
The Fighting Seabees (1944)

The thrilling story of America's supermen!

ジャンル : ドラマ, アクション, 戦争

上映時間 : 1時間 40分

演出 : Edward Ludwig
脚本 : Borden Chase, Æneas MacKenzie


Construction workers in World War II in the Pacific are needed to build military sites, but the work is dangerous and they doubt the ability of the Navy to protect them. After a series of attacks by the Japanese, something new is tried, Construction Battalions (CBs=Seabees). The new CBs have to both build and be ready to fight.


John Wayne
John Wayne
Lt. Cmdr. Wedge Donovan
Susan Hayward
Susan Hayward
Constance Chesley
Dennis O'Keefe
Dennis O'Keefe
Lt. Cmdr. Robert Yarrow
William Frawley
William Frawley
Eddie Powers
Leonid Kinskey
Leonid Kinskey
Johnny Novasky
J. M. Kerrigan
J. M. Kerrigan
Sawyer Collins
Grant Withers
Grant Withers
Whanger Spreckles
Paul Fix
Paul Fix
Ding Jacobs
Ben Welden
Ben Welden
Yump Lumkin
William Forrest
William Forrest
Lt. Tom Kerrick
Addison Richards
Addison Richards
Capt. Joyce
Jay Norris
Jay Norris
Joe Brick
Duncan Renaldo
Duncan Renaldo
Construction Worker at Party
Abdullah Abbas
Abdullah Abbas
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Lee Adams
Lee Adams
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Joel Allen
Joel Allen
Coxswain (uncredited)
Roy Barcroft
Roy Barcroft
Seabee Barcroft (uncredited)
Roy Brent
Roy Brent
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Joe Brooks
Joe Brooks
Pilot (uncredited)
Charles D. Brown
Charles D. Brown
Capt. Squires (uncredited)
George Bruggeman
George Bruggeman
Seabee (uncredited)
Wheaton Chambers
Wheaton Chambers
Navy Observer (uncredited)
Roy Darmour
Roy Darmour
Officer (uncredited)
Kenne Duncan
Kenne Duncan
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Jean Fenwick
Jean Fenwick
Capt. Joyce's Secretary (uncredited)
Terry Frost
Terry Frost
Orderly (uncredited)
Gene Gary
Gene Gary
French Construction Worker (uncredited)
Bud Geary
Bud Geary
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Ernest Golm
Ernest Golm
Van Pelt (uncredited)
Kit Guard
Kit Guard
Construction Worker in Shelter (uncredited)
Eddie Hall
Eddie Hall
Man Walking to File Cabinet (uncredited)
William Hall
William Hall
Swede (uncredited)
Alex Havier
Alex Havier
Japanese Soldier (uncredited)
Herbert Heyes
Herbert Heyes
Capt. Millard (uncredited)
Reed Howes
Reed Howes
Reporter (uncredited)
Robert Katcher
Robert Katcher
Japanese Soldier (uncredited)
Nora Lane
Nora Lane
Kitty - Secretary (uncredited)
James B. Leong
James B. Leong
Japanese Officer (uncredited)
Jung Lim
Jung Lim
Japanese Officer (uncredited)
Beverly Lloyd
Beverly Lloyd
Chorine (uncredited)
Tom London
Tom London
Johnson (uncredited)
Clarence Lung
Clarence Lung
Japanese Officer (uncredited)
Adele Mara
Adele Mara
Twinkles Tucker - Jitterbugger (uncredited)
Frank Marlowe
Frank Marlowe
Construction Worker Who Dies (uncredited)
LeRoy Mason
LeRoy Mason
Jonesey (uncredited)
Harold Miller
Harold Miller
Lt. Cmdr. Stewart (uncredited)
Charles Mitchell
Charles Mitchell
Radioman (uncredited)
Al Murphy
Al Murphy
Costruction Worker (uncredited)
Forbes Murray
Forbes Murray
Navy Surgeon (uncredited)
Jack O'Shea
Jack O'Shea
Arriving Construction Worker (uncredited)
Hugh Prosser
Hugh Prosser
Seabee (uncredited)
Joey Ray
Joey Ray
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Jeffrey Sayre
Jeffrey Sayre
Lt. Cmdr. Kane (uncredited)
George Sherwood
George Sherwood
Lieutenant Commander in Chartroom (uncredited)
Tom Steele
Tom Steele
Seabee (uncredited)
Larry Stewart
Larry Stewart
Seabee (uncredited)
Clarence Straight
Clarence Straight
Signalman (uncredited)
Charles Sullivan
Charles Sullivan
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Ben Taggart
Ben Taggart
Aircraft Carrier Captain (uncredited)
Hal Taliaferro
Hal Taliaferro
Lt. Cmdr. Hood (uncredited)
Chief Thundercloud
Chief Thundercloud
Indian Seabee (uncredited)
Charles Trowbridge
Charles Trowbridge
Randolph (uncredited)
Billy Wayne
Billy Wayne
Spec - Reporter (uncredited)
Crane Whitley
Crane Whitley
Lt. Cmdr. Hunter (uncredited)
Robert J. Wilke
Robert J. Wilke
Arriving Construction Worker (uncredited)
Buddy Wilkerson
Buddy Wilkerson
Gunner (uncredited)
John James
John James
Meteorological Officer (uncredited)
Walter Bacon
Walter Bacon
Bartender (uncredited)


