
8 1/2 (1963)

A picture that goes beyond what men think about - because no man ever thought about it in quite this way!

ジャンル : ファンタジー, ドラマ

上映時間 : 2時間 19分

演出 : Federico Fellini
脚本 : Federico Fellini, Ennio Flaiano, Tullio Pinelli, Brunello Rondi


言わずと知れたF・フェリーニ監督の代表的作品。映画監督のグイドはある日、自分の体が空中を落下する夢を見る。現実生活の日常に纏わる様々な精神的・肉体的な疲れを癒す為、彼は療養と称して温泉に出掛けるが、そこでも仕事や生活から逃れることが出来ない。そして彼はついに、自分が温泉で余生を過ごしている老人達の中にいるという幻覚を見はじめるが……。本作は、フェリーニ監督自身の自伝的な作品であり、その描き方も、現実と幻想を並行して描くなど秀逸! 絶対に見るべし!!


Marcello Mastroianni
Marcello Mastroianni
Guido Anselmi
Claudia Cardinale
Claudia Cardinale
Anouk Aimée
Anouk Aimée
Luisa Anselmi
Sandra Milo
Sandra Milo
Rossella Falk
Rossella Falk
Barbara Steele
Barbara Steele
Gloria Morin
Madeleine Lebeau
Madeleine Lebeau
Madeleine, the French Actress
Caterina Boratto
Caterina Boratto
Mysterious Lady
Eddra Gale
Eddra Gale
La Saraghina
Guido Alberti
Guido Alberti
Pace, the Producer
Mario Conocchia
Mario Conocchia
Conocchia, the Production Manager
Bruno Agostini
Bruno Agostini
Bruno, the Second Production Secretary
Cesarino Miceli Picardi
Cesarino Miceli Picardi
Cesarino, the Production Supervisor
Jean Rougeul
Jean Rougeul
Carini, the Film Critic
Mario Pisu
Mario Pisu
Mario Mezzabotta
Yvonne Casadei
Yvonne Casadei
Jacqueline Bonbon
Ian Dallas
Ian Dallas
Maurice, Maya's Assistant
Mino Doro
Mino Doro
Claudia's Agent
Nadia Sanders
Nadia Sanders
Nadine, the Hostess
Georgia Simmons
Georgia Simmons
Guido's Grandmother
Edy Vessel
Edy Vessel
The Model
Tito Masini
Tito Masini
The Cardinal
Annie Gorassini
Annie Gorassini
Producer's Friend
Rossella Como
Rossella Como
Luisa's Friend
Mark Herron
Mark Herron
Luisa's Suitor
Marisa Colomber
Marisa Colomber
Guido's Aunt
Neil Robinson
Neil Robinson
The French Actress's Agent
Elisabetta Catalano
Elisabetta Catalano
Matilde, Luisa's Sister
Eugene Walter
Eugene Walter
The American Journalist
Hazel Rogers
Hazel Rogers
La negretta
Gilda Dahlberg
Gilda Dahlberg
American Journalist's Wife
Mario Tarchetti
Mario Tarchetti
Claudia's Press Office
Mary Indovino
Mary Indovino
Maya, the Clairvoyant
Frazier Rippy
Frazier Rippy
The Lay Secretary
Francesco Rigamonti
Francesco Rigamonti
Luisa's Friend
Giulio Paradisi
Giulio Paradisi
A Friend
Marco Gemini
Marco Gemini
Guido as a Child
Giuditta Rissone
Giuditta Rissone
Guido's Mother
Annibale Ninchi
Annibale Ninchi
Guido's Father
Dina De Santis
Dina De Santis
Dina (uncredited)
Eva Gioia
Eva Gioia
Eva (uncredited)
Maria Tedeschi
Maria Tedeschi
School Director (uncredited)
Antonio Acqua
Antonio Acqua
A Man in a Car (uncredited)
Giulio Calì
Giulio Calì
A Man in the Mud (uncredited)
Franco Caracciolo
Franco Caracciolo
Young Priest (uncredited)
Olimpia Cavalli
Olimpia Cavalli
Olimpia (uncredited)
Sonia Gessner
Sonia Gessner
Mathilda Calnan
Mathilda Calnan
Luisa's Friend (uncredited)


