Berthelsen
Ebbe Rode
Ebbe Rode
Janus Jensen
Johannes Meyer
Johannes Meyer
Organisten 'Bessefar'
Ib Schønberg
Ib Schønberg
Tove Grandjean
Tove Grandjean
Jenny 'Bælam' Sørensen
Sigrid Horne-Rasmussen
Sigrid Horne-Rasmussen
Lotte Cloc
Lise Thomsen
Lise Thomsen
Misse Lillebil
Sigurd Langberg
Sigurd Langberg
Kriminalassistent Lønberg
Jørn Jeppesen
Jørn Jeppesen
Bjarne Forchhammer
Bjarne Forchhammer
Erik Berthelsen
Eigil Reimers
Eigil Reimers
Mogens Berner
Jeanne Darville
Jeanne Darville
Fru Berner
Preben Lerdorff Rye
Preben Lerdorff Rye
Willy Hansen
Aage Winther-Jørgensen
Aage Winther-Jørgensen
Jens Kjeldby
Jens Kjeldby
Karl Goos
Karl Goos
Lau Lauritzen Jr.
Lau Lauritzen Jr.
Povl Wøldike
Povl Wøldike
Carl Lundbeck
Carl Lundbeck
Hedvig Pedersen
Hedvig Pedersen


Bodil Ipsen
Bodil Ipsen
Lau Lauritzen Jr.
Lau Lauritzen Jr.
Karl Schlüter
Karl Schlüter
Theatre Play
Svend Rindom
Svend Rindom
Alf Schnéevoigt
Alf Schnéevoigt


ハロルドとモード 少年は虹を渡る
A clinically depressed teenager gets a new start after he checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward.
ロッジ -白い惨劇-
When a father is forced to abruptly depart for work, he leaves his children, Aidan and Mia, at their holiday home in the care of his new girlfriend, Grace. Isolated and alone, a blizzard traps them inside the lodge as terrifying events summon specters from Grace's dark past.
Cake ケーキ ~悲しみが通り過ぎるまで~
大学時代親友同士だったファランとラージューは、ある日同窓のチャトルから母校に呼び出される。チャトルは二人に、ランチョーというかつての学友の消息がつかめたことを話し、探しに行こうと持ちかけるのだった。 10年前、インド屈指の難関工科大学ICE(Imperial College of Engineering)。それぞれに家庭の期待を受けて入学してきたファランとラージュー、そして自由奔放な天才ランチョーの三人は寮でルームメイトとなる。何をするにも一緒の3人はしばしばバカ騒ぎをやらかし、学長や秀才だったチャトル等から"3 idiots"(三バカ)と呼ばれ目の敵にされていた。 物語は10年前の大学におけるエピソードと現代のランチョーを探す3人の旅を織り交ぜながら、やがてファラン達も知らなかった彼の秘密に迫っていく。
8 1/2
言わずと知れたF・フェリーニ監督の代表的作品。映画監督のグイドはある日、自分の体が空中を落下する夢を見る。現実生活の日常に纏わる様々な精神的・肉体的な疲れを癒す為、彼は療養と称して温泉に出掛けるが、そこでも仕事や生活から逃れることが出来ない。そして彼はついに、自分が温泉で余生を過ごしている老人達の中にいるという幻覚を見はじめるが……。本作は、フェリーニ監督自身の自伝的な作品であり、その描き方も、現実と幻想を並行して描くなど秀逸! 絶対に見るべし!!
夜神 月(やがみ ライト)はある日、奇妙な黒いノートを拾う。それは死神・リュークが落とした、ノートに名前を書かれた人間が死ぬ「デスノート」だった。犯罪者を裁く法律に限界を感じていた月は、世の中を変えるため、ノートの力で犯罪者を次々と葬り始める。やがて犯罪者を葬る者の存在に気付いた人々は殺し屋(=Killer)の意味から「キラ」と呼び始め、キラを神と崇め崇拝する者まで現れた。 一方、警察組織はキラの行為はあくまでも連続殺人であるとし、その調査・解決のためにある人物を送り込んだ。警察を裏から指揮し、数々の難事件を解決してきた世界的名探偵L(エル)である。 天才同士の戦い、求める世界の違いから起こったこの闘いに勝つのは死神の力を持つキラか、それとも警察を動かすLか。
過去との決別のために新天地に来たグレタ は、老夫婦と暮らす8歳の男の子のベビーシッターのアルバイトとしての仕事に就いた。しかしその少年は人間サイズの人形だった…。冗談かと思い笑うグレタを前に、老夫婦はその人形を「ブラームス」と呼び人間として溺愛しグレタを驚愕させる。さらにその人形を世話するときの「必ず守らなくてはいけない」10のルールを知らされグレタは衝撃を受ける。やがて老夫婦が旅行に出かけ不在になった屋敷でグレタがルールを無視し始めた時から人形に奇妙な現象がおき始める。それは想像を絶する惨劇の始まりだった。一体人形に何が起こりはじめたのか?
In post–War England, a writer and sometime-ghost hunter investigates a reported haunting at a boys boarding school.
インビジブル 暗殺の旋律を弾く女
A blind musician hears a murder committed in the apartment upstairs from hers that sends her down a dark path into London's gritty criminal underworld.
2035年のシカゴ。ロボットは人間の日常生活に欠かせない存在となっており、人間とロボットの共存は、3原則によって守られていた。 一. ロボットは、人間に危害を加えてはならない。 一. ロボットは、人間から与えられた命令に服従しなければならない。 一. ロボットは、前掲第一条及び第二条に反する恐れのない限り、自己を守らなければならない。ある日、ロボット開発の権威である科学者が謎の死を遂げる。その死にロボットの関与を疑ったスプーナー刑事は、ロボット心理学者カルヴィン博士の協力のもと、その謎を究明していく。そして、想像を絶する恐ろしくも巨大な陰謀に巻き込まれていくのであった・・・・・・。