Edward Ludwig
Edward Ludwig
Borden Chase
Borden Chase
Æneas MacKenzie
Æneas MacKenzie
Borden Chase
Borden Chase
William Bradford
William Bradford
Director of Photography
Richard L. Van Enger
Richard L. Van Enger
Duncan Cramer
Duncan Cramer
Art Direction
Adele Palmer
Adele Palmer
Costume Design
Robert Littlefield
Robert Littlefield
Makeup Artist


France, 1940. In the first days of occupation, beautiful Lucile Angellier is trapped in a stifled existence with her controlling mother-in-law as they both await news of her husband: a prisoner of war. Parisian refugees start to pour into their small town, soon followed by a regiment of German soldiers who take up residence in the villagers' own homes. Lucile initially tries to ignore Bruno von Falk, the handsome and refined German officer staying with them. But soon, a powerful love draws them together and leads them into the tragedy of war.
Tad is a celebrity archaeologist and adventurer just like his hero Max Mordon... in his dreams! In reality, Tad is a Chicago construction worker. One day, however, he is mistaken for a real professor and takes his place on a flight to Peru in search of the lost city of Paititi.
不屈の男 アンブロークン
第二次世界大戦前夜の1938年、リーゼルは弟に先立たれ、ミュンヘン近郊の田舎町へ里子に出されて母と別々に暮らすことになる。里親のハンスはリーゼルが「墓掘り人の手引き」という奇妙な本を肌身離さず持っていることから、彼女が字を読めないことに気が付き、本を読み聞かせるようになる。そして、リーゼルは読み書きを学び、たくさんの本を通じて知識だけでなく、勇気と希望を与えられるのだった。 しかし、折りしもドイツはナチスによって自由を奪われ、本を読むことすら禁じられる。ある日リーゼルは、反ユダヤ主義の暴動が激化する広場で焼かれた大量の本の中から、焼け残った1冊の本をこっそりと持ち帰るのだが・・・。
イミテーション・ゲーム /エニグマと天才数学者の秘密
ユダヤ人を救った動物園 〜アントニーナが愛した命〜
The account of keepers of the Warsaw Zoo, Jan and Antonina Zabinski, who helped save hundreds of people and animals during the Nazi invasion.
ヒトラー、ヒムラーに次ぐ、“ナチス第三の男”ラインハルト・ハイドリヒ。その冷徹極まりない手腕から、ナチス党内でもとりわけ忌まわしい人物として“金髪の野獣”と渾名され、ヒトラーさえもが恐れた男。ハイドリヒはナチス政権の高官として華々しい出世を遂げるが、第二次世界大戦に至るまでの年月とその戦時下において、ヨーロッパの人々に残忍で容赦ない恐怖をもたらした。貴族階級の妻リナによってナチスのイデオロギーを吹き込まれたハイドリヒは、<ユダヤ人大量虐殺>の首謀者として、誰も止めることのできない絶大な権力を手にしていく。だが、英国政府から訓練を受け、チェコスロバキア亡命政府によって送り込まれたチェコのレジスタンスグループが、この抑止不能な男を止めようとしていた。大胆にもパラシュートで潜入したヤン・クビシュとヨゼフ・ガブチーク率いる暗殺部隊が、綿密な計画の過程を経て、プラハの街を移動するハイドリヒの一行を襲撃し、致命傷を負わせる。これにより、ハイドリヒは第二次世界大戦中に殺害された唯一のナチス最高幹部となった。ナチス政権に揺さぶりをかけた歴史的瞬間は、それぞれの信念を貫いた、両極に位置する人々によって生み出された。史上唯一成功した、ナチス高官の暗殺計画の真実が今、明かされる――<フランス・イギリス・ベルギーの伝記映画。 第二次世界大戦中、その冷徹極まりない手腕から「金髪の野獣」と呼ばれナチス親衛隊No.2となったラインハルト・ハイドリヒを描いた映画>
「フォレスト・ガンプ 一期一会」「バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー」の名匠ロバート・ゼメキス監督のもと、ブラッド・ピットとマリオン・コティヤールが豪華共演を果たし、過酷な時代に翻弄されながら究極の愛を試される男女の運命を描いたラブストーリー。 1942年、カサブランカ。秘密諜報員のマックスとフランス軍レジスタンスのマリアンヌは、ある重大なミッションを通して運命の出会いを果たす。それは、夫婦を装って敵の裏をかき、ドイツ大使を狙うというものだった。その後、ロンドンで再会した2人は恋に落ちるが、マリアンヌは誰にも言えない秘密を抱えていた。 「イースタン・プロミス」「オン・ザ・ハイウェイ その夜、86分」のスティーブン・ナイトが脚本を手がけた。