Federico Fellini
Federico Fellini
Federico Fellini
Federico Fellini
Ennio Flaiano
Ennio Flaiano
Tullio Pinelli
Tullio Pinelli
Brunello Rondi
Brunello Rondi
Angelo Rizzoli
Angelo Rizzoli
Nino Rota
Nino Rota
Original Music Composer
Gianni Di Venanzo
Gianni Di Venanzo
Director of Photography
Piero Gherardi
Piero Gherardi
Production Design
Vito Anzalone
Vito Anzalone
Set Decoration
Piero Gherardi
Piero Gherardi
Costume Design
Renata Magnanti
Renata Magnanti
Hair Designer
Leo Catozzo
Leo Catozzo
Federico Fellini
Federico Fellini
Ennio Flaiano
Ennio Flaiano
Adriana Olasio
Adriana Olasio
Assistant Editor
Nello Meniconi
Nello Meniconi
Production Manager
Alessandro von Norman
Alessandro von Norman
Production Manager
Guidarino Guidi
Guidarino Guidi
First Assistant Director
Giulio Paradisi
Giulio Paradisi
Second Assistant Director
Francesco Aluigi
Francesco Aluigi
Second Assistant Director
Mirella Gamacchio
Mirella Gamacchio
Script Supervisor
Albino Morandin
Albino Morandin
Production Secretary
Angelo Iacono
Angelo Iacono
Production Secretary
Orietta Nasalli Rocca
Orietta Nasalli Rocca
Assistant Costume Designer
Luciano Ricceri
Luciano Ricceri
Assistant Production Design
Pasqualino De Santis
Pasqualino De Santis
Camera Operator
Otello Fava
Otello Fava
Makeup Department Head
Mario Faraoni
Mario Faraoni
Alberto Bartolomei
Alberto Bartolomei
Clemente Fracassi
Clemente Fracassi
Line Producer
Mario Basili
Mario Basili
Unit Manager




