
大人は判ってくれない (1959)


ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 37分

演出 : François Truffaut
脚本 : François Truffaut




Jean-Pierre Léaud
Jean-Pierre Léaud
Antoine Doinel
Claire Maurier
Claire Maurier
Gilberte Doinel
Albert Rémy
Albert Rémy
Julien Doinel
Georges Flamant
Georges Flamant
Mr. Bigey
Patrick Auffay
Patrick Auffay
Robert Beauvais
Robert Beauvais
Director of the school
Yvonne Claudie
Yvonne Claudie
Mme Bigey
Pierre Repp
Pierre Repp
English Teacher
Guy Decomble
Guy Decomble
French Teacher
Daniel Couturier
Daniel Couturier
Betrand Mauricet
François Nocher
François Nocher
Richard Kanayan
Richard Kanayan
Renaud Fontanarosa
Renaud Fontanarosa
Michel Girard
Michel Girard
Serge Moati
Serge Moati
Bernard Abbou
Bernard Abbou
Jean-François Bergouignan
Jean-François Bergouignan
Michel Lesignor
Michel Lesignor
Jean-Claude Brialy
Jean-Claude Brialy
Man in Street
Jeanne Moreau
Jeanne Moreau
Woman with Dog
Philippe de Broca
Philippe de Broca
Man in Funfair
François Truffaut
François Truffaut
Man in Funfair
Jacques Demy
Jacques Demy


François Truffaut
François Truffaut
François Truffaut
François Truffaut
Henri Decaë
Henri Decaë
Director of Photography
Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte
Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte
Jean Constantin
Jean Constantin
Original Music Composer
François Truffaut
François Truffaut
François Truffaut
François Truffaut
Marcel Moussy
Marcel Moussy
Marcel Moussy
Marcel Moussy
Bernard Evein
Bernard Evein
Set Decoration
Georges Charlot
Georges Charlot
Production Manager
Robert Lachenay
Robert Lachenay
Assistant Unit Manager
Jean Lavie
Jean Lavie
Unit Manager
Robert Bober
Robert Bober
Second Assistant Director
Philippe de Broca
Philippe de Broca
Assistant Director
Francis Cognany
Francis Cognany
Second Assistant Director
Alain Jeannel
Alain Jeannel
Second Assistant Director
Raymond Lemoigne
Raymond Lemoigne
Property Master
Jean Labussière
Jean Labussière
Sound Assistant
Jean-Claude Marchetti
Jean-Claude Marchetti
André Dino
André Dino
Still Photographer
Alain Levent
Alain Levent
Assistant Camera
Jean Rabier
Jean Rabier
Camera Operator
Michèle de Possel
Michèle de Possel
Assistant Editor
Cécile Decugis
Cécile Decugis
Assistant Editor
Jacqueline Parey
Jacqueline Parey
Script Supervisor
Luce Deuss
Luce Deuss
Production Secretary
Roland Nonin
Roland Nonin
Jean-Claude Brialy
Jean-Claude Brialy
Fernand Deligny
Fernand Deligny
Alex Joffé
Alex Joffé
Jacques Josse
Jacques Josse
Suzanne Lipinska
Suzanne Lipinska
Claire Mafféi
Claire Mafféi
Jeanne Moreau
Jeanne Moreau
Claude Vermorel
Claude Vermorel
Claude Véga
Claude Véga
Annette Wademant
Annette Wademant