Freaks Out
Four circus freaks with superpowers find themselves trapped in Nazi-occupied Rome after their owner and father figure goes missing in the aftermath of the 1943 surrender of Italy to the Allies.
Tad dreams of becoming an archaeologist traveling the world, uncovering hidden secrets and lost treasure, but his job working construction keeps him daydreaming instead of exploring. The chance of a lifetime comes when he is invited to attend archaeologist Sara Lavrof's presentation of her latest discovery - the papyrus that proves the existence of the Necklace of Midas, the legendary King who turned everything he touched into solid gold.


In Harm's Way
A naval officer reprimanded after Pearl Harbor is later promoted to rear admiral and gets a second chance to prove himself against the Japanese.
Flying Leathernecks
Major Daniel Kirby takes command of a squadron of Marine fliers just before they are about to go into combat. While the men are well meaning, he finds them undisciplined and prone to always finding excuses to do what is easy rather than what is necessary. The root of the problem is the second in command, Capt. Carl 'Griff' Griffin. Griff is the best flier in the group but Kirby finds him a poor commander who is not prepared to the difficult decision that all commanders have to make - to put men in harm's way knowing that they may be killed.
Jim Brannigan is sent to London to bring back an American mobster who is being held for extradition but when he arrives he has been kidnapped which was set up by his lawyer. Brannigan in his American Irish way brings American law to the people of Scotland Yard in order to recapture this mobster with both a price tag on his head and a stuffy old London cop to contend with.
Operation Pacific
During WWII, Duke E. Gifford is second in command of the USS Thunderfish, a submarine which is firing off torpedoes that either explode too early or never explode at all. It's a dilemma that he'll eventually take up personally. Even more personal is his quest to win back his ex-wife, a nurse; but he'll have to win her back from a navy flier who also happens to be his commander's little brother.
They Were Expendable
Shortly after Pearl Harbor, a squadron of PT-boat crews in the Philippines must battle the Navy brass between skirmishes with the Japanese. The title says it all about the Navy's attitude towards the PT-boats and their crews.
Back to Bataan
An Army colonel leads a guerrilla campaign against the Japanese in the Philippines.