
Utopia (2013)

An epic story of struggle and resistance

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 55分

演出 : John Pilger


Documentary by John Pilger looks at the awful truth behind white Australia's dysfunctional relationship with Indigenous Australians


John Pilger
John Pilger
Jon Altman
Jon Altman
Pat Anderson
Pat Anderson
Mal Brough
Mal Brough
Michael Degnan
Michael Degnan
Lorna Fejo
Lorna Fejo
Herself - Stolen Generation survivor
Selina Eggington
Selina Eggington
Herself - Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation
Robert Eggington
Robert Eggington
Himself - Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation
Vince Forrester
Vince Forrester
Himself - Aboriginal elder, Mutitjulu
Gerry Georgatos
Gerry Georgatos
Himself - journalist
Paddy Gibson
Paddy Gibson
Himself - Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University of Technology Sydney
Tjanara Goreng Goreng
Tjanara Goreng Goreng
Herself - senior official, Dept. Indigenous Affairs, 2005-2008
Chris Graham
Chris Graham
Himself - journalist
Lang Hancock
Lang Hancock
Himself (archive footage)
Olga Havnen
Olga Havnen
Herself - former NT Co-ordinator General, Remote Services
John Howard
John Howard
Himself (archive footage)
Vince Kelly
Vince Kelly
Himself - President, Police Federation of Australia
Rosalie Kunoth-Monks
Rosalie Kunoth-Monks
Herself - Alyawarr / Arrernte elder
Vincent Lingiari
Vincent Lingiari
Himself (archive footage)
Marianne Mackay
Marianne Mackay
Jeff McMullen
Jeff McMullen
Himself - journalist and broadcaster
Amy McQuire
Amy McQuire
Herself - editor and journalist
Patricia Morton-Thomas
Patricia Morton-Thomas
Herself - film producer and actor
Arthur Murray
Arthur Murray
Leila Murray
Leila Murray
Herself (archive footage)
Noel Nannup
Noel Nannup
George Newhouse
George Newhouse
Himself - lawyer for Mutitjulu community
Alastair Nicholson
Alastair Nicholson
Himself - former Chief Justice, Family Court of Australia
Margaret Quirk
Margaret Quirk
Herself - WA Minister for Corrective Services, 2006-2008
Bob Randall
Bob Randall
Himself - Aboriginal elder, Mutitjulu
Gina Rinehart
Gina Rinehart
Herself - mining tycoon and richest person in Australia
Kevin Rudd
Kevin Rudd
Himself - former Prime Minister of Australia
Maurie Ryan
Maurie Ryan
Himself - grandson, Gurindji strike leader Vincent Lingiari
Salil Shetty
Salil Shetty
Himself - Secretary General, Amnesty International
David Smith
David Smith
Himself - Manager, Ampilatwatja Health Centre
Warren Snowdon
Warren Snowdon
Himself - Minister for Indigenous Health 2009-2013
Dave Sweeney
Dave Sweeney
Himself - Australian Conservation Foundation
Janelle Trees
Janelle Trees
Herself - GP, Mutitjulu (as Dr. Janelle Trees)
Hilary Tyler
Hilary Tyler
Herself - co-author, Central Australian Specialists report (as Dr. Hilary Tyler)
Paula Ann Williams
Paula Ann Williams


John Pilger
John Pilger
Preston Clothier
Preston Clothier
Sandra Leeming
Sandra Leeming
Joe Frost
Joe Frost
Kate Davis
Kate Davis
Sound mixer
James Nowiczewski
James Nowiczewski
Sound Recordist
Thaddaios Yianni
Thaddaios Yianni
Sound Editor
Jan Simpson
Jan Simpson
Costume Design
Charlotte Hawkins
Charlotte Hawkins
Post-Production Manager