Love in the Afternoon
The last of Rohmer's Six Moral Tales. Frederic leads a bourgeois life; he is a partner in a small Paris office and is happily married to Helene, a teacher expecting her second child. In the afternoons, Frederic daydreams about other women, but has no intention of taking any action. One day, Chloe, who had been a mistress of an old friend, begins dropping by his office. They meet as friends, irregularly in the afternoons, till eventually Chloe decides to seduce Frederic, causing him a moral dilemma.
Two competitive friends, fueled by literary aspirations and youthful exuberance, endure the pangs of love, depression and burgeoning careers.
The Last Adventure
Two adventurers and best friends, Roland and Manu, are the victims of a practical joke that costs Manu his pilot's license. With seeming contrition, the jokesters tell Roland and Manu about a crashed plane lying on the ocean floor off the coast of Congo stuffed with riches. The adventurers set off to find the loot.
Herbie, the Volkswagen Beetle with a mind of its own, is racing in the Monte Carlo Rally. But thieves have hidden a cache of stolen diamonds in Herbie's gas tank, and are now trying to get them back.
An unattractive 7th grader struggles to cope with suburban life as the middle child with inattentive parents and bullies at school.
Stephen, an international trader, tracks down his ex-wife Patricia in some Amazonian backwater. He needs her consent to a divorce so that he can marry Charlotte. Unfortunately, he discovers a son he didn’t know he had – Mimi-Siku. The young jungle boy yearns to see Paris so Stephen reluctantly agrees to take him back home with him for a few days. How will Mimi-Siku react to life in the great metropolis?
テナント 恐怖を借りた男
A quiet and inconspicuous man rents an apartment in France where he finds himself drawn into a rabbit hole of dangerous paranoia.
Here on Earth
Three lives of three young people intersect over the course of one summer. A rich student and a young working-class man accidentally destroy a diner when their impromptu road race takes a disastrous turn. Ordered by a judge to spend the summer repairing the building, they find themselves becoming rivals for the affections of the owner's daughter.
The Man Who Loved Yngve
It's November 1989 and the world is changing, so is Jarle who attends Kongsgård HS in Stavanger. He plays the guitar/lead singer in a local radical punkband, got a great girlfriend and has the coolest best friend. But its all about to change when Yngve enters the classroom.
Avenue Montaigne
A young woman arrives in Paris where she finds a job as a waitress in bar next on Avenue Montaigne that caters to the surrounding theaters and the wealthy inhabitants of the area. She will meet a pianist, a famous actress and a great art collector, and become acquainted with the "luxurious" world her grandmother has told her about since her childhood.
古き良き時代のフランス、パリ。ダッチェスという名前の美しい雌ネコが、3匹の子ネコたちと暮らしていました。 飼い主の老婦人は猫たちをとてもかわいがり、莫大な遺産をネコに譲ろうとします。 ところが執事が遺産欲しさにネコたちを郊外に置き去りにしてしまいます。 途方に暮れるダッチェスたちの前に現れた野良ネコのオマリーに助けられ、みんなはパリを目指します。
Snow White
The life of 20-year-old Nico from upper class Zurich is all party, sex and drugs when she meets Paco, the front man of a rap band. She finds herself drawn to his independent, creative and profound way of life, so different from her own. With naiveté and infinite self-confidence, she tries to adopt his lifestyle - without anticipating the consequences.
Denmark, 1961. Bjørn, a middle-class boy in his early teens, wants to be accepted by Steen, a bullying peer of his with wealthy but freezingly cold parents. Bjørn's other good friend is Mulle, a cheerful and more childish working-class boy. All three seem friends at first, but gradually Steen starts pushing Mulle away while pulling the impressionable Bjørn with him towards more and more violence.
Only Clouds Move the Stars
Eleven year old Maria has lost her little brother to cancer. Having disappeared into herself, her mother is no longer there for Maria and her father struggles to keep the family together. Maria meets Jacob, who is the same age as she, but with a completely different attitude. Jacob is outgoing, exciting, funny and has wisdom way beyond his tender years. He gradually pulls Maria out of her shell and enables her to come to decisions which will affect her entire life.