Roundhay Garden Scene
The earliest surviving celluloid film, and believed second moving picture ever created, was shot by Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince using the LPCCP Type-1 MkII single-lens camera. It was taken in the garden of Oakwood Grange, the Whitley family house in Roundhay, Leeds, West Riding of Yorkshire (UK), possibly on 14 October 1888. It shows Adolphe Le Prince (Le Prince's son), Mrs. Sarah Whitley (Le Prince's mother-in-law), Joseph Whitley and Miss Harriet Hartley walking around in circles, laughing to themselves and keeping within the area framed by the camera. The Roundhay Garden Scene was recorded at 12 frames per second and runs for 2.11 seconds.
The Augustas
Scott Nixon, a traveling salesman based in Augusta, Ga., was an avid member of the Amateur Cinema League who enjoyed recording his travels on film. In this 16-minute silent film, Nixon documents some 38 streets, storefronts and cities named Augusta in such far-flung locales as Montana and Maine.
Yelling To The Sky
As her family falls apart, seventeen year old Sweetness O'Hara is left to fend for herself in a neighborhood where her survival is uncertain.
A Life of Her Own
A young woman from Kansas moves to New York City, becomes highly successful at a prestigious modeling agency, and falls in love with a married man.
Arnaud Tsamère - Chose Promise
Flip's Circus
Flip is balancing his hat on his face while leaning forwards and backwards. He eventually falls face forward. Flip opens the tent flap to reveal a lot of large animals behind him. A large animal creature-I have no idea what it is-comes out and starts to interact with Flip. Flip keeps hitting him. Flip puts his head in the animal's mouth. At one point, the animal swallows him as we see moving bumps on the stomach. He then spits him back out!
The adventurous life of Portugal's epic poet, Luis de Camões.
Police officer Edgar Kennedy is warned by his police chief to make arrests to stop a burglary epidemic on his patch or face the sack.
The Affair
As a young woman, Oriko condemned her widowed mother for openly pursuing relationships with younger men. After her mother passes away, she finds herself in an unhappy, loveless marriage and begins to understand her mother’s actions.
Virginie Hocq - No Worries
Johnnie Got His Gun!
Johnnie got his gun is a mix of interview snippets with To, these are taken from various sources and are cobbled together with clips from including Breaking news, P.T.U and The Mission amongst others. It seems Montmayeur did do an interview but it's so chopped up and mixed in it feels insignificant. Prominent members of casts and crew also feature in interview form but again from many different times and sources.
Loving You
A man re-evaluates his life after being given a second chance. When seedy cop Liu Chen-hai is shot, he is forced to do some soul-searching about his old life.
A femme fatale sinks her claws into the life of a married doctor and his family.
Very Ordinary Couple
The probability of a couple that had broken up getting back together and having a successful relationship is just 3%. Dong-hee and Young, who had broken up over a minor tiff, later realize their love for each other and end up getting back together. But will they be able to fit into the 3% bracket?
Living Is What Matters
A drifter named Candelario asks to spend the night at the hacienda of Don Lazaro. Once there, he gets the offer to stay and work as a laborer with a fixed salary. Over time, Candelario is gaining the confidence of his employer, and becomes indispensable. The situation will change radically when Don Lazarus discovers that Candelario is having a love affair with his wife.
The Crowded Day
One day in the lives and loves of the staff in a large department store.
Savage Grace
This examination of a famous scandal from the 1970s explores the relationship between Barbara Baekeland and her only son, Antony. Barbara, a lonely social climber unhappily married to the wealthy but remote plastics heir Brooks Baekeland, dotes on Antony, who is homosexual. As Barbara tries to "cure" Antony of his sexuality -- sometimes by seducing him herself -- the groundwork is laid for a murderous tragedy.