In 1825, Clare, a 21-year-old Irish convict, chases a British soldier through the rugged Tasmanian wilderness, bent on revenge for a terrible act of violence he committed against her family. She enlists the services of an Aboriginal tracker who is also marked by trauma from his own violence-filled past.
Rabbit-Proof Fence
In 1931, three Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their homes to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a trek across the Outback.
プロポジション 血の誓約
In 1880s Australia, a lawman offers renegade Charlie Burns a difficult choice. In order to save his younger brother from the gallows, Charlie must hunt down and kill his older brother, who is wanted for rape and murder. Venturing into one of the Outback's most inhospitable regions, Charlie faces a terrible moral dilemma that can end only in violence.
LION/ライオン ~25年目のただいま~
インドで迷子になった5歳の少年が、25年後にGoogle Earthで故郷を探し出したという実話を、「スラムドッグ$ミリオネア」のデブ・パテル、「キャロル」のルーニー・マーラ、ニコール・キッドマンら豪華キャスト共演で映画化したヒューマンドラマ。 1986年、インドのスラム街で暮らす5歳の少年サルーは、兄と仕事を探しにでかけた先で停車中の電車で眠り込んでしまい、家から遠く離れた大都市カルカッタ(コルカタ)まで来てしまう。そのまま迷子になったサルーは、やがて養子に出されオーストラリアで成長。25年後、友人のひとりから、Google Earthなら地球上のどこへでも行くことができると教えられたサルーは、おぼろげな記憶とGoogle Earthを頼りに、本当の母や兄が暮らす故郷を探しはじめる。
舞台は近未来。凶悪化する暴走族の犯罪が問題となり警察も武装化が進んでいた。特殊警察「M.F.P.(Main Force Patrol)」の所属警官マックス・ロカタンスキーはある日追跡中の暴走族ナイトライダーを追い詰め事故死させてしまう。これが元でトーカッター率いるグループのターゲットとして狙われてしまう。親友グースや家族までもを無残な殺され方をされ、全てを奪われたマックスの復讐が今始まる。
前作から数年後、大戦が世界各地で勃発し文明は衰退し世界は貧困と荒廃が進んでいた。復讐を遂げたものの虚無感に囚われ荒野を目的もなく走り続けるマックス。ある日捕らえた男ジャイロキャプテンより今も稼動し続けガソリンが取り放題の石油精製所があると聞かされる。しかしそこにはガソリンを独占しようとするヒューマンガス率いる暴走族集団と精製所に立てこもる市民が日々攻防戦を繰り返していた。 なんとか精製所にもぐりこんだマックス。中の市民は豊富なガソリンを持って脱出をしたいがガソリンタンクを牽引する車を持って来ればガソリンを好きなだけ渡すという取引を行う。群がる凶悪暴走族の中、マックスは一人で突破を試みるが・・
荒野を彷徨い続けるマックスは、航空機を操る謎の親子連れに乗り物や装備を奪われる。 徒歩でたどり着いた“バータータウン”は、物々交換で成り立つ街だった。街の支配者であるアウンティに腕前を買われたマックスは、自分の持ち物を取り戻すべく、全ての問題を解決するために設けられたステージ“サンダードーム”にて、街の裏の支配者であるマスター・ブラスターと戦うことになる。
In Bangkok, the young Kham was raised by his father in the jungle with elephants as members of their family. When his old elephant and the baby Kern are stolen by criminals, Kham finds that the animals were sent to Sidney. He travels to Australia, where he locates the baby elephant in a restaurant owned by the evil Madame Rose, the leader of an international Thai mafia. With the support of the efficient Thai sergeant Mark, who was involved in a conspiracy, Kham fights to rescue the animal from the mobsters.
Our Lips Are Sealed
Mary-Kate and Ashley star in this Down Under adventure filled with nonstop Aussie intrigue, laughs and romance. After running afoul of a notorious gangster, Mary-Kate and Ashley take refuge in the FBI Witness Protection Program. Unfortunately, the girls are uncontrollable blabbermouths and they blow their cover in town after town until there's only one hiding place left - Australia.