ジュールとジムは、情熱的で奔放な女性カトリーヌに恋をする。ジムへの想いを胸に秘めたままジュールと結婚した彼女だが、ジムとの再会で再び二人に愛の炎が燃え上がる。しかし、小さな食い違いでジムは彼女から離れていく。ある日出かけた河岸で、カトリーヌはジムをドライブに誘い、壊れた橋に向かってスピードを上げた。 三角関係の心理を見事に描いた本作は、ジャンヌ・モローの輝くばかりの美しさが圧倒的な魅力となった一遍。
第二次世界大戦後のイタリア、ローマ。 2年間職に就けなかったアントニオ・リッチは、職業安定所の紹介で役所のポスター貼りの仕事を得る。仕事に就くためには自転車が必要だと言われるが、生活の厳しいアントニオは自転車を質に入れていた。妻のマリアが家のベッドのシーツを質に入れ、その金で自転車を取り戻す。新しい職に浮かれるアントニオを見て、6歳になる息子のブルーノも心を躍らせる。 ブルーノを自転車に乗せ、意気揚々と出勤するアントニオ。しかし仕事の初日、ポスターを貼っている最中に自転車を盗まれてしまう。警察に届けるも「自分で探せ」と言われる始末。自転車がなければ職を失う。新しい自転車を買う金もない。アントニオは自力で自転車を探し始める。
Stolen Kisses
The third in a series of films featuring François Truffaut's alter-ego, Antoine Doinel, the story resumes with Antoine being discharged from military service. His sweetheart Christine's father lands Antoine a job as a security guard, which he promptly loses. Stumbling into a position assisting a private detective, Antoine falls for his employers' seductive wife, Fabienne, and finds that he must choose between the older woman and Christine.
Antoine and Colette
Now aged 17, Antoine Doinel works in a factory which makes records. At a music concert, he meets a girl his own age, Colette, and falls in love with her. Later, Antoine goes to extraordinary lengths to please his new girlfriend and her parents, but Colette still only regards him as a casual friend. First segment of “Love at Twenty” (1962).
医学の研究に生涯を捧げ、その長年の功績を認められ名誉学位を受けることになった老教授イサク。その授与式は栄光に満ちた日になるはずだったが、前夜に自身の死を暗示する悪夢を見たためか、彼の心は晴れない。イサクは授与式当日に当初の予定を変更して、現在の住まいであるストックホルムから式の行われるルンドまで車で向かおうとする。そんな彼に、義理の娘であるマリアンヌも同行を願い出る。 半日程度の小旅行はイサクにとって、これまでの自分の人生を顧みるまたとない機会となった。青年時代に婚約者を弟に奪われたこと、妻がイサクの無関心に耐えられず不貞を働いたことなどを思い出し煩悶するイサク。そしてマリアンヌに、イサクの息子エヴァルドと彼女の間に子供が居ないのは、イサクを見て育ったエヴァルドが家庭というものに絶望しているからだと告げられる。研究者としての輝かしい名声とは裏腹に、イサクの人生は空虚なものだった。 また、イサクはルンドへ向かう途中様々な人物に出会う。奔放なヒッチハイカーの少女とその二人のボーイフレンド、不毛な夫婦喧嘩を繰り返す男女、引越していったイサクを今でも慕うガソリンスタンドの店主とその妻、そしてイサクの老いた母親。彼らとの出会いと過去への後悔が、徐々にイサクを変えていく。 無事に授与式を終えたイサクはその夜、エヴァルドと家族のことについて誠実に話し合う。寝室の外では昼間に出会ったヒッチハイカーたちが、イサクの栄誉を心から祝福していた。満ち足りた気持ちで眠りにつくイサク。彼が見る夢は前夜の悪夢と違い、不思議な充足感を伴うものだった。
A committed film director struggles to complete his movie while coping with a myriad of crises, personal and professional, among the cast and crew.
In this classic German thriller, Hans Beckert, a serial killer who preys on children, becomes the focus of a massive Berlin police manhunt. Beckert's heinous crimes are so repellant and disruptive to city life that he is even targeted by others in the seedy underworld network. With both cops and criminals in pursuit, the murderer soon realizes that people are on his trail, sending him into a tense, panicked attempt to escape justice.
ペストが流行し終末的様相を呈した中世ヨーロッパ、10年に及ぶ十字軍遠征から帰還し疲弊し切った騎士アントーニウス(マックス・フォン・シドー)の前に死神(ベント・エーケロート)が出現する。死の宣告を悟った彼は、自らの命を懸けチェス対決を申し出るが、夜が明け死神は姿を消す。故郷を目指すアントーニウスの旅には常に死の気配がつきまとい、残酷な現実が待ち受けていた……。 名だたる映画作家たちに多大な影響を与え続けるスウェーデンの巨匠イングマール・ベルイマンが、人間の生と死、神の存在をテーマにした異色作。終末的様相を呈した中世ヨーロッパを舞台に、十字軍遠征から帰還し生きる意味や信仰に懐疑的になり、死神にとりつかれた騎士の姿を幻想的な映像で描く。
8 1/2
言わずと知れたF・フェリーニ監督の代表的作品。映画監督のグイドはある日、自分の体が空中を落下する夢を見る。現実生活の日常に纏わる様々な精神的・肉体的な疲れを癒す為、彼は療養と称して温泉に出掛けるが、そこでも仕事や生活から逃れることが出来ない。そして彼はついに、自分が温泉で余生を過ごしている老人達の中にいるという幻覚を見はじめるが……。本作は、フェリーニ監督自身の自伝的な作品であり、その描き方も、現実と幻想を並行して描くなど秀逸! 絶対に見るべし!!
A young nurse, Alma, is put in charge of Elisabeth Vogler: an actress who is seemingly healthy in all respects, but will not talk. As they spend time together, Alma speaks to Elisabeth constantly, never receiving any answer. The time they spend together only strengthens the crushing realization that one does not exist.
Shoot the Piano Player
Charlie is a former classical pianist who has changed his name and now plays jazz in a grimy Paris bar. When Charlie's brothers, Richard and Chico, surface and ask for Charlie's help while on the run from gangsters they have scammed, he aids their escape. Soon Charlie and Lena, a waitress at the same bar, face trouble when the gangsters arrive, looking for his brothers.
フランス映画の巨匠ジャン・ルノワール監督が、ミュッセの戯曲に想を得て、ブルジョワたちが織りなす恋愛騒動を描き、社会を痛烈に風刺した映画史上の傑作中の傑作。 美しい妻クリスチーヌを愛しながら、愛人と別れられないラ・シェネ侯爵。一方、クリスチーヌのために大西洋横断23時間の偉業を達成した飛行家アンドレと、その友人オクターヴ。ある日、侯爵の別荘で催される狩猟の集いに全員が顔を合わせる…。
Journalist and man-about-town Marcello struggles to find his place in the world, torn between the allure of Rome's elite social scene and the stifling domesticity offered by his girlfriend, all the while searching for a way to become a serious writer.
All Is Forgiven
A father and daughter are reunited some 11 years after the father's drug addiction tore the family apart.
サスペンスの巨匠アルフレッド・ヒッチコック監督の最高傑作のひとつ。美女の自殺の裏に隠された巧妙なトリックを、謎めいたロマンスとともに描いたミステリー。 とある悲惨な事件をきっかけに、高所恐怖症となり、警察を退職したジョンのもとに、旧友から情緒不安定な自分の妻マデリンを尾行してほしいとの依頼が入った。断り切れなかったジョンは、その日の夜から尾行を開始。やがてマデリンを愛するようになってしまったジョンの目の前で彼女は身を投げた…。失意に暮れるジョンは、町をさまよううちにマデリンそっくりの女性と出会う。