Journalist and man-about-town Marcello struggles to find his place in the world, torn between the allure of Rome's elite social scene and the stifling domesticity offered by his girlfriend, all the while searching for a way to become a serious writer.
In an Italian seaside town, young Titta gets into trouble with his friends and watches various local eccentrics as they engage in often absurd behavior. Frequently clashing with his stern father and defended by his doting mother, Titta witnesses the actions of a wide range of characters, from his extended family to Fascist loyalists to sensual women, with certain moments shifting into fantastical scenarios.
医学の研究に生涯を捧げ、その長年の功績を認められ名誉学位を受けることになった老教授イサク。その授与式は栄光に満ちた日になるはずだったが、前夜に自身の死を暗示する悪夢を見たためか、彼の心は晴れない。イサクは授与式当日に当初の予定を変更して、現在の住まいであるストックホルムから式の行われるルンドまで車で向かおうとする。そんな彼に、義理の娘であるマリアンヌも同行を願い出る。 半日程度の小旅行はイサクにとって、これまでの自分の人生を顧みるまたとない機会となった。青年時代に婚約者を弟に奪われたこと、妻がイサクの無関心に耐えられず不貞を働いたことなどを思い出し煩悶するイサク。そしてマリアンヌに、イサクの息子エヴァルドと彼女の間に子供が居ないのは、イサクを見て育ったエヴァルドが家庭というものに絶望しているからだと告げられる。研究者としての輝かしい名声とは裏腹に、イサクの人生は空虚なものだった。 また、イサクはルンドへ向かう途中様々な人物に出会う。奔放なヒッチハイカーの少女とその二人のボーイフレンド、不毛な夫婦喧嘩を繰り返す男女、引越していったイサクを今でも慕うガソリンスタンドの店主とその妻、そしてイサクの老いた母親。彼らとの出会いと過去への後悔が、徐々にイサクを変えていく。 無事に授与式を終えたイサクはその夜、エヴァルドと家族のことについて誠実に話し合う。寝室の外では昼間に出会ったヒッチハイカーたちが、イサクの栄誉を心から祝福していた。満ち足りた気持ちで眠りにつくイサク。彼が見る夢は前夜の悪夢と違い、不思議な充足感を伴うものだった。
Rome, 1957. A woman, Cabiria, is robbed and left to drown by her boyfriend, Giorgio. Rescued, she resumes her life and tries her best to find happiness in a cynical world. Even when she thinks her struggles are over and she has found happiness and contentment, things may not be what they seem.
Shanghai Fever
Pan Hung is Lily, a humble bus conductor hired by Hong Kong commodities trader Sean Lau to be his connection to the Shanghai stock market. Lily finds the job surprisingly easy, and the duo begins to make big money. But at what price? With wealth and prosperity a driving daily goal for Lily, will her own family come to bear the cost? Director Lee Lok See uses his Shanghai focus to great effect, finding many avenues and opportunities for his satirical observations and cultural clashes. With capitalism and communism going head on in the rapidly growing city of Shanghai, which value system will ultimately live in each person's heart?
ペストが流行し終末的様相を呈した中世ヨーロッパ、10年に及ぶ十字軍遠征から帰還し疲弊し切った騎士アントーニウス(マックス・フォン・シドー)の前に死神(ベント・エーケロート)が出現する。死の宣告を悟った彼は、自らの命を懸けチェス対決を申し出るが、夜が明け死神は姿を消す。故郷を目指すアントーニウスの旅には常に死の気配がつきまとい、残酷な現実が待ち受けていた……。 名だたる映画作家たちに多大な影響を与え続けるスウェーデンの巨匠イングマール・ベルイマンが、人間の生と死、神の存在をテーマにした異色作。終末的様相を呈した中世ヨーロッパを舞台に、十字軍遠征から帰還し生きる意味や信仰に懐疑的になり、死神にとりつかれた騎士の姿を幻想的な映像で描く。
第二次世界大戦後のイタリア、ローマ。 2年間職に就けなかったアントニオ・リッチは、職業安定所の紹介で役所のポスター貼りの仕事を得る。仕事に就くためには自転車が必要だと言われるが、生活の厳しいアントニオは自転車を質に入れていた。妻のマリアが家のベッドのシーツを質に入れ、その金で自転車を取り戻す。新しい職に浮かれるアントニオを見て、6歳になる息子のブルーノも心を躍らせる。 ブルーノを自転車に乗せ、意気揚々と出勤するアントニオ。しかし仕事の初日、ポスターを貼っている最中に自転車を盗まれてしまう。警察に届けるも「自分で探せ」と言われる始末。自転車がなければ職を失う。新しい自転車を買う金もない。アントニオは自力で自転車を探し始める。
Middle-aged Giulietta grows suspicious of her husband, Giorgio, when his behavior grows increasingly questionable. One night when Giorgio initiates a seance amongst his friends, Giulietta gets in touch with spirits and learns more about herself and her painful past. Slightly skeptical, but intrigued, she visits a mystic who gives her more information -- and nudges her toward the realization that her husband is indeed a philanderer.
A young nurse, Alma, is put in charge of Elisabeth Vogler: an actress who is seemingly healthy in all respects, but will not talk. As they spend time together, Alma speaks to Elisabeth constantly, never receiving any answer. The time they spend together only strengthens the crushing realization that one does not exist.
A businessman finds himself trapped at a hotel and threatened by women en masse.
A day in the life of an unfaithful married couple and their steadily deteriorating relationship in Milan.
In Italy, small-town newlyweds Wanda and Ivan Cavalli embark on their honeymoon in the big city of Rome. Ivan dutifully wants to keep appointments with family and church, but Wanda is only interested in meeting her favorite photo-strip star known as "The White Sheik". While Wanda impetuously sneaks away to locate the object of her affections, disconsolate Ivan tries his hardest to keep up appearances with the couple's relatives.