Two childhood friends — a New York hairstylist and a wanna-be musician — get mixed-up with the mob and are forced to deliver $50,000 to Australia, but things go all wrong when the money is lost to a wild kangaroo.
After being infected in the wake of a violent pandemic and with only 48 hours to live, a father struggles to find a new home for his baby daughter.
An adventure-loving couple convince their friends to explore a remote, uncharted cave system in the forests of Northern Australia. With a tropical storm approaching, they abseil into the mouth of the cave, but when the caves start to flood, tensions rise as oxygen levels fall and the friends find themselves trapped. Unknown to them, the storm has also brought in a pack of dangerous and hungry crocodiles.
マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロード
資源が底を突き荒廃した世界、愛する者も生きる望みも失い荒野をさまようマックスは、砂漠を牛耳る敵であるイモータン・ジョーの一団に捕らわれ、深い傷を負ってしまう。そんな彼の前に、ジョーの配下の女戦士フュリオサ、全身白塗りの謎の男、そしてジョーと敵対関係にあるグループが出現。マックスは彼らと手を組み、強大なジョーの勢力に戦いを挑む。〈荒廃した近未来を舞台に妻子を暴走族に殺された男の壮絶な復讐劇を描き、主演のメル・ギブソンの出世作となった『マッドマックス』シリーズ第4弾。同シリーズの生みの親であるジョージ・ミラーが再びメガホンを取り、主役を『ダークナイト ライジング』などのトム・ハーディが受け継ぐ。共演にはオスカー女優シャーリーズ・セロン、『ウォーム・ボディーズ』などのニコラス・ホルト、1作目で暴走族のボスを演じたヒュー・キース・バーン〉
バッド・ジーニアス 危険な天才たち
小学生の頃からずっと成績はオールA、さらに中学時代は首席と天才的な頭脳を持つ女子高生リン(チュティモン・ジョンジャルーンスックジン)。裕福とは言えない父子家庭で育った彼女は、その明晰な頭脳を見込まれ、晴れて進学校に特待奨学生として転入を果たす。新しい学校で最初に友人となったグレース(イッサヤー・ホースワン)を、リンはテストの最中に“ある方法”で救った。その噂を聞きつけたグレースの彼氏・パット(ティーラドン・スパパンピンヨー)は、リンに“ビジネス”をもちかけるのだった。 それは、より高度な方法でカンニングを行い、答えと引き換えに代金をもらう――というもの。“リン先生”の元には、瞬く間に学生たちが殺到した。リンが編み出したのは、“ピアノ・レッスン”方式。指の動きを暗号化して多くの生徒を高得点に導いたリンは、クラスメートから賞賛され、報酬も貯まっていく。しかし、奨学金を得て大学進学を目指す生真面目な苦学生・バンク(チャーノン・サンティナトーンクン)はそれをよく思わず…。そして、ビジネスの集大成として、アメリカの大学に留学するため世界各国で行われる大学統一入試<STIC>を舞台に、最後の、最大のトリックを仕掛けようとするリンたちは、バンクを仲間に引き入れようとするが…。
「ミュンヘン」「NY心霊捜査官」のエリック・バナの主演で、ジェイン・ハーパーのベストセラー小説を映画化したクライムサスペンス。干ばつにあえぐ閉鎖的な田舎町で起こった、現在と過去の2つの殺人事件を通し、オーストラリアの社会が直面する問題をリアルに描いた。 メルボルンの連邦警察官アーロン・フォークは旧友ルークの葬儀に参列するため、20年ぶりに故郷の小さな町に帰ってきた。ルークは、自身の妻子を殺した後に自らも命を絶ったのだ。町は長らく雨が降らずに干ばつに襲われており、ルークが事件を起こした背景にもそうした土地の事情があり、いわばルークも犠牲者だと思われていた。しかし、町にとどまって捜査を行うフォークは、未解決事件となっている過去の事件とも向き合うことになり、数十年も隔てた2つの事件がつながっているのではないかと疑い始める。 原作にほれ込んだバナが自らプロデューサーも務め、本作で約13年ぶりに母国オーストラリアの映画に主演した。
The Tunnel
In 2007, in the midst of the drought and water shortages, the NSW State government has unveiled plans to tap into and recycle millions of litres of water trapped in a network of abandoned train tunnels just beneath the heart of Sydney. However the government suddenly goes cold on the plan and it is not made public why. There is talk of homeless people who use the tunnel as shelter going missing, even though the government states that there are no homeless people in there. This, and the silence from the officials and ministers, leads a journalist, Natasha to begin an investigation into a government cover-up. She and her crew Pete (Producer), Steve (Cameraman) and Tangles (Sound Technichian) decide to investigate the story in the tunnel.