The Face of Truth
Lau Lauritzen plays an ordinary architect, with a wife and a son. He gets accused for killing a 10-year old girl, and of course nobody doubts he's the one. Even his wife and his uncle has trouble believing him, but at least they don't tell him.
En pige uden lige
Der kom en dag
Be Dear to Me
The Danish Ingen tid til Kaertegn (Be Dear to Me) is heavily reliant on the appeal of its star, 8-year-old Eva Cohn. Our heroine is the neglected child of a businessman father and actress mother. Feeling that happiness lies well outside her own backyard, Eva goes on a search for that happiness. The longer she stays away, the more her parents realize that they've unfairly ignored her. The plot is nothing new: it's what is done with it that pleases the eye and ear. Ingen tid til Kaertegn was one of the more popular entries in the 1957 Berlin Film Festival.
People Meet and Sweet Music Fills the Heart
A dancer and a Danish student meet on a train; she is going on tour to Rio, and he decides to follow her. Based on the novel by Jens August Schade.
Street Without End
That Brief Summer
Those Damned Kids
Directed by Danish filmmakers Bjarne and Astrid Henning-Jensen, THOSE BLASTED KIDS tells a story of a group of back-alley urchins that is considered Denmark’s first true children’s film.
A group of better-off thirty-somethings meet for a weekend in Knud and Beth's home. The host couple is prone to bickering regularly. The married couples (Jan and Ilse, and Kjeld and Tove) that are visiting understand and try to stay out of the way. Bachelor Lars, however, comes into his own and is a constant source of provocative comments.
Did Somebody Laugh?
The late 1930s. A young enemployed, unskilled worker walks through the streets of Copenhagen, sustaining himself partly on the dole and free soup-kitchen meals and partly on day-dreams. He spends time at a cemetry studying headstone inscriptions. Mild-mannered and of poetic bent, he understands little of an intellectual friend's advice and shies away from the love of a woman who shares her bed with him.
The Ballad of Carl-Henning
Carl-Henning (Jasper Klein) is a young man working as an apprentice on a dairy farm in the Danish marshland. When he isn't working, he tinkers on a disabled car and dreams of a young girl who is a local student. After a few too many beers one night, he steals some money from the till at work. He is caught by the foreman, who beats the young man. Carl-Henning defends himself and knocks the man down a flight of stairs. Convinced he has murdered the man, Carl runs away and joins up with a traveling carnival. Although the foreman has only a slight bump on the head and all is forgiven, Carl never receives word he is welcome to return and begins a series of adventures that take him far beyond the farm.
Jenny and the Soldier
A good natured soldier with a killer right hand, falls in love with a beautiful girl who has a troubled past.
Ang. Lone
'Ang.: Lone' is a sort of social realist 'rebellious teen movie'. It tells the story of a troubled, emotionally confused, and defiant 16-year-old girl called Lone. Lone runs away from a girls' home in Jutland and travels to the home of her foster parents. Her visit quickly gives rise to a conflict so she travels onward to Copenhagen. In Copenhagen she enters into lower and middle class milieus and the hippiesque underground, but she runs away from each of these because she manages to start conflicts with most people by acting aggressively aggrieved. Lone finds a boyfriend and becomes pregnant during the couple of months she spends in Copenhagen before she is found and placed in a mothers' home which she eventually runs away from in order to have an illegal abortion.
Directed by Knud Leif Thomsen
Ole Ernst stars as an energetic conman lured into trying to set a factory on fire to catch in on the insurance. The plan backfires and both the factory owner, his wife and the conman hunted by the police must flee to Sweden.
Café Paradis
Café Paradis is an award-winning Danish film made in 1950, directed by Bodil Ipsen and Lau Lauritzen Jr., and written by Johannes Allen. The film received the Bodil Award for Film of the Year, and Ib Schønberg, for what is regarded his finest performance, received the Bodil Award for Best Supporting Actor.
Discretion Wanted
In order to supplement the family income, Marius Bastrup rents his unused rooms to young women looking for a "discreet stay." The drama in the film revolves around the young women and their circumstances, especially as it relates to one girl's abortion.