John Payne is the no-good lowdown rat who tries to capitalize on postwar patriotism and grief. He finagles a war widow (Joan Caulfied) into giving up her savings for a nonexistent memorial. When Payne falls in love with the widow he has pangs of conscience, but he reckons without his con-artist boss (Dan Duryea), who tends to bolster his arguments with muscle and bullets.
The story begins when Toby (Ivan Jackson), a young English businessman, arrives in South Africa to take charge of a publishing firm. He knows little about apartheid and so at first sees no contradiction in developing a relationship with an elite, upper-class white woman and with a woman dedicated to fighting apartheid. But as Toby makes friends with one of the black South Africans (Zaku Mokae), and as he registers both the subtle and more obvious, deep-seated racial prejudices of the minority white population, some of the truth of the oppression here begins to dawn. That is brought to a head when tragedy strikes.
In their final year at Muncie's Southside High School, a group of seniors hurtles toward maturity with a combination of joy, despair, and an aggravated sense of urgency. They are also learning a great deal about life, both in and out of school, and not what school officials think they are teaching.
Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness?
Heironymus Merkin screens an autobiographical movie of his life, growth and moral decay.
Dying Room Only
A married couple are traveling on a deserted desert road at night. They stop at a diner and the husband goes to the men's room. He never returns and the wife begins to suspect serious foul play.
Night Terror
A housewife flees from a policeman's killer on the road between Phoenix and Denver.
While searching for a small fortune of embezzled money, an ex-con, a small-time bandleader, his doting wife and a kooky drifter find themselves being followed. Their chase takes them to trailer camps, bingo halls, laundromats and ultimately, a showdown with a group of unconventional bad guys.
The Clouded Yellow
After leaving the British Secret Service, David Somers (played by Trevor Howard) finds work cataloging butterflies at the country house of Nicholas and Jess Fenton. After the murder of a local gamekeeper, suspicion (wrongfully) falls on their niece, Sophie Malraux (Jean Simmons). Somers helps Sophie to escape arrest and they go on the run together. After a cross-country chase they arrive at a coastal city with the intention of leaving the country by ship. All's well that ends well after the true identity of the murderer is revealed.
To Fly!
Early IMAX documentary about the development of human flight.
The Sixth of June at Dawn
The film starts by a visit to bucolic Normandy before the events. This peaceful atmosphere is shattered by Operation Overlord, minutely described in the second part of the documentary. The landing on D-Day and the ensuing battles and bombings martyr the peaceful area giving the earth thousands of body instead of seeds. In the last part, the dreadful aftermath of the steel storm is shown both with sympathy for the victims and hope for the future, since all these sacrifices, whether military or civilians, have not been in vain.
The Flight of Icarus
Loosely following the Greek myth of the Flight of Icarus, Georges Schwizgebel opens his directional career with Le vol d'lcare, a short animation of LED lights.
Tattooed Tears
An intimate, hands on encounter with a maximum security juvenile correctional facility in Chino California.
The Subject of the Picture
With the complicity of a painter, an elderly man recovers youth and manages to wander through paintings.
This Side of the Law
A man - trapped in a cistern - reflects on the dark events that lead to his lonely entrapment.
A descrition of a game between two teams where one of the teams change the rules.
The Year of the Deer
The story of a young deer deceived by appearances, or how a good deed in haste can be the cause of a tragedy.
Second Class Mail
A lonely woman sends off for a special mail-order package.
The Mysterious Mr. Wong
Mr. Wong is a "harmless" Chinatown shopkeeper by day and relentless blood-thirsty pursuer of the Twelve Coins of Confucius by night. With possession of the coins, Mr. Wong will be supreme ruler of the Chinese province of Keelat, and his evil destiny will be fulfilled. A killing spree follows in dark and dangerous Chinatown as Wong gets control of 11 of the 12 coins. Reporter Jason Barton and his girl Peg are hot on his trail, but soon find themselves in serious trouble when they stumble onto Wong's headquarters.
Maria Marten, or The Murder in the Red Barn
In 1820s rural England, a young girl is tricked by tales of marriage from a villainous Squire. When she becomes pregnant and disappears, a gipsy lad is blamed.
Shadow Company
Documentary about the mercenaries and contractors working in modern wars.